1 magnetosphere
2 magnetosphere
- daytime magnetosphere
- lower magnetosphere
- magnetosphere of comet
- night-time magnetosphere
- nocturnal magnetosphere
- open magnetosphere
- planetary magnetosphere
- upper magnetosphereThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > magnetosphere
3 magnetosphere
4 magnetosphere
5 magnetosphere
Область существования магнитного поля Земли, имеющая размер более десяти радиусов Земли
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > magnetosphere
6 magnetosphere
магнитосфера (астрономия) магнитосфераБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > magnetosphere
7 magnetosphere
8 magnetosphere
9 magnetosphere
магнитосфера (область существования магнитного поля Земли, имеющая размер более десяти радиусов Земли)* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > magnetosphere
10 magnetosphere
11 magnetosphere
1) Техника: магнитосфера2) Экология: магнетосфера -
12 magnetosphere
13 magnetosphere
14 magnetosphere
15 magnetosphere
магнитосфера -
16 magnetosphere
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > magnetosphere
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магнитосфераEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > magnetosphere
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n астр. магнитосфера -
20 magnetosphere
См. также в других словарях:
Magnetosphere — Magnétosphère La magnétosphère est la région entourant un objet céleste dans laquelle les phénomènes physiques sont dominés ou organisés par son champ magnétique. Toute planète dotée d un champ magnétique (la Terre, Jupiter, Saturne, Uranus et… … Wikipédia en Français
magnétosphère — [ maɲetɔsfɛr ] n. f. • av. 1966; de magnéto et sphère, d apr. atmosphère ♦ Géophys. Région de l espace entourant la Terre dans laquelle est confiné le champ magnétique terrestre. ● magnétosphère nom féminin Zone dans laquelle le champ magnétique… … Encyclopédie Universelle
magnetosphere — mag*net o*sphere, n. the magnetic field of a planet; the volume around the planet in which charged particles are subject more to the planet s magnetic field than to the solar magnetic field. [WordNet 1.6] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
magnetosphere — (n.) 1959, from MAGNETO (Cf. magneto ) + SPHERE (Cf. sphere). So called because in it the magnetic field of the earth plays a dominant role in the motion of particles … Etymology dictionary
magnetosphere — [mag nēt′ō sfir΄, magnēt′əsfir΄; magnet′ō sfir΄, magnet′ə sfir΄] n. [ MAGNETO + SPHERE] that region surrounding a planet in which the planet s magnetic field is stronger than the interplanetary field: the solar wind gives it a cometlike shape… … English World dictionary
Magnetosphere — A magnetosphere is formed when a stream of charged particles, such as the solar wind, interacts with and is deflected by the intrinsic magnetic field of a planet or similar body. Earth is surrounded by a magnetosphere, as are the other planets… … Wikipedia
Magnétosphère — La magnétosphère est la région entourant un objet céleste dans laquelle les phénomènes physiques sont dominés ou organisés par son champ magnétique. Toute planète dotée d un champ magnétique (la Terre, Jupiter, Saturne, Uranus et Neptune) possède … Wikipédia en Français
magnetosphere — magnetospheric /mag nee teuh sfer ik/, adj. /mag nee teuh sfear /, n. Astron. 1. the outer region of the earth s ionosphere, where the earth s magnetic field controls the motion of charged particles, as in the Van Allen belts. Cf. magnetopause. 2 … Universalium
magnetosphere — magnetosfera statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Erdvė, kurioje kosminio kūno, pvz., Jupiterio, Žemės, magnetinis laukas sąveikauja su kosminių elektringųjų dalelių srautais. atitikmenys: angl. magnetosphere vok. Magnetosphäre,… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Magnetosphere of Jupiter — Discovery[1] Discovered by … Wikipedia
Magnetosphere of Saturn — Aurorae on the south pole of Saturn as viewed by Hubble Internal field[1 … Wikipedia