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  • 1 marra

    marra s.f.
    1 (agr.) hoe
    2 (mar.) fluke.
    * * *
    sostantivo femminile
    1) agr. hoe
    2) mar. fluke
    * * *
    sostantivo f.
     1 agr. hoe
     2 mar. fluke.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > marra

  • 2 marra

        marra ae, f    a hoe for rooting out weeds, weeding-hook: marrae et sarcula, Iu.
    * * *

    Latin-English dictionary > marra

  • 3 marra sf

    Agr hoe, Naut fluke

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > marra sf

  • 4 marra

    marra, ae, f. [etym. unknown], a sort of hoe for tearing up weeds, a weeding-hook, = ligo (post-Aug.).

    tu penitus latis eradere viscera marris Ne dubita,

    Col. 10, 72; id. 10, 89; Plin. 17, 21, 35, § 159; Juv. 15, 166.—
    Transf., a hook:

    (Silurus) in Danubio marris extrahitur,

    Plin. 9, 14, 17, § 45. [p. 1116]

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > marra

  • 5 marra

    [from Rom. "barra"] iz.
    a. ( arraia) line; \marrak atera to mark out; \marrak egin to mark off; \marra iragan duzu you've overreached your mark
    b. ( oihala, animaliari d.) stripe; \marra beltzeko alkandora a black-striped shirt
    c. ( paperari d.) line
    d. Kir. line; \marran ari da he's playing the line; pasa-\marra inbounds line; \marratik pasa to go over the line | to overstep the line
    e. (azalari d.) line; ahurreko marretatik ezagutzen dute aztiek luze ala laburra izango den gure bizia from the lines in our palms, palm readers know how long or short we will live
    2. (Inp.) ( ikurra)
    a. hyphen, dash
    b. kentzeko \marra minus sign
    3. ( ileari d.) part; buruko ileak \marra batez bereizi to part his hair
    a. ( neurria) limit; \marra eta mugarik ez duen ondasuna goodness which has no bounds and limits
    b. borderline; Euskal Herriko \marraraino up to the Basque borderline
    4. ( harriari d.) vein streak
    5. ( marka) record; egun hartan egin zuen munduko \marrarik handiena on that day he set the greatest world record
    iz. ( bitxia) jewel

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > marra

  • 6 marra

    be bitter [Sem m-r-r, Mal morr (bitter), Akk mararu (be bitter), Heb mar (bitter), Syr marira, JNA marira, Hrs mer, Amh merara, Tig meraret (bile), Uga mr (bitter)]
    pass [Mal mar (go), Uga mrr (chase), Amh merra (lead)]
    time, occasion [marra] Per marre borrowed from Ar

    Arabic etymological dictionary > marra

  • 7 marra

    (Arabic) finish (line), destination, goal; (mil.) line. marra bizniki victory is ours. ishni marraga etkaz to take a job to its end, to reach one’s goal. mudofaa marralari lines of defence

    Uzbek-English dictionary > marra

  • 8 marra

    sf ['marra]
    Agr hoe, Naut fluke

    Nuovo dizionario Italiano-Inglese > marra

  • 9 marra

    incubus, nightmare, nightmare

    Faroese-English dictionary > marra

  • 10 mango de marra

    • sledge handle

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > mango de marra

  • 11 Marrakesh sf


    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > Marrakesh sf

  • 12 lerro

    a. line; \lerro hautsia broken line; \lerro zut vertical line
    b. ( ilada) row; hogei dantzari, lau \lerrotan twenty dancers in four rows; \lerroan ezarri to line up
    2. ( maila) level; zuhurren \lerroan ezarri zuten they ranked him among the wisest; ofizial guztiz \lerro gorako bat a very high-ranking official; idazle onenen \lerroan ipini zuen bere burua he ranked himself among the best writers; \lerro berean at the same level
    a. line; \lerro batzuk idatzi to write some lines; \lerroz \lerro irakurri to read line by line; hogei bat \lerrotan adierazita expressed in some twenty lines
    b. ( liburuari d.) line
    4. Mil. line; \lerroak lines; guda \lerro battleline; sueteneko \lerro ceasefire line; tiroka \lerro firing line
    5. (Geom.) line; \lerro paraleloak parallel lines ; \lerro zuzena straight line; banatzeko \lerro dividing line; bi \lerroak elkar jotzen duten puntuan at the point where the two lines intersect
    a. line, bounds line; alkandora gorria, \lerro zuriz apaindua a red shirt graced with white stripes
    b. Kir. marra
    a. ( andana) series; isilduko zara galdera \lerro horrekin? will you quit asking so many questions?;
    b. mendi\lerro mountain range

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > lerro

  • 13 mamarr

    corridor [marra] Per mamarr borrowed from Ar

    Arabic etymological dictionary > mamarr

  • 14 marara

    bile, bitterness [marra] Per mararat borrowed from Ar

    Arabic etymological dictionary > marara

  • 15 marr

    spade [Akk marru, JNA marra]

    Arabic etymological dictionary > marr

  • 16 miraran

    passingly, temporarily [marra]

    Arabic etymological dictionary > miraran

  • 17 mirra

    bile [marra]

    Arabic etymological dictionary > mirra

  • 18 mur

    myrrh [marra]

    Arabic etymological dictionary > mur

  • 19 murr

    myrrh; bitter [marra]

    Arabic etymological dictionary > murr

  • 20 murur

    transit [marra] Per morur borrowed from Ar

    Arabic etymological dictionary > murur

См. также в других словарях:

  • Marra — Höhe 3.042 m …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • marra — s.f. [lat. marra, voce di origine semitica]. (tecn.) [strumento con ferro triangolare, usato per lavorare il terreno in superficie] ▶◀ ‖ zappa …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • marra — s. f. 1. Sacho para mondar. 2. Rego ou valeta ao lado do caminho. 3. Clareira em vinhedos ou olivais. 4.  [Jogos] Jogo infantil em que um dos jogadores deve evitar que os outros lhe toquem. 5.  [Portugal: Minho] Parte do instrumento cortante,… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Marra — (Dschebel M.), meist vulkanisches Gebirgsmassiv von über 1800 m Höhe in Dar Für (s. d.) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Marra — marra, marret nm bélier Toulouse anc …   Glossaire des noms topographiques en France

  • marrã — s. f. 1. Bácora que já deixou de mamar. 2. Carne fresca de porco; marrana …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • marra — sustantivo femenino 1. Mazo para partir piedras …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • marra — I (Del lat. marra, especie de azada.) ► sustantivo femenino Mazo de hierro con el mango largo que sirve para romper piedras. SINÓNIMO almádena II (Derivado de marrar.) ► sustantivo femenino Ausencia o falta de una cosa en el lugar donde debería… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • marra — I Cumbrian Dictionary (pronoun. marra) mate, e.g. Y arlreet marra ? = How are you, my friend ? II A Geordie Dictionary A friend or workmate particularly in the collieries III North Country (Newcastle) Words or (as sometimes written) marra to… …   English dialects glossary

  • marra — noun A friend, pal, buddy, mate. Cheers marra! …   Wiktionary

  • marra — amarra démarra marra redémarra …   Dictionnaire des rimes

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