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с вьетнамского на все языки


  • 1 die Ruhe

    - {balance} cái cân, sự thăng bằng sự cân bằng, cán cân, sự cân nhắc kỹ, sự thăng trầm của số mệnh, cung thiên bình, toà thiên bình, đối trọng, quả lắc, bản đối chiếu thu chi, bản quyết toán - sai ngạch, số còn lại, số dư, sự cân xứng - {calm} sự yên lặng, sự êm ả, sự bình tĩnh, sự điềm tĩnh, sự thanh thản, thời kỳ yên ổn - {calmness} - {cessation} sự dừng, sự ngừng, sự đình, sự chấm dứt - {composure} - {ease} sự thoải mái, sự không bị ràng buộc, sự thanh nhàn, sự nhàn hạ, sự dễ dàng, dự thanh thoát, sự dễ chịu, sự không bị đau đớn, sự khỏi đau - {peace} hoà bình, thái bình, sự hoà thuận, Peace) hoà ước, sự yên ổn, sự trật tự an ninh, sự yên tĩnh, sự an tâm - {placidity} tính bình tĩnh, tính trầm tĩnh, tính trầm lặng, tính bình thản, tính thanh thản, tính dịu dàng, tính nhẹ nhàng - {quiescence} sự im lìm - {quiet} sự thanh bình - {quietness} sự trầm lặng, sự nhã, cảnh yên ổn, cảnh thanh bình - {recumbency} tư thế nằm, tư thế ngả người - {repose} sự nghỉ ngơi, sự nghỉ, giấc ngủ, sự phối hợp hài hoà, dáng ung dung, thư thái, dáng khoan thai đĩnh đạc - {respite} sự hoãn, thời gian nghỉ ngơi - {rest} lúc nghỉ ngơi, sự yên tâm, sự yên lòng, sự thư thái, sự yên nghỉ, sự ngừng lại, nơi trú tạm, chỗ nghỉ ngơi, cái giá đỡ, cái chống, cái tựa, lặng, dấu lặng, vật còn lại, cái còn lại - những người khác, những cái khác, quỹ dự trữ, sổ quyết toán - {retirement} sự ẩn dật, nơi hẻo lánh, nơi ẩn dật, sự về hưu, sự thôi, sự rút lui, sự bỏ cuộc, sự rút về, sự không cho lưu hành - {sedateness} tính khoan thai - {silence} sự lặng thinh, sự nín lặng, sự im hơi lặng tiếng, sự lãng quên, sự tĩnh mịch - {stillness} - {tranquillity} sự lặng lẽ = die Ruhe (Poesie) {still}+ = Ruhe- {neutral}+ = Ruhe! {order!; silence!}+ = in aller Ruhe {without ruffle or excitement}+ = die Ruhe bewahren {to keep calm; to keep cool; to keep one's head; to maintain one's composure}+ = zur Ruhe gehen {to go to roost}+ = zur Ruhe legen {to repose}+ = in Ruhe lassen {to leave alone; to let be}+ = angenehme Ruhe! {sleep well!}+ = zur Ruhe kommen {to settle down}+ = zur Ruhe bringen {to hush; to lay to rest; to rest; to settle; to still}+ = die Ruhe selbst sein {to be as cool as a cucumber}+ = die vollkommene Ruhe {dead calm}+ = laß mich in Ruhe! {leave me alone!; let me alone!; let me be!}+ = Immer mit der Ruhe! {Hold your horses!}+ = immer mit der Ruhe! {take it easy!}+ = seine Ruhe behalten {to keep one's temper}+ = seine Ruhe bewahren {to keep one's balance}+ = sich zur Ruhe setzen {to retire}+ = Ich möchte in Ruhe lesen. {I want to read in peace.}+ = jemandem keine Ruhe lassen {to give someone no peace}+ = ich habe Ruhe dringend nötig {I need some rest badly}+ = Ich beneide Sie um Ihre Ruhe. {I envy your calm.}+ = sich nicht aus der Ruhe bringen lassen {to remain imperturbed}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > die Ruhe

  • 2 die Sache

    - {affair} việc, công việc, việc làm, sự vụ, chuyện tình, chuyện yêu đương, chuyện vấn đề, việc buôn bán, việc giao thiệp, cái, thứ, vật, đồ, món, chuyện, trận đánh nhỏ - {artefact} sự giả tạo, giả tượng, đồ tạo tác - {case} trường hợp, cảnh ngộ, hoàn cảnh, tình thế, ca, vụ, việc kiện, việc thưa kiện, kiện, việc tố tụng, cách, hộp, hòm, ngăn, túi, vỏ, hộp chữ in - {cause} nguyên nhân, nguyên do, căn nguyên, lẽ, cớ, lý do, động cơ, mục tiêu, mục đích, sự nghiệp, đại nghĩa, chính nghĩa - {concern} sự liên quan tới, sự dính líu tới, lợi, lợi lộc, phần, cổ phần, chuyện phải lo, sự lo lắng, sự lo âu, sự lo ngại, sự quan tâm, hãng buôn, xí nghiệp, công việc kinh doanh - {matter} chất, vật chất, đề, chủ đề, nội dung, vật phẩm, điều, sự kiện, vấn đề, việc quan trọng, chuyện quan trọng, số ước lượng, khoảng độ, cơ hội, mủ - {thing} thức, sự, đồ dùng, dụng cụ, đồ đạc, quần áo..., sự việc, người, sinh vật, của cải, tài sản, mẫu, vật mẫu, kiểu = zur Sache! {question!}+ = die heiße Sache {hot stuff}+ = die klare Sache {plain sailing}+ = die ganze Sache {the whole issue}+ = die große Sache {do}+ = die Sache ist die {the point is}+ = der Kern der Sache {root of the matter}+ = die wertlose Sache {yellow dog}+ = die riskante Sache {touch-and-go}+ = die verfehlte Sache {failure}+ = das ist deine Sache {it's your funeral; that's your own lookout}+ = das ist meine Sache {that's my affair; that's my business}+ = die unsichere Sache {toss-up}+ = der Sache nachgehen {to go into the matter}+ = eine dumme Sache {an unpleasant business}+ = zur Sache kommen {to come to business; to come to the point; to get down to brass tacks; to touch bottom}+ = die todsichere Sache {dead certainty}+ = die praktische Sache {geegaw}+ = die großartige Sache {ripper; slasher}+ = eine reelle Sache {a square deal}+ = die eigenartige Sache {oddity}+ = die gefährliche Sache {caution}+ = die altmodische Sache {backnumber}+ = die hinderliche Sache {bind}+ = die langweilige Sache {bore}+ = die abgekartete Sache {collusion}+ = einer Sache ähneln {to simulate}+ = die eingebildete Sache {nonentity}+ = die weitbekannte Sache {notoriety}+ = die beschlossene Sache {settled matter}+ = die Sache lohnt nicht. {the game is not worth the candle.}+ = die erstaunliche Sache {knockout}+ = Das ist Ihre Sache! {It's your funeral!}+ = einer Sache entsagen {to renounce}+ = eine Sache verdienen {to be worthy of a thing}+ = einer Sache berauben {to shear of a thing}+ = einer Sache vorbauen {to take precautions against something}+ = der Sache gewachsen sein {to be up to the mark}+ = einer Sache beikommen {to cope with someone}+ = einer Sache wert sein {to be worthy of a thing}+ = eine Sache besprechen {to talk a matter over}+ = einer Sache nachjagen {to hunt for something}+ = bei der Sache bleiben {to stick to the point}+ = eine abgekartete Sache {a piece of jobbery; a put-up job}+ = eine ausgemachte Sache {a foregone conclusion}+ = einer Sache nachspüren {to spy into something}+ = im Verlauf einer Sache {in the course of a thing}+ = einer Sache nachhelfen {to help something along}+ = das gehört nicht zur Sache {that's beside the point}+ = die Sache läßt sich gut an {things are shaping well}+ = einer Sache entsprechen {to measure up to a thing}+ = gemeinsame Sache machen {to pool}+ = um die Sache herumreden {to beat about the bush}+ = sich einer Sache rühmen {to glory}+ = nicht zur Sache gehörig {beside the question; out of court}+ = unbeschadet einer Sache {without prejudice to a thing}+ = das ist eine Sache für sich {that's another story}+ = gemeinsame Sache machen [mit] {to make common cause [with]}+ = jemandes Sache vertreten {to plead to someone's cause}+ = nicht zur Sache gehörend {irrelevant}+ = einer Sache beipflichten {to consent to something}+ = um eine Sache herumreden {to talk round a subject}+ = eine aussichtslose Sache {a lost cause}+ = einer Sache mächtig sein {to master something}+ = die Sache gefällt mir nicht. {I don't like the look of it.}+ = sich einer Sache annehmen {to take care of something}+ = einer Sache untreu werden {to desert a cause}+ = so wie ich die Sache sehe {the way I see it}+ = einer Sache gewärtig sein {to be prepared for something}+ = sich einer Sache hingeben {to addict to a thing}+ = sich einer Sache enthalten {to abstain from a thing}+ = einer Sache habhaft werden {to get hold of something}+ = einer Sache gewachsen sein {to be equal to something; to feel equal to something}+ = eine ganz verfahrene Sache {the devil of a mess}+ = eine rein persönliche Sache {a purely personal matter}+ = einer Sache nicht gewachsen {unequal to something}+ = für eine gute Sache kämpfen {to fight for a good cause}+ = einer Sache ausgesetzt sein {to be liable to something}+ = sich einer Sache entledigen {to acquit oneself of a duty; to get rid of something}+ = du vernebelst die Sache nur {you are clouding the issue}+ = eine Sache überdrüssig sein {to be tired of something}+ = einer Sache angemessen sein {to be suited to something}+ = die ganze Sache ist abgeblasen. {the whole thing is off.}+ = sich einer Sache widersetzen {to fight against something}+ = einer Sache voll bewußt sein {to be awake to something}+ = einer Sache überdrüssig sein {to be out of conceit with something; to be out of love with a thing}+ = er ging die Sache langsam an {he used a low-key approach}+ = einer Sache entgegenarbeiten {to thwart something}+ = damit ist die Sache erledigt {that settles the matter}+ = das ist eine völlig andere Sache {that is quite another matter}+ = Haben Sie die Sache erledigt? {Did you straighten out the matter?}+ = sich hinter eine Sache setzen {to put one's back into something}+ = wie fassen Sie die Sache auf? {what is your version of the matter?}+ = einer Sache genau entsprechen {to check with something}+ = Einblick in eine Sache nehmen {to look into a matter}+ = sich einer Sache verschreiben {to devote oneself to something}+ = Es war eine abgekartete Sache. {It was a put-up affair.}+ = die Sache verhält sich ganz anders {that's an entirely different thing}+ = Er bringt Schwung in die Sache. {He makes things hum.}+ = ein Licht auf eine Sache werfen {to throw a light on the matter}+ = die Sache hat mir gehörig zugesetzt {that affair took it out of me}+ = laßt uns die Sache fertig machen {let's put some meat on the bones}+ = sich einer Sache würdig erweisen {to prove worthy of something}+ = damit ist die Sache nicht abgetan {that doesn't settle the matter}+ = die Sache verhält sich folgendermaßen {things are as follows}+ = die ganze Sache sieht verdächtig aus. {the whole thing looks fishy.}+ = sich einer Sache nicht bewußt sein {to be unconscious of something}+ = jemanden von einer Sache entbinden {to release someone from something}+ = die Sache verhält sich genau umgekehrt {the boot is on the other leg}+ = einer Sache wehrlos gegenüberstehen {to be helpless against something}+ = Ich bin ganz außer mir über die Sache. {I'm quite put out about the matter.}+ = mit Leib und Seele bei einer Sache geben {to do something with heart and soul}+ = eine unangenehme Sache unerledigt weitergeben {to pass the buck}+ = sich der erfolgversprechenden Sache anschließen {to jump on the bandwagon}+ = in dem Bewußtsein, für eine gute Sache zu arbeiten {conscious of working for a good cause}+ = das letzte Wort in dieser Sache ist noch nicht gesprochen {the last word has not yet been said on this matter}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > die Sache

См. также в других словарях:

  • settle — set|tle1 [ setl ] verb *** ▸ 1 end disagreement ▸ 2 go and live somewhere ▸ 3 fall & rest on ground ▸ 4 pay all money owed to someone ▸ 5 decide something definitely ▸ 6 gradually sink down ▸ 7 finish dealing with something ▸ 8 make someone… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • settle — verb 1 end an argument ADVERB ▪ amicably, peacefully ▪ Hopes of settling the conflict peacefully are fading. ▪ eventually, finally ▪ The matter has not yet been finally settled …   Collocations dictionary

  • settle up — phrasal verb [intransitive] Word forms settle up : present tense I/you/we/they settle up he/she/it settles up present participle settling up past tense settled up past participle settled up 1) to pay all of an amount of money that you owe to a… …   English dictionary

  • settle up — {v. phr.} To pay up; conclude monetary or other transactions. * / Let s settle up, Carol s attorney said, when she sued Don for a hefty sum of money after their divorce./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • settle up — {v. phr.} To pay up; conclude monetary or other transactions. * / Let s settle up, Carol s attorney said, when she sued Don for a hefty sum of money after their divorce./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • settle\ up — v. phr. To pay up; conclude monetary or other transactions. Let s settle up, Carol s attorney said, when she sued Don for a hefty sum of money after their divorce …   Словарь американских идиом

  • let the dust settle — phrase to allow a situation to become calm or normal again after something exciting or unusual has happened Let’s just let the dust settle before we decide what to do. Thesaurus: to delay action, wait or hesitatesynonym Main entry: dust * * * let …   Useful english dictionary

  • let the dust settle — If you let the dust settle, or wait till the dust settles, you wait until things have become calmer or have returned to normality after conflict or a problem …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • let — 1 lease, rent, *hire, charter 2 Let, allow, permit, suffer, leave denote to refrain from preventing, or to fail to prevent, or to indicate an intention not to prevent. Let, allow, and permit, though frequently used with little distinction of… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Let's Bowl — was a shortlived bowling game show that aired on the Comedy Central television network from 2001 to 2002 after a brief run on several TV stations across the U.S. in the mid 1990s, the first three being Minneapolis St. Paul stations: KXLI TV 41… …   Wikipedia

  • settle — set|tle W2S2 [ˈsetl] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(end argument)¦ 2¦(decide)¦ 3¦(start living in a place)¦ 4¦(comfortable)¦ 5¦(quiet/calm)¦ 6¦(move down)¦ 7¦(pay money)¦ 8¦(organize business/money)¦ 9 settle a score/account 10 some …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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