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с английского на русский


См. также в других словарях:

  • ladyfy — verb To bestow the title of Lady on a woman …   Wiktionary

  • ladyfy — v. (U.K.) cause a woman or girl to influence the proper conduct of a woman from the high socio economic status (offensive term) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • ladyfy — verb (ladyfies, ladyfying, ladyfied) 1》 [as adjective ladyfied] having the manner of a socially superior woman. 2》 archaic give (a woman) the title of Lady …   English new terms dictionary

  • ladyfy — v.tr. (also ladify) ( ies, ied) 1 make a lady of. 2 call (a person) lady . 3 (as ladyfied adj.) having the manner of a fine lady …   Useful english dictionary

  • ladify — var. of LADYFY. * * * laˈdyfy or laˈdify transitive verb 1. To make a lady of 2. To call My Lady or Your Ladyship • • • Main Entry: ↑lady * * * ladify see ladyfy …   Useful english dictionary

  • la|di|fy — «LAY dee fy», transitive verb, fied, fy|ing. = ladyfy. (Cf. ↑ladyfy) …   Useful english dictionary

  • ladyfied — adjective having the manner of a socially superior woman. → ladyfy …   English new terms dictionary

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