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См. также в других словарях:

  • modernistic — modernistically, adv. /mod euhr nis tik/, adj. 1. modern. 2. of or pertaining to modernism or modernists. [1905 10; MODERN + ISTIC] * * * …   Universalium

  • One Minute Wonders (piano) — One Minute Wonders is the name given to a series of piano pieces by leading British composers, commissioned by the pianist Clive Williamson in association with the University of Surrey. The challenge, laid down to all contributing composers, was… …   Wikipedia

  • newly — adv 1. recently, lately, of late. See new(def.9). 2. anew, afresh, freshly. See new(def.10). 3. modernistically, modernly, futuristically; modish ly, fashionably, stylishly, smartly, chicly …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • modernistic — [mäd΄ərn is′tik] adj. 1. of or characteristic of modernism or modernists 2. modern: used esp. to designate certain contemporary trends and schools of art, music, etc., sometimes in a deprecatory sense SYN. NEW modernistically adv …   English World dictionary

  • modernism — n. 1 a modern ideas or methods. b the tendency of religious belief to harmonize with modern ideas. 2 a modern term or expression. Derivatives: modernist n. modernistic adj. modernistically adv …   Useful english dictionary

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