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со словенского на английский


  • 1 waggon

    1) (a type of four-wheeled vehicle for carrying heavy loads: a hay wagon.) tovornjak
    2) (an open railway carriage for goods: a goods wagon.) tovorni vagon
    * * *
    American wagon [waegən]
    (tovorni) vagon; tovorni voz; furgon, kamion; American colloquially otroški voziček; American slang vojna ladja; avto
    by waggon economy na os
    to be on the (water) waggon slang biti abstinent, odpovedati se alkoholu
    to hitch one's waggon to a star — vzeti si za svetal zgled, zastaviti si visok cilj;
    transitive verb
    prevažati v vagonu; intransitive verb peljati se, potovati v vagonu

    English-Slovenian dictionary > waggon

  • 2 chuck

    (to throw: Chuck this rubbish in the dustbin.) vreči
    * * *
    I [čуk]
    kokoška, pišče; kokanje, kokodakanje; cmokanje, tlesk(anje)
    II [čуk]
    intransitive verb
    kokati, kokodakati; cmokati, tleskati; klicati kokoši;
    pi pi pi!
    III [čуk]
    familiarly srček, ljubček, ljubica
    IV [čуk]
    metanje; lahek udarec, trepljanje; slang zapuščanje; odpust
    to give s.o. the chuck — odpustiti, spoditi koga; pretrgati stike s kom
    V [čуk]
    transitive verb
    po vratu božati, (po)trepljati; familiarly ven vreči, na cedilu pustiti
    slang chuck it! — nehaj, dovolj je tega!
    VI [čуk]
    slang hrana
    VII [čуk]
    poleno, klada; technical natezalna podloga, pritezalnik;
    transitive verb
    pritrditi z natezalno podlogo

    English-Slovenian dictionary > chuck

  • 3 estate-car

    noun ((American station wagon) a car with a large area behind the seats for luggage etc, and a rear door.) karavan

    English-Slovenian dictionary > estate-car

См. также в других словарях:

  • the Wagon — The Plough, the seven brightest stars in the constellation Ursa Major • • • Main Entry: ↑wagon …   Useful english dictionary

  • off the wagon — {adj. phr.}, {slang} No longer refusing to drink whiskey or other alcoholic beverages; drinking liquor again, after stopping for a while. * /When a heavy drinker quits he must really quit. One little drink of whiskey is enough to drive him off… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off the wagon — {adj. phr.}, {slang} No longer refusing to drink whiskey or other alcoholic beverages; drinking liquor again, after stopping for a while. * /When a heavy drinker quits he must really quit. One little drink of whiskey is enough to drive him off… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • on the wagon — {adv. phr.} Participating in an alcohol addiction program; not touching any alcoholic beverage. * /Jim s doctor and his family finally managed to convince him that he was an alcoholic and should go on the wagon./ Contrast: FALL OFF THE WAGON …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • on the wagon — {adv. phr.} Participating in an alcohol addiction program; not touching any alcoholic beverage. * /Jim s doctor and his family finally managed to convince him that he was an alcoholic and should go on the wagon./ Contrast: FALL OFF THE WAGON …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off the wagon — 1. mod. drinking liquor after a period of abstinence. □ Poor John fell off the wagon again. Drunk as a skunk. □ He was off the wagon for a year the last time before he sobered up. 2. mod. back on drugs after a period of abstinence. □ Max is off… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • on the wagon — adverb (or adjective) : under pledge or resolution to abstain from alcoholic beverages I do drink … but I m on the wagon just now Dan Wickenden * * * on the wagon informal phrase not drinking alcohol any more Thesaurus: not drinking alcohol and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • on the wagon — adjective a) Abstaining from drinking any alcoholic drink, usually in the sense of having given it up (as opposed to never having partaken). 1917: “Thank you, but; ndash; er ndash; I’m on the wagon, you know,” declined the youth. mdash; , The… …   Wiktionary

  • on the wagon —    If someone is on the wagon, they have stopped drinking alcohol.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    Someone who is on the wagon is no longer drinking alcohol.     No wine for me please I m on the wagon …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • off the wagon — adverb (or adjective) : no longer under pledge or resolution to abstain from alcoholic beverages * * * off the wagon informal phrase drinking alcohol again after not drinking for a period of time Thesaurus: drunksynonym Main entry …   Useful english dictionary

  • on the wagon —    refraining from drinking intoxicants    Taking potable fluids only from the water wagon. It may describe a single case of abstinence, as with someone about to drive a car, or a former alcoholic who is trying to cure himself of the addiction:… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

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