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  • 61 עָרַם

    עָרַםII (b. h.; cmp. עָרָה I) to peel off, strip; to make white, bright; v. עָרוּם, עָרוֹם. Hif. הֶעֱרִים 1) to enlighten, inform. Y.Snh.V, beg.22c, sq. (ref. to בערמה, Ex. 21:14) שיַעֲרִימוּהוּ באיזו מיתה מת they (the forewarning witnesses) must keep him informed as to what kind of death penalty is expecting him; (Bab. ib. 80b שיודיעוהו). 2) to plan, act deliberately. Mekh. Mishp. s. 4 (ref. to בערמה, v. supra) להוציא … שאינן מַעֲרִימִין this is to exclude the deaf and dumb, the insane and the minor (who do not act with premeditation; להוציא מרפא … אינן מערימין to exclude the surgeon …, for although they acted with wilfulness (criminal negligence), they did not plan; Yalk. Ex. 325. 3) to act with subtlety, to get around a law by an artifice. Sabb.65b מערימין בדליקה in case of a conflagration on the Sabbath (when the rabbinical law allows the rescue of a certain number of clothes by putting them on) we may use an artifice (by laying off the clothes saved and going in again to save others); (oth. opin.) אין מערימין בדליקה you dare not Ib. מהו שתַּעֲרִיםוכ׳ dare a woman use an artifice, v. פָּרַף. Tosef.Bets.III, 2. Gen. R. s. 49 מה אתה מַעֲרִים על השבועה מבולוכ׳ why wilt thou cunningly evade thy own oath? destruction by water thou wilt not bring, but destruction by fire thou wilt? Yalk. ib. 83; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > עָרַם

  • 62 קב

    קַבm. (b. h.; קבב to hollow out, arch; cmp. גבב, כבב) 1) Kab, a measure of capacity, one sixth of a Sah. Sabb.11b הדיוט שהקק קבוכ׳ if an unskilled man caves out a Kab in a log (on the Sabbath); (Ar. refers to קַב 2, v. infra). Tosef.B. Bath. V, 10 בכל מקום … קבוכ׳ everywhere (in all shops) they must make (keep) measures … of a Kab, half a Kab ; B. Bath.89b. Sot.8b a. e. קב וחצי קבוכ׳ minor measures of sin, v. סְאָה. Y.Hall. II, 58c bot. קב טיברני dough of a Tiberian Kab of flour. B. Mets.80b קב לכתף one Kab (in addition to the load agreed upon) for a carrier is an unlawful overload; a. fr.Sot.III, 4, a. e. בקב ותפלות, v. תִּפְלוּת. Snh.29b (in Chald. dict.) ההוא … קב רשו there was a man whom they nicknamed ‘a Kabful of notes of indebtedness. קב ונקי, v. נָקִי I.Du. קַבַּיִים; pl. קַבִּים, קַבִּין. B. Mets.21a ק׳ בשמונהוכ׳ if one finds two Kabs of fruits scattered within a radius of eight cubits.Ḥall. II, 3 יעשנה ק׳ let him make his doughs Kab-wise (so as to be exempt from the priests share). Ib. 4. Kidd.49b עשרה ק׳וכ׳ ten measures of Ber.22a תשעה ק׳ nine Kabs of water poured over a person in place of immersion; a. fr.Denom. קַבִּי, pl. קַבִּיִּים pieces of dough containing a Kab of flour each. Ḥall. II, 3 אבל ק׳ אין להם חלק בשם (Y. ed. חלה) doughs made of a Kab each have no share in the name of ḥallah. 2) a piece of wood hollowed out for the stump of a leg, a sort of artificial foot (cmp. אָנְקִטְמִין). Yeb.102b (חלצה) בקב הקיטע if a woman performed the ceremony of Ḥălitsah (חֲלִיצָה) by taking off the Yabams artificial foot. Sabb.VI, 8; a. e.Pl. as ab. Ḥag.4a בעלי ק׳ stump-legged persons; a. e. 3) cavity, the lower part of a trumpet or horn. Kel. XI, 7 הקב שלה Mish. ed. a. Ar. (Talm. ed. הקו, ed. Dehr. הקב).

    Jewish literature > קב

  • 63 קַב

    קַבm. (b. h.; קבב to hollow out, arch; cmp. גבב, כבב) 1) Kab, a measure of capacity, one sixth of a Sah. Sabb.11b הדיוט שהקק קבוכ׳ if an unskilled man caves out a Kab in a log (on the Sabbath); (Ar. refers to קַב 2, v. infra). Tosef.B. Bath. V, 10 בכל מקום … קבוכ׳ everywhere (in all shops) they must make (keep) measures … of a Kab, half a Kab ; B. Bath.89b. Sot.8b a. e. קב וחצי קבוכ׳ minor measures of sin, v. סְאָה. Y.Hall. II, 58c bot. קב טיברני dough of a Tiberian Kab of flour. B. Mets.80b קב לכתף one Kab (in addition to the load agreed upon) for a carrier is an unlawful overload; a. fr.Sot.III, 4, a. e. בקב ותפלות, v. תִּפְלוּת. Snh.29b (in Chald. dict.) ההוא … קב רשו there was a man whom they nicknamed ‘a Kabful of notes of indebtedness. קב ונקי, v. נָקִי I.Du. קַבַּיִים; pl. קַבִּים, קַבִּין. B. Mets.21a ק׳ בשמונהוכ׳ if one finds two Kabs of fruits scattered within a radius of eight cubits.Ḥall. II, 3 יעשנה ק׳ let him make his doughs Kab-wise (so as to be exempt from the priests share). Ib. 4. Kidd.49b עשרה ק׳וכ׳ ten measures of Ber.22a תשעה ק׳ nine Kabs of water poured over a person in place of immersion; a. fr.Denom. קַבִּי, pl. קַבִּיִּים pieces of dough containing a Kab of flour each. Ḥall. II, 3 אבל ק׳ אין להם חלק בשם (Y. ed. חלה) doughs made of a Kab each have no share in the name of ḥallah. 2) a piece of wood hollowed out for the stump of a leg, a sort of artificial foot (cmp. אָנְקִטְמִין). Yeb.102b (חלצה) בקב הקיטע if a woman performed the ceremony of Ḥălitsah (חֲלִיצָה) by taking off the Yabams artificial foot. Sabb.VI, 8; a. e.Pl. as ab. Ḥag.4a בעלי ק׳ stump-legged persons; a. e. 3) cavity, the lower part of a trumpet or horn. Kel. XI, 7 הקב שלה Mish. ed. a. Ar. (Talm. ed. הקו, ed. Dehr. הקב).

    Jewish literature > קַב

  • 64 זבל

    זֶבֶלm. (cmp. Assyr. zabâlu, KAT2>, p. 550; cmp. צָבַר) ( heaped up, esp. foliage piled up for forming manure, manure, deposits. Sabb.IV, 1 you must not keep dishes warm for the Sabbath בז׳וכ׳ in foliage … whether dry or moist. Ab. Zar.III, 8 (48b) והֹוָה להן לז׳ and serves for them as manure. Yoma V, 6 נמכרין … לז׳ is sold to the gardeners for forming manure. Tosef.B. Mets. XI, 8 זִיבְלֹו his heaped-up foliage. B. Mets.V, 7 (72b) עד שיהיה לו ז׳ באשפתו Ms. M. (ed. אלאא״כ היתהוכ׳) unless he has manure piled up; a. fr.Pl. זְבָלִים. Shebi. III, 1 מאימתי מוציאין ז׳וכ׳ when may deposits of foliage be carried out for Piling up in the fields.Gen. R. s. 31 לז׳ (Snh.108b sing.) for deposits of excrements Tosef. B. Mets. l. c. שעת הז׳ the season for carrying out foliage; a. fr.בית הז׳ a field dependent on manuring. Men.VIII, 3 (85a).

    Jewish literature > זבל

  • 65 זֶבֶל

    זֶבֶלm. (cmp. Assyr. zabâlu, KAT2>, p. 550; cmp. צָבַר) ( heaped up, esp. foliage piled up for forming manure, manure, deposits. Sabb.IV, 1 you must not keep dishes warm for the Sabbath בז׳וכ׳ in foliage … whether dry or moist. Ab. Zar.III, 8 (48b) והֹוָה להן לז׳ and serves for them as manure. Yoma V, 6 נמכרין … לז׳ is sold to the gardeners for forming manure. Tosef.B. Mets. XI, 8 זִיבְלֹו his heaped-up foliage. B. Mets.V, 7 (72b) עד שיהיה לו ז׳ באשפתו Ms. M. (ed. אלאא״כ היתהוכ׳) unless he has manure piled up; a. fr.Pl. זְבָלִים. Shebi. III, 1 מאימתי מוציאין ז׳וכ׳ when may deposits of foliage be carried out for Piling up in the fields.Gen. R. s. 31 לז׳ (Snh.108b sing.) for deposits of excrements Tosef. B. Mets. l. c. שעת הז׳ the season for carrying out foliage; a. fr.בית הז׳ a field dependent on manuring. Men.VIII, 3 (85a).

    Jewish literature > זֶבֶל

  • 66 ערער III

    עִרְעֵרIII (v. עֲרַע I) ( to bring into contact, 1) to keep a liquid in the throat for the sake of lubrication. Tosef.Sabb. XII (XIII), 10 if one has a sore throat, לא יְעַרְעֲרֶנּוּ בשמןוכ׳ he must not lubricate it with oil (on the Sabbath); Ber.36a לא יְעָרְעֶנּוּ (Pi. of עָרַע; Ar. יערער׳); Tosef.Ter.IX, 12 יערענו (ed. Zuck. ירדנו?); Y.Shebi.VIII, 38a top יערער׳. 2) to cause to meet. Koh. R. to IX, 11 (ref. to יקרה, ib.; cmp. עַרְעִיתָא I) עת היא שפיגעת האדם ומְעַרְעֶרֶת בווכ׳ it is time that strikes man and causes all these things (vicissitudes) to meet him.

    Jewish literature > ערער III

  • 67 עִרְעֵר

    עִרְעֵרIII (v. עֲרַע I) ( to bring into contact, 1) to keep a liquid in the throat for the sake of lubrication. Tosef.Sabb. XII (XIII), 10 if one has a sore throat, לא יְעַרְעֲרֶנּוּ בשמןוכ׳ he must not lubricate it with oil (on the Sabbath); Ber.36a לא יְעָרְעֶנּוּ (Pi. of עָרַע; Ar. יערער׳); Tosef.Ter.IX, 12 יערענו (ed. Zuck. ירדנו?); Y.Shebi.VIII, 38a top יערער׳. 2) to cause to meet. Koh. R. to IX, 11 (ref. to יקרה, ib.; cmp. עַרְעִיתָא I) עת היא שפיגעת האדם ומְעַרְעֶרֶת בווכ׳ it is time that strikes man and causes all these things (vicissitudes) to meet him.

    Jewish literature > עִרְעֵר

  • 68 שלח I

    שֶׁלַחI m. (preced.) hide, fresh skin. Makhsh. V, 6 החיבט על הש׳ he who beats upon a (wetted) bide. Bekh.IX, 4 נשחטה … והש׳ קיים when its mother has been killed, but the hide is still intact. Tosef.Sabb.VIII (IX), 1; a. e.Pl. שְׁלָחִין. Sabb.IV, 2 טומנין בש׳ you may keep dishes warm (for the Sabbath) in fresh hides. Ib. 49a ש׳ של בעה״ב hides belonging to a private man; של אומן to a mechanic (shoemaker). Ib. b הביאו ש׳וכ׳ bring us hides to sit down on them; a. e.

    Jewish literature > שלח I

  • 69 שֶׁלַח

    שֶׁלַחI m. (preced.) hide, fresh skin. Makhsh. V, 6 החיבט על הש׳ he who beats upon a (wetted) bide. Bekh.IX, 4 נשחטה … והש׳ קיים when its mother has been killed, but the hide is still intact. Tosef.Sabb.VIII (IX), 1; a. e.Pl. שְׁלָחִין. Sabb.IV, 2 טומנין בש׳ you may keep dishes warm (for the Sabbath) in fresh hides. Ib. 49a ש׳ של בעה״ב hides belonging to a private man; של אומן to a mechanic (shoemaker). Ib. b הביאו ש׳וכ׳ bring us hides to sit down on them; a. e.

    Jewish literature > שֶׁלַח

  • 70 de sabbat houden/vieren/schenden/heiligen

    de sabbat houden/vieren/schenden/heiligen
    keep/celebrate/break/honour the sabbath

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > de sabbat houden/vieren/schenden/heiligen

  • 71 heiligen

    1. RELI. hallow, sanctify; geheiligt werde dein Name im Gebet: hallowed be thy name
    2. (heilig halten) hold s.th. sacred, observe; geheiligt, Zweck
    * * *
    to hallow; to sanctify
    * * *
    hei|li|gen ['hailɪgn]
    (= weihen) to hallow, to sanctify; (= heilig halten) to hallow, to keep holy; Sonntag etc to keep holy, to observe

    der Zweck heiligt die Mittel —

    auch geheiligt
    * * *
    (to make sacred, holy or free from sin.) sanctify
    * * *
    etw \heiligen to hallow [or sanctify] sth
    geheiligt hallowed
    etw \heiligen to keep sth holy
    * * *
    transitives Verb keep, observe < tradition, Sabbath, etc.>
    * * *
    1. REL hallow, sanctify;
    2. (heilighalten) hold sth sacred, observe; geheiligt, Zweck
    * * *
    transitives Verb keep, observe <tradition, Sabbath, etc.>
    * * *
    to hallow v.
    to sanctify v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > heiligen

  • 72 κατά

    κατά (Hom.+) prep. (s. the lit. s.v. ἀνά beg., also LfgrE s.v. κατά 1346; with the gen. 74 times in NT; w. acc. 391 times in NT).
    A. w. the gen.
    of location that is relatively lower, down from someth. (Hom. et al.; LXX; Ath. 1, 4 κ. κόρρης προπηλακίζειν=to smack on one side of the head) ὁρμᾶν κ. τοῦ κρημνοῦ rush down (from) the bank (cp. Polyb. 38, 16, 7 κ. τῶν κρημνῶν ῥίπτειν; Jos., Bell. 1, 313) Mt 8:32; Mk 5:13; Lk 8:33. κ. κεφαλῆς ἔχειν have someth. on one’s head (lit. hanging down fr. the head, as a veil. Cp. Plut., Mor. 200f ἐβάδιζε κ. τῆς κεφαλῆς ἔχων τὸ ἱμάτιον.; Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 499, 5 of a mummy ἔχων τάβλαν κ. τοῦ τραχήλου) 1 Cor 11:4.
    of position relatively deep, into someth. (Od. 9, 330 κ. σπείους ‘into the depths of the cave’; Hdt. 7, 235; X., An. 7, 1, 30) ἡ κ. βάθους πτωχεία extreme (lit. ‘reaching down into the depths’; cp. Strabo 9, 3, 5 [419] ἄντρον κοῖλον κ. βάθους) or abysmal poverty 2 Cor 8:2. This may perh. be the mng. of πλήσσειν τινὰ κ. τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν strike someone deep into the eyes ApcPt 11:26 (cp. Demosth. 19, 197 ξαίνει κ. τοῦ νώτου; PPetr II, 18 [2b], 15 [246 B.C.] ἔτυπτεν αὐτὸν κ. τοῦ τραχήλου).—κ. γαστρός Just., D. 78, 3 for ἐν γαστρί Mt 1:18 (cp. Ath. 35, 2 τὸ κ. γαστρὸς ζῶον εἶναι).
    extension in various directions within an area, throughout (so in Luke’s writings; Polyb. 3, 19, 7 κ. τῆς νήσου διεσπάρησαν; PGiss 48, 8 κ. κυριακῆς γῆς; Jos., Ant. 8, 297; SibOr 3, 222; 4, 24; 5, 305) γνωστὸν γενέσθαι καθʼ ὅλης Ἰόππης become known throughout all Joppa Ac 9:42. καθʼ ὅλης τῆς Ἰουδαίας 9:31; 10:37; Lk 23:5. φήμη ἐξῆλθεν καθʼ ὅλης τῆς περιχώρου 4:14.
    down upon, toward, against someone or someth, fig. ext. of 1.
    w. verbs of swearing, to denote what one swears by (Thu. 5, 47, 8; Lysias 32, 13; Isaeus 7, 28; Demosth. 21, 119; 29, 26; SIG 526, 4ff; 685, 25; UPZ 110, 39 [164 B.C.]; BGU 248, 13; Jdth 1:12; Is 45:23; 2 Ch 36:13) by ἐξορκίζειν (q.v.) Mt 26:63. ὀμνύναι (q.v.) Hb 6:13, 16. ὁρκίζειν (q.v.) Hs 9, 10, 5. Sim. ἐρωτᾶν κ. τινος request, entreat by someone Hv 3, 2, 3.
    in a hostile sense, against
    α. after verbs that express hostile action, etc. διχάζειν Mt 10:35. ἐπαίρεσθαι 2 Cor 10:5. ἰσχύειν Ac 19:16. κακοῦν 14:2. στρατεύεσθαι 1 Pt 2:11. φυσιοῦσθαι 1 Cor 4:6
    β. after words and expressions that designate hostile speech, esp. an accusation ἔχειν (τι) κ. τινος have or hold someth. against someone Rv 2:4, 14, 20. φέρειν J 18:29. ἐγκαλεῖν Ro 8:33. ἐντυγχάνειν τινὶ κ. τινος 11:2 (TestJob 17:5). κατηγορεῖν Lk 23:14. ποιεῖν κρίσιν Jd 15a. τὸ κ. ἡμῶν χειρόγραφον the bond that stands against us Col 2:14. ἐμφανίζειν Ac 24:1; 25:2. αἰτεῖσθαί τι 25:3, 15. αἱ κ. τινος αἰτίαι vs. 27. εἰπεῖν πονηρόν Mt 5:11 (cp. Soph., Phil. 65 κακὰ λέγειν κ. τινος. X., Hell. 1, 5, 2; Isocr., C. Nic. 13; Plut., Mor. 2a λέγειν κ.; SIG 1180, 1 λέγειν κ. τινος; Just., A I, 23, 3; 49, 6 κ. τῶν … ὁμολογούντων). λαλεῖν ῥήματα Ac 6:13; cp. Jd 15b (TestDan 4:3; JosAs 23:15). μαρτυρεῖν κ. τ. θεοῦ give testimony in contradiction to God 1 Cor 15:15. ζητεῖν μαρτυρίαν κ. τινος testimony against someone Mk 14:55. ψευδομαρτυρεῖν 14:56f. ψευδομαρτυρία Mt 26:59. γογγύζειν 20:11. στενάζειν Js 5:9. διδάσκειν Ac 21:28. συμβούλιον διδόναι (ποιεῖν v.l.) Mk 3:6; ς. λαβεῖν Mt 27:1. ψεύδεσθαι Js 3:14 (Lysias 22, 7; X., Ap. 13; Ath. 35, 1 καθʼ ἡμῶν … κατεψεύσατο).
    γ. after expressions that designate such a position or state of mind in a different way εἶναι κ. τινος be against someone (opp. ὑπέρ) Mk 9:40 (WNestle, ZNW 13, 1912, 84–87; AFridrichsen, ibid., 273–80); Ro 8:31; (opp. μετά) Mt 12:30; Lk 11:23. δύνασθαί τι κ. τινος be able to do someth. against someone 2 Cor 13:8. ἔχειν τι κ. τινος have someth. against someone (in one’s heart) Mt 5:23; Mk 11:25; Hs 9, 24, 2; cp. ibid. 23, 2, where the acc. is to be supplied. ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν J 19:11. ἐπιθυμεῖν Gal 5:17. μερίζεσθαι καθʼ ἑαυτῆς Mt 12:25. Cp. 1 Cl 39:4 (Job 4:18).—κατά prob. means against also in ἔβαλεν κατʼ αὐτῆς ἄνεμος Ac 27:14. ἐτελείωσαν κ. τ. κεφαλῆς αὐτῶν τὰ ἁμαρτήματα they completed the full measure of sins against their own head GPt 5:17.
    B. w. acc. (so in the NT 399 times [besides καθʼ εἷς and κατὰ εἷς])
    of extension in space, along, over, through, in, upon (Hom. et al.; OGI 90, 7 ἐκ τῶν κ. τ. χώραν ἱερῶν; PHib 82, 19; PTebt 5, 188; LXX; Just.; Mel., HE 4, 26, 5) Ac 24:12. καθʼ ὅλην τ. πόλιν throughout the city Lk 8:39 (cp. Diod S 4, 10, 6 καθʼ ὅλην τὴν Ἐλλάδα). ἐγένετο λιμὸς κ. τὴν χώραν ἐκείνην 15:14. κ. τὰς κώμας 9:6. κ. πόλεις καὶ κώμας 13:22 (Appian., Maced. 9 §1 and 4 κ. πόλεις; Just., A I, 67, 3 κ. πόλεις ἢ ἀγρούς).—κ. τόπους in place after place Mt 24:7; Mk 13:8; Lk 21:11 (Theophr., περὶ σημ. 1, 4 p. 389 W.; Cat. Cod. Astr. III 28, 11 ἐν μέρει τ. ἀνατολῆς κ. τόπους, VIII/3, 186, 1 λιμὸς καὶ λοιμὸς καὶ σφαγαὶ κ. τόπους). οἱ ὄντες κ. τὴν Ἰουδαίαν those throughout Judea or living in Judea Ac 11:1. διασπαρῆναι κ. τὰς χώρας τῆς Ἰουδαίας be scattered over the regions of Judea 8:1. κ. τὴν οὖσαν ἐκκλησίαν in the congregation there 13:1. τοῖς κ. τὴν Ἀντιόχειαν καὶ Συρίαν καὶ Κιλικίαν ἀδελφοῖς 15:23. τοὺς κ. τὰ ἔθνη Ἰουδαίους the Judeans (dispersed) throughout the nations 21:21. τοῖς κ. τὸν νόμον γεγραμμένοις throughout the law = in the law 24:14b. κ. τὴν ὁδόν along or on the way (Lucian, Catapl. 4; Jos., Ant. 8, 404) Lk 10:4; Ac 25:3; 26:13. τὸ κ. Κιλικίαν καὶ Παμφυλίαν πέλαγος the sea along the coast of Cilicia and Pamphylia 27:5; but the geographical designation τὰ μέρη τ. Λιβύης τῆς κ. Κυρήνην 2:10 prob. belongs to b: the parts of Libya toward Cyrene.
    of extension toward, toward, to, up to ἐλθεῖν (γίνεσθαι v.l.) κ. τὸν τόπον come up to the place (Jos., Vi. 283) Lk 10:32. ἐλθόντες κ. τὴν Μυσίαν to Mysia Ac 16:7; cp. 27:7. πορεύεσθαι κ. μεσημβρίαν (s. μεσημβρία 2) toward the south 8:26 (cp. Jos., Bell. 5, 505). κ. σκοπὸν διώκειν run (over the course) toward the goal Phil 3:14. λιμὴν βλέπων κ. λίβα καὶ κ. χῶρον a harbor open to the southwest and northwest Ac 27:12 (s. βλέπω 8).—κ. πρόσωπον to the face (cp. Jos., Ant. 5, 205) Gal 2:11. ἔχειν τινὰ κ. πρόσωπον meet someone face to face (Thieme 19 has reff. for the use of κατὰ πρόσωπον as a legal formula) Ac 25:16. κ. πρόσωπον ταπεινός humble when personally present 2 Cor 10:1. κ. πρόσωπόν τινος in the presence of someone Lk 2:31; Ac 3:13. τὰ κ. πρόσωπον what lies before one’s eyes, i.e. is obvious 2 Cor 10:7. κ. ὀφθαλμοὺς προγράφειν portray before one’s eyes Gal 3:1.
    of isolation or separateness, by (Thu. 1, 138, 6 οἱ καθʼ ἑαυτοὺς Ἕλληνες ‘the Greeks by themselves’; Polyb. 1, 24, 4; 5, 78, 3; 11, 17, 6; Diod S 13, 72, 8; Gen 30:40; 43:32; 2 Macc 13:13; Philo, Migr. Abr. 87; 90; Just., D. 4, 5 αὐτὴ καθʼ ἑαυτήν γενομένη; Tat. 13, 1 ἡ ψυχὴ καθʼ ἑαυτήν; Ath. 15, 2 ὁ πηλὸς καθʼ ἑαυτόν) ἔχειν τι καθʼ ἑαυτόν keep someth. to oneself Ro 14:22 (cp. Jos., Ant. 2, 255; Heliod. 7, 16, 1). καθʼ ἑαυτὸν μένειν live by oneself of the private dwelling of Paul in Rome Ac 28:16. πίστις νεκρὰ καθʼ ἑαυτήν faith by itself is dead Js 2:17 (Simplicius in Epict. p. 3, 43 τὸ σῶμα καθʼ αὑτὸ νεκρόν ἐστιν). ἡ κατʼ οἶκον ἐκκλησία the congregation in the house Ro 16:5; 1 Cor 16:19. κατʼ ἰδίαν s. ἴδιος 5. κ. μόνας (Thu. 1, 32, 5; Menand., Epitr. 988 S. [658 Kö.], Fgm. 146 Kö. [158 Kock]; Polyb. 4, 15, 11; Diod S 4, 51, 16; BGU 813, 15 [s. APF 2, 1903, 97]; LXX) alone, by oneself Mk 4:10; Lk 9:18; Hm 11:8 (here, as well as BGU loc. cit. and LXX, written as one word καταμόνας).
    of places viewed serially, distributive use w. acc., x by x (Arrian., Anab. 4, 21, 10 κ. σκηνήν=tent by tent) or from x to x: κατʼ οἶκον from house to house (PLond III, 904, 20 p. 125 [104 A.D.] ἡ κατʼ οἰκίαν ἀπογραφή) Ac 2:46b; 5:42 (both in ref. to various house assemblies or congregations; w. less probability NRSV ‘at home’); cp. 20:20. Likew. the pl. κ. τοὺς οἴκους εἰσπορευόμενος 8:3. κ. τὰς συναγωγάς 22:19. κ. πόλιν (Jos., Ant. 6, 73) from city to city IRo 9:3, but in every (single) city Ac 15:21; 20:23; Tit 1:5. Also κ. πόλιν πᾶσαν (cp. Herodian 1, 14, 9) Ac 15:36; κ. πᾶσαν πόλιν 20:23 D. κ. πόλιν καὶ κώμην Lk 8:1; cp. vs. 4.
    marker of temporal aspect (Hdt. et al.; ins, pap, LXX, apolog.)
    in definite indications of time: at, on, during (Hdt. 8, 17; Polemon Soph. B 43 Reader κατʼ ἐκείνην τὴν ἡμέραν ‘in the course of that day’) κατʼ ἀρχάς in the beginning (cp. ἀρχή 1b) Hb 1:10 (Ps 101:26). κ. τὴν ἡμέραν τοῦ πειρασμοῦ in the day of trial 3:8 (Ps 94:8.—Cp. Antig. Car. 173 κ. τὸν σπόρου καιρόν). νεκροῦ … ἀνάστασιν κατʼ αὐτὸν γεγονυῖαν ἱστορεῖ (Papias) reports that a resurrection from the dead occurred in his time Papias (2, 9; so, with personal names, Hdt.; Just., D. 23, 1 τοῦ θεοῦ … τοῦ κ. τὸν Ἐνώχ; Tat. 31, 2 Θεαγένης … κ. Καμβύσην γεγονώς). Of the future: κ. τὸν καιρὸν τοῦτον at that time, then Ro 9:9 (Gen 18:10). Of the past: κ. ἐκεῖνον τὸν καιρόν at that time, then (2 Macc 3:5; TestJos 12:1; Jos., Ant. 8, 266; cp. κατʼ ἐκεῖνο τοῦ καιροῦ Konon: 26 Fgm. 3 p. 191, 25 Jac.; Just., A I, 17, 2; 26, 3 al.) Ac 12:1; 19:23. κ. καιρόν at that time, then Ro 5:6 (Just., D. 132, 1; cp. OGI 90, 28 καθʼ ὸ̔ν καιρόν), unless καιρός here means the right time (s. καιρός 1b end). κατʼ ὄναρ (as καθʼ ὕπνον Gen 20:6; Just., D 60, 5 κ. τοὺς ὕπνους) during a dream, in a dream Mt 1:20; 2:12 (s. s.v. ὄναρ for ins).
    with indefinite indications of time: toward, about κ. τὸ μεσονύκτιον about midnight Ac 16:25; cp. 27:27.—8:26 (s. μεσημβρία 1).
    distributively (cp. 1d): x period by x period: κατʼ ἔτος every year (s. ἔτος) Lk 2:41. Also κατʼ ἐνιαυτόν (s. ἐνιαυτός 1) Hb 9:25; 10:1, 3. καθʼ ἡμέραν daily, every day (s. ἡμέρα 2c) Mt 26:55; Mk 14:49; Lk 16:19; 22:53; Ac 2:46f; 3:2; 16:5; 17:11; 19:9; 1 Cor 15:31; Hb 7:27; 10:11. Also τὸ καθʼ ἡμέραν (s. ἡμέρα 2c) Lk 11:3; 19:47; Ac 17:11 v.l. ἡ ἐπίστασις ἡ καθʼ ἡμέραν (s. ἐπίστασις) 2 Cor 11:28. κ. πᾶσαν ἡμέραν every day (Jos., Ant. 6, 49) Ac 17:7. Also καθʼ ἑκάστην ἡμέραν (s. ἡμέρα 2c) Hb 3:13. κ. μίαν σαββάτου on the first day of every week 1 Cor 16:2. κ. πᾶν σάββατον every Sabbath Ac 13:27; 15:21b; 18:4. κ. μῆνα ἕκαστον each month Rv 22:2 (κ. μῆνα as SIG 153, 65; POxy 275, 18; 2 Macc 6:7). κ. ἑορτήν at each festival Mt 27:15; Mk 15:6.
    marker of division of a greater whole into individual parts, at a time, in detail, distributive use apart from indications of place (s. above 1d) and time (s. 2c)
    w. numerals: κ. δύο ἢ τὸ πλεῖστον τρεῖς two or, at the most, three at a time (i.e. in any one meeting, cp. ἀνὰ μέρος) 1 Cor 14:27 (Dio Chrys. 80 [30], 42 κ. δύο καὶ τρεῖς; Jos., Ant. 3, 142 κ. ἕξ; 5, 172 κ. δύο καὶ τρεῖς). καθʼ ἕνα (on this and the foll. s. εἷς 5e) singly, one after the other vs. 31. κ. ἕνα λίθον each individual stone Hs 9, 3, 5; καθʼ ἕνα λίθον 9, 6, 3. κ. ἓν ἕκαστον one by one, in detail Ac 21:19; 1 Cl 32:1 (Ath. 28, 4 καθʼ ἕκαστον). εἷς καθʼ εἷς Mk 14:19; J 8:9; cp. Ro 12:5 (B-D-F §305; Rob. 460). κ. ἑκατὸν καὶ κ. πεντήκοντα in hundreds and in fifties Mk 6:40.
    περί τινος λέγειν κ. μέρος speak of someth. in detail Hb 9:5 (s. μέρος 1c). κατʼ ὄνομα (each one) by name (ἀσπάζομαι … τοὺς ἐνοίκους πάντες κα[τʼ] ὄνομα PTebt [III A.D.] 422, 11–16; Jos., Vi. 86) J 10:3; 3J 15 (cp. BGU 27, 18); ISm 13:2.
    marker of intention or goal, for the purpose of, for, to (Thu. 6, 31, 1 κ. θέαν ἥκειν=to look at something; cp. Sb 7263, 6 [254 B.C.]; X., An. 3, 5, 2 καθʼ ἁρπαγὴν ἐσκεδασμένοι; Arrian, Anab. 1, 17, 12; 4, 5, 1; 21, 9; 6, 17, 6; 26, 2; Lucian, Ver. Hist. 2, 29; Anton. Lib., Fab. 24, 1 Δημήτηρ ἐπῄει γῆν ἅπασαν κ. ζήτησιν τῆς θυγατρός; 38; Jdth 11:19) κ. τὸν καθαρισμὸν τῶν Ἰουδαίων for the Jewish ceremonial purification J 2:6. κατὰ ἀτιμίαν λέγω to my shame 2 Cor 11:21 (cp. Jos., Ant. 3, 268 κ. τιμὴν τ. θεοῦ τοῦτο ποιῶν). ἀπόστολος … κ. πίστιν … καὶ ἐπίγνωσιν an apostle … for the faith … and the knowledge Tit 1:1 (but the mng. ‘in accordance with’ is also prob.).
    marker of norm of similarity or homogeneity, according to, in accordance with, in conformity with, according to
    to introduce the norm which governs someth.
    α. the norm of the law, etc. (OGI 56, 33; Mitt-Wilck., I/2, 352, 11 κ. τὰ κελευσθέντα [as Just., D. 78, 7]; POxy 37 II, 8) κ. τὸν νόμον (Jos., Ant. 14, 173; 15, 51; Just., D. 10, 1 al.; Ath. 31, 1; κ. τοὺς νόμους Ἀρεοπαγείτης, letter of MAurelius: ZPE 8, ’71, 169, ln. 27) Lk 2:22; J 18:31; 19:7; Hb 7:5. τὰ κ. τ. νόμον what is to be done according to the law Lk 2:39 (cp. EpArist 32). κ. τὸ ὡρισμένον in accordance w. what has been determined 22:22. Cp. 1:9; 2:24, 27, 42; Ac 17:2; 22:3. κ. τὸ εὐαγγέλιόν μου Ro 2:16; 16:25a; 2 Ti 2:8. κ. τὸ εἰρημένον Ro 4:18 (cp. Ath. 28, 1 κ. τὰ προειρημένα). κ. τὰς γραφάς (Just., D. 82, 4; cp. Paus. 6, 21, 10 κ. τὰ ἔπη=according to the epic poems; Just., A I, 32, 14 κ. τὸ λόγιον, D. 67, 1 κ. τὴν προφητείαν ταύτην) 1 Cor 15:3; cp. Js 2:8. κ. τὴν παράδοσιν Mk 7:5 (Tat. 39, 1 κ. τὴν Ἑλλήνων παράδοσιν).—κ. λόγον as one wishes (exx. in Dssm., B 209 [not in BS]; also PEleph 13, 1; 3 Macc 3:14) Ac 18:14 (though 5bβ below is also prob.).—It can also stand simply w. the acc. of the pers. according to whose will, pleasure, or manner someth. occurs κ. θεόν (cp. Socrat., Ep. 14, 5 κ. θεόν; 26, 2; Nicol. Dam.: 90 Fgm. 4 p. 332, 1 Jac. and Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 84 §352 κ. δαίμονα; Jos., Ant. 4, 143 ὁ κ. τοῦτον[=θεόν] βίος; Just., D. 5, 1 κ. τινας … Πλατωνικούς; Tat. 1, 3 κ. … τὸν κωμικόν) Ro 8:27; 2 Cor 7:9–11; κ. Χριστὸν Ἰ. Ro 15:5. κ. κύριον 2 Cor 11:17. Cp. 1 Pt 1:15. κ. τ. Ἕλληνας in the manner of the Greeks, i.e. polytheists PtK 2, p. 14, 1; 7. κ. Ἰουδαίους ln. 25.
    β. the norm according to which a judgment is rendered, or rewards or punishments are given ἀποδοῦναι τινι κ. τ. πρᾶξιν or ἔργα αὐτοῦ (Ps 61:13; Pr 24:12; Just., A I, 12, 1; 17, 4 al.; κατʼ ἀξίαν τῶν πράξεων) Mt 16:27; Ro 2:6; 2 Ti 4:14; Rv 2:23. μισθὸν λήμψεται κ. τ. ἴδιον κόπον 1 Cor 3:8. κρίνειν κ. τι J 7:24; 8:15; 1 Pt 1:17; cp. Ro 2:2.
    γ. of a standard of any other kind κ. τ. χρόνον ὸ̔ν ἠκρίβωσεν in accordance w. the time which he had ascertained Mt 2:16. κ. τ. πίστιν ὑμῶν acc. to your faith 9:29. κ. τ. δύναμιν acc. to his capability 25:15 (Just., D. 139, 4; Tat. 12, 3; cp. Just., A II, 13, 6 κ. δύναμιν). Cp. Lk 1:38; 2:29; Ro 8:4; 10:2; Eph 4:7. ἀνὴρ κ. τ. καρδίαν μου Ac 13:22 (καρδία 1bε).
    δ. Oft. the norm is at the same time the reason, so that in accordance with and because of are merged: οἱ κ. πρόθεσιν κλητοί Ro 8:28. κατʼ ἐπιταγὴν θεοῦ 16:26; 1 Ti 1:1; Tit 1:3. κ. ἀποκάλυψιν Eph 3:3 (Just., D. 78, 2). οἱ καθʼ ὑπομονὴν ἔργου ἀγαθοῦ Ro 2:7. κατʼ ἐκλογήν 11:5 (Just., D. 49, 1). Cp. κ. τὴν βουλήν Eph 1:11 (Just., A I, 63, 16 al.); 2 Th 2:9; Hb 7:16. κ. τί γνώσομαι τοῦτο; by what shall I know this? (cp. Gen 15:8) Lk 1:18.—Instead of ‘in accordance w.’ κ. can mean simply because of, as a result of, on the basis of (Ael. Aristid. 46 p. 219 D.: κ. τοὺς νόμους; Jos., Ant. 1, 259; 278; Just., A I, 54, 1 κατʼ ἐνέργειαν τῶν φαύλων δαιμόνων; Ath. 7, 1 κ. συμπάθειαν τῆς παρὰ τοῦ θεοῦ πνοῆς; 32, 1 κ. χρησμόν). κ. πᾶσαν αἰτίαν for any and every reason (αἰτία 1) Mt 19:3. κ. ἀποκάλυψιν Gal 2:2. Cp. Ro 2:5; 1 Cor 12:8 (κ. τ. πνεῦμα = διὰ τοῦ πν.); Eph 1:5; 4:22b; Phil 4:11; 1 Ti 5:21; 2 Ti 1:9; Tit 3:5; κ. ἀνάγκην Phlm 14 (Ar. 1, 2; 4, 2 al.; Just., A I, 30, 1; 61, 10; Ath. 24, 2); IPol 1:3. ὁ κ. τὸ πολὺ αὐτοῦ ἔλεος ἀναγεννήσας ἡμᾶς 1 Pt 1:3.—καθʼ ὅσον (Thu. 4, 18, 4) in so far as, inasmuch as Hb 3:3. καθʼ ὅσον …, κ. τοσοῦτο in so far as …, just so far (Lysias 31, 8; Galen, De Dignosc. Puls. 3, 2, VIII 892 K.) 7:20, 22.
    as a periphrasis to express equality, similarity, or example in accordance with, just as, similar(ly) to (TestJob 32:6 τίς γὰρ κ. σε ἐν μέσῳ τῶν τέκνων σου; Tat. 25, 1 κ. … τὸν Πρωτέα like Proteus; schol. on Nicander, Ther. 50: sheep are not burden-bearers κ. τοὺς ὄνους=as donkeys are).
    α. κ. τὰ ἔργα αὐτῶν μὴ ποιεῖτε do not do as they do Mt 23:3. κ. Ἰσαάκ just as Isaac Gal 4:28. κ. θεὸν κτισθείς Eph 4:24 (Synes., Prov. 2, 2 p. 118c κ. θεόν=just as a god). Cp. Col 3:10. κ. τὸν τύπον Hb 8:5 (Ex 25:40; Mel., P. 58, 424 [νόμον v.l.]). Cp. 5:6 (Ps 109:4); 8:9 (Jer 38: 32); Js 3:9.—κ. τὰ αὐτά in (just) the same way (OGI 56, 66; PEleph 2, 6; 1 Macc 8:27; 12:2; Just., D. 1, 2; 3, 5; 113, 3) Lk 6:23, 26; 17:30; Dg 3:1. On the other hand, the sing. κ. τὸ αὐτό Ac 14:1 means together (marriage contract PEleph 1, 5 [IV B.C.] εἶναι ἡμᾶς κ. ταὐτό; 1 Km 11:11). καθʼ ὸ̔ν τρόπον just as (2 Macc 6:20; 4 Macc 14:17) Ac 15:11; 27:25. καθʼ ὅσον …, οὕτως (just) as …, so Hb 9:27. κ. πάντα τρόπον in every way (PSI 520, 16 [250 B.C.]; PCairZen 631, 2; 3 Macc 3:24) Ro 3:2. κ. μηδένα τρόπον (PMagd 14, 9 [221 B.C.]; PRein 7, 31; 3 Macc 4:13; 4 Macc 4:24; Just., D. 35, 7; s. Reader, Polemo 262) 2 Th 2:3. Cp. Johannessohn, Kasus, 1910, 82. κατά w. acc. serves in general
    β. to indicate the nature, kind, peculiarity or characteristics of a thing (freq. as a periphrasis for the adv.; e.g. Antiochus of Syracuse [V B.C.]: 555 Fgm. 12 Jac. κ. μῖσος=out of hate, filled with hate) κατʼ ἐξουσίαν with authority or power Mk 1:27. κ. συγκυρίαν by chance Lk 10:31. κ. ἄγνοιαν without knowing Ac 3:17 (s. ἄγνοια 2a). κ. ἄνθρωπον 1 Cor 3:3 al. (s. Straub 15; Aeschyl., Th. 425; ἄνθρωπος 2b). κ. κράτος powerfully, Ac 19:20 (κράτος 1a). κ. λόγον reasonably, rightly (Pla.; Polyb. 1, 62, 4; 5; 5, 110, 10; Jos., Ant. 13, 195; PYale 42, 24 [12 Jan., 229 B.C.]) 18:14 (but s. above 5aα). λέγειν τι κ. συγγνώμην οὐ κατʼ ἐπιταγήν say someth. as a concession, not as a command 1 Cor 7:6; cp. 2 Cor 8:8. κ. τάξιν in (an) order(ly manner) 1 Cor 14:40 (τάξις 2). κατʼ ὀφθαλμοδουλίαν with eye-service Eph 6:6. μηδὲν κατʼ ἐριθείαν μηδὲ κ. κενοδοξίαν Phil 2:3. κ. ζῆλος zealously 3:6a, unless this pass. belongs under 6 below, in its entirety. κ. σάρκα on the physical plane Ro 8:12f; 2 Cor 1:17; also 5:16ab, if here κ. ς. belongs w. οἴδαμεν or ἐγνώκαμεν (as Bachmann, JWeiss, H-D Wendland, Sickenberger take it; s. 7a below). καθʼ ὑπερβολήν (PTebt 42, 5f [c. 114 B.C.] ἠδικημένος καθʼ ὑπερβολὴν ὑπὸ, Ἁρμιύσιος; 4 Macc 3:18) beyond measure, beyond comparison Ro 7:13; 1 Cor 12:31; 2 Cor 4:17. καθʼ ὁμοιότητα (Aristot.; Gen 1:12; Philo, Fug. 51; Tat. 12, 4 κ. τὸ ὅμοιον αὐτῇ) in a similar manner Hb 4:15b. κ. μικρόν in brief B 1:5 (μικρός 1eγ).
    denoting relationship to someth., with respect to, in relation to κ. σάρκα w. respect to the flesh, physically of human descent Ro 1:3; 4:1; 9:3, 5 (Ar. 15, 7 κ. σάρκα … κ. ψυχήν; Just., D. 43, 7 ἐν τῷ γένει τῷ κ. σάρκα τοῦ Ἀβραάμ al.). κ. τὸν ἔσω ἄνθρωπον 7:22 (cp. POxy 904, 6 πληγαῖς κατακοπτόμενον κ. τὸ σῶμα). Cp. Ro 1:4; 11:28; Phil 3:5, 6b (for vs. 6a s. 5bβ above); Hb 9:9b. τὰ κ. τινα (Hdt. 7, 148; Diod S 1, 10, 73; Aelian, VH 2, 20; PEleph 13, 3; POxy 120, 14; Tob 10:9; 1 Esdr 9:17; 2 Macc 3:40; 9:3 al.) someone’s case, circumstances Ac 24:22 (cp. PEleph 13, 3 τὰ κ. σε; Just., A I, 61, 13 τὰ κ. τὸν Ἰησοῦν πάντα, D. 102, 2 τὰ κ. αὐτόν; Ath. 24, 4 τὸ κ. τοὺς ἀγγέλους); 25:14; Eph 6:21; Phil 1:12; Col 4:7. κ. πάντα in all respects (since Thu. 4, 81, 3; Sb 4324, 3; 5761, 22; SIG 834, 7; Gen 24:1; Wsd 19:22; 2 Macc 1:17; 3 Macc 5:42; JosAs 1:7; Just., A II, 4, 4, D. 35, 8 al.); Ac 17:22; Col 3:20, 22a; Hb 2:17 (Artem. 1, 13 αὐτῷ ὅμοιον κ. π.); 4:15a.
    Somet. the κατά phrase, which would sound cumbersome in the rendering ‘such-and-such’, ‘in line with’, or ‘in accordance with’, is best rendered as an adj., a possessive pron., or with a genitival construction to express the perspective from which something is perceived or to be understood. In translation it thus functions as
    an adj. (Synes., Kingdom 4 p. 4d τὰ κατʼ ἀρετὴν ἔργα i.e. the deeds that are commensurate with that which is exceptional = virtuous deeds; PHib 27, 42 ταῖς κ. σελήνην ἡμέραις; 4 Macc 5:18 κ. ἀλήθειαν=ἀληθής; Just., A I, 2, 1 τοὺς κ. ἀλήθειαν εὐσεβεῖς; Tat. 26, 2 τῆς κ. ἀλήθειαν σοφίας) οἱ κ. φύσιν κλάδοι the natural branches Ro 11:21. ἡ κατʼ εὐσέβειαν διδασκαλία 1 Ti 6:3; cp. Tit 1:1b. οἱ κ. σάρκα κύριοι the earthly masters (in wordplay, anticipating the κύριος who is in the heavens, vs. 9) Eph 6:5. Cp. 2 Cor 5:16b, in case (s. 5bβ above) κ. ς. belongs w. Χριστόν (as the majority, incl. Ltzm., take it): a physical Christ, a Christ in the flesh, in his earthly relationships (σάρξ 5). Correspondingly in vs. 16a κ. ς. would be taken w. οὐδένα: no one simply as a physical being.—JMartyn, JKnox Festschr., ’67, 269–87.
    a possessive pron., but with limiting force (Demosth. 2, 27 τὰ καθʼ ὑμᾶς ἐλλείμματα [i.e. in contrast to the activities of others: ‘your own’]; Aelian, VH 2, 42 ἡ κατʼ αὐτὸν ἀρετή; 3, 36; OGI 168, 17 παραγεγονότες εἰς τοὺς καθʼ ὑμᾶς τόπους; SIG 646, 6; 807, 15 al.; UPZ 20, 9 [II B.C.] ἐπὶ τῆς καθʼ ἡμᾶς λειτουργίας; PTebt 24, 64; 2 Macc 4:21; Tat. 42, 1 τίς ὁ θεὸς καὶ τίς ἡ κατʼ αὐτὸν ποίησις; Mel., HE 4, 26, 7 ἡ καθʼ ἡμᾶς φιλοσοφία) τῶν καθʼ ὑμᾶς ποιητῶν τινες some of your (own) poets Ac 17:28. ἡ καθʼ ὑμᾶς πίστις Eph 1:15. ὁ καθʼ ὑμᾶς νόμος Ac 18:15. τὸ κατʼ ἐμὲ πρόθυμον my eagerness Ro 1:15.
    a gen. w. a noun (Polyb. 3, 113, 1 ἡ κ. τὸν ἥλιον ἀνατολή; 2, 48, 2; 3, 8, 1 al.; Diod S 14, 12 ἡ κ. τὸν τύραννον ὠμότης; Dionys. Hal. 2, 1; SIG 873, 5 τῆς κ. τ. μυστήρια τελετῆς; 569, 22; 783, 20; PTebt 5, 25; PLond III, 1164k, 20 p. 167 [212 A.D.] ὑπὸ τοῦ κ. πατέρα μου ἀνεψιοῦ) τὰ κ. Ἰουδαίους ἔθη the customs of the Judeans Ac 26:3 (Tat. 12, 5 τῇ κ. Βαβυλωνίους προγνωστικῇ; 34, 2 ἡ κ. τὸν Ἀριστόδημον πλαστική). Cp. 27:2. ἡ κ. πίστιν δικαιοσύνη the righteousness of faith Hb 11:7. ἡ κατʼ ἐκλογὴν πρόθεσις purpose of election Ro 9:11.—Here also belong the titles of the gospels εὐαγγέλιον κατὰ Ματθαῖον etc., where κατά is likew. periphrasis for a gen. (cp. JLydus, De Mag. 3, 46 p. 136, 10 Wünsch τῆς κ. Λουκανὸν συγγραφῆς; Herodian 2, 9, 4 of an autobiography ἐν τῷ καθʼ αὑτὸν βίῳ; Jos., C. Ap. 1, 18 τ. καθʼ αὐτὸν ἱστορίαν; 2 Macc 2:13. Cp. B-D-F §163; 224, 2; Zahn, Einleitung §49; BBacon, Why ‘According to Mt’? Exp., 8th ser., 16, 1920, 289–310).—On the periphrasis of the gen. by κατά s. Rudberg (ἀνά beg.) w. many exx. fr. Pla. on. But it occurs as early as Thu. 6, 16, 5 ἐν τῷ κατʼ αὐτοὺς βίῳ.—M-M. DELG. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > κατά

  • 73 מדה

    מִדָּה, מִידָּהf. (b. h.; preced.) 1) dimension, measure, proportion. Sabb.150a (play on מ̇ד̇ה̇ב̇ה, v. preced.) מ̇אד̇ מ̇אד̇ ה̇ב̇א בלא מ̇׳ bring much, very much, without measure. Peah VIII, 6 מ׳ זו this proportion. Gen. R. s. 64; Esth. R. introd. (ref. to מנדה, Ezra 4:13) זו מִדַּת הארץ that is the from the land as measured, i. e. the (Roman) land-tax. B. Bath.VII, 3 מ׳ בחבלוכ׳ I sell thee exact land-measure by the rope. Ib. 128a מִדַּת ארכו the length-measure of the cloak. Ib. מדת משקלותיו the measure of its (the gold-bars) weights, i. e. an estimate as to how many coins of a certain weight can be obtained from it. Ḥag.12a מדת יום ומ׳ לילה the combined length of day and night. Yeb.76b (ref. to 1 Sam. 17:38) מַדָּיו כמִדָּתוֹ his (Sauls) garments such as fitted his stature. Mikv. X, 5; Ḥull.73a עד מקום (ח)מ׳ as far as the designed length of the handle (excluding the portion which it is intended to cut off).Kidd.42b; B. Mets.56b, a. e. דבר שבמ׳ ושבמשקלוכ׳ objects which are sold by measure, by weight or by the piece. B. Bath.89b לעולם … מ׳ חסירהוכ׳ one must never keep in ones house too small or too large a measure (smaller or larger than the legal size); a. fr.Pl. מִדּוֹת, מִידּוֹת. Ib. 88b עונשן של מ׳ the divine punishment for fraudulent measures. Tosef.B. Mets. VI, 14 לא היו ממונין … אלא על המ׳ they (the agoranomoi in Jerusalem) were appointed not for the regulation of market prices but for the superintendence of the measures; B. Bath.89a, v. אֲנַרְדְּמִיס; a. fr.Men.18a למצות מִידּוֹתַי, v. מָצָח.Whence: Middoth (measurements of the Temple), name of a treatise of the Mishnah, of the order of Kodashim. 2) dealing; reward or punishment; dispensation.מ׳ כננד מ׳ retaliation, adequate punishment or reward. Sot.I, 7, v. preced. Ib. 9a לבמ׳ the verse is to intimate the God dispenses adequate punishments. Ib. 8b (ref. to ib. I, 7) אע״ג דמ׳ בטילח במ׳ לא בתיל although retribution (by the Jewish court) has ceased, the adequate divine punishment has not ceased. Lam. R. introd. (R. Alex. 2) (expl. יען וביען, Lev. 26:43) מ׳ בננד מ׳ punishment corresponding to deed. Ned.32a. Snh.90a כל מִידּוֹתָיו של חקב״ה מ׳ כנגד מ׳ all retributions of the Lord are in correspondence with mans doings. Ber.48b ‘whatever the Lord thy God has given thee דיינך בכל … בין מ׳ טובח ובין מִדַּת פורענות (not מדה) he is thy judge in whatever sentence he decrees upon thee, whether it be a good or an evil dispensation. Ib. IX, 5, v. מְאֹד. Sabb.97a. Ib. 151b לעולם … על מ׳ זו at all times let one pray to be spared this fate (poverty); a. fr.Pl. as ab. Snh.90a, v. supra. Yoma 87b המעביר על מִדּוֹתָיווכ׳ he who passes over his retaliations (who forbears to retaliate), his failings will be passed over (be forgiven); Meg.28a. Ib. לא עמדתי על מִידּוֹתַי I never insisted on retaliation; Kidd.71a ואינו מעמד על מדותיו (Rashi: מיעמיד); a. fr. 3) manner, ways, character, nature, condition. Ber.40a לא כמדת חקב״חוכ׳ the nature of divine (intellectual) affairs is not like the nature of human (material) affairs. Ib. 11b להזכיר מדת יוםוכ׳ to mention the nature of the day (light) at night. Tanḥ. Balak 3 מה מִדָּתוֹ what is the nature of his power. B. Mets.33a מ׳ ואינה מ׳ it is a (meritorious) way (of studying) and is not, i. e. you might to better; Y.Hor.III, 48c top מ׳ שאינה מ׳; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Ab. V, 10 ארבע מ׳ באדם there are four different dispositions of men (as to treating ones fellowman); ib. 11 ארבע מ׳ בדעות four characters (temperaments); ib. 12 ארבע מ׳ בתלמידים four natures of students (with regard to receptive and retentive faculties). Y.Snh.XI, 30a bot. כל שבע מ׳וכ׳ all the seven characteristic features of righteous men which the scholars have defined have been realized in Rabbi. Ned.20b בני תשע מ׳ children conceived under nine (abnormal mental) conditions. R. Hash. 17b, a. fr. שלש עשרה מ׳ the thirteen divine attributes (Ex. 34:6, sq.). Ned.32a, v. פָּרַז; a. fr. מדת הדין a) justice. Tosef.Yeb.IX, 3. a. e., v. לָקָה.Esp. the divine attribute of justice, opp. מ׳ הרחמים, v. דּין II.b) common sense, logical argument. Yoma 43b כך (היא) מ׳ הדין נותנת common sense dictates this; Shebu.14a. Y.Maas. Sh. II, 53c top תחומין עשו (כמ׳) למ׳ הדין they regulated the laws of Sabbath limits according to common sense (not by textual interpretation).c) decision in money matters, civil law (contrad. to ritual law). Y.Gitt.V, 46c bot. אף למ׳ הדין הכן the same principle holds good for civil law (collection of claims, v. כַּפְּרָנוּת); Y.Shebi.X, 39c bot. Ib. (last line) ולמידין מ׳ הדיןוכ׳ do we apply the rules of Prosbol (v. פְּרוֹזְבּוּל) to ordinary claims? Y.B. Kam.V, beg.4d לא הילכו במ׳ הדין אחר הרוב (strike out בממון) in civil law we are not guided by probabilities (v. דוֹב; cmp. Bab. ib. 27b). Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. ולמ׳ הד׳ but civil law (questions of possession). 4) principle, standard, consistency. Men.III, 4 במדתר׳וכ׳ following the principle of R. ; Pes.77b; Y. ib. VII, 34c top. Shek. IV, 6 אינח היא תמ׳ (comment. אינה מן המ׳) this is not consistent (with a previous rule). Ib. 7 השוה את מִדָּתוֹ (Y. ed. מִדּוֹתָיו) he makes his standards even (is consistent). Pes.I, 7 אינת חיא המ׳ this is not the right argument. Ib. 15b אמאי אינה היא המ׳ מ׳ ומ׳ היא why do you say, it is no argument? it is surely a correct argument. Y. Ḥag.III, 77d ‘Menahem went out means ממ׳ למ׳ יצא he went over from one principle to another (joined the opposition; Bab. ib. 16b יצא לתרבות רעה).Esp. מִדּוֹת rules of interpretation. Sifra introd., ch. 1, end הלל … שבע מ׳וכ׳ Hillel the Elder explained seven rules ; Ab. dR. N. ch. 37; Tosef.Snh.VII, 11. Sifra introd., beg. (R. Yishm. said) בשלש עשרה מ׳וכ׳ the Torah is interpreted by means of thirteen rules. (Appendix to treat. Brakhoth. ל״ב מ׳ שלר׳ יוסיוכ׳ the thirty two rules of R. José the Galilean.Lev. R. s. 3, beg. הלכות ומ׳ decisions and interpretations (by which the decisions were reached), v. מְכִילְתָּא.Gitt.67a מִידּוֹתַי תרומה מתרומות מִידּוֹתָיווכ׳ my rules of interpretation are the selection from selections of rules by R. Akiba.Ber.33b שעושח מדותיו של הקב״ח רחמיםוכ׳ he makes compassion the standard (or reason) of the divine laws, while they are decrees (the reasons for which it behooves not man to discuss); Y. ib. V, 9c כקורא תיגר על מ׳וכ׳ because it sounds as if he were finding fault with the ways of the Lord (as if the Lord were partial); כנותן קיצבח למ׳וכ׳ as though he were setting limits to the attributes of the Lord.

    Jewish literature > מדה

  • 74 מידה

    מִדָּה, מִידָּהf. (b. h.; preced.) 1) dimension, measure, proportion. Sabb.150a (play on מ̇ד̇ה̇ב̇ה, v. preced.) מ̇אד̇ מ̇אד̇ ה̇ב̇א בלא מ̇׳ bring much, very much, without measure. Peah VIII, 6 מ׳ זו this proportion. Gen. R. s. 64; Esth. R. introd. (ref. to מנדה, Ezra 4:13) זו מִדַּת הארץ that is the from the land as measured, i. e. the (Roman) land-tax. B. Bath.VII, 3 מ׳ בחבלוכ׳ I sell thee exact land-measure by the rope. Ib. 128a מִדַּת ארכו the length-measure of the cloak. Ib. מדת משקלותיו the measure of its (the gold-bars) weights, i. e. an estimate as to how many coins of a certain weight can be obtained from it. Ḥag.12a מדת יום ומ׳ לילה the combined length of day and night. Yeb.76b (ref. to 1 Sam. 17:38) מַדָּיו כמִדָּתוֹ his (Sauls) garments such as fitted his stature. Mikv. X, 5; Ḥull.73a עד מקום (ח)מ׳ as far as the designed length of the handle (excluding the portion which it is intended to cut off).Kidd.42b; B. Mets.56b, a. e. דבר שבמ׳ ושבמשקלוכ׳ objects which are sold by measure, by weight or by the piece. B. Bath.89b לעולם … מ׳ חסירהוכ׳ one must never keep in ones house too small or too large a measure (smaller or larger than the legal size); a. fr.Pl. מִדּוֹת, מִידּוֹת. Ib. 88b עונשן של מ׳ the divine punishment for fraudulent measures. Tosef.B. Mets. VI, 14 לא היו ממונין … אלא על המ׳ they (the agoranomoi in Jerusalem) were appointed not for the regulation of market prices but for the superintendence of the measures; B. Bath.89a, v. אֲנַרְדְּמִיס; a. fr.Men.18a למצות מִידּוֹתַי, v. מָצָח.Whence: Middoth (measurements of the Temple), name of a treatise of the Mishnah, of the order of Kodashim. 2) dealing; reward or punishment; dispensation.מ׳ כננד מ׳ retaliation, adequate punishment or reward. Sot.I, 7, v. preced. Ib. 9a לבמ׳ the verse is to intimate the God dispenses adequate punishments. Ib. 8b (ref. to ib. I, 7) אע״ג דמ׳ בטילח במ׳ לא בתיל although retribution (by the Jewish court) has ceased, the adequate divine punishment has not ceased. Lam. R. introd. (R. Alex. 2) (expl. יען וביען, Lev. 26:43) מ׳ בננד מ׳ punishment corresponding to deed. Ned.32a. Snh.90a כל מִידּוֹתָיו של חקב״ה מ׳ כנגד מ׳ all retributions of the Lord are in correspondence with mans doings. Ber.48b ‘whatever the Lord thy God has given thee דיינך בכל … בין מ׳ טובח ובין מִדַּת פורענות (not מדה) he is thy judge in whatever sentence he decrees upon thee, whether it be a good or an evil dispensation. Ib. IX, 5, v. מְאֹד. Sabb.97a. Ib. 151b לעולם … על מ׳ זו at all times let one pray to be spared this fate (poverty); a. fr.Pl. as ab. Snh.90a, v. supra. Yoma 87b המעביר על מִדּוֹתָיווכ׳ he who passes over his retaliations (who forbears to retaliate), his failings will be passed over (be forgiven); Meg.28a. Ib. לא עמדתי על מִידּוֹתַי I never insisted on retaliation; Kidd.71a ואינו מעמד על מדותיו (Rashi: מיעמיד); a. fr. 3) manner, ways, character, nature, condition. Ber.40a לא כמדת חקב״חוכ׳ the nature of divine (intellectual) affairs is not like the nature of human (material) affairs. Ib. 11b להזכיר מדת יוםוכ׳ to mention the nature of the day (light) at night. Tanḥ. Balak 3 מה מִדָּתוֹ what is the nature of his power. B. Mets.33a מ׳ ואינה מ׳ it is a (meritorious) way (of studying) and is not, i. e. you might to better; Y.Hor.III, 48c top מ׳ שאינה מ׳; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Ab. V, 10 ארבע מ׳ באדם there are four different dispositions of men (as to treating ones fellowman); ib. 11 ארבע מ׳ בדעות four characters (temperaments); ib. 12 ארבע מ׳ בתלמידים four natures of students (with regard to receptive and retentive faculties). Y.Snh.XI, 30a bot. כל שבע מ׳וכ׳ all the seven characteristic features of righteous men which the scholars have defined have been realized in Rabbi. Ned.20b בני תשע מ׳ children conceived under nine (abnormal mental) conditions. R. Hash. 17b, a. fr. שלש עשרה מ׳ the thirteen divine attributes (Ex. 34:6, sq.). Ned.32a, v. פָּרַז; a. fr. מדת הדין a) justice. Tosef.Yeb.IX, 3. a. e., v. לָקָה.Esp. the divine attribute of justice, opp. מ׳ הרחמים, v. דּין II.b) common sense, logical argument. Yoma 43b כך (היא) מ׳ הדין נותנת common sense dictates this; Shebu.14a. Y.Maas. Sh. II, 53c top תחומין עשו (כמ׳) למ׳ הדין they regulated the laws of Sabbath limits according to common sense (not by textual interpretation).c) decision in money matters, civil law (contrad. to ritual law). Y.Gitt.V, 46c bot. אף למ׳ הדין הכן the same principle holds good for civil law (collection of claims, v. כַּפְּרָנוּת); Y.Shebi.X, 39c bot. Ib. (last line) ולמידין מ׳ הדיןוכ׳ do we apply the rules of Prosbol (v. פְּרוֹזְבּוּל) to ordinary claims? Y.B. Kam.V, beg.4d לא הילכו במ׳ הדין אחר הרוב (strike out בממון) in civil law we are not guided by probabilities (v. דוֹב; cmp. Bab. ib. 27b). Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. ולמ׳ הד׳ but civil law (questions of possession). 4) principle, standard, consistency. Men.III, 4 במדתר׳וכ׳ following the principle of R. ; Pes.77b; Y. ib. VII, 34c top. Shek. IV, 6 אינח היא תמ׳ (comment. אינה מן המ׳) this is not consistent (with a previous rule). Ib. 7 השוה את מִדָּתוֹ (Y. ed. מִדּוֹתָיו) he makes his standards even (is consistent). Pes.I, 7 אינת חיא המ׳ this is not the right argument. Ib. 15b אמאי אינה היא המ׳ מ׳ ומ׳ היא why do you say, it is no argument? it is surely a correct argument. Y. Ḥag.III, 77d ‘Menahem went out means ממ׳ למ׳ יצא he went over from one principle to another (joined the opposition; Bab. ib. 16b יצא לתרבות רעה).Esp. מִדּוֹת rules of interpretation. Sifra introd., ch. 1, end הלל … שבע מ׳וכ׳ Hillel the Elder explained seven rules ; Ab. dR. N. ch. 37; Tosef.Snh.VII, 11. Sifra introd., beg. (R. Yishm. said) בשלש עשרה מ׳וכ׳ the Torah is interpreted by means of thirteen rules. (Appendix to treat. Brakhoth. ל״ב מ׳ שלר׳ יוסיוכ׳ the thirty two rules of R. José the Galilean.Lev. R. s. 3, beg. הלכות ומ׳ decisions and interpretations (by which the decisions were reached), v. מְכִילְתָּא.Gitt.67a מִידּוֹתַי תרומה מתרומות מִידּוֹתָיווכ׳ my rules of interpretation are the selection from selections of rules by R. Akiba.Ber.33b שעושח מדותיו של הקב״ח רחמיםוכ׳ he makes compassion the standard (or reason) of the divine laws, while they are decrees (the reasons for which it behooves not man to discuss); Y. ib. V, 9c כקורא תיגר על מ׳וכ׳ because it sounds as if he were finding fault with the ways of the Lord (as if the Lord were partial); כנותן קיצבח למ׳וכ׳ as though he were setting limits to the attributes of the Lord.

    Jewish literature > מידה

  • 75 מִדָּה

    מִדָּה, מִידָּהf. (b. h.; preced.) 1) dimension, measure, proportion. Sabb.150a (play on מ̇ד̇ה̇ב̇ה, v. preced.) מ̇אד̇ מ̇אד̇ ה̇ב̇א בלא מ̇׳ bring much, very much, without measure. Peah VIII, 6 מ׳ זו this proportion. Gen. R. s. 64; Esth. R. introd. (ref. to מנדה, Ezra 4:13) זו מִדַּת הארץ that is the from the land as measured, i. e. the (Roman) land-tax. B. Bath.VII, 3 מ׳ בחבלוכ׳ I sell thee exact land-measure by the rope. Ib. 128a מִדַּת ארכו the length-measure of the cloak. Ib. מדת משקלותיו the measure of its (the gold-bars) weights, i. e. an estimate as to how many coins of a certain weight can be obtained from it. Ḥag.12a מדת יום ומ׳ לילה the combined length of day and night. Yeb.76b (ref. to 1 Sam. 17:38) מַדָּיו כמִדָּתוֹ his (Sauls) garments such as fitted his stature. Mikv. X, 5; Ḥull.73a עד מקום (ח)מ׳ as far as the designed length of the handle (excluding the portion which it is intended to cut off).Kidd.42b; B. Mets.56b, a. e. דבר שבמ׳ ושבמשקלוכ׳ objects which are sold by measure, by weight or by the piece. B. Bath.89b לעולם … מ׳ חסירהוכ׳ one must never keep in ones house too small or too large a measure (smaller or larger than the legal size); a. fr.Pl. מִדּוֹת, מִידּוֹת. Ib. 88b עונשן של מ׳ the divine punishment for fraudulent measures. Tosef.B. Mets. VI, 14 לא היו ממונין … אלא על המ׳ they (the agoranomoi in Jerusalem) were appointed not for the regulation of market prices but for the superintendence of the measures; B. Bath.89a, v. אֲנַרְדְּמִיס; a. fr.Men.18a למצות מִידּוֹתַי, v. מָצָח.Whence: Middoth (measurements of the Temple), name of a treatise of the Mishnah, of the order of Kodashim. 2) dealing; reward or punishment; dispensation.מ׳ כננד מ׳ retaliation, adequate punishment or reward. Sot.I, 7, v. preced. Ib. 9a לבמ׳ the verse is to intimate the God dispenses adequate punishments. Ib. 8b (ref. to ib. I, 7) אע״ג דמ׳ בטילח במ׳ לא בתיל although retribution (by the Jewish court) has ceased, the adequate divine punishment has not ceased. Lam. R. introd. (R. Alex. 2) (expl. יען וביען, Lev. 26:43) מ׳ בננד מ׳ punishment corresponding to deed. Ned.32a. Snh.90a כל מִידּוֹתָיו של חקב״ה מ׳ כנגד מ׳ all retributions of the Lord are in correspondence with mans doings. Ber.48b ‘whatever the Lord thy God has given thee דיינך בכל … בין מ׳ טובח ובין מִדַּת פורענות (not מדה) he is thy judge in whatever sentence he decrees upon thee, whether it be a good or an evil dispensation. Ib. IX, 5, v. מְאֹד. Sabb.97a. Ib. 151b לעולם … על מ׳ זו at all times let one pray to be spared this fate (poverty); a. fr.Pl. as ab. Snh.90a, v. supra. Yoma 87b המעביר על מִדּוֹתָיווכ׳ he who passes over his retaliations (who forbears to retaliate), his failings will be passed over (be forgiven); Meg.28a. Ib. לא עמדתי על מִידּוֹתַי I never insisted on retaliation; Kidd.71a ואינו מעמד על מדותיו (Rashi: מיעמיד); a. fr. 3) manner, ways, character, nature, condition. Ber.40a לא כמדת חקב״חוכ׳ the nature of divine (intellectual) affairs is not like the nature of human (material) affairs. Ib. 11b להזכיר מדת יוםוכ׳ to mention the nature of the day (light) at night. Tanḥ. Balak 3 מה מִדָּתוֹ what is the nature of his power. B. Mets.33a מ׳ ואינה מ׳ it is a (meritorious) way (of studying) and is not, i. e. you might to better; Y.Hor.III, 48c top מ׳ שאינה מ׳; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Ab. V, 10 ארבע מ׳ באדם there are four different dispositions of men (as to treating ones fellowman); ib. 11 ארבע מ׳ בדעות four characters (temperaments); ib. 12 ארבע מ׳ בתלמידים four natures of students (with regard to receptive and retentive faculties). Y.Snh.XI, 30a bot. כל שבע מ׳וכ׳ all the seven characteristic features of righteous men which the scholars have defined have been realized in Rabbi. Ned.20b בני תשע מ׳ children conceived under nine (abnormal mental) conditions. R. Hash. 17b, a. fr. שלש עשרה מ׳ the thirteen divine attributes (Ex. 34:6, sq.). Ned.32a, v. פָּרַז; a. fr. מדת הדין a) justice. Tosef.Yeb.IX, 3. a. e., v. לָקָה.Esp. the divine attribute of justice, opp. מ׳ הרחמים, v. דּין II.b) common sense, logical argument. Yoma 43b כך (היא) מ׳ הדין נותנת common sense dictates this; Shebu.14a. Y.Maas. Sh. II, 53c top תחומין עשו (כמ׳) למ׳ הדין they regulated the laws of Sabbath limits according to common sense (not by textual interpretation).c) decision in money matters, civil law (contrad. to ritual law). Y.Gitt.V, 46c bot. אף למ׳ הדין הכן the same principle holds good for civil law (collection of claims, v. כַּפְּרָנוּת); Y.Shebi.X, 39c bot. Ib. (last line) ולמידין מ׳ הדיןוכ׳ do we apply the rules of Prosbol (v. פְּרוֹזְבּוּל) to ordinary claims? Y.B. Kam.V, beg.4d לא הילכו במ׳ הדין אחר הרוב (strike out בממון) in civil law we are not guided by probabilities (v. דוֹב; cmp. Bab. ib. 27b). Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. ולמ׳ הד׳ but civil law (questions of possession). 4) principle, standard, consistency. Men.III, 4 במדתר׳וכ׳ following the principle of R. ; Pes.77b; Y. ib. VII, 34c top. Shek. IV, 6 אינח היא תמ׳ (comment. אינה מן המ׳) this is not consistent (with a previous rule). Ib. 7 השוה את מִדָּתוֹ (Y. ed. מִדּוֹתָיו) he makes his standards even (is consistent). Pes.I, 7 אינת חיא המ׳ this is not the right argument. Ib. 15b אמאי אינה היא המ׳ מ׳ ומ׳ היא why do you say, it is no argument? it is surely a correct argument. Y. Ḥag.III, 77d ‘Menahem went out means ממ׳ למ׳ יצא he went over from one principle to another (joined the opposition; Bab. ib. 16b יצא לתרבות רעה).Esp. מִדּוֹת rules of interpretation. Sifra introd., ch. 1, end הלל … שבע מ׳וכ׳ Hillel the Elder explained seven rules ; Ab. dR. N. ch. 37; Tosef.Snh.VII, 11. Sifra introd., beg. (R. Yishm. said) בשלש עשרה מ׳וכ׳ the Torah is interpreted by means of thirteen rules. (Appendix to treat. Brakhoth. ל״ב מ׳ שלר׳ יוסיוכ׳ the thirty two rules of R. José the Galilean.Lev. R. s. 3, beg. הלכות ומ׳ decisions and interpretations (by which the decisions were reached), v. מְכִילְתָּא.Gitt.67a מִידּוֹתַי תרומה מתרומות מִידּוֹתָיווכ׳ my rules of interpretation are the selection from selections of rules by R. Akiba.Ber.33b שעושח מדותיו של הקב״ח רחמיםוכ׳ he makes compassion the standard (or reason) of the divine laws, while they are decrees (the reasons for which it behooves not man to discuss); Y. ib. V, 9c כקורא תיגר על מ׳וכ׳ because it sounds as if he were finding fault with the ways of the Lord (as if the Lord were partial); כנותן קיצבח למ׳וכ׳ as though he were setting limits to the attributes of the Lord.

    Jewish literature > מִדָּה

  • 76 מִידָּה

    מִדָּה, מִידָּהf. (b. h.; preced.) 1) dimension, measure, proportion. Sabb.150a (play on מ̇ד̇ה̇ב̇ה, v. preced.) מ̇אד̇ מ̇אד̇ ה̇ב̇א בלא מ̇׳ bring much, very much, without measure. Peah VIII, 6 מ׳ זו this proportion. Gen. R. s. 64; Esth. R. introd. (ref. to מנדה, Ezra 4:13) זו מִדַּת הארץ that is the from the land as measured, i. e. the (Roman) land-tax. B. Bath.VII, 3 מ׳ בחבלוכ׳ I sell thee exact land-measure by the rope. Ib. 128a מִדַּת ארכו the length-measure of the cloak. Ib. מדת משקלותיו the measure of its (the gold-bars) weights, i. e. an estimate as to how many coins of a certain weight can be obtained from it. Ḥag.12a מדת יום ומ׳ לילה the combined length of day and night. Yeb.76b (ref. to 1 Sam. 17:38) מַדָּיו כמִדָּתוֹ his (Sauls) garments such as fitted his stature. Mikv. X, 5; Ḥull.73a עד מקום (ח)מ׳ as far as the designed length of the handle (excluding the portion which it is intended to cut off).Kidd.42b; B. Mets.56b, a. e. דבר שבמ׳ ושבמשקלוכ׳ objects which are sold by measure, by weight or by the piece. B. Bath.89b לעולם … מ׳ חסירהוכ׳ one must never keep in ones house too small or too large a measure (smaller or larger than the legal size); a. fr.Pl. מִדּוֹת, מִידּוֹת. Ib. 88b עונשן של מ׳ the divine punishment for fraudulent measures. Tosef.B. Mets. VI, 14 לא היו ממונין … אלא על המ׳ they (the agoranomoi in Jerusalem) were appointed not for the regulation of market prices but for the superintendence of the measures; B. Bath.89a, v. אֲנַרְדְּמִיס; a. fr.Men.18a למצות מִידּוֹתַי, v. מָצָח.Whence: Middoth (measurements of the Temple), name of a treatise of the Mishnah, of the order of Kodashim. 2) dealing; reward or punishment; dispensation.מ׳ כננד מ׳ retaliation, adequate punishment or reward. Sot.I, 7, v. preced. Ib. 9a לבמ׳ the verse is to intimate the God dispenses adequate punishments. Ib. 8b (ref. to ib. I, 7) אע״ג דמ׳ בטילח במ׳ לא בתיל although retribution (by the Jewish court) has ceased, the adequate divine punishment has not ceased. Lam. R. introd. (R. Alex. 2) (expl. יען וביען, Lev. 26:43) מ׳ בננד מ׳ punishment corresponding to deed. Ned.32a. Snh.90a כל מִידּוֹתָיו של חקב״ה מ׳ כנגד מ׳ all retributions of the Lord are in correspondence with mans doings. Ber.48b ‘whatever the Lord thy God has given thee דיינך בכל … בין מ׳ טובח ובין מִדַּת פורענות (not מדה) he is thy judge in whatever sentence he decrees upon thee, whether it be a good or an evil dispensation. Ib. IX, 5, v. מְאֹד. Sabb.97a. Ib. 151b לעולם … על מ׳ זו at all times let one pray to be spared this fate (poverty); a. fr.Pl. as ab. Snh.90a, v. supra. Yoma 87b המעביר על מִדּוֹתָיווכ׳ he who passes over his retaliations (who forbears to retaliate), his failings will be passed over (be forgiven); Meg.28a. Ib. לא עמדתי על מִידּוֹתַי I never insisted on retaliation; Kidd.71a ואינו מעמד על מדותיו (Rashi: מיעמיד); a. fr. 3) manner, ways, character, nature, condition. Ber.40a לא כמדת חקב״חוכ׳ the nature of divine (intellectual) affairs is not like the nature of human (material) affairs. Ib. 11b להזכיר מדת יוםוכ׳ to mention the nature of the day (light) at night. Tanḥ. Balak 3 מה מִדָּתוֹ what is the nature of his power. B. Mets.33a מ׳ ואינה מ׳ it is a (meritorious) way (of studying) and is not, i. e. you might to better; Y.Hor.III, 48c top מ׳ שאינה מ׳; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Ab. V, 10 ארבע מ׳ באדם there are four different dispositions of men (as to treating ones fellowman); ib. 11 ארבע מ׳ בדעות four characters (temperaments); ib. 12 ארבע מ׳ בתלמידים four natures of students (with regard to receptive and retentive faculties). Y.Snh.XI, 30a bot. כל שבע מ׳וכ׳ all the seven characteristic features of righteous men which the scholars have defined have been realized in Rabbi. Ned.20b בני תשע מ׳ children conceived under nine (abnormal mental) conditions. R. Hash. 17b, a. fr. שלש עשרה מ׳ the thirteen divine attributes (Ex. 34:6, sq.). Ned.32a, v. פָּרַז; a. fr. מדת הדין a) justice. Tosef.Yeb.IX, 3. a. e., v. לָקָה.Esp. the divine attribute of justice, opp. מ׳ הרחמים, v. דּין II.b) common sense, logical argument. Yoma 43b כך (היא) מ׳ הדין נותנת common sense dictates this; Shebu.14a. Y.Maas. Sh. II, 53c top תחומין עשו (כמ׳) למ׳ הדין they regulated the laws of Sabbath limits according to common sense (not by textual interpretation).c) decision in money matters, civil law (contrad. to ritual law). Y.Gitt.V, 46c bot. אף למ׳ הדין הכן the same principle holds good for civil law (collection of claims, v. כַּפְּרָנוּת); Y.Shebi.X, 39c bot. Ib. (last line) ולמידין מ׳ הדיןוכ׳ do we apply the rules of Prosbol (v. פְּרוֹזְבּוּל) to ordinary claims? Y.B. Kam.V, beg.4d לא הילכו במ׳ הדין אחר הרוב (strike out בממון) in civil law we are not guided by probabilities (v. דוֹב; cmp. Bab. ib. 27b). Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. ולמ׳ הד׳ but civil law (questions of possession). 4) principle, standard, consistency. Men.III, 4 במדתר׳וכ׳ following the principle of R. ; Pes.77b; Y. ib. VII, 34c top. Shek. IV, 6 אינח היא תמ׳ (comment. אינה מן המ׳) this is not consistent (with a previous rule). Ib. 7 השוה את מִדָּתוֹ (Y. ed. מִדּוֹתָיו) he makes his standards even (is consistent). Pes.I, 7 אינת חיא המ׳ this is not the right argument. Ib. 15b אמאי אינה היא המ׳ מ׳ ומ׳ היא why do you say, it is no argument? it is surely a correct argument. Y. Ḥag.III, 77d ‘Menahem went out means ממ׳ למ׳ יצא he went over from one principle to another (joined the opposition; Bab. ib. 16b יצא לתרבות רעה).Esp. מִדּוֹת rules of interpretation. Sifra introd., ch. 1, end הלל … שבע מ׳וכ׳ Hillel the Elder explained seven rules ; Ab. dR. N. ch. 37; Tosef.Snh.VII, 11. Sifra introd., beg. (R. Yishm. said) בשלש עשרה מ׳וכ׳ the Torah is interpreted by means of thirteen rules. (Appendix to treat. Brakhoth. ל״ב מ׳ שלר׳ יוסיוכ׳ the thirty two rules of R. José the Galilean.Lev. R. s. 3, beg. הלכות ומ׳ decisions and interpretations (by which the decisions were reached), v. מְכִילְתָּא.Gitt.67a מִידּוֹתַי תרומה מתרומות מִידּוֹתָיווכ׳ my rules of interpretation are the selection from selections of rules by R. Akiba.Ber.33b שעושח מדותיו של הקב״ח רחמיםוכ׳ he makes compassion the standard (or reason) of the divine laws, while they are decrees (the reasons for which it behooves not man to discuss); Y. ib. V, 9c כקורא תיגר על מ׳וכ׳ because it sounds as if he were finding fault with the ways of the Lord (as if the Lord were partial); כנותן קיצבח למ׳וכ׳ as though he were setting limits to the attributes of the Lord.

    Jewish literature > מִידָּה

  • 77 מה

    מָה, מַה(b. h.) 1) something; anything. Num. R. s. 14; Tanḥ. Ḥayé 3, v. בְּלִימָה. 2) what? which? Ḥull.89a (play on הא̇מ̇נ̇ם א̇ל̇ם̇, Ps. 58:2) מה א̇ומ̇נ̇תו … כא̇ל̇ם̇ which is the best policy for man in this world? Let him act as if he were mute (keep silence). B. Mets.63a, a. e. מה לו הן מה לי דמיהן what are they to me and what their equivalent, i. e. what difference does it make whether the purchased objects or their equivalent be delivered?; Y.Yoma V, 43a bot. מה ביניהן ומה בין דמיהן. B. Bath.32b; 31a מה (לי) לו לשקר what motive could he have to tell a lie? Ib., a. e. מה לי לשקר במקום עדיםוכ׳ we do not apply the principle that we believe a defendant because he has no motive to lie, where witnesses are on hand; a. v. fr.מה … אף what …?, even so, i. e. as … so. Gitt.23b מה אתם … אףוכ׳ as you (Num. 18:28) refers to Israelites, so must your delegate be an Israelite. Sabb.133b מה הוא … אףוכ׳ as He is gracious and merciful, so be thou ; a. fr.מה … לא כל שכן, v. כָּל.מה … אינו דין, v. דִּין II.מה ל־ … שכן … תאמר what has this to do with …? In this case …, whereas, i. e. it is different with because Kidd.4b מה ליבמה שכן … תאמרוכ׳ the case of a Ybamah is different, because she can neither be acquired by means of a document, whereas this (an ordinary woman) ; a. fr.מָה נַפְשְׁךָ (in Babli mostly: מִמָּה נפשך; abbr. ממ״נ) whatever be thy opinion (from whatever opinion thou start), i. e. whichever side you take, at all events. Y.Ber.I, 2b מ׳ נ׳ אםוכ׳ at all events (he has offended); if it was day-time when the first stars (on Friday evening) were visible, it was day-time when the first stars (on Sabbath evening) were visible ; Sabb.35b חייכ חטאתממ״נ must bring a sinoffering at all events (whether you consider twilight a part of the day or a part of the night). Ib. 34a (in Chald. diet.) מה נפשך איוכ׳ whichever side you take, if twilight is day Erub.10a גדולה … למה ליממ״נ איוכ׳ what reason was there for saying ‘large …? In either case (it is incorrect), if it be to permit the use of the larger court Ḥull.29a ממ״נ אי מחצהוכ׳ in either case (the slaughtering is ritually correct); if you adopt the opinion that an exact half is to be considered as if it were the larger portion ; a. v. fr.Ib. 78b מה אם נפשך, v. נֶפֶש.בַּמֶּה a) wherewith? B. Bath.10b במה תרוםוכ׳ whereby can the horn of Israel be lifted up? Sabb.II, 1; a. fr.b) in what case? במה דברים אמורים (abbr. בד״א), v. אָמַר I.לָמָּה wherefore? Ber.3a תחלת … סימנא למה לי what need is there for a sign for the beginning of the first watch? M. Kat. 28a ל׳ נסמכהוכ׳ why is the account of the death of Miriam attached to ?; a. fr.לַמֶּה to what?, whereto? Kidd.40b ל׳ צדיקים נמשלים what are the righteous to be compared to?ל׳ הדבר דומה, v. דָּמָה; a. fr.V. לָמָה. 3) (relat) which, what. Pes.88b מה שקנה עבדוכ׳ whatever the slave acquires belongs to the master. Ber.I, 1 כל מה שאמרווכ׳ for whatever act the scholars designated the time ‘up to midnight ; a. v. fr.

    Jewish literature > מה

  • 78 מָה

    מָה, מַה(b. h.) 1) something; anything. Num. R. s. 14; Tanḥ. Ḥayé 3, v. בְּלִימָה. 2) what? which? Ḥull.89a (play on הא̇מ̇נ̇ם א̇ל̇ם̇, Ps. 58:2) מה א̇ומ̇נ̇תו … כא̇ל̇ם̇ which is the best policy for man in this world? Let him act as if he were mute (keep silence). B. Mets.63a, a. e. מה לו הן מה לי דמיהן what are they to me and what their equivalent, i. e. what difference does it make whether the purchased objects or their equivalent be delivered?; Y.Yoma V, 43a bot. מה ביניהן ומה בין דמיהן. B. Bath.32b; 31a מה (לי) לו לשקר what motive could he have to tell a lie? Ib., a. e. מה לי לשקר במקום עדיםוכ׳ we do not apply the principle that we believe a defendant because he has no motive to lie, where witnesses are on hand; a. v. fr.מה … אף what …?, even so, i. e. as … so. Gitt.23b מה אתם … אףוכ׳ as you (Num. 18:28) refers to Israelites, so must your delegate be an Israelite. Sabb.133b מה הוא … אףוכ׳ as He is gracious and merciful, so be thou ; a. fr.מה … לא כל שכן, v. כָּל.מה … אינו דין, v. דִּין II.מה ל־ … שכן … תאמר what has this to do with …? In this case …, whereas, i. e. it is different with because Kidd.4b מה ליבמה שכן … תאמרוכ׳ the case of a Ybamah is different, because she can neither be acquired by means of a document, whereas this (an ordinary woman) ; a. fr.מָה נַפְשְׁךָ (in Babli mostly: מִמָּה נפשך; abbr. ממ״נ) whatever be thy opinion (from whatever opinion thou start), i. e. whichever side you take, at all events. Y.Ber.I, 2b מ׳ נ׳ אםוכ׳ at all events (he has offended); if it was day-time when the first stars (on Friday evening) were visible, it was day-time when the first stars (on Sabbath evening) were visible ; Sabb.35b חייכ חטאתממ״נ must bring a sinoffering at all events (whether you consider twilight a part of the day or a part of the night). Ib. 34a (in Chald. diet.) מה נפשך איוכ׳ whichever side you take, if twilight is day Erub.10a גדולה … למה ליממ״נ איוכ׳ what reason was there for saying ‘large …? In either case (it is incorrect), if it be to permit the use of the larger court Ḥull.29a ממ״נ אי מחצהוכ׳ in either case (the slaughtering is ritually correct); if you adopt the opinion that an exact half is to be considered as if it were the larger portion ; a. v. fr.Ib. 78b מה אם נפשך, v. נֶפֶש.בַּמֶּה a) wherewith? B. Bath.10b במה תרוםוכ׳ whereby can the horn of Israel be lifted up? Sabb.II, 1; a. fr.b) in what case? במה דברים אמורים (abbr. בד״א), v. אָמַר I.לָמָּה wherefore? Ber.3a תחלת … סימנא למה לי what need is there for a sign for the beginning of the first watch? M. Kat. 28a ל׳ נסמכהוכ׳ why is the account of the death of Miriam attached to ?; a. fr.לַמֶּה to what?, whereto? Kidd.40b ל׳ צדיקים נמשלים what are the righteous to be compared to?ל׳ הדבר דומה, v. דָּמָה; a. fr.V. לָמָה. 3) (relat) which, what. Pes.88b מה שקנה עבדוכ׳ whatever the slave acquires belongs to the master. Ber.I, 1 כל מה שאמרווכ׳ for whatever act the scholars designated the time ‘up to midnight ; a. v. fr.

    Jewish literature > מָה

  • 79 מַה

    מָה, מַה(b. h.) 1) something; anything. Num. R. s. 14; Tanḥ. Ḥayé 3, v. בְּלִימָה. 2) what? which? Ḥull.89a (play on הא̇מ̇נ̇ם א̇ל̇ם̇, Ps. 58:2) מה א̇ומ̇נ̇תו … כא̇ל̇ם̇ which is the best policy for man in this world? Let him act as if he were mute (keep silence). B. Mets.63a, a. e. מה לו הן מה לי דמיהן what are they to me and what their equivalent, i. e. what difference does it make whether the purchased objects or their equivalent be delivered?; Y.Yoma V, 43a bot. מה ביניהן ומה בין דמיהן. B. Bath.32b; 31a מה (לי) לו לשקר what motive could he have to tell a lie? Ib., a. e. מה לי לשקר במקום עדיםוכ׳ we do not apply the principle that we believe a defendant because he has no motive to lie, where witnesses are on hand; a. v. fr.מה … אף what …?, even so, i. e. as … so. Gitt.23b מה אתם … אףוכ׳ as you (Num. 18:28) refers to Israelites, so must your delegate be an Israelite. Sabb.133b מה הוא … אףוכ׳ as He is gracious and merciful, so be thou ; a. fr.מה … לא כל שכן, v. כָּל.מה … אינו דין, v. דִּין II.מה ל־ … שכן … תאמר what has this to do with …? In this case …, whereas, i. e. it is different with because Kidd.4b מה ליבמה שכן … תאמרוכ׳ the case of a Ybamah is different, because she can neither be acquired by means of a document, whereas this (an ordinary woman) ; a. fr.מָה נַפְשְׁךָ (in Babli mostly: מִמָּה נפשך; abbr. ממ״נ) whatever be thy opinion (from whatever opinion thou start), i. e. whichever side you take, at all events. Y.Ber.I, 2b מ׳ נ׳ אםוכ׳ at all events (he has offended); if it was day-time when the first stars (on Friday evening) were visible, it was day-time when the first stars (on Sabbath evening) were visible ; Sabb.35b חייכ חטאתממ״נ must bring a sinoffering at all events (whether you consider twilight a part of the day or a part of the night). Ib. 34a (in Chald. diet.) מה נפשך איוכ׳ whichever side you take, if twilight is day Erub.10a גדולה … למה ליממ״נ איוכ׳ what reason was there for saying ‘large …? In either case (it is incorrect), if it be to permit the use of the larger court Ḥull.29a ממ״נ אי מחצהוכ׳ in either case (the slaughtering is ritually correct); if you adopt the opinion that an exact half is to be considered as if it were the larger portion ; a. v. fr.Ib. 78b מה אם נפשך, v. נֶפֶש.בַּמֶּה a) wherewith? B. Bath.10b במה תרוםוכ׳ whereby can the horn of Israel be lifted up? Sabb.II, 1; a. fr.b) in what case? במה דברים אמורים (abbr. בד״א), v. אָמַר I.לָמָּה wherefore? Ber.3a תחלת … סימנא למה לי what need is there for a sign for the beginning of the first watch? M. Kat. 28a ל׳ נסמכהוכ׳ why is the account of the death of Miriam attached to ?; a. fr.לַמֶּה to what?, whereto? Kidd.40b ל׳ צדיקים נמשלים what are the righteous to be compared to?ל׳ הדבר דומה, v. דָּמָה; a. fr.V. לָמָה. 3) (relat) which, what. Pes.88b מה שקנה עבדוכ׳ whatever the slave acquires belongs to the master. Ber.I, 1 כל מה שאמרווכ׳ for whatever act the scholars designated the time ‘up to midnight ; a. v. fr.

    Jewish literature > מַה

  • 80 ἀργέω

    ἀργέω, [tense] fut. - ήσω: [tense] aor.

    ἤργησα BGU698.4

    (ii A.D.): [tense] pf.

    ἤργηκα POxy.1160.14

    (iii/iv A.D.): ([etym.] ἀργός, ἀεργός):—to be unemployed, do nothing, Hp.Mochl.23, E.Ph. 625, X.Cyr.1.2.15, Pl.R. 426a, etc.; keep Sabbath, LXX 2 Ma.5.25;

    ἀ. τὴν ἑβδόμην J.BJ7.3.3


    οἱ ἀργοῦντες

    the idle,



    γῆ ἀργοῦσα

    lying fallow,


    , PFlor.262.9 (iii A.D.);

    ἀργῆσαν ἤμυσε στέγος S.Fr. 864


    φησὶν ἀργῆσαι τὸ ἐργαστήριον

    is out of work,


    ; of the senses, to be at rest,

    νυκτὸς τῆς ὄψεως ἀργούσης Arist.Pr. 903a21

    , cf. Somn.Vig. 455a30: c. gen. rei, ἀργήσει.. τῆς αὑτοῦ δημιουργίας will be unoccupied in his own work, Pl.R. 371c.
    II [voice] Pass., to be left undone, X.Cyr.2.3.3; to be fruitless,

    ἡ σκέψις ἂν ἀργοῖτο Id.Hier.9.9


    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > ἀργέω

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  • (the) Sabbath — the Sabbath UK [ˈsæbəθ] US noun a day for people of some religions to rest and pray The Jewish Sabbath is Saturday and the Christian Sabbath is Sunday . Thesaurus: judaismhyponym important days in the christian calendarhyponym miscellaneous… …   Useful english dictionary

  • the Sabbath — UK [ˈsæbəθ] / US noun a day for people of some religions to rest and pray. The Jewish Sabbath is Saturday and the Christian Sabbath is Sunday. • keep/break the Sabbath to follow or not follow the rules about the Sabbath …   English dictionary

  • break the Sabbath — keep/break/the Sabbath phrase to follow or not follow the rules about the Sabbath Thesaurus: religious ceremonies and practiceshyponym Main entry: Sabbath …   Useful english dictionary

  • SABBATH — (Heb. שַׁבָּת; Shabbat; related to the verb shavat, cease, desist, rest ), the seventh day of the week, the day of rest and abstention from work. In the Bible The etiology of the Sabbath is given in Genesis 1:1–2:3, although the name of the day… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • keep — vb 1 Keep, observe, celebrate, solemnize, commemorate are comparable when they mean to pay proper attention or honor to something prescribed, obligatory, or demanded (as by one s nationality, religion, or rank), but they vary widely in their… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • keep — [kēp] vt. kept, keeping [ME kepen < OE cœpan, to behold, watch out for, lay hold of, akin to MLowG kapen, ON kopa, to stare at < ? IE base * ĝab , to look at or for] 1. to observe or pay regard to; specif., a) to observe with due or… …   English World dictionary

  • Sabbath in Christianity — For other uses, see Biblical Sabbath, seventh day Sabbath, Jewish Sabbath, High Sabbath, and Sabbath year. A Ten Commandments monument which includes the command to Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy …   Wikipedia

  • keep — I. verb (kept; keeping) Etymology: Middle English kepen, from Old English cēpan; perhaps akin to Old High German chapfēn to look Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. to take notice of by appropriate conduct ; fulfill: as a. to be faithful …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • keep — v. & n. v. (past and past part. kept) 1 tr. have continuous charge of; retain possession of. 2 tr. (foll. by for) retain or reserve for a future occasion or time (will keep it for tomorrow). 3 tr. & intr. retain or remain in a specified condition …   Useful english dictionary

  • keep —   Mālama, pa a. See ex., bless.    ♦ To keep away, ho omamamao, ho ē ē, ho okā oko a.    ♦ To keep on doing, ho omau, oia, noke, kakano.    ♦ To keep the Sabbath, mālama Lā Kāpaki.    ♦ To keep sorcery bundles, mālama pū olo.    ♦ Keep out, kapu …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

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