Перевод: с нидерландского на русский

с русского на нидерландский


См. также в других словарях:

  • kład — m IV, D. u, Ms. kładzie; lm M. y mat. «figura płaska na rzutni powstała z danej figury płaskiej przez obrót płaszczyzny figury dokoła krawędzi przecięcia się tej płaszczyzny z rzutnią» …   Słownik języka polskiego

  • klad — क्लद् …   Indonesian dictionary

  • kel-3, kelǝ-, klā- extended klād- —     kel 3, kelǝ , klā extended klād     English meaning: to hit, cut down     Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘schlagen, hauen”     Note: separation from kel “prick” and from skel “cut, clip” is barely durchfũhrbar; beachte esp. Slav. *kólti “prick” =… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • cladocarpous — |kladə|kärpəs adjective Etymology: clad + carpous : pleurocarpous * * * /klad euh kahr peuhs, klay deuh /, adj. Bot. pleurocarpous. [1855 60; CLADO + CARPOUS] …   Useful english dictionary

  • cladding — /klad ing/, n. 1. the act or process of bonding one metal to another, usually to protect the inner metal from corrosion. 2. metal bonded to an inner core of another metal. [1880 85; CLAD2 + ING1] * * * …   Universalium

  • cladism — /klad iz euhm, klay diz /, n. Biol. the cladistic method of classification. [1965; CLAD + ISM] * * * …   Universalium

  • cladocarpous — /klad euh kahr peuhs, klay deuh /, adj. Bot. pleurocarpous. [1855 60; CLADO + CARPOUS] * * * …   Universalium

  • cladogram — /klad euh gram , klay deuh /, n. Biol. a branching diagram depicting the successive points of species divergence from common ancestral lines without regard to the degree of deviation. Cf. dendrogram, phenogram. [1965 70; CLADO + GRAM1] * * * …   Universalium

  • cladophyll — /klad euh fil, klay deuh /, n. Bot. a leaflike flattened branch that resembles and functions as a leaf. Also called cladode. [1875 80; CLADO + PHYLL] * * * …   Universalium

  • cladoptosis — /klad op toh sis, klay dop /, n. Bot. the annual shedding of twigs or branches instead of leaves, as in certain cypresses. [1880 85; CLADO + PTOSIS] * * * …   Universalium

  • clade — (klād) [Gr. klados branch] 1. in taxonomy, a branch of a phylogenetic tree comprising all the organisms that share a particular common ancestor. 2. a group of organisms that share characteristics exclusive to the group members and… …   Medical dictionary

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