1 septic tank
(a tank in which sewage is partially purified by the action of bacteria.) szennyvízülepítő akna -
2 spout
vízköpő, lefolyócső, edény szája, vízsugár to spout: fecskendez, kiköp, lövell, elszaval, zaciba csap* * *1. verb1) (to throw out or be thrown out in a jet: Water spouted from the hole in the tank.) (ki)lövell2) (to talk or say (something) loudly and dramatically: He started to spout poetry, of all things!) elszaval2. noun1) (the part of a kettle, teapot, jug, water-pipe etc through which the liquid it contains is poured out.) csőr2) (a jet or strong flow (of water etc).) (víz)sugár -
3 drain
dréncső, utcai víznyelő, alagcső, lefolyócső to drain: kiszárít, lecsapol, kiszipolyoz, kimerül, kiszárad* * *[drein] 1. verb1) (to clear (land) of water by the use of ditches and pipes: There are plans to drain the marsh.) lecsapol, csatornáz2) ((of water) to run away: The water drained away/off into the ditch.) elfolyik3) (to pour off the water etc from or allow the water etc to run off from: Would you drain the vegetables?; He drained the petrol tank; The blood drained from her face.) kiürít; leönt (vizet); lefut (vér arcából)4) (to drink everything contained in: He drained his glass.) kiürít5) (to use up completely (the money, strength etc of): The effort drained all his energy.) kiszipolyoz, kiszív (erőt)2. noun1) (something (a ditch, trench, waterpipe etc) designed to carry away water: The heavy rain has caused several drains to overflow.) vízlevezető cső, csatorna2) (something which slowly exhausts a supply, especially of one's money or strength: His car is a constant drain on his money.) "adó"•- drainage- draining-board
- drainpipe
- down the drain -
4 volume
kötet, térfogat, hangerő, könyv, nagy mennyiség* * *['voljum]1) (a book: This library contains over a million volumes.) kötet2) (one of a series of connected books: Where is volume fifteen of the encyclopedia?) kötet3) (the amount of space occupied by something, expressed in cubic measurement: What is the volume of the petrol tank?) űrtartalom4) (amount: A large volume of work remains to be done.) (nagy) mennyiség5) (level of sound eg on a radio, television etc: Turn up the volume on the radio.) hangerő -
5 filter
szűrő, füstszűrő to filter: beszivárog, szűr, átszűr* * *['filtə] 1. noun1) (a strainer or other device through which liquid, gas, smoke etc can pass, but not solid material: A filter is used to make sure that the oil is clean and does not contain any dirt; ( also adjective) filter paper.) szűrő2) (a kind of screening plate used to change or correct certain colours: If you are taking photographs in sun and snow, you should use a blue filter.) szűrő2. verb1) ((of liquids) to (become) clean by passing through a filter: The rain-water filtered into a tank.) (át)szűr2) (to come bit by bit or gradually: The news filtered out.) kiszivárog• -
6 full
tele, telt, éppen, kövérkés, kiadós, teli, bőséges* * *[ful] 1. adjective1) (holding or containing as much as possible: My basket is full.) tele2) (complete: a full year; a full account of what happened.) teljes3) ((of clothes) containing a large amount of material: a full skirt.) bő (ruha)2. adverb1) (completely: Fill the petrol tank full.) teljesen2) (exactly; directly: She hit him full in the face.) pontosan•- fully- full-length
- full moon
- full-scale
- full stop
- full-time
- fully-fledged
- full of
- in full
- to the full -
7 siphon
szifó, szódásüveg, autoszifon, bűzelzáró, szagzáró to siphon: szifoncsövön átmegy, szifoncsövön átvezet* * *1. noun1) (a bent pipe or tube through which liquid can be drawn off from one container to another at a lower level: He used a siphon to get some petrol out of the car's tank.) szívócső2) ((also soda-siphon) a glass bottle with such a tube, used for soda water.) szódásüveg2. verb((with off, into etc) to draw (off) through a siphon: They siphoned the petrol into a can.) szívócsővel kiszív -
8 armament
hadi felszerelés, fegyverkezés, fegyverzet* * *((usually in plural) equipment for war, eg the guns etc of a ship, tank etc.) fegyverzet -
9 fill up
(to make or become completely full: Fill up the petrol tank, please.) teletölt -
10 it's no joke
(it is a serious or worrying matter: It's no joke when water gets into the petrol tank.) nem tréfa -
11 outlet
fogyasztási terület, kivezetés, kivezető nyílás* * *(a way or passage outwards or for releasing: That pipe is an outlet from the main tank; an outlet for his energy.) kivezető nyílás, kifolyó; fiók (üzleté); levezetés (energiáé) -
12 septic
rothadt, szeptikus* * *['septik]((of a wound etc) full of or caused by germs that are poisoning the blood: a septic finger; septic poisoning.) szeptikus
См. также в других словарях:
The Tank, the Swan & the Balloon — Videografía de Erasure Publicación 1993 Grabación 8 de junio de 1992 Género … Wikipedia Español
The Tank, The Swan & The Balloon — The Tank, The Swan The Balloon The Tank, The Swan The Balloon DVD par Erasure Sortie novembre 2004 Enregistrement 8 juin 1992 Durée 127 minutes (concert) + 25 minutes (interview) … Wikipédia en Français
The Tank, the Swan & The Balloon — The Tank, The Swan The Balloon The Tank, The Swan The Balloon DVD par Erasure Sortie novembre 2004 Enregistrement 8 juin 1992 Durée 127 minutes (concert) + 25 minutes (interview) … Wikipédia en Français
The tank, the swan & the balloon — The Tank, The Swan The Balloon The Tank, The Swan The Balloon DVD par Erasure Sortie novembre 2004 Enregistrement 8 juin 1992 Durée 127 minutes (concert) + 25 minutes (interview) … Wikipédia en Français
The Tank, The Swan & The Balloon — Vidéo par Erasure Sortie novembre 2004 Enregistrement 8 juin 1992 Durée 127 minutes (concert) + 25 minutes (interview) Genre … Wikipédia en Français
The Tank in Attack — (also known as Tank Attacks or Panzer greift an in German) is an unfinished book on armoured tactics and warfare by Erwin Rommel. It was to be the follow up and companion work to his earlier and highly successful Infantry Attacks .It is believed… … Wikipedia
The Tank Man — may refer to: *Tank Man, also known as the Unknown Rebel, the Chinese who stood in the path of a column of tanks following the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 * The Tank Man , a documentary film about the above protests and part of the… … Wikipedia
Frank "The Tank" — or Frank the Tank is a nickname associated with the following people:*Frank Thomas (AL baseball player), a professional baseball player currently with the Oakland Athletics *Frank The Tank Ricard, a fictional character portrayed by Will Ferrell… … Wikipedia
in the tank — Used in the context of general equities. Slang expression meaning market prices are dropping rapidly. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * in the tank ► INFORMAL US in a very bad state or situation, especially because of being too low in price,… … Financial and business terms
In The Tank — A slang term referring to very poor performance, as in that of a security, sector or market. A security, sector or market can be considered in the tank once it has performed very poorly or well below expectations. A security, sector or market is… … Investment dictionary
in the tank — or into the tank phrasal in or into a decline or slump < the sullen student s grades went into the tank > … New Collegiate Dictionary