Перевод: со всех языков на португальский

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  • 21 nicotine

    (a harmful substance contained in tobacco.) nicotina
    * * *
    [n'ikəti:n] n nicotina.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > nicotine

  • 22 pennyworth

    [p'eniwə:θ] n 1 valor de um pêni. 2 barganha. 3 ninharia, bagatela. a bad pennyworth um mau negócio. a pennyworth of tobacco um pêni de fumo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pennyworth

  • 23 plantation

    1) (a place that has been planted with trees.) plantação
    2) (a piece of land or estate for growing certain crops, especially cotton, sugar, rubber, tea and tobacco: He owned a rubber plantation in Malaysia.) plantação
    * * *
    [plaint'eiʃən; plænt'eiʃən] n 1 plantação: a) terreno cultivado. b) plantio. 2 Hist colonização.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > plantation

  • 24 pouch

    1) (a small bag: a tobacco-pouch.) bolsa
    2) (something bag-like: This animal stores its food in two pouches under its chin.) bolsa
    3) (the pocket of skin in which the young of certain kinds of animal, eg the kangaroo, are reared.) bolsa
    * * *
    [pautʃ] n 1 algibeira, bolsa. 2 cartucheiro. 3 mala postal ou diplomática. • vt+vi 1 embolsar, pôr no bolso. 2 enviar por mala postal ou diplomática. 3 adquirir forma de bolsa ou saco.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pouch

  • 25 rank

    I 1. [ræŋk] noun
    1) (a line or row (especially of soldiers or taxis): The officer ordered the front rank to fire.) fila
    2) ((in the army, navy etc) a person's position of importance: He was promoted to the rank of sergeant/colonel.) posto
    3) (a social class: the lower social ranks.) classe
    2. verb
    (to have, or give, a place in a group, according to importance: I would rank him among our greatest writers; Apes rank above dogs in intelligence.) classificar(-se)
    II [ræŋk] adjective
    1) (complete; absolute: rank stupidity; The race was won by a rank outsider.) completo
    2) (unpleasantly stale and strong: a rank smell of tobacco.) rançoso
    * * *
    [ræŋk] n 1 linha, fila, fileira. 2 grau, graduação, posto. 3 ordem, classe, série. 4 qualidade, distinção, posição, dignidade, categoria. • vt+vi 1 enfileirar. 2 tomar posição. 3 ter certo grau ou posição. 4 pôr em ordem, classificar, colocar por graus. 5 superar (em grau ou classe), preceder. the general ranks a captain / o general precede um capitão. 6 avaliar, estimar, dar certo grau. 7 sl entregar, delatar. a man of rank um homem de posição. in the first rank na primeira ordem ou classe. rank and fashion gente da alta sociedade. rank and file a) soldados rasos. b) gente comum. rank of general grau ou posto de general. the rank a tropa, o exército. to break rank ( soldiers) ficar fora de forma. to keep rank ( soldiers) ficar em forma. to pull one’s rank abusar da autoridade, trazer num cortado. to rank first figurar em primeiro lugar. to rank the cities for population classificar as cidades por população. to take rank of ter precedência sobre. to take rank with enfileirar-se.
    [ræŋk] adj 1 alto e áspero, espesso. 2 viçoso, florescente, luxuriante. 3 rico, fértil (de terras). 4 rançoso, malcheiroso, de mau gosto. 5 completo, extremo, rematado (em sentido desfavorável). 6 grosseiro, ordinário, indecente. rank ingratitude extrema ingratidão.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rank

  • 26 snuff

    I noun
    (powdered tobacco for sniffing up into the nose: He took a pinch of snuff.) rapé
    II verb
    (to snip off the burnt part of the wick of (a candle or lamp).) espevitar
    * * *
    [sn∧f] n 1 rapé, tabaco em pó. 2 ato de aspirar rapé, fungada. 3 dose de rapé. • vt+vi 1 aspirar pelo nariz. 2 cheirar. 3 fungar. 4 aspirar rapé. a pinch of snuff uma pitada de rapé. to give somebody a snuff repreender, Braz coll dar bronca, passar pito. I gave him a snuff / passei-lhe um pito.
    [sn∧f] n pavio queimado. • vt 1 espevitar uma vela. 2 apagar, extinguir uma vela. 3 sl matar. to snuff out apagar, fig coll morrer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > snuff

  • 27 stem

    I 1. [stem] noun
    1) (the part of a plant that grows upward from the root, or the part from which a leaf, flower or fruit grows; a stalk: Poppies have long, hairy, twisting stems.) haste
    2) (the narrow part of various objects, eg of a wine-glass between the bowl and the base: the stem of a wine-glass / of a tobacco-pipe.) haste
    3) (the upright piece of wood or metal at the bow of a ship: As the ship struck the rock, she shook from stem to stern.) proa
    2. verb
    ((with from) to be caused by: Hate sometimes stems from envy.) provir
    II [stem] past tense, past participle - stemmed; verb
    (to stop (a flow, eg of blood).) parar
    * * *
    [stem] n 1 tronco, talo. 2 haste, pecíolo, pedúnculo, caule. 3 pé, suporte, base. 4 Gram raiz. 5 tronco ou ramo de família, geração. 6 árvore genealógica, linhagem. 7 stems sl pernas atraentes de mulher. • vt+vi 1 remover o talo ou a haste de. 2 prover de talo. 3 ser proveniente de, originar-se, descender de. to stem from Amer originar-se de.
    [stem] n Naut talhamar, proa. from stem to stern da proa à popa, do princípio ao fim.
    [stem] vt+vi 1 parar, estancar, represar. 2 diminuir, impedir. 3 enfrentar, lutar contra as ondas ou a maré. to stem the tide lutar contra a maré.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stem

  • 28 stench

    [sten ]
    (a strong, bad smell: the stench of stale tobacco smoke.) mau cheiro
    * * *
    [stentʃ] n fedor, mau cheiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stench

  • 29 tax

    [tæks] 1. noun
    1) (money, eg a percentage of a person's income or of the price of goods etc taken by the government to help pay for the running of the state: income tax; a tax on tobacco.) imposto
    2) (a strain or burden: The continual noise was a tax on her nerves.) peso
    2. verb
    1) (to make (a person) pay (a) tax; to put a tax on (goods etc): He is taxed on his income; Alcohol is taxed.) tributar
    2) (to put a strain on: Don't tax your strength!) sobrecarregar
    - taxation
    - taxing
    - tax-free
    - taxpayer
    - tax someone with
    - tax with
    * * *
    [tæks] n 1 imposto, tributo, taxa. 2 encargo, dever, obrigação, imposição. 3 taxação. • vt 1 taxar, cobrar imposto, tributar. 2 impor, sobrecarregar, esforçar. 3 reprovar, acusar. I am not to be taxed with it / não devo ser acusado disto. 4 estabelecer preço, fixar custos. a great tax upon my time uma grande perda de tempo para mim. highway tax imposto sobre propriedade de veículos automotores (IPVA). income tax imposto de renda. land tax imposto territorial. property tax imposto predial e territorial urbano (IPTU). tax on trade imposto de indústria e comércio. to impose a tax on taxar, tributar a.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tax

  • 30 tobacconist

    noun (a person who sells tobacco, cigarettes etc.) vendedor de tabaco
    * * *
    [təb'ækənist] n vendedor de fumo, negociante de fumo. tobacconist’s (shop) tabacaria.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tobacconist

  • 31 tobaccos

    plural; see tobacco

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tobaccos

  • 32 associate

    1. [ə'səusieit] verb
    1) (to connect in the mind: He always associated the smell of tobacco with his father.) associar
    2) ((usually with with) to join (with someone) in friendship or work: They don't usually associate (with each other) after office hours.) relacionar-se
    2. [-et] adjective
    1) (having a lower position or rank: an associate professor.) adjunto
    2) (joined or connected: associate organizations.) associado
    3. noun
    (a colleague or partner; a companion.) colega
    - in association with

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > associate

  • 33 bowl

    I 1. [bəul] noun
    (a wooden ball rolled along the ground in playing bowls. See also bowls below.) bola de madeira
    2. verb
    1) (to play bowls.) jogar boliche
    2) (to deliver or send (a ball) towards the batsman in cricket.) lançar a bola
    3) (to put (a batsman) out by hitting the wicket with the ball: Smith was bowled for eighty-five (= Smith was put out after making eighty-five runs).) deixar sem defesa
    - bowling - bowls - bowling-alley - bowling-green - bowl over II [bəul] noun
    1) (a round, deep dish eg for mixing or serving food etc: a baking-bowl; a soup bowl.) tigela
    2) (a round hollow part, especially of a tobacco pipe, a spoon etc: The bowl of this spoon is dirty.) fornilho, concha

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bowl

  • 34 cigar

    (a roll of tobacco leaves for smoking.) charuto

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > cigar

  • 35 cigarette

    [siɡə'ret, ]( American[) 'siɡəret]
    noun (a tube of finely cut tobacco rolled in thin paper.) cigarro

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > cigarette

  • 36 exporter

    noun (a person who exports goods: His father was a tobacco exporter.) exportador

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > exporter

  • 37 nicotine

    (a harmful substance contained in tobacco.) nicotina

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > nicotine

  • 38 plantation

    1) (a place that has been planted with trees.) plantação
    2) (a piece of land or estate for growing certain crops, especially cotton, sugar, rubber, tea and tobacco: He owned a rubber plantation in Malaysia.) plantation

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > plantation

  • 39 pouch

    1) (a small bag: a tobacco-pouch.) bolsa
    2) (something bag-like: This animal stores its food in two pouches under its chin.) bolsa
    3) (the pocket of skin in which the young of certain kinds of animal, eg the kangaroo, are reared.) bolsa

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > pouch

  • 40 rank

    I 1. [ræŋk] noun
    1) (a line or row (especially of soldiers or taxis): The officer ordered the front rank to fire.) linha
    2) ((in the army, navy etc) a person's position of importance: He was promoted to the rank of sergeant/colonel.) posto
    3) (a social class: the lower social ranks.) classe
    2. verb
    (to have, or give, a place in a group, according to importance: I would rank him among our greatest writers; Apes rank above dogs in intelligence.) classificar(-se)
    II [ræŋk] adjective
    1) (complete; absolute: rank stupidity; The race was won by a rank outsider.) absoluto
    2) (unpleasantly stale and strong: a rank smell of tobacco.) rançoso

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > rank

См. также в других словарях:

  • Tobacco mosaic virus — Electron micrograph of TMV particles stained to enhance visibility at 160,000x magnification Virus classification Group …   Wikipedia

  • Tobacco harm reduction — describes actions taken to lower the health risks associated with using tobacco or nicotine. These measures include:#Switching to Western smokeless tobacco #Switching to non tobacco sources of nicotine #Smoking safer or fewer cigarettes… …   Wikipedia

  • Tobacco litigation — refers to the lawsuits brought against various tobacco manufacturers, attempting to hold them responsible for wrongful death, injury, or medical expenses related to cigarette smoking and other tobacco use. Cases have been brought both by… …   Wikipedia

  • Tobacco — To*bac co, n. [Sp. tabaco, fr. the Indian tabaco the tube or pipe in which the Indians or Caribbees smoked this plant. Some derive the word from Tabaco, a province of Yucatan, where it was said to be first found by the Spaniards; others from the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tobacco box — Tobacco To*bac co, n. [Sp. tabaco, fr. the Indian tabaco the tube or pipe in which the Indians or Caribbees smoked this plant. Some derive the word from Tabaco, a province of Yucatan, where it was said to be first found by the Spaniards; others… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tobacco camphor — Tobacco To*bac co, n. [Sp. tabaco, fr. the Indian tabaco the tube or pipe in which the Indians or Caribbees smoked this plant. Some derive the word from Tabaco, a province of Yucatan, where it was said to be first found by the Spaniards; others… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tobacco man — Tobacco To*bac co, n. [Sp. tabaco, fr. the Indian tabaco the tube or pipe in which the Indians or Caribbees smoked this plant. Some derive the word from Tabaco, a province of Yucatan, where it was said to be first found by the Spaniards; others… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tobacco pipe — Tobacco To*bac co, n. [Sp. tabaco, fr. the Indian tabaco the tube or pipe in which the Indians or Caribbees smoked this plant. Some derive the word from Tabaco, a province of Yucatan, where it was said to be first found by the Spaniards; others… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tobacco stopper — Tobacco To*bac co, n. [Sp. tabaco, fr. the Indian tabaco the tube or pipe in which the Indians or Caribbees smoked this plant. Some derive the word from Tabaco, a province of Yucatan, where it was said to be first found by the Spaniards; others… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tobacco worm — Tobacco To*bac co, n. [Sp. tabaco, fr. the Indian tabaco the tube or pipe in which the Indians or Caribbees smoked this plant. Some derive the word from Tabaco, a province of Yucatan, where it was said to be first found by the Spaniards; others… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tobacco-pipe clay — Tobacco To*bac co, n. [Sp. tabaco, fr. the Indian tabaco the tube or pipe in which the Indians or Caribbees smoked this plant. Some derive the word from Tabaco, a province of Yucatan, where it was said to be first found by the Spaniards; others… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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