1 your
attributive possessive pronoun(of you, sing./pl.) dein/euer; in polite address Ihr. See also academic.ru/34499/her">her II* * *(among, or in the same place as, us, you or them: Large buildings keep rising in our midst.) mitten unter uns,...* * *[jɔ:ʳ, jʊəʳ, AM jʊr]adj possgarlic is good for \your blood Knoblauch ist gut für das Blut2. (one's) sein(e)it's enough to break \your heart es bricht einem förmlich das Herz; (referring to sb else)\your average German der durchschnittliche Deutscheshe's one of \your chatty types sie redet auch gern viel* * *[jɔː__rraisedˑ, jə(r)]poss adj1) (German familiar form) (sing) dein/deine/dein; (pl) euer/eure/euer; (German polite form: sing, pl) Ihr/Ihre/Ihryour mother and father — deine/Ihre Mutter und dein/Ihr Vater
one of your friends — einer deiner/Ihrer Freunde, einer von deinen/Ihren Freunden
the climate here is bad for your health — das Klima hier ist ungesund or ist nicht gut für die Gesundheit
See:2) (= typical) der/die/das* * *1. a) (sg) dein(e)b) (pl) euer, eurec) (sg oder pl) Ihr(e):it is your own fault es ist deine (eure, Ihre) eigene Schuld2. unpers umga) so ein(e)b) der (die, das) viel gepriesene oder viel gerühmte:is that your fox hunt? ist das die (viel gepriesene) Fuchsjagd?yr abk2. younger3. your* * *attributive possessive pronoun* * *v.zu deinem ausdr. adj.dein adj.ihr, ihre adj. pl.adj.euer adj. -
2 your
1) (of you, singular) dein(e);( plural) euer/eure;( polite) Ihr(e);garlic is good for \your blood Knoblauch ist gut für das Blut2) ( one's) sein(e);it's enough to break \your heart es bricht einem förmlich das Herz;\your average German der durchschnittliche Deutsche;she's one of \your chatty types sie redet auch gern viel -
3 your (Pl.)
4 your
5 your
6 your inquiry dated ...
< econ> ■ Ihre Anfrage vom...English-german technical dictionary > your inquiry dated ...
7 your etc opinion
8 Your chances are small.
expr.Ihre Chancen sind gering. ausdr. -
9 Your conclusion makes no sense to me.
expr.Ihre Schlussfolgerung leuchtet mir nicht ein. ausdr.English-german dictionary > Your conclusion makes no sense to me.
10 your health!
(when drinking) adj.prost! ausdr. -
11 your hour is come
12 your standards are slipping
English-German idiom dictionary > your standards are slipping
13 your trousers have gone all baggy
English-German idiom dictionary > your trousers have gone all baggy
14 your numerous connections
• Ihre vielen Beziehungen, Ihre vielen KontakteEnglish-German correspondence dictionary > your numerous connections
15 in-your-face
adjective(coll) (deliberately provocative) provokativ; provokant; (uncompromisingly direct) ultrabrutal (ugs.)* * *in-your-face ( fam)[ˌɪnjəˈfeɪs, AM -jɚˈ-]adj (sl)1. (defiant) frech\in-your-face lie rotzfreche Lüge sl2. (irritating) look, smile herausfordernd, provozierend\in-your-face allegation äußerst provozierende Behauptung* * *["Injə'feɪs]adj (inf)attitude etc provokativ* * *adjective(coll) (deliberately provocative) provokativ; provokant; (uncompromisingly direct) ultrabrutal (ugs.) -
16 pick-your-own
adj attr, inv\pick-your-own farm Selbstpflückplantage f\pick-your-own raspberries/strawberries Himbeeren/Erdbeeren pl zum Selberpflücken -
17 pick-your-own
attr, inv\pick-your-own farm Selbstpflückplantage f; -
18 beggar-your-neighbor
19 bring your own bottle
20 for your information
См. также в других словарях:
your — [ weak jə, strong jur, strong jɔr ] determiner *** Your is a possessive determiner (followed by a noun), being a possessive form of you. 1. ) used for showing that something belongs to or is connected with the person or people you are talking or… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
your — W1S1 [jə strong jo: $ jər strong jo:r] determiner [possessive form of you ] [: Old English; Origin: eower] 1.) used when speaking or writing to one or more people to show that something belongs to them or is connected with them ▪ Could you move… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Your — ([=u]r), pron. & a. [OE. your, [yogh]our, eowr, eower, AS. e[ o]wer, originally used as the gen. of ge, g[=e], ye; akin to OFries. iuwer your, OS. iuwar, D. uw, OHG. iuw[=e]r, G. euer, Icel. y[eth]ar, Goth. izwara, izwar, and E. you. [root]189.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
your — [yoor; ] often [ yôr] possessive pronominal adj. [ME your, eower < OE eower, gen. of ge, ye: see YOU] 1. of, belonging to, made by, or done by you: also used before some formal titles [Your Honor, Your Majesty] 2. Informal the: used to… … English World dictionary
your — O.E. eower, genitive of ge ye (see YE (Cf. ye)), from P.Gmc. base of YOU (Cf. you). Cf. O.S. iuwar, O.Fris. iuwer, O.N. yðvarr, O.H.G. iuwer, Ger. euer, Goth. izwar your … Etymology dictionary
your — ► POSSESSIVE DETERMINER 1) belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing. 2) belonging to or associated with any person in general. 3) (Your) used when addressing the holder of certain titles. ORIGIN Old… … English terms dictionary
your — [[t]jɔː(r), jʊə(r)[/t]] ♦ (Your is the second person possessive determiner. Your can refer to one or more people.) 1) DET POSS A speaker or writer uses your to indicate that something belongs or relates to the person or people that they are… … English dictionary
your — Used vocatively as a replacement for ‘you’ in a number of titles or mock titles, such as: Your Eminence, Your Grace, Your Majesty, Your royal Highness, Your Honour, Your Worship, Your Reverence, Your Lordship, Your Ladyship, Your High and… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
your */*/*/ — strong UK [jɔː(r)] / US [jʊr] / US [jɔr] weak UK [jə(r)] / US [jər] determiner Summary: Your is a possessive determiner (followed by a noun), being a possessive form of you. 1) used for showing that something belongs to or is connected with the… … English dictionary
Your 64 — Infobox Magazine title = Your 64 | image size = 200px | image caption = Your 64 #1, APR / MAY 1984 editor = Bruce Sawford frequency = bi monthly circulation = 38,012 (circa 1985) category = Computer magazine company = Sportscene Specialist Press… … Wikipedia
your — strong /jO:r/ determiner 1 belonging to or connected with the person or people someone is speaking to: Could you move your car? | That s your problem. | You must all come and bring your husbands. | It s your own fault if you ve lost them. 2… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English