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  • 1 understanding

    adjective ((of a person) good at knowing how other people feel; sympathetic: an understanding person; Try to be more understanding!) skilningsríkur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > understanding

  • 2 understand

    1. past tense, past participle - understood; verb
    1) (to see or know the meaning of (something): I can't understand his absence; Speak slowly to foreigners so that they'll understand you.) skilja
    2) (to know (eg a person) thoroughly: She understands children/dogs.) skilja
    3) (to learn or realize (something), eg from information received: At first I didn't understand how ill she was; I understood that you were planning to leave today.) gera sér grein fyrir, skiljast
    - understanding 2. noun
    1) (the power of thinking clearly: a man of great understanding.) skilningur
    2) (the ability to sympathize with another person's feelings: His kindness and understanding were a great comfort to her.) skilningur
    3) (a (state of) informal agreement: The two men have come to / reached an understanding after their disagreement.) samkomulag
    - make oneself understood
    - make understood

    English-Icelandic dictionary > understand

  • 3 -witted

    (having understanding or intelligence of a certain kind: quick-/sharp-witted.) -gáfaður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > -witted

  • 4 appreciation

    1) (gratefulness: I wish to show my appreciation for what you have done.) þakklæti
    2) (the state of valuing or understanding something: a deep appreciation of poetry.) mætur, að hafa sans fyrir
    3) (the state of being aware of something: He has no appreciation of our difficulties.) hugmynd; skilningur
    4) (an increase in value.) verðgildishækkun
    5) (a written article etc which describes the qualities of something: an appreciation of the new book.) mat; gagnrÿni

    English-Icelandic dictionary > appreciation

  • 5 apprehension

    1) (fear.) ótti, kvíði
    2) (understanding.) skilningur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > apprehension

  • 6 blind spot

    1) (any matter about which one always shows lack of understanding: She seems to have a blind spot about physics.) blindur blettur; vera blindur fyrir e-u, neita að skilja/sjá
    2) (an area which is impossible or difficult to see due to an obstruction.) blindur blettur, staður sem sést ekki

    English-Icelandic dictionary > blind spot

  • 7 come to terms

    1) (to reach an agreement or understanding: They came to terms with the enemy.) sættast
    2) (to find a way of living with or tolerating (some personal trouble or difficulty): He managed to come to terms with his illness.) finna leið til að umbera

    English-Icelandic dictionary > come to terms

  • 8 comprehension

    noun (the act or power of understanding: After reading the passage the teacher asked questions to test the children's comprehension.) skilningur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > comprehension

  • 9 difficulty

    plural - difficulties; noun
    1) (the state or quality of being hard (to do) or not easy: I have difficulty in understanding him.) vandi, erfiðleikar
    2) (an obstacle or objection: He has a habit of foreseeing difficulties.) erfiðleikar, vandamál
    3) ((especially in plural) trouble, especially money trouble: The firm was in difficulties.) kröggur, fjárhagserfiðleikar

    English-Icelandic dictionary > difficulty

  • 10 divine

    1. adjective
    1) (of or belonging to God or a god: divine wisdom.) guðdómlegur
    2) (very good or excellent: What divine weather!) himneskur, frábær
    2. verb
    (to find out by keen understanding: I managed to divine the truth.) segja fyrir um; giska á
    - diviner
    - divining
    - divinity

    English-Icelandic dictionary > divine

  • 11 grip

    [ɡrip] 1. past tense, past participle - gripped; verb
    (to take a firm hold of: He gripped his stick; The speaker gripped (the attention of) his audience.) grípa
    2. noun
    1) (a firm hold: He had a firm grip on his stick; He has a very strong grip; in the grip of the storm.) grip, fast tak
    2) (a bag used by travellers: He carried his sports equipment in a large grip.) (íþrótta)taska
    3) (understanding: He has a good grip of the subject.) skilningur
    - come to grips with
    - lose one's grip

    English-Icelandic dictionary > grip

  • 12 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) rétt/ekki rétt fjarvídd/dÿptarsÿn
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) í réttu/röngu samhengi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 13 insight

    (the quality of having) an understanding of something: He shows remarkable insight (into children's problems). innsæi; skilningur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > insight

  • 14 intelligent

    1) (clever and quick at understanding: an intelligent child; That dog is so intelligent.) greindur, gáfaður
    2) (showing these qualities: an intelligent question.) gáfulegur, skynsamlegur
    - intelligence

    English-Icelandic dictionary > intelligent

  • 15 intuition

    1) (the power of understanding or ralizing something without thinking it out: She knew by intuition that he was telling her the truth.) innsæi
    2) (something understood or realized by this power: Her intuitions are always right.) innsæi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > intuition

  • 16 knowing

    adjective (showing secret understanding: She gave him a knowing look.) íbygginn

    English-Icelandic dictionary > knowing

  • 17 literal

    1) (following the exact meaning with no exaggeration: the literal truth.) bókstaflegur
    2) (understanding the meaning by taking one word at a time: a literal translation.) orðréttur
    - literally

    English-Icelandic dictionary > literal

  • 18 lose one's grip

    (to lose understanding or control.) missa tökin á

    English-Icelandic dictionary > lose one's grip

  • 19 mentally

    adverb (in the mind: She's mentally incapable of understanding; He is mentally ill.) andlega

    English-Icelandic dictionary > mentally

  • 20 mind

    (the power by which one thinks etc; the intelligence or understanding: The child already has the mind of an adult.) hugur; greind, vitsmunir
    2. verb
    1) (to look after or supervise (eg a child): mind the baby.) gæta, líta eftir
    2) (to be upset by; to object to: You must try not to mind when he criticizes your work.) hafa á móti, láta sér standa á sama
    3) (to be careful of: Mind (= be careful not to trip over) the step!) vara sig á
    4) (to pay attention to or obey: You should mind your parents' words/advice.) huga að; hlÿða
    3. interjection
    (be careful!: Mind! There's a car coming!) gættu þín!
    - - minded
    - mindful
    - mindless
    - mindlessly
    - mindlessness
    - mindreader
    - at/in the back of one's mind
    - change one's mind
    - be out of one's mind
    - do you mind!
    - have a good mind to
    - have half a mind to
    - have a mind to
    - in one's mind's eye
    - in one's right mind
    - keep one's mind on
    - know one's own mind
    - make up one's mind
    - mind one's own business
    - never mind
    - on one's mind
    - put someone in mind of
    - put in mind of
    - speak one's mind
    - take/keep one's mind off
    - to my mind

    English-Icelandic dictionary > mind

См. также в других словарях:

  • Understanding by Design — Understanding by Design, or UbD, is an increasingly popular tool for educational planning focused on teaching for understanding . [(nd) [http://www.ubdexchange.org/web resources/UbD Overview/learn more.cfm Learn More] . Understanding by Design]… …   Wikipedia

  • Understanding Poetry — was an influential American college textbook and poetry anthology by Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren, first published in 1938. The book influenced New Criticism and went through its fourth edition in 1976.The textbook widely influenced ...… …   Wikipedia

  • Understanding — Un der*stand ing, n. 1. The act of one who understands a thing, in any sense of the verb; knowledge; discernment; comprehension; interpretation; explanation. [1913 Webster] 2. An agreement of opinion or feeling; adjustment of differences;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Understanding the Mid-Life Crisis — is a well known book by Australian psychologist Dr. Peter O’Connor which is in its eighth printing. [ [http://www.booktopia.com.au/understanding the mid life crisis/prod9780725103743.html Understanding the mid life crisis] ] The book suggests… …   Wikipedia

  • Understanding Comics — Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art is a 215 page non fiction comic book, written and drawn by Scott McCloud and originally published in 1993. It explores the definition of comics, the historical development of the medium, its fundamental… …   Wikipedia

  • understanding — I (agreement) noun accord, accordance, alliance, arrangement, common view, compact, compliance, concord, concordance, congruence, consentaneity, contract, cooperation, covenant, harmony, like mindedness, meeting of minds, mutual pledge, pact,… …   Law dictionary

  • Understanding (disambiguation) — Understanding is a psychological process through which one is able to think about an abstract or physical object and use concepts to deal adequately with it. Understanding can also refer to: *Understanding (TV series), a documentary television… …   Wikipedia

  • understanding — [adj] accepting, tolerant compassionate, considerate, discerning, empathetic, forbearing, forgiving, generous, kind, kindly, patient, perceptive, responsive, sensitive, sympathetic; concepts 401,542 Ant. intolerant, unaccepting understanding [n1] …   New thesaurus

  • Understanding (TV series) — Understanding was a documentary television series that aired from 1994 to 2002[citation needed] on TLC. The program covered various things understood from a scientific perspective and was narrated by Jane Curtin and Peter Coyote. It originally… …   Wikipedia

  • Understanding Media — Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man ist ein 1964 erschienenes medientheoretisches Buch von Marshall McLuhan. Das Buch ist die Quelle der Phrase „Das Medium ist die Botschaft“. Das Werk behandelte als eines der ersten seiner Art die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Understanding — Un der*stand ing ([u^]n d[ e]r*st[a^]nd [i^]ng), a. Knowing; intelligent; skillful; as, he is an understanding man. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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