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  • 81 unermesslich

    I Adj. immeasurable, immense, vast; unermessliche Weite boundless spaces; bis ins Unermessliche on and on and on, endlessly, ad infinitum
    II Adv.: unermesslich reich / groß etc. phenomenally rich / big etc.
    * * *
    immense; immeasurable; measureless; unmeasured; enormous
    * * *
    un|er|mẹss|lich [Un|Eɐ'mɛslɪç, 'ʊn-]
    1. adj
    Reichtum, Schaden, Leid untold attr, immense; Weite, Himmel, Ozean vast
    2. adv
    reich, groß immensely, beyond measure
    * * *
    un·er·mess·lichRR, un·er·meß·lichALT
    I. adj (geh)
    1. (schier unendlich) immeasurable
    2. (gewaltig) immense, vast; (Wert, Wichtigkeit) inestimable; (Zerstörung) untold
    II. adv (geh) immensely
    * * *
    Adjektiv (geh.) immeasurable <expanse, distance>; boundless < spaces>; immeasurable, immense <wealth, fortune>; untold <suffering, misery, damage>; inestimable <value, importance>
    adverbial immeasurably; < rich> beyond measure
    * * *
    A. adj immeasurable, immense, vast;
    unermessliche Weite boundless spaces;
    bis ins Unermessliche on and on and on, endlessly, ad infinitum
    B. adv:
    unermesslich reich/groß etc phenomenally rich/big etc
    * * *
    Adjektiv (geh.) immeasurable <expanse, distance>; boundless < spaces>; immeasurable, immense <wealth, fortune>; untold <suffering, misery, damage>; inestimable <value, importance>
    adverbial immeasurably; < rich> beyond measure
    * * *
    illimitable adj.
    immeasurable adj.
    immense adj.
    measureless adj.
    unmeasurable adj.
    unmeasured adj. adv.
    illimitably adv.
    immeasurably adv.
    immensely adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > unermesslich

  • 82 безмежний

    boundless, immense, immeasurable, illimitable, limitless, unbounded, infinite, unlimited

    Українсько-англійський словник > безмежний

  • 83 غیر محدود

    illimitable / indefinite / indeterminate / inordinate / unbounded / unconfined / undefined / unlimited / vast

    Urdu-English dictionary > غیر محدود

  • 84 bezmezný

    Czech-English dictionary > bezmezný

  • 85 neomezený

    Czech-English dictionary > neomezený

  • 86 무한의

    adj. illimitable, infinite, limitless, termless, dateless

    Korean-English dictionary > 무한의

  • 87 безпределен

    boundless, limitless, unlimited, infinite
    * * *
    прил., -на, -но, -ни boundless, limitless, unlimited, infinite.
    * * *
    endless; illimitable
    * * *
    boundless, limitless, unlimited, infinite

    Български-английски речник > безпределен

  • 88 अपरिमेय

    mfn. immeasurable, illimitable

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अपरिमेय

  • 89 विभूति

    mfn. penetrating, pervading Nir. ;

    abundant, plentiful RV. ;
    mighty, powerful ib. ;
    presiding over (gen.) ib. VIII, 50, 6 ;
    m. N. of a Sādhya Hariv. ;
    of a son of Viṡvāmitra MBh. ;
    of a king VP. ;
    f. development, multiplication, expansion, plenty, abundance Kāv. Kathās. etc.;
    manifestation of might, great power, superhuman power (consisting of eight faculties, especially attributed to Ṡiva, but supposed alsoᅠ to be attainable by human beings through worship of that deity, viz. aṇiman, the power of becoming as minute as an atom;
    laghiman, extreme lightness;
    prâ̱pti, attaining orᅠ reaching anything <e.g.. the moon with the tip of the finger>;
    prākāmya, irresistible will;
    mahiman, illimitable bulk;
    īṡitā, supreme dominion;
    vaṡitā, subjugating by magic;
    andᅠ kāmâ̱vasāyitā, the suppressing all desires) ib. ;
    a partic. Ṡakti Hcat. ;
    the might of a king orᅠ great lord, sovereign power, greatness Kālid. Pañcat. Kathās. etc.;
    successful issue (of a sacrifice) MBh. R. ;
    splendour, glory, magnificence Hariv. Ragh. VarBṛS. ;
    fortune, welfare, prosperity PraṡnUp. MBh. etc.;
    ( alsoᅠ pl.) riches, wealth, opulence Kām. Kāv. Kathās. ;
    N. of Lakshmi (the goddess of fortune andᅠ welfare) BhP. ;
    the ashes of cow-dung etc. (with which Ṡiva is said to smear his body, andᅠ hence used in imitation of him by devotees) Pañcar. Sāh. ;
    (in music) a partic. Ṡruti Saṃgīt. ;
    - grahaṇa n. taking up ashes (at the Vaiṡvadeva ceremony) RTL. 420 ;
    - candra m. N. of an author, Cat;
    - dvādaṡī f. a Vrata orᅠ religious observance on a partic. twelfth day (in honour of Vishṇu) ib. ;
    - dhāraṇa-vidhi m. N. of wk.;
    - bala m. N. of a poet Cat. ;
    - mat mfn. mighty, powerful, superhuman Bhag. BhP. ;
    smeared with ashes W. ;
    - mādhava m. N. of a poet Cat. ;
    - māhātmya n. N. of a ch. of the PadmaP. ;
    - yoga m. N. of the 6th canto of the Ṡiva-gītā

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > विभूति

  • 90 illimitability

    English-Italian dictionary > illimitability

  • 91 illimitably

    English-Italian dictionary > illimitably

  • 92 onbegrensd

    adj. unlimited, limitless, unbounded, boundless, illimitable, indefinable, indefinite, infinite, unmeasurable
    adv. indefinably

    Holandés-inglés dicionario > onbegrensd

  • 93 неограничен


    Български-Angleščina политехнически речник > неограничен

  • 94 beskrajan

    endless, interminable
    * * *
    • endless
    • boundless
    • unlimited
    • vast
    • unrestricted
    • unending
    • interminable
    • infinite
    • limitless
    • illimitable
    • immense
    • immence

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > beskrajan

  • 95 neograničen

    unstinted, unconfined, unrestricted, unreserved
    * * *
    • boundless
    • unconditional
    • unbounded
    • unrestrained
    • undefined
    • unlimited
    • unconstrained
    • unrestricted
    • infinite
    • limitless
    • illimitable
    • absolute
    • plenary

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > neograničen

  • 96 infinite

    1. noun
    1) collocation масса, множество
    2) (the infinite) бесконечность, бесконечное пространство
    2. adjective
    1) бесконечный, безграничный; очень большой; infinite series math. бесконечный ряд; infinite space бесконечное пространство
    2) несметный, бесчисленный
    3) gram. неличный
    boundless, illimitable, limitless
    circumscribed, finite, limited, relative
    * * *
    (a) безграничный; бесконечный
    * * *
    большое количество, масса, множество
    * * *
    [in·fi·nite || 'ɪnfɪnət] n. бесконечность, множество adj. бесконечный, беспредельный, безграничный, очень большой, несметный, бесчисленный, неличный
    * * *
    * * *
    1. сущ. 1) разг. большое количество 2) (the infinite) бесконечность, бесконечное пространство, бесконечное время 3) мат. бесконечно большая величина 2. прил. 1) а) бесконечный б) огромный, очень большой 2) (с сущ. во мн. ч.) несметный 3) грам. неличный

    Новый англо-русский словарь > infinite

  • 97 ilimitable

    • boundless
    • illimitable
    • immeasurable
    • unlimitable
    • unlimited

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > ilimitable

  • 98 rajoittamaton

    • unhampered
    • unterminated
    • unrestricted
    • unlimited
    • independent
    • indefinite
    • illimitable
    • absolute
    • unreserved
    • unbounded

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > rajoittamaton

  • 99 безграничный

    * * *
    * * *
    boundless, unlimited, infinite
    * * *

    Новый русско-английский словарь > безграничный

  • 100 беспредельный

    * * *
    * * *
    boundless, infinite, unlimited
    * * *

    Новый русско-английский словарь > беспредельный

См. также в других словарях:

  • Illimitable — Il*lim it*a*ble, a. [Pref. il not + limitable: cf. F. illimitable.] Incapable of being limited or bounded; immeasurable; limitless; boundless; as, illimitable space. [1913 Webster] The wild, the irregular, the illimitable, and the luxuriant, have …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • illimitable — index infinite, myriad, omnipotent, open ended, profuse, unqualified (unlimited) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • illimitable — [i(l)limitabl] adj. ÉTYM. 1807, Destutt de Tracy, in T. L. F.; de illimité, ou de il (→ 1. In ), et limitable. ❖ ♦ Rare. Qui ne peut être limité; auquel on ne peut assigner de limites …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • illimitable — (adj.) 1590s, from IL (Cf. il ) not + LIMITABLE (Cf. limitable) …   Etymology dictionary

  • illimitable — boundless, *infinite, uncircumscribed, eternal, sempiternal Analogous words: endless, *everlasting, interminable …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • illimitable — [i lim′i tə bəl] adj. [< IN 2 + LIMITABLE] without limit or bounds; immeasurable illimitability n. illimitableness illimitably adv …   English World dictionary

  • illimitable — adjective Date: 1596 incapable of being limited or bounded ; measureless < the illimitable reaches of space and time > • illimitability noun • illimitableness noun • illimitably adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • illimitable — (il li mi ta bl ) adj. Auquel on ne peut assigner de bornes ; qui ne peut être limité. Influence illimitable. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Voy. illimité …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • illimitable — illimitability, illimitableness, n. illimitably, adv. /i lim i teuh beuhl/, adj. not limitable; limitless; boundless. [1590 1600; IL 2 + LIMITABLE] * * * …   Universalium

  • illimitable — adjective /ɪˈlɪmɪtəbəl/ Impervious to limitation, without limit. Syn: infinite, limitless, unlimited Ant: limitable …   Wiktionary

  • illimitable — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Having no ends or limits: boundless, endless, immeasurable, infinite, limitless, measureless, unbounded, unlimited. See LIMITED …   English dictionary for students

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