Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 lay low

    (to make ill: I was laid low by flu, just before my exams.) adoecer

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lay low

  • 2 lay low

    (to make ill: I was laid low by flu, just before my exams.) derrubar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > lay low

  • 3 to lay low

    to lay low
    a) abater, destruir. b) matar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to lay low

  • 4 lay

    I 1. [lei] past tense, past participle - laid; verb
    1) (to place, set or put (down), often carefully: She laid the clothes in a drawer / on a chair; He laid down his pencil; She laid her report before the committee.) pousar
    2) (to place in a lying position: She laid the baby on his back.) deitar
    3) (to put in order or arrange: She went to lay the table for dinner; to lay one's plans / a trap.) preparar
    4) (to flatten: The animal laid back its ears; The wind laid the corn flat.) achatar
    5) (to cause to disappear or become quiet: to lay a ghost / doubts.) aplacar
    6) ((of a bird) to produce (eggs): The hen laid four eggs; My hens are laying well.) pôr
    7) (to bet: I'll lay five pounds that you don't succeed.) apostar
    2. verb
    (to put, cut or arrange in layers: She had her hair layered by the hairdresser.) pôr em camadas
    - lay-by
    - layout
    - laid up
    - lay aside
    - lay bare
    - lay by
    - lay down
    - lay one's hands on
    - lay hands on
    - lay in
    - lay low
    - lay off
    - lay on
    - lay out
    - lay up
    - lay waste
    II see lie II III [lei] adjective
    1) (not a member of the clergy: lay preachers.) laico
    2) (not an expert or a professional (in a particular subject): Doctors tend to use words that lay people don't understand.) leigo
    IV [lei] noun
    (an epic poem.)
    * * *
    [lei] n 1 situação, posição, configuração. 2 postura. 3 camada. 4 parte nos lucros, quinhão. 5 ramo de negócios, atividade, ocupação, emprego. 6 vulg ato sexual. 7 vulg parceiro no ato sexual. • vt+vi (ps and pp laid) 1 derrubar, deitar, prostrar, abater. 2 pôr, colocar, assentar. 3 acalmar ou fazer desaparecer, exorcizar, conjurar, aplacar. 4 deitar em posição de repouso, depositar, pousar, estender. 5 dispor, planejar, preparar, arranjar. 6 imputar, atribuir. the crime is being laid to her / o crime está sendo atribuído a ela. 7 apresentar (queixa, protesto). 8 sl ter relações sexuais. 9 enterrar. 10 apontar (armas). 11 localizar(-se). the scene is laid in New York / a cena se passa em Nova York. lay of the land 1 configuração do terreno. 2 estado de coisas. to lay about. a) distribuir socos a esmo. b) atacar com socos ou palavras. to lay a claim to reclamar, reivindicar. to lay an ambush preparar uma emboscada. to lay aside/ away a) pôr de lado, separar, guardar para uso futuro. b) deixar de, largar, abandonar. to lay a tax impor um imposto. to lay bare a) revelar. b) despir, desnudar. to lay before exibir, mostrar, exprimir. to lay blows dar pancadas, socos. to lay bricks assentar tijolos. to lay by economizar, guardar. to lay by the heels aprisionar, prender. to lay down a) depositar, pousar no chão, deitar. b) depor (armas). c) declarar, afirmar. d) pagar, apostar. e) formular, traçar. f) reservar, guardar, armazenar. g) sacrificar. h) construir. to lay down one’s arms render-se. to lay down one’s life sacrificar a vida. to lay down the law repreender com severidade. to lay eggs pôr ovos. to lay fast agarrar e segurar firmemente. to lay fire pôr fogo. to lay hands on a) pôr mãos à obra. b) tocar. c) assaltar. d) agarrar. to lay hands upon oneself suicidar-se. to lay heads together deliberar, conferenciar. to lay hold of/on agarrar, prender, segurar. to lay in armazenar, pôr em estoque. to lay into bater, espancar. to lay it on exagerar bastante. to lay it to one’s door atribuir a culpa a outrem. to lay off a) despedir empregados, cortar pessoal. b) parar. to lay on a) impor, infligir. b) golpear. c) instalar. to lay open a) expor, descobrir. b) explicar. to lay out a) dispor, arranjar, projetar, traçar. b) mostrar, expor. c) gastar, desembolsar. d) vestir defunto. e) nocautear, pôr fora de combate. to lay over cobrir. to lay plans fazer preparativos ou planos. to lay siege to a) sitiar, cercar. b) importunar, assediar. to lay ten dollars on a horse apostar dez dólares num cavalo. to lay the blame on someone responsabilizar, imputar responsabilidade a alguém. to lay the hands on Eccl impor as mãos. to lay the land perder a terra de vista. to lay the loss at avaliar o prejuízo em. to lay the nap of a cloth alisar a lanugem (pano). to lay the table pôr a mesa. to lay to parar (navio). to lay together a) pôr lado a lado. b) somar. to lay to heart a) sentir profundamente. b) tomar seriamente em consideração. to lay to sleep/ rest enterrar. to lay to the oars remar a toda força. to lay under sujeitar a, submeter. to lay up a) armazenar. b) economizar. c) ficar na cama. d) pôr um navio no dique. to lay wait ficar à espreita, emboscar. to lay waste assolar, devastar.
    [lei] vi ps of lie.
    [lei] n 1 balada. 2 fig canção, canto.
    [lei] adj leigo, secular.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lay

  • 5 lay

    I 1. [lei] past tense, past participle - laid; verb
    1) (to place, set or put (down), often carefully: She laid the clothes in a drawer / on a chair; He laid down his pencil; She laid her report before the committee.) pousar
    2) (to place in a lying position: She laid the baby on his back.) deitar
    3) (to put in order or arrange: She went to lay the table for dinner; to lay one's plans / a trap.) dispor
    4) (to flatten: The animal laid back its ears; The wind laid the corn flat.) assentar
    5) (to cause to disappear or become quiet: to lay a ghost / doubts.) acalmar
    6) ((of a bird) to produce (eggs): The hen laid four eggs; My hens are laying well.) botar
    7) (to bet: I'll lay five pounds that you don't succeed.) apostar
    2. verb
    (to put, cut or arrange in layers: She had her hair layered by the hairdresser.) arrumar em camadas
    - lay-by - layout - laid up - lay aside - lay bare - lay by - lay down - lay one's hands on - lay hands on - lay in - lay low - lay off - lay on - lay out - lay up - lay waste II see lie II III [lei] adjective
    1) (not a member of the clergy: lay preachers.) laico
    2) (not an expert or a professional (in a particular subject): Doctors tend to use words that lay people don't understand.) leigo
    IV [lei] noun
    (an epic poem.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > lay

  • 6 low

    I 1. [ləu] adjective
    1) (not at or reaching up to a great distance from the ground, sea-level etc: low hills; a low ceiling; This chair is too low for the child.) baixo
    2) (making little sound; not loud: She spoke in a low voice.) baixo
    3) (at the bottom of the range of musical sounds: That note is too low for a female voice.) baixo
    4) (small: a low price.) baixo
    5) (not strong; weak or feeble: The fire was very low.) baixo
    6) (near the bottom in grade, rank, class etc: low temperatures; the lower classes.) baixo
    2. adverb
    (in or to a low position, manner or state: The ball flew low over the net.) baixo
    - lowly
    - lowliness
    - low-down
    - lowland
    - lowlander
    - lowlands
    - low-lying
    - low-tech
    3. adjective
    low-tech industries/skills.)
    - be low on II [ləu] verb
    (to make the noise of cattle; to moo: The cows were lowing.) mugir
    * * *
    [lou] n o que é baixo. • adj 1 baixo. 2 pequeno. 3 inferior, vulgar. 4 vil. 5 humilde, pobre. 6 degradado. 7 deficiente. 8 fraco. 9 barato. 10 profundo. • adv 1 baixo. 2 humildemente. 3 profundamente. 4 em voz baixa. 5 suavemente. 6 fracamente, debilmente. to bring low a) abater. b) fazer cair de posição. to lay low a) abater, destruir. b) matar. to lie low a) agachar-se, curvar-se. b) estar prostrado ou abatido. c) passar despercebido, esconder as intenções.
    [lou] n mugido. • vt+vi mugir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > low

  • 7 lie low

    (to stay quiet or hidden: The criminal lay low until the police stopped looking for him.) esconder-se

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lie low

  • 8 lie low

    (to stay quiet or hidden: The criminal lay low until the police stopped looking for him.) esconder-se

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > lie low

  • 9 lie

    I 1. noun
    (a false statement made with the intention of deceiving: It would be a lie to say I knew, because I didn't.) mentira
    2. verb
    (to say etc something which is not true, with the intention of deceiving: There's no point in asking her - she'll just lie about it.) mentir
    II present participle - lying; verb
    1) (to be in or take a more or less flat position: She went into the bedroom and lay on the bed; The book was lying in the hall.) jogar-se
    2) (to be situated; to be in a particular place etc: The farm lay three miles from the sea; His interest lies in farming.) ficar
    3) (to remain in a certain state: The shop is lying empty now.) ficar
    4) ((with in) (of feelings, impressions etc) to be caused by or contained in: His charm lies in his honesty.) estar
    - lie down
    - lie in
    - lie in wait for
    - lie in wait
    - lie low
    - lie with
    - take lying down
    * * *
    [lai] n mentira, falsidade. • vt+vi 1 mentir. 2 conseguir algo por meio de mentiras. an out-and-out lie uma mentira deslavada. to give one the lie acusar alguém de mentir. to give the lie to desmentir. white lie mentira inocente, mentira justificável.
    [lai] n 1 posição ou estado em que se encontra determinado objeto ou pessoa. 2 antro, covil, toca (de animais). the lie of the land fig estado de coisas.
    [lai] vt+vi (ps lay, pp lain, pres p lying) 1 jazer. 2 deitar-se, estar deitado. 3 repousar. 4 encontrar-se. two villages lie along the river / duas aldeias rodeiam as margens do rio. 5 existir. 6 alojar-se. 7 dormir. 8 ficar. to lie about viver na ociosidade, vadiar. to lie at one’s heart ser fonte de preocupações ou cuidados. to lie behind ser a razão (oculta para algo). to lie by a) estar ou ficar perto de. b) descansar. c) permanecer sem uso. to lie down a) deitar-se. b) submeter-se. to lie down on the job fazer corpo mole no trabalho. to lie hard/ heavy on oprimir, tornar-se um peso. to lie idle ficar à toa. to lie in the way ser um obstáculo ou impedimento. to lie in wait ficar de emboscada. to lie low esconder-se, ficar na moita. to lie off ficar longe do cais (navio). to lie on one’s hands permanecer sem ser vendida (mercadoria). to lie on/ upon depender de alguém. to lie over adiar, postergar. to lie to Naut estar à capa. to lie under estar exposto a, oprimido. to lie up a) esconder-se, recolher-se. b) ficar de cama. c) ir para o estaleiro (navio). to lie with a) arch manter relações sexuais com alguém. b) ter responsabilidade. to take something lying down sofrer sem reagir, submeter-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lie

  • 10 lie

    I 1. noun
    (a false statement made with the intention of deceiving: It would be a lie to say I knew, because I didn't.) mentira
    2. verb
    (to say etc something which is not true, with the intention of deceiving: There's no point in asking her - she'll just lie about it.) mentir
    II present participle - lying; verb
    1) (to be in or take a more or less flat position: She went into the bedroom and lay on the bed; The book was lying in the hall.) deitar
    2) (to be situated; to be in a particular place etc: The farm lay three miles from the sea; His interest lies in farming.) situar-se
    3) (to remain in a certain state: The shop is lying empty now.) ficar
    4) ((with in) (of feelings, impressions etc) to be caused by or contained in: His charm lies in his honesty.) estar
    - lie down - lie in - lie in wait for - lie in wait - lie low - lie with - take lying down

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > lie

См. также в других словарях:

  • Lay Low — Infobox musical artist Name = Lay Low Img capt = Background = solo singer Birth name = Lovísa Elísabet Sigrúnardóttir Alias = Born = birth date and age|1982|9|10 London, England Instrument = Vocals, guitar, bass, piano Genre = Folk, rock, blues,… …   Wikipedia

  • lay low — {v.} 1. To knock down; to force into a lying position; to put out of action. * /Many trees were laid low by the storm./ * /Jane was laid low by the flu./ 2. To kill. * /The hunters laid low seven pheasants./ 3. See: LIE LOW …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lay low — {v.} 1. To knock down; to force into a lying position; to put out of action. * /Many trees were laid low by the storm./ * /Jane was laid low by the flu./ 2. To kill. * /The hunters laid low seven pheasants./ 3. See: LIE LOW …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lay low — transitive verb 1. : to bring or strike to earth : fell hurricane winds are likely to lay low the ballon 2. : to knock out of a fight or out of action flu had laid him low 3 …   Useful english dictionary

  • lay low — verb a) to remain hidden or to hide oneself I’m going to lay low for a bit in case the police come looking. b) to knock out; to cause to fall He was laid low by a vicious blow to the head. Syn …   Wiktionary

  • lay low — stay out of sight; out of circulation    The escaped prisoner planned to lay low for a few days …   English idioms

  • lay low — hide, keep out of sight for awhile He decided to lay low for awhile until his friend forgot that he had damaged his car …   Idioms and examples

  • Lay Low (Snoop Dogg song) — Lay Low is the second single from Snoop Dogg s fifth studio album Tha Last Meal, released in 2000. It features then labelmate Master P, Nate Dogg, Butch Cassidy (singer), and Tha Eastsidaz. It was produced by Dr. Dre, who has a minor intro to the …   Wikipedia

  • lay low — lay (someone) low if an illness lays someone low, they are unable to do what they usually do for a period of time. He was at home at the time, laid low with the flu. (usually passive) …   New idioms dictionary

  • lay low — idi a) to overpower or kill: to lay one s attackers low[/ex] b) to knock down c) Informal. to lie low …   From formal English to slang

  • lay low — Synonyms and related words: abate, align, attenuate, blow down, blow over, blow to pieces, blow up, blunt, bowl down, bowl over, brain, bring down, bulldog, burn to death, cast down, chop down, cramp, cripple, cut down, cut to pieces, damp,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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