Перевод: со всех языков на язык суахили

с языка суахили на все языки


  • 1 strip

    [English Word] a strip of cloth (cotton)
    [Swahili Word] tambaa
    [Swahili Plural] matambaa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] a strip of cloth (cotton)
    [Swahili Word] tambara
    [Swahili Plural] matambara
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] be stripped off
    [Swahili Word] -banduliwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] bandika
    [English Word] long strip of metal
    [Swahili Word] upapi
    [Swahili Plural] papi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] long strip of wood
    [Swahili Word] upapi
    [Swahili Plural] papi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] narrow strip of cloth
    [Swahili Word] utepe
    [Swahili Plural] tepe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [English Word] narrow strip of land
    [English Plural] narrow strips of land
    [Swahili Word] kishoroba
    [Swahili Plural] vishoroba
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [English Word] small strip
    [English Plural] trans. OK?
    [Swahili Word] bale
    [Swahili Plural] mabale
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Note] augmentive of ubale
    [English Word] strip
    [Swahili Word] ubale
    [Swahili Plural] mbale
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [English Word] strip
    [Swahili Word] -jipuchua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] strip off the grains of an ear of maize.
    [Swahili Example] pujua mahindi
    [English Word] strip
    [Swahili Word] -jipujua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] strip off the grains of an ear of maize.
    [Swahili Example] pujua mahindi
    [English Word] strip
    [Swahili Word] -jipujua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] strip
    [Swahili Word] -vua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] vaa V
    [English Word] strip (of cloth)
    [English Plural] strips of cloth
    [Swahili Word] mshipi
    [Swahili Plural] mishipi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [English Word] strip (the bark from a tree etc)
    [Swahili Word] -ponoa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] strip of cloth
    [Swahili Word] ukumbuo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] strip of cloth
    [Swahili Word] ukumbuu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] strip of plaited grass (used for making mats)
    [Swahili Word] ubambo
    [Swahili Plural] mabambo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] strip of wood or leaf used to weave basket type fish traps
    [English Plural] strips
    [Swahili Word] papi
    [Swahili Plural] papi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Dialect] Kimvita
    [Terminology] marine
    [English Word] strip off
    [Swahili Word] -babua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] strip off
    [Swahili Word] -bambua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] strip off
    [Swahili Word] -goboa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] strip off
    [Swahili Word] -nyoa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] strip off
    [Swahili Word] -puchua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] strip off the grains of an ear of maize.
    [Swahili Example] pujua mahindi
    [English Word] strip off
    [Swahili Word] -pujua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] strip off the grains of an ear of maize.
    [Swahili Example] pujua mahindi
    [English Word] strip off
    [Swahili Word] -pukucha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] strip off the grains (from an ear of maize)
    [Swahili Example] pukuta mahindi
    [English Word] strip off
    [Swahili Word] -pukuta
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] strip off the grains (from an ear of maize)
    [Swahili Example] pukuta mahindi
    [English Word] strip off
    [Swahili Word] -puna
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] strip the bark off a tree.
    [Swahili Example] puna magome ya mti
    [English Word] strip off (bark or skin)
    [Swahili Word] -bandua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] strip off (grains of corn etc)
    [Swahili Word] -pua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] strip off (grains of corn, etc)
    [Swahili Word] -pura
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] strip off maize grains
    [Swahili Example] pura mahindi
    [English Word] strip off (grains of corn, etc)
    [Swahili Word] -purura
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] strip off (meat from bones)
    [Swahili Word] -nofoa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] strip off (meat from bones)
    [Swahili Word] -nyafua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] strip off (meat from bones)
    [Swahili Word] -nyofoa
    [Part of Speech] verb

    English-Swahili dictionary > strip

  • 2 clear

    [English Word] be clear
    [Swahili Word] -baini
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] be clear
    [Swahili Word] -bainika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] -baini
    [Note] also: '-bainikana
    [English Word] be clear
    [Swahili Word] -bainikana
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] -baini
    [Note] also: '-bainika
    [English Word] be clear
    [Swahili Word] -bainikia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] potential
    [Derived Word] v apl
    [English Word] be clear
    [Swahili Word] -dhihiri
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] be clear
    [Swahili Word] -elea
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] be clear
    [Swahili Word] -fafanuka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] fafanua v
    [English Word] be clear
    [Swahili Word] -takata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] it is now clear
    [Swahili Example] kumetakata
    [English Word] be clear
    [Swahili Word] -tanzuka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] it has become clear
    [Swahili Example] kumetanzuka
    [English Word] be cleared of a charge
    [Swahili Word] -hongea
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] applicative
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -honga
    [Related Words] -hongeza, hongera, hongo
    [Terminology] legal
    [English Word] be made clear
    [English Plural], preface to Swahili edition of Facing Mt. Kenya
    [Swahili Word] -bainishwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] baibi
    [Swahili Definition] kueleza vizuri ili watu wafahamu [Masomo 113]
    [English Example] I realized that our complaints and demands needed to be strengthened and to be better explained. Jomo Kenyatta
    [Swahili Example] Nilionelea kwamba malalamiko na madai yetu yalihitaji kutiwa nguvu na kubainishwa zaidi [Masomo 113]
    [English Word] become clear
    [Swahili Word] -dhihirika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] dhahiri adj
    [English Word] become clear to someone
    [Swahili Word] -dhihirikia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] applicative
    [Swahili Example] ikamdhihirikia kwamba hamna tofauti baina ya wanawake wetu na wa Kizungu [Ya]
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] -angavu
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Related Words] -angaa
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] -bainifu
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Note] Cf. '-baini
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] bayana
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Derived Word] Arabic
    [Swahili Example] mshangao uliochanganyika na hamu bayana [Muk]
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] dhahiri
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Derived Word] Arabic
    [Swahili Definition] wazi
    [English Example] It was clear that that girl hadn't eaten.
    [Swahili Example] ilikuwa dhahiri kuwa msichana huyo hajala [Mt]
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] dhihirifu
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] ekevu
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] elekevu
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] -eupe
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] kiada
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] kawaida
    [Swahili Example] sema kiada
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] kichele
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] safi
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] msafishaji, usafi, usafishaji
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] swafi
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] takatifu
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] thabiti
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] wazi
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Word] clear
    [Swahili Word] waziwazi
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Word] clear (land)
    [Swahili Word] -fieka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] clear (land)
    [Swahili Word] -fyeka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] clear away
    [Swahili Word] -epua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] clear away
    [Swahili Word] -feka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] clear away
    [Swahili Word] -kumba
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] clear away
    [Swahili Word] -ondoa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] clear away
    [Swahili Word] -sabili
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] clear evidence
    [Swahili Word] ubainisho
    [Swahili Plural] mabainisho
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/6
    [Derived Word] baina conj
    [Swahili Example] ubainisho wa makosa yake ulifafanuka
    [English Word] clear land
    [Swahili Word] -feka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] clear land
    [Swahili Word] -fyeka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] clear off
    [Swahili Word] -futa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] clear off
    [Swahili Word] -jipapatua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] reflexive
    [Swahili Example] nguvu za kujipapatua zilikuwa zikimwishia [Sul]
    [English Word] clear off from
    [Swahili Word] -ondolea
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] ondoa V
    [English Word] clear out
    [Swahili Word] -chokoa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] chokochoko, kichokoo, mchokocho, mchokoo, mchokozi, uchokozi
    [English Word] clear out
    [Swahili Word] -kumba
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] clear up
    [Swahili Word] -takasa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] clear up (after rain)
    [Swahili Word] -pigwa na kianga
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] -piga
    [English Example] after the storm, the whole region cleared up
    [Swahili Example] baada ya dhoruba, mkoa mzima ulipigwa na kianga
    [English Word] clear up (weather)
    [Swahili Word] -anuka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] anika V
    [English Word] clear weather
    [Swahili Word] jua
    [Swahili Plural] majua
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] cleared space for cultivation
    [Swahili Word] fyeko
    [Swahili Plural] mafyeko
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] fyeka v
    [English Word] it is clear
    [Swahili Word] ni dhahiri
    [Part of Speech] phrase
    [English Word] make clear
    [Swahili Word] -bayini
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] make clear
    [Swahili Word] -eleza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] make clear
    [Swahili Word] -fafanisha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] fafanua v
    [English Word] make clear
    [Swahili Word] -fafanusha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] fafanua v
    [English Word] make clear
    [Swahili Word] -pambazua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] make clear
    [Swahili Word] -takasa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] make clear (to someone)
    [Swahili Word] -fafanulia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] fafanua v
    [Swahili Definition] kueleza wazi
    [English Example] Wait and let me make this clear to you.
    [Swahili Example] Ngoja nikufafanulie [Chacha, Masomo 380]

    English-Swahili dictionary > clear

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