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  • 121 עֵזֶר

    עֵזֶרm. (b. h.; preced.) help; trnsf. (after Gen. 2:20) helpmate. Pirké dR. El. ch. XII ועשאה ע׳וכ׳ (not ועשתה) and he made her a help and placed her opposite him. Ib. משבנה לו ע׳ אשה when he had built for him a helpmate named ishshah. Ib. אם זכה תהיה לו ע׳וכ׳ if he deserves well, she will be to him a help, if not, an opposition; Gen. R. s. 17, a. e., v. נֶגֶד. Yalk. Gen. 62 לאדם ולעֶזְרוֹ for Adam and his wife; Pirké dR. El. ch. XX. Ib. ch. XXI אדם ועוזרו (corr. acc.); a. e.

    Jewish literature > עֵזֶר

  • 122 ענת

    עֲנָתpr. n. pl. ʿĂnath (prob. identical with עֲנָתוֹת). Yoma 10a; Sot.34b אחימן בנה ע׳ Ahiman (Num. 13:22) built ʿĂnath.

    Jewish literature > ענת

  • 123 עֲנָת

    עֲנָתpr. n. pl. ʿĂnath (prob. identical with עֲנָתוֹת). Yoma 10a; Sot.34b אחימן בנה ע׳ Ahiman (Num. 13:22) built ʿĂnath.

    Jewish literature > עֲנָת

  • 124 פוליא

    פוליאMidr. Till. to Ps. 9 פילוס בנה פ׳ (some ed. פיליא); Yalk. ib. 642 פיליש בנה פ׳, read: פיליפוס בנה פיליפא Philippus built Philippa (abbrev. of פיליפופוליס Philippopolis).

    Jewish literature > פוליא

  • 125 פתין

    פָּתִיןm. (פָּתָה) the principal or king-beam, common to two adjoining buildings, opp. to ראשים the cross-beams. Neg. XIII, 2 בית הבנוי ראש ופ׳ if a (twin-) house is built with cross-beam and king-beam common to both compartments.Tosef.Kel.B. Mets. VII, 8 פתין ed. Zuck., v. פֶּתִי.

    Jewish literature > פתין

  • 126 פָּתִין

    פָּתִיןm. (פָּתָה) the principal or king-beam, common to two adjoining buildings, opp. to ראשים the cross-beams. Neg. XIII, 2 בית הבנוי ראש ופ׳ if a (twin-) house is built with cross-beam and king-beam common to both compartments.Tosef.Kel.B. Mets. VII, 8 פתין ed. Zuck., v. פֶּתִי.

    Jewish literature > פָּתִין

  • 127 קבר

    קֶבֶרm. (b. h.; preced.) grave. Snh.47b ק׳ חדש a fresh grave (that has been dug but not used). Ib. ק׳ בנין a grave on which something has been built, i. e. an arched grave (not flat). Ib. שלשה קברות הן ק׳ הנמצא there are three kinds of graves (with reference to law): a grave that has been discovered (a fresh grave in which somebody was buried without the consent of the owner of the ground); ק׳ הידוע a known grave (in which one was buried with the owners consent); ק׳ המזיק את הרבים a grave which interferes with public comfort (made in a thoroughfare). Y.Naz.IX, 57d top., v. תְּהוֹם. Ohol. XVII, 1 החורש את הק׳ if one passes the plough over a grave. Koh. R. to VII, 8 וכיון שקברוהו … את קִבְרוֹ when they had buried him (Elisha-Aḥer), a fire came to burn his grave; a. v. fr.Pl. קְבָרִים, קְבָרוֹת. Taan.25b תקנתם ק׳וכ׳ have you prepared graves for yourselves (are you ready to die)? Ib. 22b שלא יהא בתיהם קִבְרֵיהֶם that their houses may not become their graves (that their dwellings may not fall down from excessive rains); Y.Yoma V, 42c top שלא יעשו … קִבְרֵיהֶן. Ḥag.22b נשתטח על קִבְרֵיוכ׳ he prostrated himself over the graves of Yeb.47b שני ק׳ נמסרווכ׳ the court has charge of two burial places (for culprits). Snh.VI, 5 ולא היו קוברין אותו בקִבְרוֹת אבותיו they did not bury him (the culprit) in the burial place of their ancestors; a. fr.בֵּית הקברות (abbr. בה״ק) cemetery; pl. בָּתֵּי ק׳. Ber.18b הלך ולן בב״הק he went and spent the night in the cemetery. Snh. l. c. (46b) שני בתי ק׳וכ׳ two burial grounds were at the disposal of the courts, one for those put to death by the sword, and one ; a. fr.Trnsf. uterus ( containing an embryo). Nidd.21a באיפשר לפתיחת הק׳וכ׳ they differ as to whether the uterus can open (to pass the embryo) without discharging blood. Sabb.129a חיה כל זמן שהק׳ פתוחוכ׳ for a woman in confinement you must violate the Sabbath laws as long as the uterus is open, whether she says that she needs it or that she needs it not. Ib. מאימתי פתיחת הק׳ when does the opening of the womb begin (in regard to Sabbath laws)?; עד מתי … הק׳ how long is it considered open? Ohol. VII, 4 אין לנפלים פ׳ הק׳וכ׳ in the case of abortions the laws of levitical cleanness connected with the opening of the womb do not apply, unless, v. פִּיקָא I; Tosef. ib. VIII, 8; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > קבר

  • 128 קֶבֶר

    קֶבֶרm. (b. h.; preced.) grave. Snh.47b ק׳ חדש a fresh grave (that has been dug but not used). Ib. ק׳ בנין a grave on which something has been built, i. e. an arched grave (not flat). Ib. שלשה קברות הן ק׳ הנמצא there are three kinds of graves (with reference to law): a grave that has been discovered (a fresh grave in which somebody was buried without the consent of the owner of the ground); ק׳ הידוע a known grave (in which one was buried with the owners consent); ק׳ המזיק את הרבים a grave which interferes with public comfort (made in a thoroughfare). Y.Naz.IX, 57d top., v. תְּהוֹם. Ohol. XVII, 1 החורש את הק׳ if one passes the plough over a grave. Koh. R. to VII, 8 וכיון שקברוהו … את קִבְרוֹ when they had buried him (Elisha-Aḥer), a fire came to burn his grave; a. v. fr.Pl. קְבָרִים, קְבָרוֹת. Taan.25b תקנתם ק׳וכ׳ have you prepared graves for yourselves (are you ready to die)? Ib. 22b שלא יהא בתיהם קִבְרֵיהֶם that their houses may not become their graves (that their dwellings may not fall down from excessive rains); Y.Yoma V, 42c top שלא יעשו … קִבְרֵיהֶן. Ḥag.22b נשתטח על קִבְרֵיוכ׳ he prostrated himself over the graves of Yeb.47b שני ק׳ נמסרווכ׳ the court has charge of two burial places (for culprits). Snh.VI, 5 ולא היו קוברין אותו בקִבְרוֹת אבותיו they did not bury him (the culprit) in the burial place of their ancestors; a. fr.בֵּית הקברות (abbr. בה״ק) cemetery; pl. בָּתֵּי ק׳. Ber.18b הלך ולן בב״הק he went and spent the night in the cemetery. Snh. l. c. (46b) שני בתי ק׳וכ׳ two burial grounds were at the disposal of the courts, one for those put to death by the sword, and one ; a. fr.Trnsf. uterus ( containing an embryo). Nidd.21a באיפשר לפתיחת הק׳וכ׳ they differ as to whether the uterus can open (to pass the embryo) without discharging blood. Sabb.129a חיה כל זמן שהק׳ פתוחוכ׳ for a woman in confinement you must violate the Sabbath laws as long as the uterus is open, whether she says that she needs it or that she needs it not. Ib. מאימתי פתיחת הק׳ when does the opening of the womb begin (in regard to Sabbath laws)?; עד מתי … הק׳ how long is it considered open? Ohol. VII, 4 אין לנפלים פ׳ הק׳וכ׳ in the case of abortions the laws of levitical cleanness connected with the opening of the womb do not apply, unless, v. פִּיקָא I; Tosef. ib. VIII, 8; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > קֶבֶר

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