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См. также в других словарях:

  • metacenter — [met′ə sen΄tər] n. [Fr métacentre: see META & CENTER] that point in a floating body at which a vertical line drawn through its center of buoyancy when it is upright meets the vertical line drawn through its center of buoyancy when it is tipped;… …   English World dictionary

  • metacenter — /met euh sen teuhr/, n. Naval Archit. the intersection between two vertical lines, one through the center of buoyancy of a hull in equilibrium, the other through the center of buoyancy when the hull is inclined slightly to one side or toward one… …   Universalium

  • metacenter — noun (shipbuilding) the point of intersection between two vertical lines, one line through the center of buoyancy of the hull of a ship in equilibrium and the other line through the center of buoyancy of the hull when the ship is inclined to one… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Multihull — and monohull ship layouts A multihull is a ship, vessel, craft or boat with more than one hull. Contents 1 Description …   Wikipedia

  • Metacentric height — Ship Stability diagram showing centre of gravity (G), centre of buoyancy (B), and metacentre (M) with ship upright and heeled over to one side. Note that for small angles, G and M are fixed, while B moves as the ship heels, and for big angles B… …   Wikipedia

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