Перевод: со всех языков на венгерский

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  • 1 heroes

    plural; = hero

    English-Hungarian dictionary > heroes

  • 2 antiquity

    ókor, ókoriak
    * * *
    1) (ancient times, especially those of the ancient Greeks and Romans: the gods and heroes of antiquity.) az ókor
    2) (great age: a statue of great antiquity.) ősrégi
    3) ((plural antiquities) something remaining from ancient times (eg a statue, a vase): Roman antiquities.) antikvitás

    English-Hungarian dictionary > antiquity

  • 3 hero

    * * *
    ['hiərəu] 1. plural - heroes; noun
    1) (a man or boy admired (by many people) for his brave deeds: The boy was regarded as a hero for saving his friend's life.) hős
    2) (the chief male person in a story, play etc: The hero of this book is a young American boy called Tom Sawyer.) hős
    - heroically
    - heroism
    - hero-worship
    2. verb
    (to show such admiration for (someone): The boy hero-worshipped the footballer.) hősként imád

    English-Hungarian dictionary > hero

  • 4 heroic

    hősies, emberfeletti, hősi
    * * *
    1) (very brave: heroic deeds.) hősies
    2) (of heroes: heroic tales.) hősi

    English-Hungarian dictionary > heroic

  • 5 legendary

    mondabeli, mesebeli, mondai, legendagyűjtemény
    * * *
    1) (mentioned etc in legend: legendary heroes.) mesebeli
    2) (very famous because very great, good etc: His generosity is legendary.) legendás

    English-Hungarian dictionary > legendary

  • 6 myth

    hitrege, képzelt személy, képzelt dolog, mítosz
    * * *
    (an ancient, fictional story, especially one dealing with gods, heroes etc.) mítosz
    - mythically
    - mythology
    - mythological

    English-Hungarian dictionary > myth

  • 7 receive

    elfogad, fogadtatásban részesít, kap, fog (adást)
    * * *
    1) (to get or be given: He received a letter; They received a good education.) (meg)kap
    2) (to have a formal meeting with: The Pope received the Queen in the Vatican.) fogad (vkit)
    3) (to allow to join something: He was received into the group.) befogad
    4) (to greet, react to, in some way: The news was received in silence; The townspeople received the heroes with great cheers.) fogadtatásban részesít
    5) (to accept (stolen goods) especially with the intention of reselling (them).) orgazdaságot folytat

    English-Hungarian dictionary > receive

  • 8 town

    * * *
    1) (a group of houses, shops, schools etc, that is bigger than a village but smaller than a city: I'm going into town to buy a dress; He's in town doing some shopping.) város
    2) (the people who live in such a group of houses etc: The whole town turned out to greet the heroes.) város(i lakosság)
    3) (towns in general as opposed to the countryside: Do you live in the country or the town?) város
    - town hall
    - townsfolk
    - townspeople
    - go to town

    English-Hungarian dictionary > town

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Heroes III — Heroes of Might and Magic (häufig mit Heroes oder HOMM/HoMaM abgekürzt) ist eine Serie von rundenbasierten Fantasy Computer Strategiespielen des amerikanischen Entwicklers New World Computing. Story und Charaktere überschneiden sich mit denen der …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Heroes IV — Heroes of Might and Magic (häufig mit Heroes oder HOMM/HoMaM abgekürzt) ist eine Serie von rundenbasierten Fantasy Computer Strategiespielen des amerikanischen Entwicklers New World Computing. Story und Charaktere überschneiden sich mit denen der …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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