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  • 21 head of the department

    • osastonhoitaja
    • osastopäällikkö

    English-Finnish dictionary > head of the department

  • 22 head of the family

    • perheenpää

    English-Finnish dictionary > head of the family

  • 23 head of the fire brigade

    • palopäällikkö

    English-Finnish dictionary > head of the fire brigade

  • 24 head of the fire department

    • palopäällikkö

    English-Finnish dictionary > head of the fire department

  • 25 head of the house

    • isäntä

    English-Finnish dictionary > head of the house

  • 26 head of the household

    • perheenhuoltaja

    English-Finnish dictionary > head of the household

  • 27 head of the information department

    • tiedotuspäällikkö

    English-Finnish dictionary > head of the information department

  • 28 head of the state

    • valtionpäämies

    English-Finnish dictionary > head of the state

  • 29 head of the training division

    • koulutuspäällikkö

    English-Finnish dictionary > head of the training division

  • 30 crown

    • nitomanastan selkä
    • nuppi
    • huippu
    • huippukohta
    • vetonuppi
    • päälaki
    • terä
    • kaunistaa
    • kalotti
    • hampaanterä
    • seppele
    • seppelöidä
    • saattaa huippuunsa
    • kupu
    • kruunupora
    • kruunata
    • kruunu
    • latva
    • latvus
    • laki
    • koppa
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a circular, often jewelled, head-dress, especially one worn as a mark of royalty or honour: the queen's crown.) kruunu
    2) ((with capital) the king or queen or governing power in a monarchy: revenue belonging to the Crown.) kruunu
    3) (the top eg of a head, hat, hill etc: We reached the crown of the hill.) laki
    4) ((an artificial replacement for) the part of a tooth which can be seen.) kruunu
    2. verb
    1) (to make (someone) king or queen by placing a crown on his or her head: The archbishop crowned the queen.) kruunata
    2) (to form the top part of (something): an iced cake crowned with a cherry.) kruunata
    3) (to put an artificial crown on (a tooth).) varustaa kruunulla
    4) (to hit (someone) on the head: If you do that again, I'll crown you!) lyödä päähän
    - crown princess

    English-Finnish dictionary > crown

  • 31 nod

    • torkahtaa
    • torkkua
    • nyökkäys
    • nyökätä
    • nyökyttää
    • nyökytellä
    • nuokkua
    • päännyökkäys
    • tervehtiä
    * * *
    nod 1. past tense, past participle - nodded; verb
    1) (to make a quick forward and downward movement of the head to show agreement, as a greeting etc: I asked him if he agreed and he nodded (his head); He nodded to the man as he passed him in the street.) nyökätä
    2) (to let the head fall forward and downward when sleepy: Grandmother sat nodding by the fire.) nuokkua
    2. noun
    (a nodding movement of the head: He answered with a nod.) nyökkäys

    English-Finnish dictionary > nod

  • 32 hit

    • pamauttaa
    • osuma
    • osua
    • isku
    • iskeä
    • iskeytyä
    • iskelmä
    • jysäyttää
    • jymäyttää
    • huitaista
    • humauttaa
    • huitoa
    • hitti
    • hutkia
    • sivaltaa
    • ajautua
    • törmätä
    • tavoittaa
    • tavata
    • keksiä sattumalta
    • kohdata
    • livauttaa
    • letkaus
    • hakata
    • moukaroida
    • motata
    • paukku
    • sattua(johonkin)
    • saavuttaa
    • sattua
    • sattua (osua)
    • läpäyttää
    • menestysiskelmä
    • menestys
    • takoa
    • yleisömenestys
    • kumauttaa
    • käydä
    • pistos
    • pisto
    • piestä
    • kolhaista
    • koskettaa
    • koskea
    • läimäyttää
    • lyöda
    • lyödä
    • lyönti
    * * *
    hit 1. present participle - hitting; verb
    1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) lyödä, iskeä, osua
    2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) lyödä
    3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) olla kova isku
    4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) löytää
    2. noun
    1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) lyönti
    2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) osuma
    3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; ( also adjective) a hit song.) hitti
    - hit-or-miss
    - hit back
    - hit below the belt
    - hit it off
    - hit on
    - hit out
    - make a hit with

    English-Finnish dictionary > hit

  • 33 right

    • oikeisto
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (on or related to the side of the body which in most people has the more skilful hand, or to the side of a person or thing which is toward the east when that person or thing is facing north (opposite to left): When I'm writing, I hold my pen in my right hand.) oikea
    2) (correct: Put that book back in the right place; Is that the right answer to the question?) oikea
    3) (morally correct; good: It's not right to let thieves keep what they have stolen.) oikein
    4) (suitable; appropriate: He's not the right man for this job; When would be the right time to ask him?) oikea
    2. noun
    1) (something a person is, or ought to be, allowed to have, do etc: Everyone has the right to a fair trial; You must fight for your rights; You have no right to say that.) oikeus
    2) (that which is correct or good: Who's in the right in this argument?) oikeassa
    3) (the right side, part or direction: Turn to the right; Take the second road on the right.) oikealle, oikealla
    4) (in politics, the people, group, party or parties holding the more traditional beliefs etc.) oikeisto
    3. adverb
    1) (exactly: He was standing right here.) juuri
    2) (immediately: I'll go right after lunch; I'll come right down.) heti
    3) (close: He was standing right beside me.) aivan
    4) (completely; all the way: The bullet went right through his arm.) suoraan
    5) (to the right: Turn right.) oikealle
    6) (correctly: Have I done that right?; I don't think this sum is going to turn out right.) oikein
    4. verb
    1) (to bring back to the correct, usually upright, position: The boat tipped over, but righted itself again.) suoristaa
    2) (to put an end to and make up for something wrong that has been done: He's like a medieval knight, going about the country looking for wrongs to right.) oikaista
    5. interjection
    (I understand; I'll do what you say etc: `I want you to type some letters for me.' `Right, I'll do them now.') selvä
    - righteously
    - righteousness
    - rightful
    - rightfully
    - rightly
    - rightness
    - righto
    - right-oh
    - rights
    - right angle
    - right-angled
    - right-hand
    - right-handed
    - right wing
    6. adjective
    ((right-wing) (having opinions which are) of this sort.) oikeistolainen
    - by rights
    - by right
    - get
    - keep on the right side of
    - get right
    - go right
    - not in one's right mind
    - not quite right in the head
    - not right in the head
    - put right
    - put/set to rights
    - right away
    - right-hand man
    - right now
    - right of way
    - serve right

    English-Finnish dictionary > right

  • 34 strike

    • pamauttaa
    • osua
    • hyökätä
    • hyökkäys
    • iskeytyä
    • iskeä
    • tuntua oudolta
    • työnseisaus
    • humauttaa
    • huitoa
    • huitaista
    • hosua
    • vatkata
    • sivaltaa
    • ajautua
    • vaikuttaa
    • pommiattentaatti
    • purkaa
    • raapia
    • pälkähtää
    • kaato
    • hajottaa
    • musertaa
    • paukauttaa
    • sattua
    • löytää
    • taputtaa
    • lakkoilla
    • lakko
    • kolauttaa
    • kosketella
    • lyöttää
    • lyönti
    • lyöda
    • lyödä
    • läimäyttää
    * * *
    1. past tense - struck; verb
    1) (to hit, knock or give a blow to: He struck me in the face with his fist; Why did you strike him?; The stone struck me a blow on the side of the head; His head struck the table as he fell; The tower of the church was struck by lightning.) iskeä
    2) (to attack: The enemy troops struck at dawn; We must prevent the disease striking again.) iskeä
    3) (to produce (sparks or a flame) by rubbing: He struck a match/light; He struck sparks from the stone with his knife.) raapaista
    4) ((of workers) to stop work as a protest, or in order to force employers to give better pay: The men decided to strike for higher wages.) lakkoilla
    5) (to discover or find: After months of prospecting they finally struck gold/oil; If we walk in this direction we may strike the right path.) löytää
    6) (to (make something) sound: He struck a note on the piano/violin; The clock struck twelve.) lyödä, soittaa
    7) (to impress, or give a particular impression to (a person): I was struck by the resemblance between the two men; How does the plan strike you?; It / The thought struck me that she had come to borrow money.) kiinnittää huomiota, vaikuttaa
    8) (to mint or manufacture (a coin, medal etc).) lyödä
    9) (to go in a certain direction: He left the path and struck (off) across the fields.) suunnata kulkunsa
    10) (to lower or take down (tents, flags etc).) laskea
    2. noun
    1) (an act of striking: a miners' strike.) lakko
    2) (a discovery of oil, gold etc: He made a lucky strike.) löytö
    - striking
    - strikingly
    - be out on strike
    - be on strike
    - call a strike
    - come out on strike
    - come
    - be within striking distance of
    - strike at
    - strike an attitude/pose
    - strike a balance
    - strike a bargain/agreement
    - strike a blow for
    - strike down
    - strike dumb
    - strike fear/terror into
    - strike home
    - strike it rich
    - strike lucky
    - strike out
    - strike up

    English-Finnish dictionary > strike

  • 35 rear

    • pakarat
    • häntäpää
    • jälkijoukko
    • viljellä
    • sisäpää
    • pystyttää
    • tausta
    • kasvattaa
    • karahtaa pystyyn
    • kohottaa
    • perukka
    • peräosa
    • perä
    • selkäpii
    • selusta
    • selkämys
    • selkäpuoli
    • takalinja
    • taaempi
    • taka-
    • takapuoli
    • takaosa
    • taka
    • takapää
    • ääri
    • loppupää
    * * *
    I 1. riə noun
    1) (the back part of something: There is a second bathroom at the rear of the house; The enemy attacked the army in the rear.) takaosa
    2) (the buttocks, bottom: The horse kicked him in his rear.) takapuoli
    2. adjective
    (positioned behind: the rear wheels of the car.)
    - rearguard II riə verb
    1) (to feed and care for (a family, animals etc while they grow up): She has reared six children; He rears cattle.) elättää, kasvattaa
    2) ((especially of a horse) to rise up on the hind legs: The horse reared in fright as the car passed.) nousta takajaloilleen
    3) (to raise (the head etc): The snake reared its head.) nostaa

    English-Finnish dictionary > rear

  • 36 scalp

    • nylkeä joltakulta päänahka
    • hiusmarto
    • hiuspohja
    • skalpeerata
    • skalppeerata
    • päänahka
    * * *
    skælp 1. noun
    1) (the skin of the part of the head usually covered by hair: Rub the shampoo well into your scalp.) päänahka
    2) (the skin and hair of the top of the head: Some North American Indians used to cut the scalps from their prisoners.) päänahka
    2. verb
    (to cut the scalp from: The Indians killed and scalped him.) nylkeä päänahka

    English-Finnish dictionary > scalp

  • 37 chancellor

    • kansleri
    • liittokansleri
    • suurlähetystön ensimmäinen sihteeri
    * * *
    1) (a state or legal official of various kinds: The Lord Chancellor is the head of the English legal system.) kansleri, oikeusministeri
    2) (the head of a university.) kansleri

    English-Finnish dictionary > chancellor

  • 38 bald

    • paljas
    • nukaton
    • hiukseton
    • avoin
    • sileä
    • valkotäpläinen
    • pulipää
    • puuton
    • karvaton
    • karu
    • kalju
    • kaljupäinen
    • kaljuuntua
    • peittämätön
    • koristelematon
    * * *
    1) ((of people) with little or no hair on the head: a bald head; He is going bald (= becoming bald).) kalju
    2) ((of birds, animals) without feathers, fur etc: a bald patch on the dog's back.) paljas
    3) (bare or plain: a bald statement of the facts.) peittelemätön
    - balding
    - baldly

    English-Finnish dictionary > bald

  • 39 bump

    • pahka
    • pahkura
    • pamaus
    • ruhjoa
    • tunkea
    • nystyrä
    • nystermä
    • nysty
    • ilmakuoppa
    • isku
    • iskeä
    • jysähdys
    • jysäys
    • jysähtää
    • tärskäyttää
    • tärsky
    • työntää
    • töyssy
    • töytäistä
    • törmäys
    • töksähtää
    • tärähdys
    • täräyttää
    • törmätä
    • tärähtää
    • pullistuma
    • puskea
    • pukama
    • kokkare
    • kiinnityskohouma
    • liitinnystermä
    • hakata
    • muhkura
    • patti
    • satuttaa
    • kupru
    • kuhmu
    • kuoppa
    • kuhmura
    • kyhmy
    • kolaus
    • kolahdus
    • kolhia
    • kolari
    • kolhaista
    • kolahtaa
    * * *
    1. verb
    (to knock or strike (something): She bumped into me; I bumped my head against the ceiling.) törmätä, iskeä
    2. noun
    1) ((the sound of) a blow or knock: We heard a loud bump.) jysäys
    2) (a swelling or raised part: a bump on the head; This road is full of bumps.) kuhmu
    3. adjective
    (excellent in some way, especially by being large: a bumper crop.) ennätysmäinen
    - bump into
    - bump of

    English-Finnish dictionary > bump

  • 40 pillow

    • tyyny
    • vuodetyyny
    • puskuri
    • päänalus
    • päänalunen
    • pielus
    * * *
    'piləu 1. noun
    (a kind of cushion for the head, especially on a bed.) tyyny
    2. verb
    (to rest (one's head): He pillowed his head on her breast.) painaa päänsä

    English-Finnish dictionary > pillow

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Head — began as an ongoing series which originally ran under the title MTV s Oddities , on MTV.infobox television show name = The Head format = Animated series runtime = 22 minutes country = USA network = MTV (USA) creator = Eric Fogel starring = Jason… …   Wikipedia

  • The Head of Janus — Directed by F.W. Murnau Produced by Erich Pommer …   Wikipedia

  • The Head Remixes — is a 1996 box set from Pigface. The set includes all of the Easy Listening remix albums: 8 Bithead, Headfuck, Crackhead, Dubhead, and Clubhead …   Wikipedia

  • The Head Shop — Infobox Album Name = The Head Shop Type = studio Longtype = Artist = The Head Shop Released = 1969 Recorded = 1969 Genre = Psychedelic rock Length = 31:32 (LP) Label = Epic Producer = Milan Maxim (Associate Producer) Reviews = Last album = This… …   Wikipedia

  • The Head on the Door — Infobox Album Name = The Head on the Door Type = Studio album Artist = The Cure Released = 13 August 1985 Recorded = Angel Studios, London, 1985 Genre = Post punk, Alternative rock Length = 37:46 Label = Fiction Records (UK) Elektra Records… …   Wikipedia

  • The Head of Kay's — Infobox Book name = The Head of Kay s title orig = translator = image caption = author = P. G. Wodehouse illustrator = cover artist = country = United Kingdom language = English series = subject = genre = Novel publisher = Adam and Charles Black …   Wikipedia

  • The Head Hunters E.P. — Infobox Album Name = The Head Hunters E.P. Type = EP Artist = Future Shock Released = 2005 Recorded = Genre = Christian hip hop Length = Label = Producer = Reviews = Last album = Fisheye the E.P. (2004) This album = The Head Hunters E.P. (2005)… …   Wikipedia

  • The Head Waiter — Infobox Film name = The Head Waiter image size = caption = director = Larry Semon producer = Albert E. Smith writer = Larry Semon narrator = starring = Oliver Hardy music = cinematography = editing = distributor = released = 1 December, 1919… …   Wikipedia

  • By the head — Head Head (h[e^]d), n. [OE. hed, heved, heaved, AS. he[ a]fod; akin to D. hoofd, OHG. houbit, G. haupt, Icel. h[ o]fu[eth], Sw. hufvud, Dan. hoved, Goth. haubi[thorn]. The word does not correspond regularly to L. caput head (cf. E. {Chief},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Over the head of — Head Head (h[e^]d), n. [OE. hed, heved, heaved, AS. he[ a]fod; akin to D. hoofd, OHG. houbit, G. haupt, Icel. h[ o]fu[eth], Sw. hufvud, Dan. hoved, Goth. haubi[thorn]. The word does not correspond regularly to L. caput head (cf. E. {Chief},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Eddie the Head — Eddie, whose full name is Eddie the Ead or Edward the Head also known as Edward the Great (see below), is the mascot for the British heavy metal band, Iron Maiden. He is a perennial fixture in the often violent album cover art, as well as ever… …   Wikipedia

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