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  • 1 which

    1. adjective
    1) interrog. welch...

    which one — welcher/welche/welches

    which way(how) wie; (in which direction) wohin

    2) rel. welch... (geh.)

    he usually comes at one o'clock, at which time I'm having lunch/by which time I've finished — er kommt immer um ein Uhr; dann esse ich gerade zu Mittag/bis dahin bin ich schon fertig

    2. pronoun
    1) interrog. welcher/welche/welches

    which is which? — welcher/welche/welches ist welcher/welche/welches?

    2) rel. der/die/das; welcher/welche/welches (veralt.); referring to a clause was

    of which — dessen/deren

    everything which I predicted — alles, was ich vorausgesagt habe

    the crime of which you accuse him — das Verbrechen, dessen Sie ihn anklagen

    I intervened, after which they calmed down — ich griff ein, worauf[hin] sie sich beruhigten

    Our Father, which art in Heaven — (Rel.) Vater unser, der du bist im Himmel

    * * *
    [wi ] 1. adjective, pronoun
    (used in questions etc when asking someone to point out, state etc one or more persons, things etc from a particular known group: Which (colour) do you like best?; Which route will you travel by?; At which station should I change trains?; Which of the two girls do you like better?; Tell me which books you would like; Let me know which train you'll be arriving on; I can't decide which to choose.) welche
    2. relative pronoun
    ((used to refer to a thing or things mentioned previously to distinguish it or them from others: able to be replaced by that except after a preposition: able to be omitted except after a preposition or when the subject of a clause) (the) one(s) that: This is the book which/that was on the table; This is the book (which/that) you wanted; A scalpel is a type of knife which/that is used by surgeons; The chair (which/that) you are sitting on is broken; The documents for which they were searching have been recovered.) welche
    3. relative adjective, relative pronoun
    (used, after a comma, to introduce a further comment on something: My new car, which I paid several thousand pounds for, is not running well; He said he could speak Russian, which was untrue; My father may have to go into hospital, in which case he won't be going on holiday.) welche
    - academic.ru/81975/whichever">whichever
    - which is which? - which is which
    * * *
    I. pron
    1. interrog (one of choice) welche(r, s)
    \which is mine? the smaller one? welches gehört mir? das Kleinere?
    it was either Spanish or Portuguese, I've forgotten \which es war entweder Spanisch oder Portugiesisch, ich habe vergessen, welches von beiden
    \which are the best varieties of grapes for long keeping? welche Traubensorten halten sich am besten?
    \which of your parents do you feel closer to? welchem Elternteil fühlst du dich enger verbunden?
    \which of you knows where the keys are kept? wer von euch weiß, wo die Schlüssel sind?
    those two paintings look so alike I'm surprised anyone can tell \which is \which diese zwei Bilder sind so ähnlich, dass es mich wundert, dass sie jemand unterscheiden kann
    I really can't tell them apart — \which is \which? ich kann sie nicht auseinanderhalten — wer ist wer?
    2. rel (with defining clause) der/die/das
    you know that little Italian restaurant — the one \which I mentioned in my letter? kennst du das kleine italienische Restaurant — das, das ich in meinem Brief erwähnt habe?
    these are the principles \which we all believe in das sind die Prinzipien, an die wir alle glauben
    a conference in Vienna \which ended on Friday eine Konferenz in Wien, die am Freitag geendet hat
    she says it's Anna's fault, \which is rubbish sie sagt, das ist Annas Schuld, was aber Blödsinn ist
    he showed me round the town, \which was very kind of him er zeigte mir die Stadt, was sehr nett von ihm war
    that building, the interior of \which is rather better than the outside,... das Gebäude, das innen besser ist als außen,...
    it's the third in a sequence of three books, the first of \which I really enjoyed das ist das dritte aus einer Reihe von drei Büchern, von denen mir das erste wirklich gut gefallen hat
    at/upon \which... woraufhin...
    4. rel, after prep der/die/das
    is that the film in \which he kills his mother? ist das der Film, in dem er seine Mutter umbringt?
    the death of his son was an experience from \which he never fully recovered der Tod seines Sohnes war eine Erfahrung, von der er sich nie ganz erholte
    it isn't a subject to \which I devote a great deal of thought über dieses Thema mache ich mir nicht viele Gedanken
    we are often afraid of that \which we cannot understand wir fürchten uns oft vor dem, was wir nicht verstehen
    II. adj inv
    1. interrog (what one) welche(r, s)
    \which doctor did you see? bei welchem Arzt warst du?
    \which button do I press next? auf welchen Knopf muss ich als Nächstes drücken?
    I didn't know \which brother I was speaking to ich wusste nicht, mit welchem Bruder ich sprach
    \which way is the wind blowing? woher kommt der Wind?
    Jacinta came last night with her boyfriend — \which one? she's got several Jacinta kam letzten Abend mit ihrem Freund — mit welchem? sie hat mehrere
    see if you can guess \which one is me in my old school photo mal schauen, ob du errätst, wer auf dem alten Schulfoto ich bin
    2. rel (used to introduce more info) der/die/das
    the picking of the fruit, for \which work they receive no money, takes about a week das Ernten des Obstes, wofür sie kein Geld bekommen, dauert etwa eine Woche
    the talk lasted two hours, during all of \which time the child was well behaved das Gespräch hat zwei Stunden gedauert, während denen sich das Kind gut benahm
    it might be made of plastic, in \which case you could probably carry it es könnte aus Plastik sein — dann könntest du es wahrscheinlich tragen
    * * *
    1. adj
    1) (interrog) welche(r, s)

    which one? — welche(r, s)?; (of people also) wer?

    2) (rel) welche(r, s)

    ... by which time I was asleep —... und zu dieser Zeit schlief ich (bereits)

    look at it which way you will... —

    ... he said, which remark made me very angry —... sagte er, was mich sehr ärgerte

    2. pron
    1) (interrog) welche(r, s)

    which of the children/books — welches Kind/Buch

    which is which? (of people) — wer ist wer?, welche(r) ist welche(r)?; (of things) welche(r, s) ist welche(r, s)?, welche(r, s) ist der/die/das eine und welche(r, s) der/die/das andere?

    2) (rel) (with n antecedent) der/die/das, welche(r, s) (geh); (with clause antecedent) was

    the bear which I saw — der Bär, den ich sah

    at which he remarked... — woraufhin er bemerkte,...

    it rained hard, which upset her plans — es regnete stark, was ihre Pläne durcheinanderbrachte

    which reminds me... — dabei fällt mir ein,...

    from which we deduce that... — woraus wir ableiten, dass...

    the day before/after which he left her — an dem Tag, bevor er sie verließ/nachdem er sie verlassen hatte

    the shelf on which I put it — das Brett, auf das or worauf ich es gelegt habe

    * * *
    which [wıtʃ; hwıtʃ]
    A int pr (bezogen auf Sachen oder Personen) welch(er, e, es) (aus einer bestimmten Gruppe oder Anzahl):
    which of these houses? welches dieser Häuser?;
    which of you has done it? wer oder welcher von euch hat es getan?
    B rel pr
    1. welch(er, e, es), der (die, das)
    2. (auf den vorhergehenden Satz bezüglich) was:
    she laughed loudly, which irritated him
    and which is still worse, all you did was wrong und was noch schlimmer ist, alles, was du machtest, war falsch
    C adj
    1. (fragend oder relativ) welch(er, e, es):
    which place will you take? auf welchem Platz willst du sitzen?;
    take which book you please nimm welches Buch du willst
    2. (auf das Vorhergehende bezogen) und dies(er, e, es), welch(er, e, es):
    during which time he had not eaten und während dieser Zeit hatte er nichts gegessen
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) interrog. welch...

    which one — welcher/welche/welches

    2) rel. welch... (geh.)

    he usually comes at one o'clock, at which time I'm having lunch/by which time I've finished — er kommt immer um ein Uhr; dann esse ich gerade zu Mittag/bis dahin bin ich schon fertig

    2. pronoun
    1) interrog. welcher/welche/welches

    which is which? — welcher/welche/welches ist welcher/welche/welches?

    2) rel. der/die/das; welcher/welche/welches (veralt.); referring to a clause was

    of which — dessen/deren

    everything which I predicted — alles, was ich vorausgesagt habe

    the crime of which you accuse him — das Verbrechen, dessen Sie ihn anklagen

    I intervened, after which they calmed down — ich griff ein, worauf[hin] sie sich beruhigten

    Our Father, which art in Heaven — (Rel.) Vater unser, der du bist im Himmel

    * * *
    welch adj.
    welcher adj.
    welches adj. pron.
    das pron.
    der pron.
    die pron.

    English-german dictionary > which

См. также в других словарях:

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