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  • 1 לבן II

    לָבַןII (cmp. לָבָה) to glisten. Pi. לִבֵּן 1) to polish, brighten; to finish. Sabb.VII, 2 הגוזז … והמְלַבְּנוֹ he who clips wool and he who cleanses it (by washing, removing clods &c); Y. ib. 10c top המלבנו ההן דמגפרוכ׳ under mlabben of the Mishnah is implied (any preparation for improving raw material, e. g.) he who pitches wood, v. אֶלִּיקָה. Ib. המיינטון חייב משום מְלַבֵּן he who cleanses amiant (v. אַמְיַינְטֹון) comes under the law forbidding polishing (on the Sabbath). Tosef.Ber.VII (VI), 2; Ber.58a; Y. ib. IX, 13c top גזז ול׳וכ׳ he (Adam) clipped (wool) and cleansed Ab. Zar. V, 12 את שדרכו … לְלַבֵּן באור יְלַבֵּןוכ׳ such utensils as are ordinarily cleansed by being put in the fire (metal spits) he must cleanse by fire.Gen. R. s. 70 (play on לָבָן, Gen. 29:5) do you know Him שהוא עתיד ללַבֵּןוכ׳ who will cleanse your sins to make them appear like snow (Is. 1:18)?; a. fr.Part. pass. מְלוּבָּן finished, polished, refined. Nidd.31a (of an embryo) מל׳ ומזורז well-formed and of strong vitality; Snh.70b; Num. R. s. 10.Ib. מל׳ ברשע finished (refined) in wickedness, v. אפדכסיס; Gen. R. s. 60; Ruth R. to II, 1; Yalk. Gen. 109.Esp. a) to glaze tiles; to heat tiles. Bets.IV, 7 (33a) אין מְלַבְּנִין אתוכ׳ you must not heat (new) tiles (on Holy Days) for roasting on them; Y. ib. IV, end, 62d מאן דאמר מלבנין בבדוקים he who says that you may heat tiles, refers to such as have been tested (to be sound under fire).b) (of metal utensils, 5. supra) to glow. Ḥull.8a ל׳ סכיןוכ׳ if one made a knife glowing hot and cut with it; a. fr.Part. pass. מְליּבָּן, f. מְלוּבֶּנֶת. Y.Yeb.XVI, 15c bot. Hithpa. הִתְלַבֵּן, Nithpa. נִתְלַבֵּן 1) to grow white, glossy, be cleansed. Ex. R. s. 23 (play on שְׁלמ֗ה֗ a. שַׂלְמָה) מה השלמה הזאת מתלכלכת וחוזרת ומִתְלַבֶּנֶת as the garment gets soiled and is cleansed again ; (Yalk. Cant. 982 מתכבסת). Ib; Cant. R. to I, 6 נ׳ גופו his tanned skin became white again, v. כִּרְכֵּם. 2) to be glowed, heated. Sabb.27b והאונין … משיִתְלַבְּנוּ bundles of flax are considered finished after they are baked; Sifra Thazr., Neg., Par. 5, ch. 13. Hif. הִלְבִּין 1) to grow white. Neg. I, 6 היו … והִלְבִּינוּ if the hair was black and turned white. Ib. IV, 4 עיקרן … וראשן מַלְבִּין if their roots are black and their tops white. Yoma VI, 8; a. fr. 2) to whiten, cleanse. Cant. R. to V, 11 להַלְבִּין כנףוכ׳ to make white one wing of a raven. Yoma. 39b the Temple is called Lebanon שמַלְבִּיןוכ׳ because it cleanses the sins Keth.59b הרוצח שיַלְבִּין את בתו he who desires to make his daughter white-complexioned (handsome); a. e.Transf. (with פנים) to put to shame, expose. Ab. III, 11 המַלְבִּין פניוכ׳ he who exposes his fellowmau to shame in public. B. Mets.59a נוח לו לאדם שיפיל … ואל וַלְבִּיןוכ׳ man should rather have himself thrown into a furnace than put his neighbor to shame. Yalk. Deut. 938 אני מלבין פניהם I should put them to shame; (Pirké dR. El. ch. 44 מגלה, v. נָּלָה). B. Mets.58b כל המלבין … כאילו שופך דמים he who puts his neighbor to public shame is considered as if he shed blood; a. fr.Y.Succ.V, 55c bot. (play on נ̇ב̇ל̇) שמל̇ב̇ין כמה מיני זמר it shames (excels) many a musical instrument.

    Jewish literature > לבן II

  • 2 לָבַן

    לָבַןII (cmp. לָבָה) to glisten. Pi. לִבֵּן 1) to polish, brighten; to finish. Sabb.VII, 2 הגוזז … והמְלַבְּנוֹ he who clips wool and he who cleanses it (by washing, removing clods &c); Y. ib. 10c top המלבנו ההן דמגפרוכ׳ under mlabben of the Mishnah is implied (any preparation for improving raw material, e. g.) he who pitches wood, v. אֶלִּיקָה. Ib. המיינטון חייב משום מְלַבֵּן he who cleanses amiant (v. אַמְיַינְטֹון) comes under the law forbidding polishing (on the Sabbath). Tosef.Ber.VII (VI), 2; Ber.58a; Y. ib. IX, 13c top גזז ול׳וכ׳ he (Adam) clipped (wool) and cleansed Ab. Zar. V, 12 את שדרכו … לְלַבֵּן באור יְלַבֵּןוכ׳ such utensils as are ordinarily cleansed by being put in the fire (metal spits) he must cleanse by fire.Gen. R. s. 70 (play on לָבָן, Gen. 29:5) do you know Him שהוא עתיד ללַבֵּןוכ׳ who will cleanse your sins to make them appear like snow (Is. 1:18)?; a. fr.Part. pass. מְלוּבָּן finished, polished, refined. Nidd.31a (of an embryo) מל׳ ומזורז well-formed and of strong vitality; Snh.70b; Num. R. s. 10.Ib. מל׳ ברשע finished (refined) in wickedness, v. אפדכסיס; Gen. R. s. 60; Ruth R. to II, 1; Yalk. Gen. 109.Esp. a) to glaze tiles; to heat tiles. Bets.IV, 7 (33a) אין מְלַבְּנִין אתוכ׳ you must not heat (new) tiles (on Holy Days) for roasting on them; Y. ib. IV, end, 62d מאן דאמר מלבנין בבדוקים he who says that you may heat tiles, refers to such as have been tested (to be sound under fire).b) (of metal utensils, 5. supra) to glow. Ḥull.8a ל׳ סכיןוכ׳ if one made a knife glowing hot and cut with it; a. fr.Part. pass. מְליּבָּן, f. מְלוּבֶּנֶת. Y.Yeb.XVI, 15c bot. Hithpa. הִתְלַבֵּן, Nithpa. נִתְלַבֵּן 1) to grow white, glossy, be cleansed. Ex. R. s. 23 (play on שְׁלמ֗ה֗ a. שַׂלְמָה) מה השלמה הזאת מתלכלכת וחוזרת ומִתְלַבֶּנֶת as the garment gets soiled and is cleansed again ; (Yalk. Cant. 982 מתכבסת). Ib; Cant. R. to I, 6 נ׳ גופו his tanned skin became white again, v. כִּרְכֵּם. 2) to be glowed, heated. Sabb.27b והאונין … משיִתְלַבְּנוּ bundles of flax are considered finished after they are baked; Sifra Thazr., Neg., Par. 5, ch. 13. Hif. הִלְבִּין 1) to grow white. Neg. I, 6 היו … והִלְבִּינוּ if the hair was black and turned white. Ib. IV, 4 עיקרן … וראשן מַלְבִּין if their roots are black and their tops white. Yoma VI, 8; a. fr. 2) to whiten, cleanse. Cant. R. to V, 11 להַלְבִּין כנףוכ׳ to make white one wing of a raven. Yoma. 39b the Temple is called Lebanon שמַלְבִּיןוכ׳ because it cleanses the sins Keth.59b הרוצח שיַלְבִּין את בתו he who desires to make his daughter white-complexioned (handsome); a. e.Transf. (with פנים) to put to shame, expose. Ab. III, 11 המַלְבִּין פניוכ׳ he who exposes his fellowmau to shame in public. B. Mets.59a נוח לו לאדם שיפיל … ואל וַלְבִּיןוכ׳ man should rather have himself thrown into a furnace than put his neighbor to shame. Yalk. Deut. 938 אני מלבין פניהם I should put them to shame; (Pirké dR. El. ch. 44 מגלה, v. נָּלָה). B. Mets.58b כל המלבין … כאילו שופך דמים he who puts his neighbor to public shame is considered as if he shed blood; a. fr.Y.Succ.V, 55c bot. (play on נ̇ב̇ל̇) שמל̇ב̇ין כמה מיני זמר it shames (excels) many a musical instrument.

    Jewish literature > לָבַן

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