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  • 1 the Establishment

    (the people and institutions that control power or are dominant in a society and stick to traditions; one of these institutions: The hippies rebelled against the Establishment; the political/literary establishment.) το κατεστημένο

    English-Greek dictionary > the Establishment

  • 2 the Wild West

    (the western United States, before the establishment of law and order.) η άγρια Δύση

    English-Greek dictionary > the Wild West

  • 3 establishment

    1) (the act of establishing.) ίδρυση,εγκατάσταση,καθιέρωση,απόδειξη
    2) (an institution or organization: All employees of this establishment get a bonus at New Year.) ίδρυμα,οργανισμός
    3) (a person's residence or household: a bachelor's establishment.) κατοικία

    English-Greek dictionary > establishment

  • 4 establish

    1) (to settle firmly in a position (eg a job, business etc): He established himself (in business) as a jeweller.) καθιερώνω-ομαι
    2) (to found; to set up (eg a university, a business): How long has the firm been established?) ιδρύω,στήνω(επιχείρηση)
    3) (to show to be true; to prove: The police established that he was guilty.) αποδεικνύω
    - establishment
    - the Establishment

    English-Greek dictionary > establish

  • 5 stable

    I ['steibl] adjective
    1) (firm and steady or well-balanced: This chair isn't very stable.) σταθερός
    2) (firmly established and likely to last: a stable government.) σταθερός
    3) ((of a person or his character) unlikely to become unreasonably upset or hysterical: She's the only stable person in the whole family.) ισορροπημένος
    4) ((of a substance) not easily decomposed.) σταθερός,συμπαγής,αδιάλυτος
    - stabilize
    - stabilise
    - stabilization
    - stabilisation
    II ['steibl] noun
    1) (a building in which horses are kept.) στάβλος
    2) ((in plural) a horse-keeping establishment: He runs the riding stables.) ιπποστάσιο

    English-Greek dictionary > stable

См. также в других словарях:

  • The establishment — o establishment es un término inglés usado para referirse al grupo dominante visible o élite que detenta el poder o la autoridad en una nación.[1] El término sugiere un cerrado grupo social que selecciona a sus propios miembros (opuesto a la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • The Establishment — is a pejorative term used to refer to the traditional ruling class elite and the structures of society that they control. The term can be used to describe specific entrenched elite structures in specific institutions, but is usually informal in… …   Wikipedia

  • The Establishment (club) — The Establishment was a London nightclub which opened in October 1961, at 18 Greek Street, Soho and was famous in retrospect for satire although actually more notable at the time for jazz and other events. It was founded by Peter Cook and… …   Wikipedia

  • The Establishment —     The Establishment     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Establishment     (Or ESTABLISHED CHURCH)     The union of Church and State setting up a definite and distinctive relation between the two is frequently expressed in English by the use of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • the establishment — ► [S] the important and powerful people who control a country, profession, or organization, especially those who support the existing situation: »Critics said judges were on the side of the establishment. »the business/medical/military… …   Financial and business terms

  • The Establishment Boutique Accommodation — (Крайстчёрч,Новая Зеландия) Категория отеля: 5 звездочный отель Адре …   Каталог отелей

  • (the) Establishment — the Establishment [the Establishment] noun [sing](esp BrE usu disapprov) the group …   Useful english dictionary

  • (the) Establishment Clause — the Establishment Clause [the Establishment Clause] the article in the ↑First Amendment to the American Constitution which created the separation of Church and State in the US by forbidding the government to establish a state religion. The US… …   Useful english dictionary

  • The Establishment (comics) — Superteambox imagesize=250 caption=The Establishment #1 team name=The Establishment publisher=Wildstorm debut=The Authority #24 (July, 2001) creators=Ian Edginton Charlie Adlard base=Nowhere members=Jon Drake, Mister Pharmacist, Equus, Scarlet,… …   Wikipedia

  • the establishment of the State of Israel — establishment of the State of Israel in May of 1948 …   English contemporary dictionary

  • International Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly — The Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly is a global network of more than 100 non governmental organizations and 450 parliamentarians from more than 100 countries devoted to establishing a United Nations… …   Wikipedia

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