1 occurrence
occurrence nсобытиеdangerous goods occurrenceпроисшествие, связанное с перевозкой опасных грузовflight occurrence identificationусловное обозначение события в полетеintentional occurrenceпроисшествие вследствие ошибочных действийoccurrence locationместо происшествияoccurrence to touchdownсобытие до момента касания ВППsimulated occurrenceимитированное событиеsite of occurrenceместо происшествияtouch-and-go occurrenceсобытие, связанное с приземлением и немедленным взлетомunintentional occurrenceсобытие в результате непреднамеренных действий -
2 occurrence
occurrence [ə'kʌrəns](a) (incident) événement m;∎ this was the first occurrence of its kind c'était la première fois qu'un événement de cette espèce se produisait;∎ it's an everyday occurrence ça arrive ou ça se produit tous les jours∎ the increasing occurrence of racial attacks le nombre croissant d'agressions racistes;∎ the occurrence of leukaemia in this community is twice… le nombre des cas de leucémie dans cette communauté est le double de…;∎ this explains the higher occurrence of the disease in urban areas ceci explique l'incidence accrue de la maladie dans les zones urbaines;∎ the occurrence of the disease in adults is more serious lorsqu'elle se déclare chez l'adulte, la maladie est plus grave;∎ of rare occurrence qui arrive ou se produit rarement(c) Linguistics occurrence f -
3 occurrence
occurrence [əˈkʌrəns]( = event) this is a common occurrence cela arrive souvent* * *[ə'kʌrəns]1) ( event) fait m2) ( instance) occurrence f3) (of disease, phenomenon) cas m -
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1 ( event) fait m ; to be a rare/regular/daily occurrence se produire rarement/régulièrement/tous les jours ; an unfortunate occurrence une affaire malencontreuse ;2 ( instance) occurrence f (of de) ; -
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occurrence встречаемостьoccurrence частота нахожденияEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > occurrence
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English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > occurrence
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English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > occurrence
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1. геол. залегание, местонахождение, месторождение ( полезного ископаемого)
* * *
1. событие; случай
* * *
1. залегание, местонахождение2. наличие, проявление
* * *
1. залегание, месторождение2. наличие, проявление
* * *
1) событие; случай2) наличие; появление3) местонахождение, залегание()4) геол. залегание; местонахождение; месторождение ( полезного ископаемого)•- occurrence of oil
- occurrence of oil on homoclines
- occurrence of petroleum
- occurrence of top
- anomalous occurrence of oil
- deposit occurrence
- hazardous occurrence
- normal occurrence of oil
- oil occurrence
- wide spread occurrence* * *• залежьАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > occurrence
11 occurrence
noun a strange occurrence.) sucesotr[ə'kʌrəns]1 (event, incident) sucesooccurrence [ə'kərənts] n: acontecimiento m, suceso m, ocurrencia fn.• acaecimiento s.m.• acontecimiento s.m.• andanza s.f.• aparición s.f.• caso s.m.• incidencia s.f.• lance s.m.• ocurrencia s.f.• suceso s.m.ə'kɜːrəns, ə'kʌrənsa) c (event, instance)it is a frequent/rare occurrence — es/no es algo frecuente, ocurre/no ocurre con frecuencia
b) u ( incidence) incidencia f[ǝ'kʌrǝns]N1) (=happening) suceso m, hecho mit's an everyday occurrence — es cosa de todos los días, es un hecho cotidiano
2) (=existence) existencia fits occurrence here is unexpected — el hecho de que se dé or de que exista aquí es algo insólito
* * *[ə'kɜːrəns, ə'kʌrəns]a) c (event, instance)it is a frequent/rare occurrence — es/no es algo frecuente, ocurre/no ocurre con frecuencia
b) u ( incidence) incidencia f -
12 occurrence
1) появление; возникновение2) событие; случай3) месторождение, залежь4) вхождение, экземпляр5) событие; явление6) горн. залегание, проявление• -
13 occurrence
1. n случай; явление; происшествиеdisastrous occurrence — несчастный случай, несчастье
everyday occurrence — повседневное явление, обычный случай
2. n частотностьof frequent occurrence — часто встречающийся, распространённый
3. n спец. распространённость4. n геол. месторождение; залегание5. n совпадение нескольких праздниковСинонимический ряд:incident (noun) accident; adventure; affair; circumstance; development; episode; event; experience; go; happening; incident; materialisation; materialization; news; occasion; thing; transpiration -
14 occurrence
[əʹkʌrəns] n1. случай; явление; происшествиеeveryday /common/ occurrence - обычное явление /событие/
disastrous occurrence - несчастный случай, несчастье
occurrence of no importance - пустяк, мелкое происшествие
2. 1) частотностьof frequent occurrence - часто встречающийся, распространённый
event of rare occurrence - маловероятный случай /-ое событие/
the occurrence of thunder in winter is comparatively rare - гром бывает зимой сравнительно редко
2) спец. распространённость (напр., изотопа)of frequent [rare] occurrence - часто [редко] встречающийся
4. совпадение нескольких (обыкн. христианских) праздников -
15 occurrence
1. явление
to be of frequent OCCURRENCE често се случва
frequency of OCCURRENCE честотност
2. случка, събитие
everyday OCCURRENCE най-обикновена случка, нещо съвсем обичайно
strange OCCURRENCEs странни произшествия* * *{ъ'k^rъns} n 1. явление; to be of frequent occurrence често се случ* * *явление; случка;* * *1. everyday occurrence най-обикновена случка, нещо съвсем обичайно 2. frequency of occurrence честотност 3. strange occurrences странни произшествия 4. to be of frequent occurrence често се случва 5. случка, събитие 6. явление* * *occurrence[ə´kʌrəns] n 1. явление; to be of frequent \occurrence често се случва; 2. случка, събитие; an everyday \occurrence най-обикновена случка, нещо съвсем обичайно; strange \occurrences странни произшествия; 3. геол. залягане; находище; местонаходище; разпространение. -
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------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] occurrence[Swahili Word] kadhia[Part of Speech] noun[Note] rare------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] occurrence[Swahili Word] majilio[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] ja------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] occurrence[Swahili Word] matokeo[Swahili Plural] matokeo[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] toa V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] occurrence[Swahili Word] tukio[Swahili Plural] matukio[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 5/6[Derived Word] tukia V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] occurrence (rare or unexpected)[Swahili Word] shani[Swahili Plural] shani[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10[English Example] (s)he was born in an unexpected occurrence[Swahili Example] Alizaliwa kwa shani------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] occurrence (sudden and unexpected)[English Plural] occurrences[Swahili Word] dharura[Swahili Plural] dharura[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10[Derived Language] Arabic------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] remarkable occurrence[English Plural] remarkable occurrences[Swahili Word] hekaya[Swahili Plural] hekaya[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10[Derived Language] Arabic------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] remarkable occurrence[Swahili Word] ibura[Part of Speech] noun------------------------------------------------------------ -
17 occurrence
[ə'kʌrəns]1) (event) evento m., avvenimento m., fatto m.to be a rare occurrence — avvenire o verificarsi raramente
2) (instance) occorrenza f.3) (of disease, phenomenon) (il) verificarsi* * *noun a strange occurrence.) avvenimento* * *occurrence /əˈkʌrəns/n.1 [u] l'accadere; (il) verificarsi; comparsa; apparizione: the frequent occurrence of sandstorms, il frequente verificarsi di tempesta di sabbia2 avvenimento; evento; fatto; fenomeno: an unforeseen occurrence, un avvenimento imprevisto; Strikes had become a regular ( o common) occurrence, gli scioperi erano diventati un evento all'ordine del giorno3 frequenza; occorrenza (stat.)FALSI AMICI: occurrence non significa occorrenza nel senso di bisogno o necessità.* * *[ə'kʌrəns]1) (event) evento m., avvenimento m., fatto m.to be a rare occurrence — avvenire o verificarsi raramente
2) (instance) occorrenza f.3) (of disease, phenomenon) (il) verificarsi -
18 occurrence
1) наличие, присутствие (напр., сигнала)2) вхождение; случай употребления; экземпляр ( в базах данных)3) наступление [появление] события; событие•- binding occurrence
- bound occurrence
- defining occurrence
- explicit occurrence
- free occurrence
- nonvacuous occurrence
- vacuous occurrenceEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > occurrence
19 occurrence
n1) случай, явление; событие
- everyday occurrence
- occurrence of an event
- occurrence of event insured against
- occurrence of an excessive deficit
- occurrence of the insurance contingency
- occurrence of a taxable event
- of frequent occurrence
- upon occurrence of a specified eventEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > occurrence
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[əˈkʌrəns]loss occurrence возможность потери occurrence местонахождение occurrence происшествие occurrence распространение occurrence случай, происшествие occurrence случай occurrence явление occurrence of loss возникновение ущерба
См. также в других словарях:
occurrence — [ ɔkyrɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1440; du lat. occurrere → occurrent 1 ♦ Littér. Cas, circonstance. « changeant de route suivant l occurrence » ( Balzac). Mod. (dans des loc.) EN L OCCURRENCE : dans le cas présent. La personne responsable, en l occurrence, M … Encyclopédie Universelle
occurrence — occurrence, event, incident, episode, circumstance are comparable when they denote something that happens or takes place. Occurrence is the general term for something which takes place {such a happy and convenient occurrence, the princess s… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Occurrence — Oc*cur rence, n. [Cf. F. occurrence. See {Occur}.] 1. A coming or happening; as, the occurence of a railway collision. [1913 Webster] Voyages detain the mind by the perpetual occurrence and expectation of something new. I. Watts. [1913 Webster] 2 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
occurrence — oc·cur·rence n: something that takes place; esp: an accident, event, or continuing condition that causes personal or property damage that is unintended or unexpected from the standpoint of an insured party making a claim Merriam Webster’s… … Law dictionary
occurrence — [ə kʉr′əns] n. 1. the act or fact of occurring 2. something that occurs; event; incident occurrent adj. SYN. OCCURRENCE is the general word for anything that happens or takes place [an unforeseen occurrence]; an EVENT is an occurrence of relative … English World dictionary
occurrence — Occurrence. s. f. v. Rencontre, evenement fortuit, occasion. Favorable occurrence. dans cette fascheuse occurrence. je m en souviendray dans les occurrences. il a disposé cela pour s en servir selon les occurrences … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Occurrence — • The coinciding of two liturgical offices on one and the same day Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
occurrence — (n.) 1530s, from M.L. occurrentia, from L. occurentem (nom. occurens), prp. of occurrere (see OCCUR (Cf. occur)) … Etymology dictionary
occurrence — [n] happening, development accident, adventure, affair, appearance, circumstance, condition, contingency, emergency, episode, event, exigency, existence, incidence, incident, instance, juncture, manifestation, materialization, occasion, pass,… … New thesaurus
occurrence — Occurrence, f. penac. Survenue inesperée, Achoison, Insperatus rei alicuius euentus, Il pourvoit sagement à toutes occurrences d affaires, Non vulgari prudentia iis quae occurrunt negotiis adest … Thresor de la langue françoyse
occurrence — ► NOUN 1) the fact or frequency of something occurring. 2) a thing that occurs; an incident or event … English terms dictionary