1 Off
2 Off
3 off
Das Deutsch-Russische Wörterbuch Zeitgenössischer Idiome > off
4 off
off adv кино, тлв., театр.за ка́дром, за кули́сами, за сце́ной -
5 Off
Adv. TV etc. out of vision (Abk. OOV), off(-screen)* * *[ɔf] offstageaus dem Off kommen — to come onstage, to come from offstage
* * *<-s>[ɔf]aus dem \Off offstage* * * -
6 off
Adv. TV etc. out of vision (Abk. OOV), off(-screen)* * *[ɔf] offstageaus dem Off kommen — to come onstage, to come from offstage
* * *<-s>[ɔf]aus dem \Off offstage* * * -
7 Off
8 Off
im Off sprechen — тлв. говорить за кадром ( о дикторском тексте) -
9 öff.
= öffentlichофициальный; государственный -
10 Off.
сущ.артил. Offizier -
11 off
нареч.театр. за кулисами, за сценой, за кадром -
12 off.
сущ.артил. Offizier -
13 ÖFF
14 Off.
артил. → Offizier -
15 öff.
(öfftl.) öffentlich public(ly adv.); in public -
16 öff.
(öfftl.) öffentlich public(ly adv.); in public -
17 off
1. aus(geschaltet)2. weg, außerhalb, draußen, entfernt3. aus dem HintergrundDeutsch-Russische Wörterbuch der Redewendungen mit Adjektiven und Partizipien > off
18 off
adv англ кино, тлв, театр за кадром, за кулисами, за сценой -
19 Off-line-Betrieb
Off·line·be·triebRR, Off-line-Be·triebALT<-[e]s>[ˈɔflain-] -
20 Off-Balance-Sheet-Geschäft
Off-Balance-Sheet-Geschäft n RW off-balance sheet activities, below the line activities (e.g. currency options, interest rate swaps, futures contracts, repurchase agreements; z. B. Optionsrechte, Swap- und Termingeschäfte; cf above the line activities = bilanzwirksames Geschäft)* * *n < Rechnung> off-balance sheet activities, below the line activities (e.g. currency options, interest rate swaps, futures contracts, repurchase agreements ; z.B. Optionsrechte, Swap- und Termingeschäfte ; cf above the line activities = bilanzwirksames Geschäft)Business german-english dictionary > Off-Balance-Sheet-Geschäft
См. также в других словарях:
off — off … Dictionnaire des rimes
off — [ ɔf ] adj. inv. et adv. • 1944; de l angl. off screen « hors de l écran » ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Adj. Cin., télév. Qui n est pas sur l écran, n est pas lié à l image; hors champ (opposé à in). Le narrateur est off. Une voix off commente la scène. Adv. En … Encyclopédie Universelle
Off — ([o^]f; 115), adv. [OE. of, orig. the same word as R. of, prep., AS. of, adv. & prep. [root]194. See {Of}.] In a general sense, denoting from or away from; as: [1913 Webster] 1. Denoting distance or separation; as, the house is a mile off. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
off — off1 [ôf, äf] adv. [LME var. of of,OF1, later generalized for all occurrences of of in stressed positions] 1. so as to be or keep away, at a distance, to a side, etc. [to move off, to ward off] 2. so as to be measured, divided, etc. [to pace off … English World dictionary
off — off; cast·off; off·en; off·ing; off·ish; off·let; off·scape; off·sid·er; off·spring; off·ward; stand·off·ish; off·hand·ed·ly; off·hand·ed·ness; off·ish·ly; off·ish·ness; off·wards; stand·off·ish·ly; stand·off·ish·ness; … English syllables
off — (izg. ȍf) prid. DEFINICIJA term. 1. koji nije aktiviran, izvan službe; isključen 2. koji je drugačiji od uobičajenog, normalnog, standardnog; osebujan 3. koji je izvan službenog dijela programa, rasprave, razgovora SINTAGMA offbeat (izg. offbȋt)… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Off! — Жанр Хардкор панк Годы с 2009 Страна … Википедия
Off — Off, prep. Not on; away from; as, to be off one s legs or off the bed; two miles off the shore. Addison. [1913 Webster] {Off hand}. See {Offhand}. {Off side} (Football), out of play; said when a player has got in front of the ball in a scrimmage … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Off — Off, a. 1. On the farther side; most distant; on the side of an animal or a team farthest from the driver when he is on foot; in the United States, the right side; as, the off horse or ox in a team, in distinction from the {nigh} or {near} horse… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Off — steht für: Off Broadway oder Off Theater, Begriffe aus dem Theaterbereich Off camera, Erzählstimmen, Geräusche und Musik in einer visuellen Produktion, die zu hören, aber nicht zu sehen sind (aus dem Off) Die Abkürzung Off steht für: Offenbarung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
off — s.m.inv., agg.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} 1. s.m.inv., agg.inv., in diciture su interruttori, apparecchiature spec. elettriche e sim., indica che non è attivato, che non è in funzione: l interruttore è sull off, posizione off, l amplificatore è… … Dizionario italiano