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с английского на турецкий


  • 1 tipsiz

    slang ugly, unattractive, (someone) whose physical appearance puts one off.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > tipsiz

  • 2 aklını kaçırmış

    off one's chump

    Turkish-English dictionary > aklını kaçırmış

  • 3 kafayı üşütmüş

    off one's chump

    Turkish-English dictionary > kafayı üşütmüş

  • 4 uykusu açılmak

    (one's sleepiness) to pas off

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > uykusu açılmak

  • 5 yol

    "1. road; path; way; passage; course; route; channel; conduit. 2. rate of speed, speed (of a ship). 3. style; manner. 4. way of behaving. 5. method, system. 6. means, way; solution. 7. purpose, end (used in either the locative or the dative): Bu yolda çok emek harcadık. We´ve expended a lot of effort on this. Vatan yoluna savaştılar. They fought for the sake of the fatherland. 8. stripe (in cloth). 9. time: Bir yol bize geldi. He came to see us once. -unda 1. for the sake of. 2. in good order, going as it should, going well, fine. 3. in the style of, in the manner of. -uyla 1. by way of, via. 2. by means of, by, through. 3. in a suitable manner. - açmak /a/ to pave the way for. -unuz açık olsun! Have a good trip!/Bon voyage! - ağzı mouth of a road, junction. - almak to proceed, move forward. -u almak to reach the end of one´s journey. - aramak to look for a way (to solve a problem). - ayrımı fork in a road. - azığı food for a journey. -una bakmak/-unu beklemek /ın/ to await the arrival of, expect (someone who´s traveling a long way). - boyunca 1. throughout the journey; all the way: Yol boyunca durmadan konuştu. He talked incessantly all the way. 2. beside the road, along the road. -unu bulmak /ın/ to find the way to do (something), find the way to get (something) done. -a çıkarmak /ı/ to see (someone) off (on a journey). -a çıkmak to set off (on a journey). (aynı, bir) -a çıkmak (for one thing) to lead to the same result (as another). -dan çıkmak 1. (for a train) to be derailed; (for a car, etc.) to go off the road. 2. (for someone) to go astray, depart from the straight and narrow. -una çıkmak /ın/ 1. to meet (someone, something) by chance. 2. to go to meet (a traveler). -a düşmek to set off (on a journey). -lara düşmek to go out and wander far and near/wide (in search of someone, something). -u düşmek 1. /a/ to happen on, chance on, happen to pass (a place). 2. /ın/ (for the right moment for something) to be at hand. (...) -una düşmek to set out for (a place). -a düzülmek to set off (on a journey). - erkân the right way to do (something). - erkân bilmek to know how to behave properly. - etmek /ı/ to go to (a place) very often. -a gelmek to come round (to another´s point of view); to see reason; to straighten up and do as one is supposed to do. -a getirmek /ı/ to bring (someone) round (to another´s point of view); to make (someone) see reason; to make (someone) straighten up and do as he is supposed to do. -una girmek (for something) to begin to go well. -a gitmek to set off (on a journey). - görünmek /a/ to sense that the time has come for (one) to pack up one´s traps and leave. - göstermek /a/ 1. to show (someone) how to get to a place. 2. to show (someone) how to solve something. 3. to guide (someone). - halısı runner (rug used to carpet a hall or staircase). - harcı travel allowance. - iz bilmek to know how to behave oneself properly. -dan/-undan kalmak to be prevented from setting out on a journey. -larda kalmak to be delayed on the road. -u kapamak to block the road. -unu kaybetmek to lose one´s way. - kesmek naut. to slow down, reduce speed. -unu kesmek /ın/ 1. to stop, waylay (someone). 2. to waylay (someone) (in order to rob him). -una koymak /ı/ to set/put (a matter) to rights. -a koyulmak to set off (on a journey). - parası 1. travel allowance. 2. road tax, tax which goes towards the upkeep of roads. -a revan olmak to set off (on a journey). -unu sapıtmak (for someone) to go astray, depart from the straight and narrow. - sormakla bulunur. proverb You learn how to do something properly by asking those who know how to do it. -unu şaşırmak 1. to take a/the wrong turning, be on the wrong road. 2. not to know which road to take. 3. to go astray, depart from the straight and narrow. - tepmek to walk a long way. (...) - tutmak to begin to live in (a certain) way; to live in (a certain) way. -u tutmak (for police, etc.) to take control of a road; to blockade a ro

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > yol

  • 6 ayak

    "1. foot. 2. leg. 3. base, pedestal, footing. 4. treadle (of a sewing machine). 5. shaft (of a loom). 6. tributary. 7. outlet (of a lake). 8. step (in stairs). 9. gait, pace. 10. folk poetry rhyme; rhyme word. 11. foot (measure). 12. intersection between two lines or between a line and a plane. -ta 1. standing, on one´s feet. 2. excited, aroused. 3. med. ambulatory. -tan (satış) (selling meat) on the hoof (as opposed to butchered meat). -ını alamamak 1. /dan/ to be unable to refrain (from). 2. to be unable to use one´s feet (because of pains or because they have gone asleep). -ı alışmak /a/ to make a habit of going to. -ını altına almak to sit on one´s leg. -ının altına almak /ı/ 1. to beat, give a beating (to), thrash. 2. to ignore, transgress, violate. 3. to push aside (something useful). -lar altına almak /ı/ to trample on, disregard. -ının altına karpuz kabuğu koymak /ın/ to scheme to get (someone) fired. -ının altında olmak (for a view) to be spread out beneath one. -ının/-larının altını öpeyim. colloq. For God´s sake. - atmak 1. /a/ to go (to) for the first time. 2. to take a step. - atmamak /a/ not to go to; to stay away from. - ayak üstüne atmak to cross one´s legs. - bağı 1. impediment, hindrance, hobble, fetter. 2. person who creates an obligation and responsibility. -ının bağını çözmek /ın/ 1. to divorce (one´s wife). 2. to free (someone) to act. -ına bağ olmak /ın/ to hinder (one). -ına bağ vurmak/-ını bağlamak /ın/ to hinder. - basmak /a/ 1. to arrive (at), enter. 2. to begin, enter, start (a job). - basmamak /a/ not to go to; to stay away from. -lar baş, başlar ayak oldu. colloq. The first have become last, the last first./The social order is reversed and upstarts are in charge. - bileği 1. ankle. 2. anat. tarsus. -ları birbirine dolaşmak to stumble over one´s own feet. -ına çabuk quick, quick to come and go. -ını çabuk tutmak to hurry, walk quickly. -ına çağırmak /ı/ to call (someone) into one´s presence. -ını çekmek /dan/ to stop going to (a place). -ına çelme takmak /ın/ 1. to trip up. 2. to prevent (another´s) success. -ını çıkarmak to take off one´s shoes. - değiştirmek to get into step by changing one´s foot (in marching). -ını denk/tetik almak to be on one´s guard. -ını denk basmak to be careful, be wary. - diremek to insist, put one´s foot down. -ına dolanmak/dolaşmak 1. to crowd around and create confusion. 2. /ın/ to obstruct. 3. to boomerang, recoil on oneself. -ı dolaşmak 1. to trip over one´s own feet. 2. to get flustered and do something wrong. -ları dolaşmak to trip on one´s feet, get one´s feet tangled up. -ında donu yok, fesleğen ister/takar başına. colloq. She likes to show off regardless of her poverty. -ta duramama astasia. -ta durmak to stand, remain standing. -a düşmek to have outsiders meddling in (a matter). -ı düşmek /a/ to drop in on (a place, a house), visit while passing by. -ına düşmek /ın/ to beg, implore. -ı düze basmak to get over the hard part of something. -a fırlamak to jump to one´s feet. - freni foot brake. -ına geçirmek /ı/ to pull on (one´s trousers). -ına (kadar) gelmek /ın/ 1. to make (someone) a personal visit (as an act of deference). 2. (for any desired thing) to come to (one) by itself. -ları geri geri gitmek to go reluctantly, drag one´s feet. -ına getirmek /ı/ to have (something or someone) brought to one. -ına gitmek /ın/ to make (someone) a personal visit (as an act of deference). -ını giymek to put on one´s shoes. (kendi) -ı ile gelmek 1. to come on one´s own initiative. 2. to fall into one´s lap. -ına ip takmak /ın/ to backbite. - işi errands and small deeds. - izi footprint. -a kaldırmak /ı/ 1. to upset, excite (a group). 2. to incite, stir up (a group) to rebellion. -a kalkmak 1. to stand up, get up, rise to one´s feet. 2. to recover and get out of bed. 3. to get excited, be aroused. -ta kalmak 1. to be left without a seat. 2. to remain standing; to have lasted. -ına/-larına kara su/ sular inme

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ayak

  • 7 kafa

    "1. head. 2. mind, mental attitude. 3. intelligence. 4. a large marble, shoooter. - ya almak slang 1. /ı/ to silence (a bothersome person). 2. to find the right person (to do a job). -sı almamak /ı/ 1. not to be able to understand. 2. to be too tired to understand. 3. not to be able to believe. -dan atmak to make up something and try to pass it off as the truth. - boşluğu cranial cavity, cavum cranii. -sı bozulmak colloq. to blow one´s top, get angry. -sı bulanmak to get confused. -yı bulmak slang to be pleasantly tipsy (from drink). -sı çalışmak to be on the ball. -yı çekmek colloq. to do some serious drinking, Brit. have a booze-up. -sından çıkarmak /ı/ to put (an idea) out of one´s head. -sına dank etmek/demek to dawn on one at last. - değiştirmek to change one´s mind; to change one´s way of thinking. - dengi 1. kindred spirit. 2. (someone) who is a kindred spirit, like-minded. -sının dikine gitmek to go one´s own way, do as one pleases. -sı dinç olmak to feel fresh and alert. -sı dönmek 1. to be confused and perplexed. 2. to feel dizzy. -sı dumanlı 1. tipsy, tight. 2. tired and confused. -sı durmak to be too tired to think. -dan gayri müsellah colloq. nutty, not quite right in the head. -sına girmek /ın/ 1. to make good sense, seem to be right (to). 2. to comprehend, understand. - göz yarmak to be awkward and unskillful. - işçisi white-collar worker. -sı işlemek to be on the ball. -sı izinli olmak slang for one´s mind to be elsewhere; to wool-gather. - kafaya vermek to put their heads together. - kalmamak /da/ to be so worn out one can´t think. -sı karışmak (for someone) to get confused. -sını kaşıyacak vakti olmamak to be too busy to think, not to have time to turn around. -sı kazan (gibi) olmak for one´s head to be ringing (from noise); to feel fuddled (after a lot of mental effort). -sını kızdırmak /ın/ to make (someone´s) blood boil. -sı kızmak to get angry. -dan kontak colloq. cracked, nutty, touched in the head. -sına koymak /ı/ to get hold of (some idea); to take it into one´s head (to do something). -sını kullanmak to use one´s head. -sını kurcalamak /ın/ to make (one) think. - patlatmak to do a lot of hard mental work. -dan sakat colloq. cracked, nutty, touched in the head. - sallamak to rubber-stamp everything, be a yes-man. -sına sığmamak not to be able to comprehend. -sında şimşek çakmak to get a sudden inspiration. - şişirmek (for noise, a complicated problem) to drive one crazy, make one unable to think straight. -sı şişmek for one´s head to be ringing (from noise); to feel fuddled (after a lot of mental effort). -sına takılıp kalmak to stick in one´s mind, not to leave one´s mind. -sı taşa çarpmak to learn something the hard way. -sını taştan taşa çarpmak/vurmak 1. to regret bitterly a lost opportunity. 2. to feel very remorseful. - tutmak /a/ to defy; to oppose challengingly. -yı tütsülemek slang to get tight, get tipsy. - ütülemek slang to talk someone to death, talk someone´s ear off. -sına vur, ekmeğini elinden al. colloq. He is so meek you can walk all over him. -sına vura vura by force. -sına vurmak (for drink) to go to one´s head. -sını vurmak /ın/ to behead. -yı (yere) vurmak 1. to hit the sack, hit the hay. 2. to take to one´s bed, get laid up (owing to illness). - vuruşu soccer header. - yağı slang sperm, semen. -sı yerinde olmamak to wool-gather; for one´s mind to be elsewhere. -sı yerine gelmek to come back to earth; to start thinking straight again. - yormak to ponder, think hard, rack one´s brains."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > kafa

  • 8 çıkmak

    "1. /dan/ to go out (of), come out (of), emerge (from). 2. /dan/ (for one thing) to come from, be made from, be produced from (another). 3. /dan/ to graduate from, finish (a school, a university). 4. /dan/ to leave, depart (from) (a place). 5. /a/ to go to (a place); to go on (an outing): Çarşıya çıktı. She´s gone to the market. Tatile çıktılar. They´ve gone on vacation. 6. /a/ to go out in order to, go out to (do something): Köpeğini aramaya çıktı. She went out to look for her dog. 7. /dan/ to result from, be the fruit of. 8. /dan/ (for there to be enough of one thing) to make another or to meet a need: Bu kumaştan bir ceket çıkar mı? Is there enough of this cloth to make a sport coat? Kiradan vergi paramız çıkar mı? Will the rent be enough to cover our taxes? 9. /dan/ math. to be subtracted from. 10. (for something) to come off; to fall off; to come loose. 11. to stick out, protrude. 12. (for something) to appear, become visible; (for hair, a beard, seeds) to sprout. 13. (for a stain) to come out, disappear. 14. (for a color) to bleed, run; /a/ to come off on, stain. 15. /dan/ to have to spend, be obliged to spend (money). 16. (for a part of the body) to be dislocated, suffer dislocation. 17. /dan/ (for someone) to come out of, emerge from (a situation) (in a specified state): Merak etme, bu işten kârlı çıkacağız. Don´t worry; we´re going to finish this job in the black. 18. /dan/ to cease to be (the holder of a specified job): Memurluktan çıkalı yirmi yıl oldu. I haven´t been a government employee for twenty years. 19. /dan/ no longer to merit (the name he/she/it has gone by), cease to be (what he/she/it has been known to be): Palto olmaktan çıktı bu. You can no longer call this a coat. 20. /a/ to climb; to climb up to. 21. /a/ to go to see (a government official, an important person) (in his/her office or reception room). 22. /da/ (for one sort of thing) to be found in (another thing); (for a particular sort of person) to be found in or among (a group of persons): Sütte zararlı mikroplar çıktı. Harmful microbes were found in the milk. 23. /a/ (for something) to come (one´s) way: Piyangodan bana hiçbir şey çıkmadı. I won nothing whatsoever in the lottery. Bugün bana postadan mektup çıktı. I happened to get a letter today. 24. to go out, show oneself in public. 25. /la/ to go out with, date (someone). 26. (often with önüne or karşısına) unexpectedly to appear, unexpectedly to come on the scene, crop up, pop up. 27. /a/ to cost (a specified amount). 28. /a/ to play the rôle of, appear in the rôle of (a specified character). 29. /a/ (for something) to extend as far as (a specified place). 30. /a/ to land at, disembark at; to deplane at; to detrain at. 31. (for news, a rumor) to circulate; (for a book, newspaper, etc.) to be published. 32. /a/ (for one person) to confront, oppose (another) (in a contest). 33. /ı/ to build (a story of a building); /a, ı/ to add (a story) to (a building). 34. (for someone) to turn out to be (of a specified character, profession, rank, etc.); (for something) to turn out to be (of a specified nature): Senden sessiz çıktı. He turned out to be quieter than you. Onlardan biri hekim çıktı. One of them turned out to be a doctor. Yoğurt ekşi çıktı. The yogurt turned out to be sour. 35. (for something, often something unpleasant) to occur, happen: Şimdi kavga çıkacak. There´s going to be a quarrel now. 36. (for an order, a command) to be given; (for a law) to be made. 37. (for something) to become available at a specified time or to come into being for the first time: Maaşlar yarın çıkacak. We can get our salaries tomorrow. Çilek çıktı. Strawberries have come on the market. Kitap yeni çıktı. The book´s just been published. Bilgisayar diye bir şey çıktı. They´ve come out with something called a ´´computer.´´ 38. (for a season, a month) to be at an end, be over. 39. (for a price, a temperature) to rise, increase. 40. (for the sun, the moon) to rise. 41. colloq. to have a BM, defecate. 42. (for a drea

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çıkmak

  • 9 çıkartmak

    "1. /a, ı, dan/ to have or let (one person) remove (another person, something) (from); to have or let (one person) extricate (another person, something) (from); to have or let (someone) extract or pull (something) (from); to have or let (one person) bring (another person, something) out (from); /a, ı/ to have or let (one person) expel, fire, or evict (another person). 2. /a, ı/ to have or let (someone) take off (an article of clothing); to have or let (a man) doff (his hat). 3. /a, ı/ to get or allow (one person) to make (another person, an animal) climb up or move up. 4. /a, ı/ to have or let (one person) present (another). 5. /a, ı/ to have or let (someone) remove (a stain). 6. /a, ı, la/ to enable or allow (someone) to make it through (a given period of time) with (a specified amount of something). 7. /a, ı, dan/ to have or let (someone) extend or stick (something) out of (a place). 8. /a, ı/ to have or let (someone) publish (a book, newspaper, etc.). 9. /a, ı, dan/ to have or let (one person) take out (his/her anger, frustration, negative emotion) on (another). 10. /a, ı, dan/ to have or let (someone) make (one thing) from (another). 11. /a, ı/ to have or let (one person) show (another) to be (something unfavorable). 12. /a, ı/ to have or let (someone) expose (another´s wrongdoing, mistake). 13. /a, ı, dan/ to have or let (someone) subtract (one amount) from (another). 14. /a, ı, dan/ to have or let (someone) unload (something) from (a vehicle). 15. /a, ı/ to cause (someone) to get the maximum of (pleasure) from. 16. /a, ı/ to have or let (someone) produce (something new) or develop (a new habit). 17. /a, ı/ to have or let (someone) make (a new law). 18. /a, ı, dan/ to cause or allow (someone) to make (his/her living) from (a specified kind of work). 19. /a, ı/ to cause (someone) to vomit. 20. /a, ı/ to have or let (someone) find (an address). 21. /a, ı/ slang to make or let (someone) hand over, cough up, or spit up (something). 22. /ı, dan/ to remove (someone, something) (from); to take or get (someone, something) out (of), extricate (someone, something) (from); to extract or pull (something) (from); to bring (something, someone) out (from) (a place); to expel (a student) (from) (a school); to fire (a worker); to evict (a tenant). 23. /ı/ to take off (an article of clothing); to doff (one´s hat). 24. /ı, a/ to make (someone, an animal) climb up on or get up on (something); to make (someone, an animal) go up to (a place); to put (someone, something) in/on (a higher place). 25. /ı, a/ to bring (one person) before (another), bring (one person) to (another), present (one person) to (another). 26. /ı, la/ to make it through or get through (a given period of time) with (a specified amount of something). 27. /ı/ to remove, take out, get rid of (a stain). 28. /ı/ to publish (a book, newspaper, etc.). 29. /ı, a/ to take (someone, an animal) out to/into (a place outdoors). 30. /ı, dan/ to unload (something) from (a vehicle). 31. /ı, a/ mil. to land (a force) on (a shore). 32. /ı/ to make (a law)."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çıkartmak

  • 10 arka

    "1. the back. 2. back part, rear, back side, reverse. 3. hind, back, posterior. 4. rump, buttocks, fanny. 5. the space behind or beyond. 6. powerful friend, backer, supporter; pull, influence. 7. sequel, the remaining part. 8. a back load (of something). -dakiler those left behind (by one who has died or departed). -dan 1. from behind, in the back; behind the back. 2. afterwards. -sına behind. -sında 1. behind. 2. after. -sından 1. from behind. 2. after. 3. while (one) is not present. -sı alınmak to be ended, be cut off, be stopped. -sını almak /ın/ to bring to an end. - arka backwards. - arkaya one after the other. -dan arkaya secretively. - arkaya vermek to back each other, join forces. -sına bakmadan gitmek to leave without looking back. -da bırakmak /ı/ to leave behind. -ya bırakmak/komak /ı/ to postpone, put off. -sını bırakmak /ın/ 1. to stop chasing. 2. to stop following up. -sını/peşini bırakmamak /ın/ to follow up, stick to. - bulmak to find a friend in power. - çevirmek /a/ to shun, turn one´s back (on). -sını çevirmek to turn one´s back, refuse to be concerned. - çıkmak /a/ to befriend, back. -sını dayamak /a/ to rely on the help and protection (of). -sında dolaşmak/gezmek /ın/ to pester (someone) about doing something, at every opportunity to urge (someone) to do something. -sına düşmek/ takılmak /ın/ 1. to follow up (a matter). 2. to follow (someone). -sı gelmek to continue. -sını getirememek /ın/ to be unable to carry through (a matter). -da kalanlar those left behind (by one who has died or departed). -da kalmak 1. to stay behind; to be left behind. 2. to be overshadowed, lose by comparison. -ya kalmak to be left behind; to lag behind. - kapıdan çıkmak 1. to fail out of a school. 2. to be fired for incompetence. -sı kesilmek to run out, be used up (and not replenished). -sından koşmak /ın/ to pursue (a person) to get a thing done. - müziği background music. -sı olmamak to be without influential friends, have no pull. -sı pek having influence, having connections. - planda 1. in the background. 2. of minor importance. - sayfa print. verso, left page. -sı sıra following, right after, on one´s heels. -sını sıvamak/sıvazlamak /ın/ to compliment, butter up. - sokak back street. -dan söylemek to talk behind someone´s back, gossip. -sından sürüklemek /ı/ to influence (someone) to follow or accompany, get (someone) to come along. -sından teneke çalmak /ın/ 1. to gossip about, run down. 2. to shout insults at (someone) as he leaves. -/-sı üstü on one´s back. -sı var (for a newspaper serial) to be continued. -sını vermek /a/ 1. to lean one´s back (against). 2. to rely on (someone´s) support. -dan vurmak /ı/ to stab (someone) in the back. -sı yere gelmemek not to be defeated. -sı yufka. 1. This is all there is. There´s nothing to follow this (said when serving a one-course meal). 2. He´s/She´s wearing practically nothing (said of someone who is wearing thin clothes in cold weather). 3. He´s/She´s got no one substantial backing him/her. -sında yumurta küfesi yok ya! colloq. There is nothing to stop him from changing his mind."

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  • 11

    "1. work, labor. 2. job, employment, work. 3. duty, job. 4. occupation, line of work, work. 5. business, trade, commerce. 6. business, matter, affair. 7. the important thing; the chief problem. 8. secret or dubious side (of an affair). 9. slang trick. 10. event, something. 11. way of behaving; course of action. 12. something worth doing. 13. phys. work. -ler açılmak for trade to become brisk. -inin adamı a man who knows his job. - akdi labor contract. -in alayında olmak not to take (a thing) seriously; to take (it) as a joke. -ten alıkoymak /ı/ to interrupt (someone) at his work. -i Allaha kalmak (for someone) to be in the soup, be beyond help. -i altın. colloq. He is prospering. -ten anlamak to know what one is doing, know one´s business. - anlaşmazlığı labor dispute. -ten artmaz, dişten artar. proverb You save money not by making more but by spending less. -ten atmak /ı/ to fire, dismiss. - ayağa düşmek for a project to fall into the hands of irresponsible and incompetent people. -i azıtmak to go too far, overstep the mark. -ine bak. colloq. Mind your own business. -e bakmak to get to work on something; to be at work on something. -e balta ile girişmek to set about doing something like a bull in a china shop. - başa düşmek to have to do something oneself. - başarı belgesi letter of recommendation, recommendation. -in başı the crux, the central point. - başında 1. on the job. 2. during work time. - başındakiler the leaders. -i başından aşmak/aşkın olmak to be extremely busy. - başında bulunmak to be working. - başına geçmek to take the lead; to come to power. -ler becermek to be up to no good. -i bırakmak 1. to quit a job. 2. to stop working. 3. to go on strike. -ten (bile) değil! colloq. It´s very easy. - bilenin kılıç kuşananın. proverb 1. The person who knows how to use something properly is the one who is entitled to possess it. 2. Possession creates a claim of ownership. - bilmek to be skillful; to be capable. -ini bilmek 1. to know how to exploit a situation to one´s own advantage. 2. to be conscientious about one´s job. 3. to be well-qualified for one´s job. - birlikli collective, joint, common. - bitirmek 1. to complete a job successfully. 2. (for something) to be suitable for the job in hand. -ini bitirmek 1. to finish one´s own work. 2. /ın/ to finish (another´s) job. 3. /ın/ colloq. to cook (someone´s) goose. 4. /ın/ colloq. to finish off, bump off, kill. - bitmek 1. for an affair to be settled. 2. /dan/ for the outcome of a job to depend on (someone´s) efforts. -i bitmek 1. for a job in hand to finish. 2. colloq. to be very tired, be worn to a frazzle. -i bozulmak for one´s business affairs or an undertaking to go awry/take a downward turn. - buyurmak /a/ to order (someone) around; to tell (someone) to do a job. - çatallanmak for a job to get complicated. - çığırından çıkmak for a situation to get out of hand. - çıkarmak 1. to do a lot of work. 2. /a/ to give (a person) something disagreeable to do. 3. to cause trouble; to create difficulties. - çıkmak 1. for work to be done/be turned out/be produced. 2. for trouble or a problem to come up/arise. - çıkmaza girmek for things to reach an impasse. - dayıya düştü. colloq. It´s time for an expert to take over. - donu shalwars, very baggy trousers. -i dökmek /a/ 1. unintentionally to become, turn into: İşi öğretmenliğe döktü. He´s unintentionally become a teacher. 2. to act as if: İşi oyuna döktü. He acted as if it were a game. -i duman olmak slang to be in the soup, be in trouble. - düşmek /a/ for a job or duty to fall to or on. -i düşmek /a/ 1. to have to go (somewhere or to someone) on business. 2. to need (someone´s) help. - edinmek /ı/ to make (something) one´s special concern. -ten el çektirmek /a/ to remove (someone) from office. -/-inin eri a person who does his job well. - geçiştirme perfunctory work. -ine gelmek to suit one´s interests, accord with one´s plans. -e girişmek to embark on a job enthusi

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  • 12 açık

    "1. open. 2. unobstructed, free. 3. uncovered; naked, bare, exposed. 4. empty, clear, unoccupied. 5. spaced far apart, separated. 6. open for business, open. 7. clear, easy to understand; not in cipher. 8. not secret, in the open. 9. light (shade of color). 10. fortunate, promising. 11. obscene; suggestive. 12. open, defenseless, unprotected (city). 13. not roofed; not enclosed. 14. clear, cloudless, fine. 15. the open. 16. vacancy, job opening. 17. deficit, shortage. 18. excess of expense over income. 19. distance, space between. 20. outskirts; nearby place. 21. soccer wing, winger, player in a wing position. 22. open sea. 23. frank, open. 24. frankly, openly. -ında/-larında naut. off..., offshore. -ta 1. outdoors, in the open air. 2. obvious, apparent. 3. naut. in the offing, offshore. 4. unemployed. - açık openly, frankly. -tan açığa openly. - adım big step, wide step. - ağızlı stupid, dim-witted. - alınla with a clear conscience. -a almak /ı/ to lay off (a government employee) temporarily. - arazi mil. exposed terrain, unprotected terrain, open country. - artırma sale by public auction. - ateş mil. direct fire. -ta bırakmak /ı/ 1. to leave (something) outdoors. 2. to leave out, exclude (a person from a privilege). 3. to leave (someone) without a home or a job. - bono vermek /a/ 1. com. to give (someone) a blank check. 2. to give (someone) carte blanche, give (someone) freedom of action or complete control. -ını bulmak to find something amiss. - celse law public hearing. - ciro blank endorsement, general endorsement. - çek signed blank check. -a çıkarılmak to be dismissed from work, be fired. -a çıkarmak /ı/ 1. to fire (a government employee). 2. to bring (a matter) out into the open. -a çıkmak 1. to be fired. 2. to become known, come out. -ı çıkmak 1. (for one´s accounts) to show a shortage. 2. (for the inventory of property for which one is responsible) to show a shortage. - deniz 1. law high seas. 2. the open sea. - devre elec. open circuit, interrupted circuit. - durmak to stand aside, not to interfere. - duruşma law public hearing. -ta eğlenmek to wait offshore without anchoring. - eksiltme public bidding for a contract. - elbise (a) revealing dress; (a) décolleté dress. - elli open-handed, generous. - ellilik open-handedness, generosity. - fikirli broad -minded, enlightened, liberal-minded. - gel! slang 1. Stay clear! 2. Come on, out with it! - gelmek slang to stay away, not to come near. - giyinmek to wear revealing clothes; to wear décolleté dresses. - hava 1. open air, outdoor; fresh air. 2. clear weather. - hava sineması open-air movie theater, open-air cinema. - hava tiyatrosu open-air theater. - hava toplantısı public protest meeting. - hece gram. open syllable. - imza signature on blank paper. -ta kalmak/olmak to have lost one´s home or job, Brit. be up a gum tree. - kalp ameliyatı open-heart surgery. - kalpli open-hearted, candid. -ı kapatmak to meet the deficit. - kapı open door. - kapı bırakmak /a/ to leave (someone) with some room for choice, leave (someone) with some leeway, not to tie (someone´s) hands. - kapı politikası open-door policy. - kart vermek /a/ to give (someone) carte blanche. - konuşmak to be frank, talk frankly. - kredi open credit, blank credit. - liman 1. port unprotected from storms. 2. port without excessive formalities. 3. mil. unprotected port. -lar livası colloq. the unemployed. - maaşı half pay (while an employee is temporarily suspended). - mektup 1. open letter. 2. unsealed letter. - mevzi mil. exposed position. - olmak /a/ 1. to be accessible (to). 2. to be receptive (to). - ordugâh bivouac, temporary encampment. - oturum panel discussion. - oy open vote. - oylama open voting. - öğretim education modeled after that of an open university. -ını örtmek to cover up one´s fraud. - pazar open market. - poliçe certificate of indebtedness issued before all the details are settled. - saçık 1. off-color, risqué; bawdy

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  • 13 kalkmak

    1. to go up, rise. 2. to stand up, rise to one´s feet, get up. 3. to get up, get out of bed. 4. to get well, be back on one´s feet (after an illness). 5. (for a train, plane, bus, ship) to leave, depart. 6. (for a cloth or lid) to be taken off, be raised. 7. /dan/ (for something) to be taken away, be removed (from). 8. (for game, fowl) to be raised, be flushed. 9. (for grain) to be reaped, be gathered. 10. to rise, come loose, peel off. 11. (for a rule or privilege) to be annulled, be repealed, be abolished. 12. (for money) to go out of circulation. 13. to disappear, cease to be available, be gone. 14. /a/ to take it into one´s head to (do something). 15. /a/ to start, attempt, begin to (do), try (something). kalk borusu reveille, the signal for reveille. kalk borusu çalmak 1. to sound reveille. 2. for reveille to be sounded. kalk gidelim etmek /ı/ slang to swipe, walk off with, steal. kalk gidelim olmak slang to be swiped, be stolen. kalk işareti starting signal. kalkıp kalkıp oturmak to be boilling with anger, be hopping mad.

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  • 14 sırt

    ",-tı 1. back, dorsal side (of a person or animal). 2. ridge, upper part (of a hill or mountain). 3. blunt side (of a cutting implement). 4. spine (of a book). -ına almak /ı/ 1. to shoulder, put (something) on one´s shoulder. 2. to shoulder, take on (a job or responsibility). 3. to put on (a coat, jacket, sweater). -ından atmak /ı/ to rid oneself of, get shut of. -ına binmek /ın/ (for a job) to be lumped on (someone). - çevirmek /a/ 1. to reject, refuse (something). 2. to give (someone) the cold shoulder, cold-shoulder. -ından çıkarmak /ı, ın/ to get (someone) to pay for (something), saddle (someone) with the bill for (something). -ını dayamak /a/ 1. to lean one´s back against (something). 2. to rely on the protection of. -ından geçinmek /ın/ to live off, sponge off (someone). - kaşağısı back scratcher. -ı kaşınmak to itch for a beating, ask for it, be cruising for a bruising. -ı kavi 1. (someone) who has a strong back. 2. (someone) who´s supported by powerful friends. 3. warmly clad, thickly clad. - omurları anat. dorsal vertebrae. -ı pek warmly clad, thickly clad. -ı sıra one after the other, in succession. - sırta vermek 1. to stand back to back. 2. to support each other; to help each other. - üstü yatmak to lie flat on one´s back. -ına vurmak /ı/ to shoulder, put (something) on one´s back. -ı yere gelmek to be defeated. -ını yere getirmek /ın/ 1. wrestling to defeat, down (one´s opponent). 2. to defeat. -ı yufka lightly dressed. -ında yumurta küfesi yok ya! colloq. You can´t depend on him; he´ll break his word (or change his tack) if it suits him."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > sırt

  • 15 bırakılmak

    "1. /da/ to be left in (a place); /a/ to be left with (someone). 2. impersonal passive /da/ to leave (someone, something) in (a place); /a/ to leave (someone, something) with (someone); /a/ to let (someone) borrow (something). 3. /a/ to be left on or in, be put on or in (a place). 4. /a/ impersonal passive to leave or put (something, someone) on or in (a place). 5. impersonal passive to let go of, stop holding. 6. to be left, be abandoned, be deserted. 7. impersonal passive to leave, desert. 8. impersonal passive to quit (one´s job). 9. impersonal passive to stop doing (work in hand): İşler öyle zırt pırt bırakılır mı? Do you stop working whenever you take a notion? 10. /a/ to be set aside until, be put off until (a future date). 11. /a/ impersonal passive to set aside (something) until, put (something) off until (a future date). 12. /a/ (for a job, a responsibility) to be entrusted to (someone); (for a job, a responsibility) to be handed over to, be turned over to, be relinquished to (someone). 13. /a/ impersonal passive to entrust (a job, a responsibility) to; to hand over or relinquish (a job, a responsibility) to. 14. to be left alone, be left in peace. 15. impersonal passive to leave (someone, something) alone, let (someone, something) be. 16. /a/ impersonal passive to let (one´s hair) hang down to (a specified level). 17. (for a beard, a mustache) to be grown. 18. impersonal passive to grow (a beard, a mustache). 19. /a/ to be given to (someone); to be left to, be bequeathed to (someone). 20. impersonal passive to leave (something) to (someone), let (someone) have (something); to leave (something) to, bequeath. 21. /a, dan/ (for a specified amount of profit) to come to (someone) from (something). 22. impersonal passive (for something) to bring one (a specified amount of profit), leave one with (a specified amount of profit). 23. impersonal passive to give up (a habit). 24. (for a captive person or animal) to be set free. 25. impersonal passive to set (a captive person or animal) free. 26. /a/ to be allowed to (do something). 27. /a/ impersonal passive to allow (someone) to (do something). 28. /a/ to be allowed to go to or into (a place). 29. (for a spouse) to be abandoned, be deserted (by the other). 30. impersonal passive to leave (one´s spouse). 31. to be left in (an undesirable state). 32. impersonal passive to leave (someone, something) (in an undesirable state). 33. (for a student) to be made to repeat a grade. 34. impersonal passive to make (a student) repeat a grade, fail, flunk (a student). 35. /a, dan/ (for something) to be sold to (someone) at (a specified price). 36. /a, dan/ impersonal passive to sell (something) to (someone) for (a specified price). "

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  • 16 götürülmek

    1. /dan, a/ to be taken from (one place) to (another). 2. /dan, a/ to be carried, conveyed, or transported from (one place) to (another). 3. to be taken away, be removed, be carried away, be carried off. 4. to be taken off, be carried off, be led off, be conducted (by the police).

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  • 17 ezber

    "1. memorization. 2. lesson to be memorized. -den 1. by memory; by heart. 2. without thinking, off the top of one´s head. -e with-out comprehending (what one is saying). -inde stored in one´s memory. -e bilmek /ı/ 1. to know by heart. 2. to know thoroughly. -e iş görmek to do something in a haphazard, careless way. -e konuşmak to talk off the top of one´s head. -den okumak /ı/ to recite (something) by heart."

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  • 18 gaflet

    ",-ti 1. unwariness. 2. carelessness; negligence. 3. unawareness, obliviousness, blindness. 4. absentmindedness, woolgathering; bemusement. 5. drowsiness. -le 1. unwarily. 2. carelessly; negligently. 3. obliviously, blindly. 4. absentmindedly; bemusedly. 5. drowsily. - basmak /a/ 1. to feel sleepy, be ready to fall asleep: Bana gaflet bastı. I´m ready to fall asleep. 2. unconsciously to relax one´s guard. 3. to act carelessly; to act negligently. 4. to become oblivious to what is going on. 5. to go woolgathering, fall into a reverie. -e düşmek 1. to act unwarily. 2. to act carelessly; to act negligently. 3. unconsciously to relax one´s guard. - etmek 1. to be unwary, be off one´s guard. 2. to be careless; to be negligent. 3. to be oblivious to what is going on. - göstermek 1. to be unwary, be off one´s guard. 2. to be careless; to be negligent. 3. to be oblivious to what is happening. - uykusu 1. woolgathering: Gaflet uykusuna daldı. She´s gone woolgathering. 2. drowsiness. 3. unawareness, obliviousness, blindness. 4. carelessness; negligence. 5. unwariness."

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  • 19 oynatmak

    "1. /ı/ to manipulate (a puppet, a marionette); to put on (a puppet show). 2. /ı/ to make (someone) dance. 3. /ı/ to make (something) move. 4. /ı/ to allow (something) to be played or performed. 5. /ı/ to keep (someone) amused. 6. /ı, la/ to allow (one child) to play with (another). 7. to go off one´s rocker, lose one´s mind, go off one´s nut."

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  • 20 haydi

    "1. Come on! (used to spur someone on): Haydi Filiz! Come on Filiz! 2. All right, OK: Haydi istediğin şekilde yapalım. OK, let´s do it your way. 3. OK, let´s say... (used when estimating): Kahire buradan haydi yüz kilometre olsun. OK, let´s say Cairo is one hundred kilometers away. 4. Come off it!/Nonsense!: Haydi oradan, bana madik atamazsın! Listen man, you can´t feed me that! 5. OK, so... (but)...!: Haydi gelemedi, bari bir telefon edeydi! OK, so he was unable to come; at least he could have telephoned! 6. The only thing to do is...: Seller basınca biz haydi dama. Whenever it floods, we´ve no choice but to take to the roof. - bakalım! Come on then!/ Hurry up! - canım sen de! colloq. Who do you think you´re kidding?/Don´t feed me that bull! - gidelim! Come on, let´s go! - git! Get going!/Push off!/Off with you now! - haydi! colloq. 1. Who do you think you´re fooling? 2. Cut it short!/Don´t prolong things!/Don´t drag it out! - haydi 1. easily, with no trouble whatsoever: Biz bunu haydi haydi yaparız. We´ll do this with no trouble whatsoever. 2. at the most, at most: Bu kütüphane haydi haydi yüz kitap alır. This bookcase will hold one hundred books at the most. - oradan! colloq. 1. Get moving!/Move it! 2. Who do you think you´re kidding? "

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См. также в других словарях:

  • one-off — ➔ one time * * * Ⅰ. one off UK US /ˌwʌnˈɒf/ adjective [before noun] UK ► (US one shot) produced or happening only once: »The London store is stocking 12 exclusive, one off designs. »a one off opportunity/chance »a …   Financial and business terms

  • one-off — one off1 adj [only before noun] BrE happening or done only once, not as part of a regular series American Equivalent: one shot ▪ It s yours for a one off payment of only £200. one off 2 .one off2 n BrE 1.) something that is done or made only once …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • one-off — one offs 1) N COUNT You can refer to something as a one off when it is made or happens only once. [mainly BRIT] Our survey revealed that these allergies were mainly one offs. 2) ADJ: ADJ n A one off thing is made or happens only once. [mainly… …   English dictionary

  • one-off — (n.) single example of a manufactured product, 1934, from ONE (Cf. one) + OFF (Cf. off). Later given figurative extension …   Etymology dictionary

  • one-off — one off1 noun count usually singular BRITISH 1. ) something that only happens once 2. ) someone who is very unusual and not like anyone else one off ,one off 2 adjective BRITISH happening, done, or made only once …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • one-off — [wun′ôf′, wun′äf′] Brit. adj. happening, made, done, etc. only once; not repeated n. something that is one of a kind, not part of a series, etc …   English World dictionary

  • one-off — one′ off chiefly brit. 1) brit. done, occurring, or made only once 2) brit. something occurring, done, or made only once • Etymology: 1935–40 …   From formal English to slang

  • one-off — informal, chiefly Brit. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ done, made, or happening only once. ► NOUN 1) something done, made, or happening only once. 2) a unique or remarkable person …   English terms dictionary

  • one-off — noun a happening that occurs only once and is not repeated • Hypernyms: ↑happening, ↑occurrence, ↑occurrent, ↑natural event * * * one off «WUHN AWF, OF», adjective, noun. British. –adj. made or intended for only one time, occasion, or person:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • one-off — I. One off A one off event only happens once and will not be repeated. II. One off A one off occurence is a unique or exceptional event …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • one-off — adjective Date: 1934 1. limited to a single time, occasion, or instance ; one shot < one off gigs > 2. singular, unique < a one off design > • one off noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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