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  • 1 International Harvester Company

    "Интернэшнл харвестер"
    Компания по производству сельскохозяйственной (комбайны, тракторы и т.п.) и строительной техники, грузовиков. Основана в 1902. В 1918 впервые в мире наладила выпуск навесного тракторного оборудования, работающего от двигателя автомобиля. Штаб-квартира в г. Чикаго, шт. Иллинойс. В 1985 приобретена другой компанией этого профиля - "Кейс" [Case], в результате нескольких слияний образована фирма "Кейс - Ай-эйч" [Case IH].

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > International Harvester Company

  • 2 IHC

    International harvester Companyкоробка передач фирмы «Интернейшнэл хавистер компани» ( США)

    Neue Deutsch-Russische Wörterbuch > IHC

  • 3 Deering, William

    b. 1826 USA
    d. 1913 USA
    American entrepreneur who invested in the developing agricultural machinery manufacturing industry and became one of the founders of the International Harvester Company.
    Deering began work in his father's woollen mill and, with this business experience, developed Deering, Milliken \& Co., a wholesale dry goods business. Deering invested $40,000 in the Marsh reaper business in 1870, and became a partner in 1872. In 1880 he gained full control of the company and took up residence in Chicago, where he set up a factory. In 1878 he saw the Appleby binders, and in November of that year he negotiated a licence agreement for their manufacture. Deering was aware that with only two twine manufacturers operating in the US, the high price of twine was discouraging sales of binders. He therefore entered into an agreement with Edwin H.Fitler of Philadelphia for the production of very large quantities of twine, and in so doing dramatically reduced its price. In 1880 Deering released onto the market 3,000 binders and ten cartloads of twine that he had manufactured secretly. By 1890 McCormick and Deering were market leaders; Deering anticipated McCormick in a number of technical areas and also diversified his business into ore, timber, and a rolling and casting mill. After several false starts, a merger between the two companies took place on 12 August 1902 to form the International Harvester Company, with Deering as chairman of the voting trust which was established to control it. The company expanded into Canada in 1903 and into Europe in 1905. It began its first experiments with tractors in that same year and produced the first production models in 1906. The company went into truck production in 1907.
    Further Reading
    C.H.Wendell, 1981, 150 Years of International Harvester, Crestlink Publishing (though more concerned with the machinery produced by International Harvester, this gives an account of its originating companies, and the personalities behind them).
    H.N.Casson, 1908, The Romance of the Reaper, Doubleday Page (deals with McCormick, Deering and the formation of International Harvester).

    Biographical history of technology > Deering, William

  • 4 McCormick, Cyrus

    b. 1809 Walnut Grove, Virginia, USA
    d. 1884 USA
    American inventor of the first functionally and commercially successful reaping machine; founder of the McCormick Company, which was to become one of the founding companies of International Harvester.
    Cyrus McCormick's father, a farmer, began to experiment unsuccessfully with a harvesting machine between 1809 and 1816. His son took up the challenge and gave his first public demonstration of his machine in 1831. It cut a 4 ft swathe, but, wanting to perfect the machine, he waited until 1834 before patenting it, by which time he felt that his invention was threatened by others of similar design. In the same year he entered an article in the Mechanics Magazine, warning competitors off his design. His main rival was Obed Hussey who contested McCormick's claim to the originality of the idea, having patented his own machine six months before McCormick.
    A competition between the two machines was held in 1843, the judges favouring McCormick's, even after additional trials were conducted after objections of unfairness from Hussey. The rivalry continued over a number of years, being avidly reported in the agricultural press. The publicity did no harm to reaper sales, and McCormick sold twenty-nine machines in 1843 and fifty the following year.
    As the westward settlement movement progressed, so the demand for McCormick's machine grew. In order to be more central to his markets, McCormick established himself in Chicago. In partnership with C.M.Gray he established a factory to produce 500 harvesters for the 1848 season. By means of advertising and offers of credit terms, as well as production-line assembly, McCormick was able to establish himself as sole owner and also control all production, under the one roof. By the end of the decade he dominated reaper production but other developments were to threaten this position; however, foreign markets were appearing at the same time, not least the opportunities of European sales stimulated by the Great Exhibition in 1851. In the trials arranged by the Royal Agricultural Society of England the McCormick machine significantly outperformed that of Hussey's, and as a result McCormick arranged for 500 to be made under licence in England.
    In 1874 McCormick bought a half interest in the patent for a wire binder from Charles Withington, a watchmaker from Janesville, Wisconsin, and by 1885 a total of 50,000 wire binders had been built in Chicago. By 1881 McCormick was producing twine binders using Appleby's twine knotter under a licence agreement, and by 1885 the company was producing only twine binders. The McCormick Company was one of the co-founders of the International Harvester Company in 1901.
    1972, The Century of the Reaper, Johnson Reprint (the original is in the New York State Library).
    Further Reading
    Graeme Quick and Wesley Buchele, 1978, The Grain Harvesters, American Society of Agricultural Engineers (deals in detail with McCormick's developments).
    G.H.Wendell, 1981, 150 Years of International Harvester, Crestlink (though more concerned with the machinery produced by International Harvester, it gives an account of its originating companies).
    T.W.Hutchinson, 1930, Cyrus Hall McCormick, Seedtime 1809–1856; ——1935, Cyrus Hall McCormick, Harvest 1856–1884 (both attempt to unravel the many claims surrounding the reaper story).
    Herbert N.Casson, 1908, The Romance of the Reaper, Doubleday Page (deals with McCormick, Deering and the formation of International Harvester).

    Biographical history of technology > McCormick, Cyrus

  • 5 Morgan, John Pierpont

    (1837-1913) Морган, Джон Пирпонт, ст.
    Финансист, промышленник, основавший в начале XX в. мощную монополистическую группу. Начал заниматься финансами в 1873, собственную фирму "Дж. П. Морган и Ко." создал в 1895. Во время кризиса 1895 помог правительству сохранить устойчивость доллара, внеся в казну 62 млн. долларов золотом. К 1890 стал полным или частичным владельцем ряда ведущих железнодорожных компаний ("Чесапик и Огайо" [ Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Co.], "Сазерн Пасифик" [ Southern Pacific Company], "Норзерн Пасифик" [ Northern Pacific Railroad Co.] и др.). Его фирма "Дом Моргана" [House of Morgan] приняла участие в создании корпораций "Юнайтед Стейтс стил", "Дженерал электрик" и "Интернэшнл харвестер" [ United States Steel Corp., General Electric, International Harvester Company]. По данным Конгресса, в 1912 одиннадцать партнеров фирмы занимали 72 директорских поста в 47 крупнейших корпорациях США. Морган занимался благотворительностью, после смерти его огромная художественная коллекция была передана музею Метрополитен [ Metropolitan Museum of Art] в г. Нью-Йорке

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Morgan, John Pierpont

  • 6 Perkins, George Walbridge

    (1862-1920) Перкинс, Джордж Уолбридж
    Финансист. В качестве менеджера и специалиста по делам корпораций принимал участие в укреплении банкирского дома Морганов [Morgan and Co., J.P.], а также в создании корпораций "Интернэшнл харвестер", "Юнайтед Стейтс стил" [ International Harvester Company; United States Steel Corp.] и компаний "Норзерн сикьюритиз" и "Интернэшнл меркантайл марин" [Northern Securities Co., International Mercantile Marine Co.]. В качестве председателя Комиссии парка "Пэлисейдс" [ Palisades Interstate Park] принял участие в создании парковой зоны на западном берегу р. Хадсон [ Hudson River] площадью в 50 кв. миль

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Perkins, George Walbridge

  • 7 McCormick, Cyrus Hall

    (1809-1884) Маккормик, Сайрус Холл
    Изобретатель жатки, промышленник, создатель фирмы "Маккормик харвестинг машин" [McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.], которая в 1902 слилась с другой фирмой, образовав компанию "Интернэшнл харвестер" [ International Harvester Company] во главе с С. Маккормиком, мл.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > McCormick, Cyrus Hall

  • 8 Memphis

    Город на юго-западе штата Теннесси. 650,1 тыс. жителей (2000), с пригородами 1,1 млн. человек; крупнейший город штата. Основан в 1819 на месте поселения индейцев чикасо [ Chickasaw] и назван в честь египетского города. Статус города [ city] с 1846. До Гражданской войны [ Civil War] - один из крупнейших центров работорговли. В 1878 на год потерял статус города, когда более половины жителей бежали в Сент-Луис от эпидемии желтой лихорадки. Порт на р. Миссисипи [ Mississippi River]. Торгово-промышленный центр и транспортный узел. Международный аэропорт. Центр торговли хлопком (более трети всего хлопка страны), древесиной, скотом, сельхозпродукцией. Химическая промышленность, машиностроение ("Интернэшнл харвестер" [ International Harvester Company]), производство шин ("Файерстоун" [ Firestone]). Правления компаний "Холидэй инн" [ Holiday Inn] и "Федерал экспресс" [ Federal Express Corp.]. Университет штата Теннесси [ Tennessee State University], медицинский колледж Университета Теннесси [ Tennessee, University of], Мемфисский университет штата [Memphis State University], семь колледжей. Ежегодный Карнавал хлопка [Cotton Carnival]. В городе имеется симфонический оркестр, оперный театр, драматический театр "Мемфис" [Theatre Memphis]. Среди достопримечательностей: усадьба и могила Элвиса Пресли [ Presley, Elvis Aaron] "Грейсленд" [ Graceland], Картинная галерея Брукса [Brooks Art Gallery], Индейская деревня и музей Чукалисса [Chucalissa Indian Village and Museum], "Конфедератский парк" [Confederate Park], Музей города Мемфиса [Memphis Museum], Музей естественной истории и промышленности [Museum of Natural History and Industrial Arts], зоопарк и аквариум [Memphis Zoo and Aquarium], "Викторианский квартал" [Victorian Village], Бил-стрит [ Beale Street], студия звукозаписи "Сан" [Sun Recording Studio] и др.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Memphis

  • 9 Case, Jerome Increase

    b. 1819 Williamstown, Oswego County, New York, USA
    d. 1891 USA
    American manufacturer and founder of the Case company of agricultural engineers.
    J.I.Case was the son of a former and began his working life operating the family's Groundhog threshing machine. He moved into contract threshing, and used the money he earned to pay his way through a business academy. He became the agent for the Groundhog thresher in his area and at the age of 23 decided to move west, taking six machines with him. He sold five of these to obtain working capital, and in 1842 moved from Williamstown, New York, to Rochester, Wisconsin, where he established his manufacturing company. He produced the first combined thresher-winnower in the US in 1843. Two years later he moved to Racine, on the shores of Lake Michigan in the same state. Within four years the Case company became Racine's biggest company and largest employer, a position it was to retain into the twentieth century. As early as 1860 Case was shipping threshing machines around the Horn to California.
    Apart from having practical expertise Case was also a skilled demonstrator, and it was this combination which resulted in the sure growth of his company. In 1869 he produced his first portable steam engine and in 1876 his first traction engine. By the mid 1870s he was selling a significant proportion of the machines in use in America. By 1878 Case threshing machines had penetrated the European market, and in 1885 sales to South America began. Case also became the world's largest manufacturer of steam engines.
    J.I.Case himself, whilst still actively involved with the company, also became involved in politics. He was Mayor of Racine for three terms and State Senator for two. He was also President of the Manufacturers' National Bank of Racine and Founder of the First National Bank of Burlington. He founded the Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters and was President of the Racine County Agricultural Society. He had time for sport and was owner of the world's all-time champion trotter-pacer.
    Continued expansion of the company after J.I. Case's death led eventually to its acquisition by Tenneco in 1967, and in 1985 the company took over International Harvester. As Case I.H. it continues to produce a full range of agricultural, earth-moving and heavy-transport equipment.
    Further Reading
    Despite the size and importance of the company he created, very little has been written about Case. On particular anniversaries the company has produced celebratory publications, and surprisingly these still seem to be the main source of information about him.
    R.B.Gray, 1975, The Agricultural Tractor 1855–1950, American Society of Agricultural Engineers (traces the history of power on the farm, in which Case and his machines played such an important role).

    Biographical history of technology > Case, Jerome Increase

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