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с английского на арабский


  • 1 الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    USA, us

    Arabic-English dictionary > الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

  • 2 مجلس

    مَجْلِس \ assembly: a gathering, esp. of law-makers for a special purpose. corporation: a body appointed to govern a large town or a business (often of national interest): the Corporation of Bristol; the British Broadcasting Corporation. council: a group of people chosen to look after public affairs, esp. in local government: a town council; a student council. \ مَجْلِس \ house: a gathering of people (in a theatre; in a meeting-place such as parliament); the place where they gather: He addressed a full house. \ See Also مكان مملوء بالناس \ مَجْلِس إدَارَة \ board: a group of people who control sth. (a company, a school, etc.). \ مَجْلِس إدارة جامعة أو كُلّية \ senate: a law-making body in some universities. \ مَجْلِس الأمّة أو الشَّعب \ parliament: the official group of persons who make a country’s laws: The British parliament includes the House of Lords and the House of Commons. \ مَجْلِس تَشْريعيّ \ senate: a law-making body, in ancient Rome, in some modern states (such as France or the USA). \ مَجْلِس الشيوخ \ senate: a law-making body, in ancient Rome, in some modern states (such as France or the USA). \ See Also الأَعْيان \ مَجْلِس العموم (البريطاني)‏ \ House of Commons: the lower house of the British parliament, whose members are elected. \ المَجْلِس المَحَلّي \ town hall: a building that contains the local government offices, besides a large room for official gatherings. \ See Also دَارُ البَلديّة \ مَجْلِسُ الوُزَراء \ cabinet: a group of the chief men in a government.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مجلس

  • 3 senate

    مَجْلِس إدارة جامعة أو كُلّية \ senate: a law-making body in some universities. \ مَجْلِس الشيوخ \ senate: a law-making body, in ancient Rome, in some modern states (such as France or the USA). \ See Also الأَعْيان \ مَجْلِس تَشْريعيّ \ senate: a law-making body, in ancient Rome, in some modern states (such as France or the USA).

    Arabic-English glossary > senate

  • 4 sheriff

    عُمْدَة البلدة (في أمريكا)‏ \ sheriff: (in USA) the chief officer of the law in the Country. \ كَبِير رجال الأمن \ sheriff: (in USA) the chief officer of the law in a country.

    Arabic-English glossary > sheriff

  • 5 أنا من الولايات المتحدة.

    I am from the USA.

    Arabic-English dictionary > أنا من الولايات المتحدة.

  • 6 ما هو كود الولايات المتحدة

    what is the country code of the usa

    Arabic-English dictionary > ما هو كود الولايات المتحدة

  • 7 هل تستطيع إرساله على هذا العنوان في الولايات المتحدة

    can you send it to this address in the usa

    Arabic-English dictionary > هل تستطيع إرساله على هذا العنوان في الولايات المتحدة

  • 8 هل تعرف أجرة البريد إلى الولايات المتحدة

    do you know what the postage is to the usa

    Arabic-English dictionary > هل تعرف أجرة البريد إلى الولايات المتحدة

  • 9 هل زرت الولايات المتحدة من قبل

    have you ever been to the usa

    Arabic-English dictionary > هل زرت الولايات المتحدة من قبل

  • 10 citizen

    [ˈsɪtɪzn] noun
    1) an inhabitant of a city or town:

    a citizen of London.

    ساكِن، مُقيم في
    2) a member of a state or country:

    a citizen of the USA.


    Arabic-English dictionary > citizen

  • 11 docile

    [ˈdəusaɪl] (American) [ˈdɔsl] adjective
    (of a person or animal) quiet and easy to manage:

    a docile child/pony.

    طَيِّع، لَيِّن

    Arabic-English dictionary > docile

  • 12 FBI

    [ˌef biː ˈaɪ] abbreviation
    Federal Bureau of Investigation; the federal police department that has authority to investigate crimes in every state in the USA.
    مَكْتَب التَّحْقيق الفِدرالي

    Arabic-English dictionary > FBI

  • 13 the Supreme Court

    the highest court of law in (a state of) the USA and many other countries.
    مَحْكَمَة العَدْل العُليا

    Arabic-English dictionary > the Supreme Court

  • 14 WASP

    [wɔsp] noun (abbreviation)
    White Anglo-Saxon Protestant; a term used critically ( often by minority groups) to refer to the members of the privileged upper middle class in the USA.
    إخْتِصار لِلكَلِمات: البروتسْتانت البيض الأنجلوساكسونيين

    Arabic-English dictionary > WASP

  • 15 Yankee

    [ˈjæŋkɪ] noun, adjective
    1) a more affectionate word for (an) American.
    كَلِمَة أكثر عاطفيَّة تعني: أمريكي
    2) (used by Americans from the southern states of the USA) an American from the northern states.
    تُسْتَعْمَل بواسِطَة الأمريكيين في وِلايات الجَنوب عن أهل الشَّمال

    Arabic-English dictionary > Yankee

  • 16 حد

    حَدّ \ blade: the cutting part of a knife or sharp tool. border: a line separating two countries. boundary: a fixed border. edge: the sharp side of a blade. frontier: the border between two countries, (esp. in old stories of the USA) the border between known land and unknown land. limit: a point that must not or cannot be passed: Keep to the speed limit. There’s a limit to what I can carry. \ See Also حدود (حُدود)، حافة (حَافَة)، طرف (طَرَف)، نهاية (نِهايَة)‏ \ حَدّ (ج. حُدود) (البَلَد)‏ \ limit: a border (line), boundary, frontier: He lives outside the city limits. \ See Also تخم (تَخْمٌ)، تخم (تُخْم)‏ \ الحَدّ الأَدْنَى \ bare: very slight: There is a bare chance that we shall win. minimum: (often attrib.) the smallest possible (amount): He does a minimum (amount) of work. \ حَدّ أقصى \ extreme: an extreme point: In the desert, one suffers extremes of heat and cold. The temperature goes from one extreme to the other. \ الحَدّ الأَقْصَى \ maximum: the greatest possible amount: This bus will hold a maximum of 40 people. The maximum cost of any article is $2.

    Arabic-English dictionary > حد

  • 17 خط

    خَطّ \ band: a line of material that is different from the rest, esp. in colour: A red band was painted round the tin. line: a long thin mark: a pencil line; the white lines on a football field. streak: an irregular thin strip of colour: streaks of red cloud at sunset. stripe: a long narrow band of colour: a flag with green, yellow and blue stripes. trail: a track left by sb. or sth.: The storm left a trail of destruction. The police were on his trail (were following signs, in search of him). \ See Also شريط (شَرِيط)، أَثَر \ خَطّ \ graph: a line drawn on squared paper, to show the change in amount at different times or under different conditions: He drew a graph of the monthly rainfall. \ See Also رَسْم بَيَانِيّ \ خَطّ الاسْتِواء \ equator: an imaginary line around the earth, halfway between its most northern and southern points. \ خَطّ أنابِيب \ pipeline: a large pipe through which liquid or gas is carried for long distances (esp. oil from an oilfield to a port). \ خَطّ قَضيب سِكّة الحديد \ railway, railroad: a track along which trains run: The road crosses the railway (line) by a bridge. \ خَطّ كتَابة باليَد \ handwriting: sb.’s way of writing: I can’t read your handwriting. \ خَطّ مَجْرى التَّفْكير \ line: the course of an idea: a line of thought. \ خَطّ حَديدي جانِبِيّ \ siding: a short piece of railway track beside a main line (for loading goods, etc.). \ خَطّ السَّاحِل \ coastline: a line following the shape of the coast, esp. as seen from the sea. \ خَطّ سَفَر جَوِّي \ airline: air transport system for public use. \ خَطّ سِكَّة الحَديد \ line: a railway track: the main line to London; a branch line. \ خَطّ السَّمْت \ meridian: an imaginary line drawn from the top point of the earth to the bottom, used on maps to show position. \ خَطّ سَيْر \ line: a course; a direction: One road follows the line of the river; the other follows the coastline. path: the line along which sth. moves: the moon’s path round the earth. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. \ See Also طريق (طَرِيق)‏ \ خَطّ الطُّول \ longitude: one of a set of imaginary lines round the world that are drawn on maps to show how far east or west sth. is (see latitude). \ خَطّ العَرْض \ latitude: one of a set of imaginary lines round the world that are usual on maps to show how far north or south sth. is (see longitude): In northern latitudes, daylight lasts for 20 hours in the summer. parallel: an imaginary line on a map, for describing the position of anything (see latitude): The 49th parallel (of latitude) forms a border between Canada and the USA. \ خَطّ القِتال \ line: (in war) a row of defended positions: in the front line; behind the enemy lines. \ خَطّ قَصير (عَلامَة وَصْل) (شَرْطَة قصيرة)‏ \ hyphen: (-) that is used for joining two words, as in: blood-red. \ خَطّ قُطْري \ diagonal: (in the direction of) a straight line joining two opposite corners of a square; (of) any straight line which runs in a sloping direction: a cloth with a diagonal pattern. \ خَطّ اليَد \ script: handwriting, not printing. \ خَطّ الدَّرْز \ seam: the line where two edges of cloth or leather meet (and are sewn or stuck together): the seam of one’s trouser leg. \ خَطّ حُدود مَلْعَب (الكُرَة)‏ \ touchline: the line down each side of a football field. \ خُطوطٌ رئيسيَّة \ outline: a statement of the main facts: an outline of English history. \ خَطَأٌ \ amiss: wrong; out of order: There’s something amiss with this telephone. error: mistake. fault: sth. that is wrong; a weakness: The lights have gone out; there must be an electrical fault. mistake: an incorrect act or thought: It was a mistake to lend him money. Your English is full of mistakes. wrong: not right; unjust; against custom; against the law: It is wrong to tell lies or to steal, not correct; mistaken; unsuitable That’s the wrong answer, and the wrong way to do it. She came in the wrong clothes for riding, (a) wrong action, a crime; an injustice If you do no wrong, you will not be punished. \ أَخْطَاء (أَغلاطٌ كِتابيَّة أو مَطبعيَّة)‏ \ errata.

    Arabic-English dictionary > خط

  • 18 دولار

    دولار \ dollar: money used in the USA and other countries.

    Arabic-English dictionary > دولار

  • 19 أعضاء سفارة

    أَعْضَاء سفارَة \ embassy: a group of officials who act for their government in a foreign country. \ عُضْو التَّذكير \ penis: the male sexual organ. \ عُضْو التَّذْكير في النَّبات \ stamen: the male part of a flower, whose dust (called pollen) makes the seed grow. \ عُضْو في الحِزْب الجمهوري \ republican: (with R-) a member of one of the two political parties in the USA. \ عُضْو في حزب المحافظين البريطانيّ \ conservative: (a person) belonging to the British political party that wishes to preserve the country from too much government control of industry. \ عُضْو في مَجْلِس تشريعي \ senator: a member of a senate. \ عُضْو في مجلس اللوردات \ peer: (in Britain) a member of the House of Lords. \ عُضْو مَجْلِس \ councillor: a member of the council. \ عُضْو من أعضاء الجِسْم \ member: a part of the body, such as an arm, leg, etc..

    Arabic-English dictionary > أعضاء سفارة

  • 20 عمدة

    عُمْدَة \ mayor: the head of the elected government of a city or large town (in London and some other big cities he is called the Lord Mayor). \ عُمْدَة البلدة (في أمريكا)‏ \ sheriff: (in USA) the chief officer of the law in the Country. \ عُمْدَةُ قَرْيَة \ headman: the chief man in a village where there is no modern form of local government.

    Arabic-English dictionary > عمدة

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