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  • 1 lead

    1. नेतृत्व
    He has given the lead & others may follow it.
    2. अन्तर
    His lead is now more than 10,000.
    3. मुख्य भूमिका\{नाटक इत्यादि में\}
    He has played the lead in a film on Sardar Patel.
    4. सुराग
    The lead led to the arrest of the criminal.
    5. लीड\{तार\}
    There is nothing wrong with the VCR. Something has gone wrong with the lead causing disturbance in the monitor.
    6. सीसा
    Pencil has lead in it.
    1. मार्ग दिखाना
    He led me to his room.
    2. मार्ग मिलना
    The trail of blood on the road led the police to the criminal.
    3. प्रभावित करना[होना]
    He is easily led away by other's opinions.
    4. व्यतीत करना
    Many people lead a miserable life due to poverty.
    5. आगे होना
    This candidate is leading by 10,000 votes.
    6. ताश का पहला पत्ता चलना
    He led a heart.
    7. नेतृत्व करना
    The captain led his soldiers from the front.

    English-Hindi dictionary > lead

  • 2 insouciance

    1. निश्चिन्तता
    Some youths are insouciance and lead carefree life.

    English-Hindi dictionary > insouciance

  • 3 spiritual

    1. आध्यात्मिक
    Saints generally lead spiritual life.

    English-Hindi dictionary > spiritual

  • 4 easy

    1. सरल
    The place is easy to reach.
    2. आरामदायक
    Living an easy life may lead to hardship.
    3. सरल
    Even though he is highly placed he has an easy manner towards everyone.

    English-Hindi dictionary > easy

  • 5 frugality

    1. मितव्ययिता
    The frugality helped them to lead a simple life.

    English-Hindi dictionary > frugality

  • 6 luxurious

    1. विषयासक्त
    They lead a luxurious life.

    English-Hindi dictionary > luxurious

  • 7 principled

    1. चरित्रवान
    A man who lead a principled life was a real humanbeing.

    English-Hindi dictionary > principled

  • 8 stark

    1. कड़ा/कठोर
    We all have to face stark realities of life.
    2. पूर्ण रूप से
    Her stark madness can lead her to commit suicide.

    English-Hindi dictionary > stark

См. также в других словарях:

  • lead the life of Riley — lead/live the life of ˈRiley idiom (old fashioned, often disapproving) to live an enjoyable and comfortable life with no problems or responsibilities • The two crooks had been living the life of Riley. • He planned to retire early and then lead… …   Useful english dictionary

  • lead a life — have a style of living, have a way of life    With your career and children, you lead a busy life …   English idioms

  • lead the life of Riley — informal to have a happy life without hard work, problems or worries. He lived the life of Riley, having inherited a huge amount of money …   New idioms dictionary

  • not to lead the life of a dog — To lead a life so wretched that even a dog would not be content with it • • • Main Entry: ↑dog …   Useful english dictionary

  • lead — [n1] first place, supremacy advance, advantage, ahead, bulge, cutting edge*, direction, edge, example, facade, front rank, guidance, head, heavy, leadership, margin, model, over, pilot, point, precedence, primacy, principal, priority, protagonist …   New thesaurus

  • lead — lead1 W1S1 [li:d] v past tense and past participle led [led] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(take somebody somewhere)¦ 2¦(go in front)¦ 3¦(be in charge)¦ 4¦(cause something to happen)¦ 5¦(cause somebody to believe something)¦ 6¦(influence)¦ 7¦(be more successful)¦… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • life — n. 1) to lead a life (to lead a busy life) 2) to prolong; save a life 3) to devote one s life (to smt.) 4) to spend one s life (doing smt.) 5) to give, lay down, sacrifice; risk one s life 6) to claim, snuff out, take a life (she took her own… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • life you lead — the way you live, lifestyle; lead a life    The life we lead here is based on respect for human rights …   English idioms

  • Lead poisoning — Classification and external resources An X ray demonstrating the characteristic finding of lead poisoning, dense metaphyseal lines. ICD 10 T …   Wikipedia

  • life — W1S1 [laıf] n plural lives [laıvz] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(time somebody is alive)¦ 2¦(state of being alive)¦ 3¦(way somebody lives)¦ 4¦(particular situation/job)¦ 5 social/personal/sex etc life 6¦(human existence)¦ 7¦(time when something exists/works)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Lead (banda) — Lead Datos generales Origen Japón Información artística Género(s) Jpop Período de activ …   Wikipedia Español

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