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  • 81 defeatism

    noun (a state of mind in which one expects and accepts defeat too easily: The defeatism of the captain affects the rest of the players.) defétismus
    * * *
    • poraženectví

    English-Czech dictionary > defeatism

  • 82 delirious

    1) (wandering in the mind and talking complete nonsense (usually as a result of fever): The sick man was delirious and nothing he said made sense.) blouznící
    2) (wild with excitement: She was delirious with happiness at the news.) šílený
    * * *
    • šílený
    • delirantní

    English-Czech dictionary > delirious

  • 83 deranged

    (insane: His mind had become deranged as a result of his ordeal; mentally deranged.) vyšinutý
    * * *
    • pomatený
    • rozrušený
    • nepříčetný

    English-Czech dictionary > deranged

  • 84 design

    1. verb
    (to invent and prepare a plan of (something) before it is built or made: A famous architect designed this building.) projektovat
    2. noun
    1) (a sketch or plan produced before something is made: a design for a dress.) návrh, střih
    2) (style; the way in which something has been made or put together: It is very modern in design; I don't like the design of that building.) styl, tvar; provedení
    3) (a pattern etc: The curtains have a flower design on them.) vzorek
    4) (a plan formed in the mind; (an) intention: Our holidays coincided by design and not by accident.) plán, záměr
    - designing
    * * *
    • určit
    • vzor
    • plánovat
    • plán
    • projekt
    • projektovat
    • konstrukce
    • kresba
    • nárys
    • naplánovat
    • náčrt
    • navrhovat
    • návrh
    • navrhnout

    English-Czech dictionary > design

  • 85 determined

    1) (having one's mind made up: She is determined to succeed.) rozhodnutý, odhodlaný
    2) (stubborn: He's very determined.) rozhodný, zarytý
    3) (fixed or settled: Our route has already been determined.) určený
    * * *
    • rozhodný
    • odhodlaný

    English-Czech dictionary > determined

  • 86 develop

    past tense, past participle - developed; verb
    1) (to (cause to) grow bigger or to a more advanced state: The plan developed slowly in his mind; It has developed into a very large city.) rozvinout (se), vyvinout (se)
    2) (to acquire gradually: He developed the habit of getting up early.) osvojit si, vypěstovat v sobě
    3) (to become active, visible etc: Spots developed on her face.) ukázat se, objevit se
    4) (to use chemicals to make (a photograph) visible: My brother develops all his own films.) vyvolat
    * * *
    • vyvinout
    • vyvinu
    • vyvinul
    • vyvolat
    • rozvést

    English-Czech dictionary > develop

  • 87 dismiss

    1) (to send or put away: She dismissed him with a wave of the hand; Dismiss the idea from your mind!) propustit, vypustit
    2) (to remove from office or employment: He was dismissed from his post for being lazy.) propustit
    3) (to stop or close (a law-suit etc): Case dismissed!) zamítnout, zastavit
    * * *
    • vyloučit ze školy
    • zamítnout projednávání
    • pominout
    • propustit
    • pustit z hlavy
    • propustit do civilu
    • rozpustit
    • odbýt
    • odmítnout
    • jen stručně se zmínit
    • neuvažovat
    • nemluvit již o tom
    • dát rozchod
    • dovolit odejít

    English-Czech dictionary > dismiss

  • 88 distract

    (to draw aside (the mind or attention of): He was constantly being distracted from his work by the noisy conversation of his colleagues.) rozptylovat, vyrušovat
    - distraction
    * * *
    • zneklidnit
    • rozptýlit
    • odvést

    English-Czech dictionary > distract

  • 89 distracted

    1) (turned aside (from what one is doing or thinking): He had slipped out while her attention was distracted.) rozptýlený
    2) (out of one's mind; mad: a distracted old woman.) šílený, zbavený smyslů
    3) (distressed: The distracted mother couldn't reach her child in the burning house.) rozrušený
    * * *
    • nepozorný

    English-Czech dictionary > distracted

  • 90 distraction

    1) (something that takes the mind off other especially more serious affairs: There are too many distractions here to allow one to work properly.) rozptýlení
    2) (anxiety and confusion: in a state of complete distraction.) rozrušení
    * * *
    • vyrušení
    • zmatek
    • rozptýlení

    English-Czech dictionary > distraction

  • 91 do without

    (to manage without and accept the lack of: We'll just have to do without a phone; If you're too lazy to fetch the ice-cream you can just do without; I can do without your opinion, if you don't mind.) obejít se (bez)
    * * *
    • obejít se bez

    English-Czech dictionary > do without

  • 92 edify

    (to improve the mind or morals of.) povznášet
    - edifying
    * * *
    • poučit

    English-Czech dictionary > edify

  • 93 elevate

    1) (to raise to a higher position or to a higher rank etc: elevated to the post of manager.) povýšit
    2) (to improve (a person's mind etc): an elevating book.) povznést
    - elevating
    - elevator
    * * *
    • vyvýšit
    • zvednout

    English-Czech dictionary > elevate

  • 94 elevating

    adjective (that improves one's mind or morals: an elevating experience.) povznášející
    * * *
    • zvedání
    • zvedající

    English-Czech dictionary > elevating

  • 95 emotion

    1) (a (strong) feeling of any kind: Fear, joy, anger, love, jealousy are all emotions.) emoce
    2) (the moving or upsetting of the mind or feelings: He was overcome by/with emotion.) dojetí
    - emotionally
    * * *
    • cit
    • dojetí

    English-Czech dictionary > emotion

  • 96 enrich

    [in'ri ]
    (to improve the quality of: Fertilizers enrich the soil; Reading enriches the mind; an enriching (= useful and enjoyable) experience.) obohatit
    * * *
    • obohatit
    • obohacovat

    English-Czech dictionary > enrich

  • 97 entertain

    1) (to receive, and give food etc to (guests): They entertained us to dinner.) přijmout
    2) (to amuse: His stories entertained us for hours.) bavit
    3) (to hold in the mind: He entertained the hope that he would one day be Prime Minister.) chovat
    - entertaining
    - entertainment
    * * *
    • bavit

    English-Czech dictionary > entertain

  • 98 envisage

    (to picture in one's mind and consider: This was the plan that we envisaged for the future.) počítat s, zamýšlet
    * * *
    • uvažovat
    • počítat
    • pojímat
    • předpokládat
    • konfrontovat
    • čelit

    English-Czech dictionary > envisage

  • 99 evoke

    1) (to cause or produce (especially a response, reaction etc): His letter in the newspaper evoked a storm of protest.) vyvolat
    2) (to bring into the mind: A piece of music can sometimes evoke (memories of) the past.) vybavit, evokovat
    - evocative
    * * *
    • vyvolávat
    • vyvolat

    English-Czech dictionary > evoke

  • 100 exact

    [iɡ'zækt] 1. adjective
    1) (absolutely accurate or correct in every detail; the same in every detail; precise: What are the exact measurements of the room?; For this recipe the quantities must be absolutely exact; an exact copy; What is the exact time?; He walked in at that exact moment.) přesný
    2) ((of a person, his mind etc) capable of being accurate over small details: Accountants have to be very exact.) přesný, zevrubný
    2. verb
    (to force the payment of or giving of: We should exact fines from everyone who drops litter on the streets.) vymáhat
    - exactly
    - exactness
    * * *
    • přesný
    • rovný

    English-Czech dictionary > exact

См. также в других словарях:

  • Mind (charity) — Mind Mind logo Formation 1946 Headquarters Stratford, London Region served England …   Wikipedia

  • Mind-Map — zum Thema Mind Mapping Eine Mind Map (englisch: mind map; auch: Gedanken[land]karte, Gedächtnis[land]karte) beschreibt eine besonders von Tony Buzan geprägte kognitive Technik, die man z. B. zum Erschließen und visuellen Darstellen eines… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mind and Life Institute — Contexte général Fiche d’identité Fondateur R. Adam Engle, Francisco Varela Forme juridique …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mind — • Explores the term in relation to consciousness, matter, and mechanism Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Mind     Mind     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Mind control — (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mind abuse, thought control, or thought reform) refers to a process in which a group or individual systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes… …   Wikipedia

  • Mind Garage — Top Row L R Ted Smith, Norris Lytton Bottom Jack Bond, John Vaughan Center Larry McClurg, . Background information Origin Morgantown, West Virginia …   Wikipedia

  • Mind and Life Institute — Type Non profit Founded 1990 Website http://www.mindandlife.org/in …   Wikipedia

  • Mind And Life Institute — Le Mind and Life Institute (français : l Institut Esprit et Vie ), a pour but de favoriser un apport mutuel entre le bouddhisme et la science. C est une association à but non lucratif qui s attache à explorer la relation de la science et du… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mind and life institute — Le Mind and Life Institute (français : l Institut Esprit et Vie ), a pour but de favoriser un apport mutuel entre le bouddhisme et la science. C est une association à but non lucratif qui s attache à explorer la relation de la science et du… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mind Dynamics (company) — Mind Dynamics Type For profit Industry Self help, Personal development, Large Group Awareness Training Founded 1968 Founder(s) Alexander Everett Headquarters Texa …   Wikipedia

  • Mind transfer in fiction — Mind transfer is a common theme in science fiction. The idea is very briefly mentioned in Isaac Asimov s 1956 short story The Last Question : One by one Man fused with AC, each physical body losing its mental identity in a manner that was somehow …   Wikipedia

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