1 ♦ meanwhile
♦ meanwhile /ˈmi:nwaɪl/avv.nel frattempo; in quel mentre; frattanto; intanto● in the meanwhile, nel frattempo; in quel mentre; in quel mezzo (lett.). -
2 meanwhile
['miːnwaɪl]avverbio (anche in the meanwhile) intanto, nel frattempo* * *(during this time; at the same time: The child had gone home. Meanwhile, his mother was searching for him in the street.) nel frattempo* * *['miːnwaɪl]avverbio (anche in the meanwhile) intanto, nel frattempo -
3 meanwhile mean·while ['miːnˌwaɪl] adv
(also: in the meantime) nel frattempo, (e) intantoEnglish-Italian dictionary > meanwhile mean·while ['miːnˌwaɪl] adv
4 for the time being
(meanwhile: I am staying at home for the time being.) (per il momento) -
5 meantime
['miːntaɪm]for the meantime per il momento, intanto* * *adverb, noun((in the) time or period between: I'll hear her account of the matter later - meantime, I'd like to hear yours.) nel frattempo* * *meantime /ˈmi:ntaɪm/avv.► meanwhile.* * *['miːntaɪm]for the meantime per il momento, intanto -
6 back
I [bæk]1) schiena f., dorso m.; zool. dorso m., groppa f.to be (flat) on one's back — essere, stare (coricato) sulla schiena, supino; fig. essere a letto
to turn one's back on sb., sth. — voltare le spalle, la schiena a qcn., qcs. (anche fig.)
to do sth. behind sb.'s back — fare qcs. alle spalle di qcn. (anche fig.)
2) (reverse side) (of page, cheque, envelope) retro m.; (of fabric, medal, coin) rovescio m.; (of hand) dorso m.3) (rear-facing part) (of vehicle, electrical appliance) parte f. posteriore; (of shirt, coat) dietro m.to be out back to be in the back AE (in the garden) essere in giardino; (in the yard) essere in cortile; there's a small garden out back o round the back c'è un piccolo giardino sul retro; the steps at the back of the building — la scala sul retro dell'edificio
5) aut.to sit at the back of the plane, at the back of the bus — sedersi in fondo all'aereo, all'autobus
6) (furthest away area) (of cupboard, drawer) fondo m.; (of stage) sfondo m.at o in the back of the drawer in fondo al cassetto; those at the back couldn't see — quelli in fondo non riuscivano a vedere
7) (of chair, sofa) schienale m.8) sport difensore m., terzino m.9) (end) fine f., fondo m.••to put one's back into it — colloq. darci dentro o mettercela tutta
he's always on my back — colloq. mi sta sempre addosso
to be at the back of — essere dietro a [conspiracy, proposal]
II [bæk]to break the back of a journey, task — fare il grosso di un viaggio, di un lavoro
1) (at the rear) [wheel, paw, leg, edge] posteriore, di dietro colloq.; [bedroom, garden, gate] sul retro; [ page] ultimo2) (isolated) [ road] secondarioback alley, lane — vicolo, viuzza
3) econ. comm. [rent, interest, tax] arretratoIII [bæk]to be back — essere di ritorno, tornare
to arrive o come back tornare (indietro); he's back at work è tornato al lavoro o ha ripreso a lavorare; she's back in (the) hospital è di nuovo in ospedale o è tornata in ospedale; when is he due back? quando deve tornare? the mini-skirt is back — la minigonna è di nuovo di moda
2) (in return)to call, phone back — richiamare, ritelefonare
to punch sb. back — restituire un pugno a qcn.
to smile back at sb. — ricambiare un sorriso a qcn
3) (backwards) [glance, step, lean] indietro; [ jump] (all')indietro4) (away)5) (ago)a week, five minutes back — una settimana, cinque minuti prima o fa
back in 1964, April — nel 1964, ad aprile
7) (once again)8) (to sb.'s possession)to give, send sth. back — rendere, rispedire qcs.
to put sth. back — rimettere a posto qcs.
meanwhile, back in Italy, he... — nel frattempo, in Italia, lui...
11) back and forth avanti e indietroto swing back and forth — [ pendulum] oscillare (avanti e indietro)
IV 1. [bæk]the film cuts o moves back and forth between New York and Rome — il film si svolge tra New York e Roma
1) (support) sostenere, appoggiare [party, person, bid, strike, enterprise, project]; appoggiare [ application]2) (finance) finanziare [project, undertaking]to back a bill — comm. econ. avallare una cambiale
4) (substantiate) suffragare, convalidare [argument, claim]5) (reverse)to back sb. into sth. — fare indietreggiare qcn. fino dentro qcs
6) (bet on) puntare, scommettere su [horse, favourite, winner]7) (stiffen, line) rinforzare [ structure]; foderare [ book]; rinforzare, rintelare [ painting]; intelare, foderare [ fabric]2.1) (reverse) fare marcia indietro2) mar. [ wind] cambiare direzione•- back off- back out- back up* * *[bæk] 1. noun1) (in man, the part of the body from the neck to the bottom of the spine: She lay on her back.) schiena2) (in animals, the upper part of the body: She put the saddle on the horse's back.) dorso3) (that part of anything opposite to or furthest from the front: the back of the house; She sat at the back of the hall.) fondo, parte posteriore4) (in football, hockey etc a player who plays behind the forwards.) difensore, terzino2. adjective(of or at the back: the back door.) posteriore3. adverb1) (to, or at, the place or person from which a person or thing came: I went back to the shop; He gave the car back to its owner.) indietro2) (away (from something); not near (something): Move back! Let the ambulance get to the injured man; Keep back from me or I'll hit you!) indietro3) (towards the back (of something): Sit back in your chair.) indietro4) (in return; in response to: When the teacher is scolding you, don't answer back.) indietro; (rispondere)5) (to, or in, the past: Think back to your childhood.) indietro4. verb1) (to (cause to) move backwards: He backed (his car) out of the garage.) fare marcia indietro2) (to help or support: Will you back me against the others?) sostenere3) (to bet or gamble on: I backed your horse to win.) puntare•- backer- backbite
- backbiting
- backbone
- backbreaking
- backdate
- backfire
- background
- backhand 5. adverb(using backhand: She played the stroke backhand; She writes backhand.) di rovescio; obliquamente- backlog- back-number
- backpack
- backpacking: go backpacking
- backpacker
- backside
- backslash
- backstroke
- backup
- backwash
- backwater
- backyard
- back down
- back of
- back on to
- back out
- back up
- have one's back to the wall
- put someone's back up
- take a back seat* * *I [bæk]1) schiena f., dorso m.; zool. dorso m., groppa f.to be (flat) on one's back — essere, stare (coricato) sulla schiena, supino; fig. essere a letto
to turn one's back on sb., sth. — voltare le spalle, la schiena a qcn., qcs. (anche fig.)
to do sth. behind sb.'s back — fare qcs. alle spalle di qcn. (anche fig.)
2) (reverse side) (of page, cheque, envelope) retro m.; (of fabric, medal, coin) rovescio m.; (of hand) dorso m.3) (rear-facing part) (of vehicle, electrical appliance) parte f. posteriore; (of shirt, coat) dietro m.to be out back to be in the back AE (in the garden) essere in giardino; (in the yard) essere in cortile; there's a small garden out back o round the back c'è un piccolo giardino sul retro; the steps at the back of the building — la scala sul retro dell'edificio
5) aut.to sit at the back of the plane, at the back of the bus — sedersi in fondo all'aereo, all'autobus
6) (furthest away area) (of cupboard, drawer) fondo m.; (of stage) sfondo m.at o in the back of the drawer in fondo al cassetto; those at the back couldn't see — quelli in fondo non riuscivano a vedere
7) (of chair, sofa) schienale m.8) sport difensore m., terzino m.9) (end) fine f., fondo m.••to put one's back into it — colloq. darci dentro o mettercela tutta
he's always on my back — colloq. mi sta sempre addosso
to be at the back of — essere dietro a [conspiracy, proposal]
II [bæk]to break the back of a journey, task — fare il grosso di un viaggio, di un lavoro
1) (at the rear) [wheel, paw, leg, edge] posteriore, di dietro colloq.; [bedroom, garden, gate] sul retro; [ page] ultimo2) (isolated) [ road] secondarioback alley, lane — vicolo, viuzza
3) econ. comm. [rent, interest, tax] arretratoIII [bæk]to be back — essere di ritorno, tornare
to arrive o come back tornare (indietro); he's back at work è tornato al lavoro o ha ripreso a lavorare; she's back in (the) hospital è di nuovo in ospedale o è tornata in ospedale; when is he due back? quando deve tornare? the mini-skirt is back — la minigonna è di nuovo di moda
2) (in return)to call, phone back — richiamare, ritelefonare
to punch sb. back — restituire un pugno a qcn.
to smile back at sb. — ricambiare un sorriso a qcn
3) (backwards) [glance, step, lean] indietro; [ jump] (all')indietro4) (away)5) (ago)a week, five minutes back — una settimana, cinque minuti prima o fa
back in 1964, April — nel 1964, ad aprile
7) (once again)8) (to sb.'s possession)to give, send sth. back — rendere, rispedire qcs.
to put sth. back — rimettere a posto qcs.
meanwhile, back in Italy, he... — nel frattempo, in Italia, lui...
11) back and forth avanti e indietroto swing back and forth — [ pendulum] oscillare (avanti e indietro)
IV 1. [bæk]the film cuts o moves back and forth between New York and Rome — il film si svolge tra New York e Roma
1) (support) sostenere, appoggiare [party, person, bid, strike, enterprise, project]; appoggiare [ application]2) (finance) finanziare [project, undertaking]to back a bill — comm. econ. avallare una cambiale
4) (substantiate) suffragare, convalidare [argument, claim]5) (reverse)to back sb. into sth. — fare indietreggiare qcn. fino dentro qcs
6) (bet on) puntare, scommettere su [horse, favourite, winner]7) (stiffen, line) rinforzare [ structure]; foderare [ book]; rinforzare, rintelare [ painting]; intelare, foderare [ fabric]2.1) (reverse) fare marcia indietro2) mar. [ wind] cambiare direzione•- back off- back out- back up
См. также в других словарях:
Meanwhile — CD Camouflage Дата выпуска 1991 Записан … Википедия
Meanwhile — Meanwhile“ Studioalbum von 10cc Veröffentlichung 1992 Label Polydor Forma … Deutsch Wikipedia
Meanwhile — may refer to: Meanwhile (song), a 1999 song by George Strait Meanwhile (Camouflage album), 1991 ...Meanwhile, a 1992 album by British pop band 10cc This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an … Wikipedia
…Meanwhile — Album par 10cc Sortie 1992 Durée 51:25 Genre rock Producteur Gary Katz, 10cc Label Polydor … Wikipédia en Français
meanwhile — ► ADVERB 1) (also in the meanwhile) in the intervening period of time. 2) at the same time … English terms dictionary
Meanwhile... — Meanwhile... is a sublabel of Virgin Records founded by Nellee Hooper.ee also* List of record labels … Wikipedia
meanwhile — index ad interim Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
meanwhile — (n.) also mean while, mid 14c., from MEAN (Cf. mean) (adj.2) middle, intermediate + WHILE (Cf. while) (n.). Late 14c. as an adverb … Etymology dictionary
meanwhile — [adv] at the same time ad interim, concurrently, during the interval, for now, for the duration, for the moment, for then, for the time being, in the interim, in the interval, in the intervening time, in the meantime, meantime, simultaneously,… … New thesaurus
meanwhile — meantime, meanwhile 1. As a solitary adverb, meantime has largely given way to meanwhile, but is still occasionally found: • Meantime, melt the remaining butter in a saucepan Delia Smith, 1978. It is most often used in the phrase in the meantime … Modern English usage
meanwhile — [[t]mi͟ːn(h)waɪl[/t]] ♦♦ 1) ADV: ADV with cl Meanwhile means while a particular thing is happening. Brush the aubergines with oil, add salt and pepper, and bake till soft. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a heavy pan... Kate turned to beckon… … English dictionary