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  • 41 major

    ['mei‹ə] 1. adjective
    (great, or greater, in size, importance etc: major and minor roads; a major discovery.) velký; větší
    2. noun
    1) ((often abbreviated to Maj. when written) the rank next below lieutenant-colonel.) major
    2) ((American) the subject in which you specialize at college or university: a major in physics; Her major is psychology.) hlavní zaměření (studia)
    3. verb
    ((with in) (American) to study a certain subject in which you specialize at college or university: She is majoring in philosophy.) specializovat se
    - major-general
    - the age of majority
    * * *
    • většina
    • vážný
    • většinový
    • závažný
    • přední
    • hlavní
    • major
    • majoritní
    • dur
    • důležitý

    English-Czech dictionary > major

  • 42 major

    ['mei‹ə] 1. adjective
    (great, or greater, in size, importance etc: major and minor roads; a major discovery.) veľký; väčší
    2. noun
    1) ((often abbreviated to Maj. when written) the rank next below lieutenant-colonel.) major
    2) ((American) the subject in which you specialize at college or university: a major in physics; Her major is psychology.) hlavný študijný odbor, špecializácia
    3. verb
    ((with in) (American) to study a certain subject in which you specialize at college or university: She is majoring in philosophy.) špecializovať sa (na), zvoliť si ako hlavný odbor (čo)
    - major-general
    - the age of majority
    * * *
    • velký
    • väcší
    • významnejší
    • závažnejší
    • špecializovat sa
    • špecializácia
    • starší
    • študovat hlavný predmet
    • dur (hud.)
    • hlavný
    • dospelý clovek
    • dospelý
    • plnoletý
    • major
    • nadriadený

    English-Slovak dictionary > major

  • 43 major

    важный; главный; значительный; крупный

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > major

  • 44 major

    ['mei‹ə] 1. adjective
    (great, or greater, in size, importance etc: major and minor roads; a major discovery.) mikill, helstur, aðal-; mikilfenglegur
    2. noun
    1) ((often abbreviated to Maj. when written) the rank next below lieutenant-colonel.) majór
    2) ((American) the subject in which you specialize at college or university: a major in physics; Her major is psychology.)
    3. verb
    ((with in) (American) to study a certain subject in which you specialize at college or university: She is majoring in philosophy.)
    - major-general
    - the age of majority

    English-Icelandic dictionary > major

  • 45 major

    főtantárgy, nagyobb, őrnagy, idősebb, szaktárgy a major: A-dúr
    * * *
    ['mei‹ə] 1. adjective
    (great, or greater, in size, importance etc: major and minor roads; a major discovery.) nagyobb
    2. noun
    1) ((often abbreviated to Maj. when written) the rank next below lieutenant-colonel.) őrnagy
    2) ((American) the subject in which you specialize at college or university: a major in physics; Her major is psychology.) főtantárgy, szaktárgy
    3. verb
    ((with in) (American) to study a certain subject in which you specialize at college or university: She is majoring in philosophy.) főtantárgynak választ
    - major-general
    - the age of majority

    English-Hungarian dictionary > major

  • 46 major

    ['mei‹ə] 1. adjective
    (great, or greater, in size, importance etc: major and minor roads; a major discovery.) mare, major
    2. noun
    1) ((often abbreviated to Maj. when written) the rank next below lieutenant-colonel.) maior
    2) ((American) the subject in which you specialize at college or university: a major in physics; Her major is psychology.)
    3. verb
    ((with in) (American) to study a certain subject in which you specialize at college or university: She is majoring in philosophy.)
    - major-general
    - the age of majority

    English-Romanian dictionary > major

  • 47 major

    бо́льший, большо́й, важный, первостепенный, значительный
    - major drawback
    - major part of his life
    - work of major importance

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > major

  • 48 major

    1. a
    1) гла́вный

    major war criminals — гла́вные вое́нные престу́пники

    major operationмед серьёзная опера́ция

    2) муз мажо́р( ный)
    2. n
    1) воен майо́р м
    2) (студе́нт) специализи́рующийся в...

    he is a chemistry major — его́ основно́й предме́т, хи́мия

    3. v
    специализи́роваться (in smth, в чём-л.)

    he is majoring in crystallography( о выпускнике университета) он специализи́руется в кристаллогра́фии

    - major league
    - major suit

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > major

  • 49 major

    ['mei‹ə] 1. adjective
    (great, or greater, in size, importance etc: major and minor roads; a major discovery.) principal
    2. noun
    1) ((often abbreviated to Maj. when written) the rank next below lieutenant-colonel.) major
    2) ((American) the subject in which you specialize at college or university: a major in physics; Her major is psychology.)
    3. verb
    ((with in) (American) to study a certain subject in which you specialize at college or university: She is majoring in philosophy.)
    - major-general - the age of majority

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > major

  • 50 major

    [΄meidзə] a մեծ, գլխավոր, հիմնական, ավագ. the major part գլխավոր/հիմնական մասը. the major problem գլխավոր հարցը. major repairs կապիտալ վերանորոգում. major offender իրավ. լուրջ հանցագործ. հմկրգ. major failure էական անսարքություն
    [΄meidзə] n ռզմ. մայոր. երժշտ. մա ժորա յին, մաժոր. the key of C major դո մաժոր տոնայնությամբ
    [΄meidзə] v մասնագիտանալ. He has majored in medieval history Նա մասնագիտացել է միջին դարերի պատմության գծով

    English-Armenian dictionary > major

  • 51 major

    I. 1. (по-) голям, (по-) важен, главен, значителен, старши
    Jones MAJOR уч. големият Джоунс (от двама братя)
    2. юр. пълнолетен
    3. лог. пръв, главен (за член на силогизъм)
    4. муз. мажорен
    5. карти мажорен
    6. унив. пръв, главен (за специалност)
    II. 1. юр. пълнолетен човек
    2. воен. майор
    3. ам. унив. главен предмет, човек, специализирал по даден предмет
    4. лог. главно съждение (в силогизъм)
    5. муз. мажорна гама/ключ/интервал
    III. v ам. специализирам (се) (in)
    * * *
    {'meijъ} I. а 1. (по-)голям; (по-)важен, главен, значителен;(2) {'meijъ} v ам. специализирам (се) (in).
    * * *
    старши; главен; пълнолетен; капитален; значителен; мажорен; майор;
    * * *
    1. i. (по-) голям, (по-) важен, главен, значителен, старши 2. ii. юр. пълнолетен човек 3. iii. v ам. специализирам (се) (in) 4. jones major уч. големият Джоунс (от двама братя) 5. ам. унив. главен предмет, човек, специализирал по даден предмет 6. воен. майор 7. карти мажорен 8. лог. главно съждение (в силогизъм) 9. лог. пръв, главен (за член на силогизъм) 10. муз. мажорен 11. муз. мажорна гама/ключ/интервал 12. унив. пръв, главен (за специалност) 13. юр. пълнолетен
    * * *
    major[´meidʒə] I. adj 1. (по-)голям; (по-)важен, главен, значителен; старши; the \major poets големите, значителните поети; Jones \major уч. Големия Джоунс (от двама братя); 2. юрид. пълнолетен; 3. лог. пръв, главен (за член на силогизъм); 4. муз. мажорен; II. n 1. юрид. пълнолетен човек; 2. воен. (съкр. Maj.) майор; 3. ам. уч. основен предмет; човек, специализирал по даден предмет (in); 4. лог. главно съждение (в силогизъм); 5. муз. мажорна гама (ключ, интервал); III. v ам. уч. специализирам (се) (in).

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > major

  • 52 major

    • opiskella pääaineenaan
    • isompi
    • tärkeä
    • duuri
    • aikuinen
    • täysi-ikäinen
    • täysiikäinen
    • täysikäinen
    • vakava
    • pääaineopiskelija
    • pää
    • pääaine
    • merkittävä
    • majuri
    • suurempi
    • suurehko
    • suuri
    * * *
    'mei‹ə 1. adjective
    (great, or greater, in size, importance etc: major and minor roads; a major discovery.) merkittävä
    2. noun
    1) ((often abbreviated to Maj. when written) the rank next below lieutenant-colonel.) majuri
    2) ((American) the subject in which you specialize at college or university: a major in physics; Her major is psychology.)
    3. verb
    ((with in) (American) to study a certain subject in which you specialize at college or university: She is majoring in philosophy.)
    - major-general
    - the age of majority

    English-Finnish dictionary > major

  • 53 major

    ['mei‹ə] 1. adjective
    (great, or greater, in size, importance etc: major and minor roads; a major discovery.) lielākais; nozīmīgākais
    2. noun
    1) ((often abbreviated to Maj. when written) the rank next below lieutenant-colonel.) majors
    2) ((American) the subject in which you specialize at college or university: a major in physics; Her major is psychology.) studiju specializācijas priekšmets
    3. verb
    ((with in) (American) to study a certain subject in which you specialize at college or university: She is majoring in philosophy.) specializēties studiju priekšmetā
    - major-general
    - the age of majority
    * * *
    majors; pilngadīgais; galvenā premisa; galvenais specializācijas priekšmets; students, kas specializējas kādā priekšmetā; mažors; nozīmīgākais, lielākais; vecākais; mažora, specializēties

    English-Latvian dictionary > major

  • 54 major

    ['mei‹ə] 1. adjective
    (great, or greater, in size, importance etc: major and minor roads; a major discovery.) pagrindinis, didesnis, svarbesnis
    2. noun
    1) ((often abbreviated to Maj. when written) the rank next below lieutenant-colonel.) majoras
    2) ((American) the subject in which you specialize at college or university: a major in physics; Her major is psychology.) pagrindinis specializacijos dalykas
    3. verb
    ((with in) (American) to study a certain subject in which you specialize at college or university: She is majoring in philosophy.) specializuotis
    - major-general
    - the age of majority

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > major

  • 55 major

    adj важливий, головний, значний
    - major international problems головні/ найважливіші міжнародні проблеми
    - major issue головне питання, головна проблема
    - major problem головне питання, головна проблема
    - major question головне питання, головна проблема

    English-Ukrainian diplomatic dictionary > major

  • 56 major

    ['mei‹ə] 1. adjective
    (great, or greater, in size, importance etc: major and minor roads; a major discovery.) μείζων,σημαντικότερος/πολύ σημαντικός
    2. noun
    1) ((often abbreviated to Maj. when written) the rank next below lieutenant-colonel.) ταγματάρχης
    2) ((American) the subject in which you specialize at college or university: a major in physics; Her major is psychology.) ειδίκευση
    3. verb
    ((with in) (American) to study a certain subject in which you specialize at college or university: She is majoring in philosophy.) κάνω ειδίκευση
    - major-general
    - the age of majority

    English-Greek dictionary > major

  • 57 major

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > major

  • 58 major

    ['mei‹ə] 1. adjective
    (great, or greater, in size, importance etc: major and minor roads; a major discovery.) majeur
    2. noun
    1) ((often abbreviated to Maj. when written) the rank next below lieutenant-colonel.) commandant/-ante
    2) ((American) the subject in which you specialize at college or university: a major in physics; Her major is psychology.)
    3. verb
    ((with in) (American) to study a certain subject in which you specialize at college or university: She is majoring in philosophy.)
    - major-general - the age of majority

    English-French dictionary > major

  • 59 major

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > major

  • 60 major

    force major circumstances
    чрезвычайные обстоятельства
    major components
    основные агрегаты
    major overhaul
    капитальный ремонт
    major repair
    капитальный ремонт
    require major repair
    требовать капитального ремонта

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > major

См. также в других словарях:

  • Major — Major …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • major — [ maʒɔr ] adj. et n. • XVIe; en provenç., XIIIe; lat. major, compar. de magnus « grand » I ♦ Adj. Milit. Supérieur par le rang (dans quelques comp.).⇒ état major, tambour major. Médecin major. Sergent major. II ♦ N. 1 …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Major — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Major (homonymie). Major est un grade militaire, qui se situe différemment dans la hiérarchie militaire suivant les pays. Il désigne le premier grade d officier supérieur ou, dans l armée française, un grade… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Major — ist ein militärischer Dienstgrad verschiedener Länder. Er gehört zur Dienstgradgruppe der Stabsoffiziere. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Historisches 2 Deutschland 3 Österreich 4 Schweiz …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • major — MAJÓR, Ă, majori, e, adj. 1. (Despre oameni) Care a împlinit vârsta legală pentru a putea beneficia prin lege de drepturi civile şi politice depline. 2. Foarte important, principal. ♦ (log.: în sintagmele) Termen major = predicatul concluziei… …   Dicționar Român

  • Major — Ma jor, [L. major, compar. of magnus great: cf. F. majeur. Cf. {Master}, {Mayor}, {Magnitude}, {More}, a.] 1. Greater in number, quantity, or extent; as, the major part of the assembly; the major part of the revenue; the major part of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • major — Major. s. m. Officier de guerre dans un corps, qui porte les ordres des Commandants à tous les autres Officiers. Le Major d un Regiment. le Major de, la place. Major des Gardes du Corps, Est un Officier qui fait servir les Gardes auprés du Roy, & …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • major — [mā′jər] adj. [ME maiour < L major, compar. of magnus, great: see MAGNI ] 1. a) greater in size, amount, number, or extent b) greater in importance or rank 2. of full legal age 3. constituting the majority: said of a part, etc …   English World dictionary

  • major — is commonly used, especially in journalism, to mean ‘important, significant’, without any notion of comparison inherent in the word s origins. A political leader invariably gives a major speech, a reference book is published in a major new… …   Modern English usage

  • Major — Ma jor, n. [F. major. See {Major}, a.] 1. (Mil.) An officer next in rank above a captain and next below a lieutenant colonel; the lowest field officer. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) A person of full age. [1913 Webster] 3. (Logic) That premise which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • major in — ˈmajor in [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they major in he/she/it majors in present participle majoring in past tense majored in past p …   Useful english dictionary

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