Перевод: с английского на литовский

с литовского на английский


  • 1 crime

    1. noun
    1) (act(s) punishable by law: Murder is a crime; Crime is on the increase.) nusikaltimas, nusikalstamumas
    2) (something wrong though not illegal: What a crime to cut down those trees!) nusikaltimas, piktadarystė
    2. noun
    (a person who has been found guilty of a crime.) nusikaltėlis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > crime

  • 2 evil

    ['i:vl] 1. adjective
    (very bad; wicked; sinful: evil intentions; an evil man; He looks evil; evil deeds; an evil tongue.) piktas, blogas, nedoras
    2. noun
    1) (wrong-doing, harm or wickedness: He tries to ignore all the evil in the world; Do not speak evil of anyone.) blogis
    2) (anything evil, eg crime, misfortune etc: London in the eighteenth century was a place of crime, filth, poverty and other evils.) yda, blogybė
    - evilly
    - evilness
    - evil-doer

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > evil

  • 3 impeach

    [im'pi: ]
    (to accuse of a crime, especially to accuse a person who works for the government of a crime against the State.) apkaltinti nusikaltimu valstybei, paskelbti apkaltą

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > impeach

  • 4 innocent

    1) (not guilty (of a crime, misdeed etc): A man should be presumed innocent of a crime until he is proved guilty; They hanged an innocent man.) nekaltas
    2) ((of an action etc) harmless or without harmful or hidden intentions: innocent games and amusements; an innocent remark.) nekaltas
    3) (free from, or knowing nothing about, evil etc: an innocent child; You can't be so innocent as to believe what advertisements say!) naivus
    - innocence

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > innocent

  • 5 jury

    plural - juries; noun
    1) (a group of people legally selected to hear a case and to decide what are the facts, eg whether or not a prisoner accused of a crime is guilty: The verdict of the jury was that the prisoner was guilty of the crime.) prisiekusieji
    2) (a group of judges for a competition, contest etc: The jury recorded their votes for the song contest.) žiuri, vertinimo komisija
    - juryman

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > jury

  • 6 solve

    1) (to discover the answer to (a problem etc): The mathematics teacher gave the children some problems to solve.) (iš)spręsti
    2) (to clear up or explain (a mystery, crime etc): That crime has never been solved.) atskleisti, išaiškinti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > solve

  • 7 accomplice

    (a person who helps another, especially in crime: The thief's accomplice warned him that the police were coming.) bendrininkas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > accomplice

  • 8 alibi

    (the fact or a statement that a person accused of a crime was somewhere else when it was committed: Has he an alibi for the night of the murder?) alibi

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > alibi

  • 9 arson

    (the crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose.) padegimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > arson

  • 10 atrocious

    1) (very bad: Your handwriting is atrocious.) siaubingas
    2) (extremely cruel: an atrocious crime.) žiaurus, kraupus
    - atrocity

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > atrocious

  • 11 baffling

    adjective a baffling crime.) sunkiai išaiškinamas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > baffling

  • 12 bigamy

    (marriage to two wives or two husbands at once (a crime in some countries): He's been charged with committing bigamy.) dvipatystė
    - bigamous

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > bigamy

  • 13 confess

    (to make known that one is guilty, wrong etc; to admit: He confessed (to the crime); He confessed that he had broken the vase; It was stupid of me, I confess.) prisipažinti
    - confessional
    - confessor

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > confess

  • 14 confession

    1) (acknowledgment of a crime or fault: The youth made a confession to the police officer.) prisipažinimas
    2) ((an) act of confessing one's sins to a priest: She went to confession every Friday.) išpažintis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > confession

  • 15 confront

    1) (to bring face to face with: He was confronted with the evidence of his crime.) suvesti į akistatą, pateikti (įrodymus)
    2) (to face in a hostile manner; to oppose: They confronted the enemy at dawn.) susidurti (su)

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > confront

  • 16 convict

    1. [kən'vikt] verb
    (to prove or declare (someone) guilty: She was convicted of theft.) pripažinti kaltu, nuteisti
    2. ['konvikt] noun
    (a person serving a sentence for a crime: Two of the convicts have escaped from prison.) nuteistasis, kalinys

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > convict

  • 17 criminal

    1) (concerned with crime: criminal law.) baudžiamasis
    2) (against the law: Theft is a criminal offence.) kriminalinis
    3) (very wrong; wicked: a criminal waste of food.) nusikalstamas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > criminal

  • 18 culpable

    (deserving blame; guilty: She was the one who committed the crime but he was culpable also.) kaltintinas, smerktinas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > culpable

  • 19 denounce

    (to accuse publicly (of a crime etc): He was denounced as a murderer.) demaskuoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > denounce

  • 20 deport

    ((of a government etc) to send (a person) out of the country eg because he has committed a crime or because he is not officially supposed to be there: He is being deported on a charge of murder.) ištremti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > deport

См. также в других словарях:

  • crime — [ krim ] n. m. • 1160; lat. crimen « accusation » 1 ♦ Sens large Manquement très grave à la morale, à la loi. ⇒ attentat, 1. délit, faute, 1. forfait , infraction, 3. mal, péché. Crime contre nature. « L intérêt que l on accuse de tous nos crimes …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Crime statistics — attempt to provide statistical measures of the crime in societies. Given that crime is usually secretive by nature, measurements of it are likely to be inaccurate. Several methods for measuring crime exist, including household surveys, hospital… …   Wikipedia

  • crime — / krīm/ n [Middle French, from Latin crimen fault, accusation, crime] 1: conduct that is prohibited and has a specific punishment (as incarceration or fine) prescribed by public law compare delict, tort 2: an offense against public law …   Law dictionary

  • Crime in South Africa — Crime is a prominent issue in South Africa. South Africa has a high rate of murders, assaults, rapes, and other crimes compared to most countries. Many emigrants from South Africa state that crime was a big factor in their decision to leave.[1]… …   Wikipedia

  • Crime and violence in Latin America — Crime and violence are affecting the lives of millions of people in Latin America. Social inequality is considered one of the major causes of violence in Latin America,[1] where the state fails to prevent crime and organized crime takes over… …   Wikipedia

  • crime — W2S2 [kraım] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Latin; Origin: crimen judgment, accusation, crime ] 1.) [U] illegal activities in general ▪ We moved here ten years ago because there was very little crime. ▪ Women commit far less crime than men. ▪ Police… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Crime science — is the study of crime in order to find ways to prevent it. Three features distinguish crime science from criminology: it is single minded about cutting crime, rather than studying it for its own sake; accordingly it focuses on crime rather than… …   Wikipedia

  • Crime Story (TV series) — Crime Story Anthony Denison (left, as Ray Luca) and Dennis Farina (as Lt. Mike Torello) Format Crime / Drama Created by …   Wikipedia

  • Crime prevention — is the attempt to reduce victimization and to deter crime and criminals. It is applied specifically to efforts made by governments to reduce crime, enforce the law, and maintain criminal justice. Contents 1 Studies 2 Types 3 Bibliography …   Wikipedia

  • Crime comics — Cover to an issue of Crime Does Not Pay , one of the earliest crime comics   This topic covers comics that fall under the c …   Wikipedia

  • Crime in India — Crime is present in various forms in India. Organized crime include drug trafficking, gunrunning, money laundering, extortion, murder for hire, fraud, human trafficking and poaching. Many criminal operations engage in black marketeering,… …   Wikipedia

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