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  • 21 decorous

    adj. anständig, korrekt, oförstörd
    * * *
    ((behaving in a manner which is) acceptable, especially quiet and dignified: behaving in a decorous manner.) anständig, korrekt, värdig, passande
    - decorum

    English-Swedish dictionary > decorous

  • 22 knock about/around

    1) (to treat in a rough and unkind manner, especially to hit repeatedly: I've heard that her husband knocks her about.) misshandla
    2) (to move about (in) in a casual manner without a definite destination or purpose: He spent six months knocking around before getting a job.) driva omkring, slå dank
    3) ((with with) to be friendly with: I don't like the boys he knocks about with.) hänga ihop med

    English-Swedish dictionary > knock about/around

  • 23 abrupt

    adj. plötslig; brant; brysk, korthuggen; tvär
    * * *
    1) (sudden; unexpected: The car came to an abrupt halt.) abrupt, plötslig
    2) ((of a person's manner of speaking etc) rude or sharp.) tvär, brysk
    3) (lacking in continuity.)
    - abruptness

    English-Swedish dictionary > abrupt

  • 24 adverb

    n. adverb (grammatisk term)
    * * *
    (a word used before or after a verb, before an adjective or preposition, or with another adverb to show time, manner, place, degree etc: Yesterday he looked more carefully in the box, and there he found a very small key with a hole right through it.) adverb
    - adverbially

    English-Swedish dictionary > adverb

  • 25 airily

    adv. luftigt; lättvindigt
    * * *
    adverb (in a light-hearted manner: She airily dismissed all objections.) sorglöst, lättsinnigt

    English-Swedish dictionary > airily

  • 26 amicable

    adj. vänskaplig, vänlig
    * * *
    (friendly: The dispute was finally settled in a very amicable manner.) vänskaplig

    English-Swedish dictionary > amicable

  • 27 aristocratic

    adj. aristokratisk (tillhörande aristokratin, tillhörande adeln)
    * * *
    [-'kræ-, ]( American[) ə,ristə'krætik]
    adjective ((of people, behaviour etc) proud and noble-looking: an aristocratic manner.) aristokratisk

    English-Swedish dictionary > aristocratic

  • 28 bearing

    n. uppförande, uppträdande; utveckling; inflytande, betydelse; riktning; lager
    * * *
    1) (manner, way of standing etc: a military bearing.) hållning, uppträdande
    2) ((usually in plural: sometimes short for ball-bearings) a part of a machine that has another part moving in or on it.) kullager

    English-Swedish dictionary > bearing

  • 29 best

    adv. på bästa sätt
    n. (den, det, de) bästa; finkläder
    v. överlista; kugga
    * * *
    [best] 1. adjective, pronoun
    ((something which is) good to the greatest extent: the best book on the subject; the best (that) I can do; She is my best friend; Which method is (the) best?; The flowers are at their best just now.) bäst
    2. adverb
    (in the best manner: She sings best (of all).) bäst
    3. verb
    (to defeat: He was bested in the argument.) besegra
    - bestseller
    - the best part of
    - do one's best
    - for the best
    - get the best of
    - make the best of it

    English-Swedish dictionary > best

  • 30 bluff

    adj. tvär; burdus, rättfram; plump
    n. klippa, brant udde; bluff, trick
    v. bluffa; lura
    * * *
    I adjective
    (rough, hearty and frank: a bluff and friendly manner.) burdus, hjärtlig, rättfram
    II 1. verb
    (to try to deceive by pretending to have something that one does not have: He bluffed his way through the exam without actually knowing anything.) bluffa
    2. noun
    (an act of bluffing.) bluff

    English-Swedish dictionary > bluff

  • 31 brusque

    adj. tvär, burdus, brysk
    * * *
    (blunt and abrupt in manner: a brusque reply.) brysk
    - brusqueness

    English-Swedish dictionary > brusque

  • 32 certain

    adj. säker; viss
    * * *
    ['sə:tn] 1. adjective
    1) (true or without doubt: It's certain that the world is round.) sann
    2) (sure: I'm certain he'll come; He is certain to forget; Being late is a certain way of losing one's job.) säker
    3) (one or some, not definitely named: certain doctors; a certain Mrs Smith; (also pronoun) certain of his friends.) viss
    4) (slight; some: a certain hostility in his manner; a certain amount.) viss
    2. interjection
    (of course: `May I borrow your typewriter?' `Certainly!'; `Certainly not!') naturligtvis, absolut
    - for certain
    - make certain

    English-Swedish dictionary > certain

  • 33 chant

    n. sång, populär sång
    v. sjunga, sjunga populär sång
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to recite in a singing manner: The monks were chanting their prayers.) mässa, rabbla
    2) (to repeat (a phrase, slogan etc) over and over out loud: The crowd was chanting `We want more!') skandera
    2. noun
    1) (a kind of sacred song.) recitativ
    2) (a phrase or slogan constantly repeated: `Stop the cuts!' was the chant.) rop, mässande

    English-Swedish dictionary > chant

  • 34 cold

    adj. kall
    n. kyla, köld; förkylning
    * * *
    [kəuld] 1. adjective
    1) (low in temperature: cold water; cold meat and salad.) kall
    2) (lower in temperature than is comfortable: I feel cold.) kall, frusen
    3) (unfriendly: His manner was cold.) kylig, kall
    2. noun
    1) (the state of being cold or of feeling the coldness of one's surroundings: She has gone to live in the South of France because she cannot bear the cold in Britain; He was blue with cold.) kyla, köld
    2) (an illness with running nose, coughing etc: He has a bad cold; She has caught a cold; You might catch cold.) förkylning
    - coldness
    - cold-blooded
    - cold war
    - get cold feet
    - give someone the cold shoulder
    - give the cold shoulder
    - in cold blood

    English-Swedish dictionary > cold

  • 35 condescending

    adj. nedlåtande
    * * *
    adjective (giving the impression that one is superior: a condescending manner.) nedlåtande

    English-Swedish dictionary > condescending

  • 36 confront

    v. konfrontera; bli ställd inför
    * * *
    1) (to bring face to face with: He was confronted with the evidence of his crime.) konfrontera
    2) (to face in a hostile manner; to oppose: They confronted the enemy at dawn.) möta []

    English-Swedish dictionary > confront

  • 37 counter

    adv. mot-, motsatt
    n. disk, kassa; räkneverk
    pref. mot-, kontra- (förstavelse)
    v. motsätta sig; motsäga
    * * *
    I see count II 0. noun
    (a token used in numbering or playing certain games; counters for playing ludo etc.)
    II 1. adverb
    ((with to) in the opposite direction or manner to: The election is running counter to the forecasts.) tvärtemot
    2. verb
    (to meet or answer (a stroke or move etc by another): He successfully countered all criticisms.) bemöta, kontra
    III noun
    (a kind of table or surface on which goods are laid: Can you get me some sweets from the confectionery counter?) disk

    English-Swedish dictionary > counter

  • 38 crisp

    adj. knaprig; rapp
    n. friterad mat
    v. göra knaprig; ha svårt för
    * * *
    [krisp] 1. adjective
    1) (stiff and dry enough to break easily: crisp biscuits.) knaprig, frasig, spröd
    2) ((of vegetables etc) firm and fresh: a crisp lettuce.) spröd
    3) ((of manner, speech etc) firm and clear.) kort och koncis, bestämd
    2. noun
    (short for potato crisp.)
    - crispness
    - crispy

    English-Swedish dictionary > crisp

  • 39 decently

    adv. passande, tillbörligt
    * * *
    adverb (in a manner acceptable to the general idea of what is proper or suitable: You're not going out unless you're decently dressed.) anständigt, ordentligt

    English-Swedish dictionary > decently

  • 40 declaim

    v. deklamera, läsa upp; prata med glöd
    * * *
    (to make (a speech) in an impressive and dramatic manner: She declaimed against immorality.) hålla tal, orera, predika

    English-Swedish dictionary > declaim

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Manner — Man ner, n. [OE. manere, F. mani[ e]re, from OF. manier, adj., manual, skillful, handy, fr. (assumed) LL. manarius, for L. manuarius belonging to the hand, fr. manus the hand. See {Manual}.] 1. Mode of action; way of performing or effecting… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Männer sind Schweine — Song by Die Ärzte from the album 13 Released 1998 Genre Pop rock Length 4:17 …   Wikipedia

  • männer.ch — wurde am 28. Juni 2005 als Dachverband der Schweizer Männer und Väterorganisationen gegründet. Mitglieder sind Männerinitiativen, Vätergruppen, diverse Fachstellen, gewinnorientierte Unternehmen wie auch Einzelpersonen. Zurzeit (Stand Frühling… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Männer.ch — wurde am 28. Juni 2005 als Dachverband der schweizerischen Männer und Väterorganisationen gegründet. Mitglieder sind Männerbüros, Vätergruppen, verschiedene Fachstellen und Initiativen sowie auch Einzelpersonen. Zurzeit (Stand März 2008) vertritt …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Männer sind Schweine — «Männer sind Schweine» sencillo de Die Ärzte del álbum 13 Publicación 3 de abril de 1998 Duración 4:28 3:33 (edición para radio) Discográfica Hot Action Records Autor(es) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Männer vom Morgenstern — Männer vom Morgenstern, Heimatbund an Elb und Wesermündung e.V. (MvM) Zweck: Heimatforschung Vorsitz: Nicola Borger Keweloh Gründungsdatum: 1882 Mitgliederzahl: 1.341 Sitz: Bremerhaven Website …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Männer-Minne — Sitz: Berlin / Deutschland Gründung: 1987 Gattung: Männerchor Stimmen: 25 (TTBB) Website …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • manner — [man′ər] n. [ME manere < OFr maniere < VL * manaria < L manuarius, of the hand < manus, a hand: see MANUAL] 1. a way or method in which something is done or happens; mode or fashion of procedure 2. a) a way of acting; personal, esp.… …   English World dictionary

  • Manner (disambiguation) — Manner is a line of confectionery from the Austrian conglomerate, Josef Manner Comp AG. Manner may also refer to: Eeva Liisa Manner (1921 1995), Finnish poet, playwright and translator. Kullervo Manner (1880 1939), Finnish Communist leader.… …   Wikipedia

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