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См. также в других словарях:

  • Line of sight — Line Line, n. [OE. line, AS. l[=i]ne cable, hawser, prob. from L. linea a linen thread, string, line, fr. linum flax, thread, linen, cable; but the English word was influenced by F. ligne line, from the same L. word linea. See {Linen}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Line-of-sight — may refer to: * Line of sight propagation, radio * Line of sight (gaming) * Line of sight (trigonometry) …   Wikipedia

  • line´-of-sight´ — line of sight, 1. the straight line from the eye to the object it is looking at, such as a target in shooting or bombing. 2. the straight line of the beam from a radar antenna. –line´ of sight´, adjective …   Useful english dictionary

  • line of sight — n 1) a line from an observer s eye to a distant point 2) LINE OF VISION * * * a straight line from the center of the pupil to the object viewed …   Medical dictionary

  • line of sight — line′ of sight′ n. 1) sur an imaginary straight line running through aligned sights, as of a firearm 2) an imaginary straight line that connects the center of the eye with the point focused on 3) sightline …   From formal English to slang

  • line of sight — n. 1. an imaginary straight line joining the center of the eye of the observer with the object viewed 2. Radio TV the straight path from a transmitting antenna to the horizon, representing the normal range of high frequency wave propagation: Also …   English World dictionary

  • line of sight — index perspective Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • line of sight — noun an imaginary straight line along which an observer looks • Syn: ↑line of vision • Hypernyms: ↑line * * * 1. or line of sighting : a linear projection toward a target of the straight line obtained when the sights of a firearm are in perfect… …   Useful english dictionary

  • line of sight — lines of sight N COUNT: usu sing, oft with poss Your line of sight is an imaginary line that stretches between your eye and the object that you are looking at. He was trying to keep out of the bird s line of sight. Syn: line of vision …   English dictionary

  • line of sight — i. The straight line between two points. This line is in the plane of the great circle but does not follow the contour of the earth. Radar and some forms of radio waves are capable of being received in the line of sight. ii. The straight line… …   Aviation dictionary

  • line of sight — taikymo linija statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Pabūklo taikymo įtaisų optinės ašies, užimančios tam tikrą padėtį vamzdžio ašies atžvilgiu kiekvienu pabūklo nutaikymo momentu, tęsinys. Šaudant tiesioginiu taikymu taikymo linija sutampa su… …   Artilerijos terminų žodynas

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