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См. также в других словарях:

  • beyond all doubt — index demonstrable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • beyond all question — beyond doubt, cannot be doubted …   English contemporary dictionary

  • all — (ôl) adj. 1. Being or representing the entire or total number, amount, or quantity: »All the windows are open. Deal all the cards. See Synonyms at WHOLE(Cf. ↑whole). 2. Constituting, being, or representing the total extent or the whole: »all… …   Word Histories

  • All — All, a. [OE. al, pl. alle, AS. eal, pl. ealle, Northumbrian alle, akin to D. & OHG. al, Ger. all, Icel. allr. Dan. al, Sw. all, Goth. alls; and perh. to Ir. and Gael. uile, W. oll.] 1. The whole quantity, extent, duration, amount, quality, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • All the whole — All All, a. [OE. al, pl. alle, AS. eal, pl. ealle, Northumbrian alle, akin to D. & OHG. al, Ger. all, Icel. allr. Dan. al, Sw. all, Goth. alls; and perh. to Ir. and Gael. uile, W. oll.] 1. The whole quantity, extent, duration, amount, quality, or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • doubt — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, grave, real, serious, severe ▪ slight ▪ Without the slightest doubt this is a remarkable exhibition …   Collocations dictionary

  • all — /awl/, adj. 1. the whole of (used in referring to quantity, extent, or duration): all the cake; all the way; all year. 2. the whole number of (used in referring to individuals or particulars, taken collectively): all students. 3. the greatest… …   Universalium

  • all — /ɔl / (say awl) adjective 1. the whole of (with reference to quantity, extent, duration, amount, or degree): all Australia; all the year round. 2. the whole number of (with reference to individuals or particulars, taken collectively): all women.… …  

  • all — adj., n., & adv. adj. 1 a the whole amount, quantity, or extent of (waited all day; all his life; we all know why; take it all). b (with pl.) the entire number of (all the others left; all ten men; the children are all boys; film stars all). 2… …   Useful english dictionary

  • all — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English all, al, from Old English eall; akin to Old High German all all Date: before 12th century 1. a. the whole amount, quantity, or extent of < needed all the courage they had > < sat up all night > b. as much as …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • all — [[t]ɔl[/t]] adj. 1) the whole or full amount of: all the cake; all year[/ex] 2) the whole number of: all students; all kinds[/ex] 3) the greatest possible: with all speed[/ex] 4) any; any whatever: beyond all doubt[/ex] 5) entirely; purely: The… …   From formal English to slang

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