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См. также в других словарях:

  • ICHNOGRAPHIA — Graece Ι᾿χνογραφία, modulus dispositionis est futurae structurae, quae in plano prius deformabaturin charta aliqua aut membrana; unde postmodum formarum in solo areae descriptio capta, quam ὑπογραφὴν τοῦ κτίσματος vocabant. Succedebat Ο᾿ρθογραφία …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • icnografía — ► sustantivo femenino ARQUITECTURA Delineación de la planta de un edificio. * * * icnografía (del lat. «ichnographĭa», del gr. «ichnographía») f. Arq. *Dibujo de la planta de un edificio. ≃ Ignografía. * * * icnografía. (Del lat. ichnographĭa, y… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • ichnography — [ik näg′rə fē] n. 〚< Fr or L; Fr ichnographie < L ichnographia < Gr, a tracing out, ground plan: see ICHNO & GRAPHY〛 1. a scale drawing of the ground plan of a building; floor plan 2. the art of drawing such plans * * * …   Universalium

  • ichnographie — ⇒ICHNOGRAPHIE, subst. fém. ARCHIT. Représentation d un édifice par projection horizontale et géométrale sur un plan. Anton. stéréographie, orthographie. Le plan figure l objet scié horizontalement, au ras du sol, tel qu il serait vu par un… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • ich|nog|ra|phy — «ihk NOG ruh fee», noun. 1. the drawing of ground plans of a building. 2. a ground plan; map. ╂[< Middle French ichnographie, learned borrowing from Latin ichnographia < Greek ichnographíā a ground plan, tracing out < íchnos track +… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dinosaur — For other uses, see Dinosaur (disambiguation). Dinosaurs Temporal range: Late Triassic–Late Cretaceous, 231.4–65.5 Ma …   Wikipedia

  • Edward Lhuyd — (sometimes rewritten as Llwyd in recent times) (1660 ndash;June 30, 1709) was a Welsh naturalist, botanist, linguist, geographer and antiquary.Lhuyd was born in Loppington, Shropshire, the illegitimate son of Edward Lloyd of Llanforda, Oswestry… …   Wikipedia

  • Rutellum — is the pre Linnaean name given to a genus of dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic. It was a sauropod, possibly a cetiosaurid,Delair, J.B., and Sarjeant, W.A.S. (2002). The earliest discoveries of dinosaurs: the records re examined. Proceedings of… …   Wikipedia

  • David Loggan — David Loggan, Edward Reynolds, Bishop of Norwich, 1658 David Loggan (1634–1692) was an English baroque engraver, draughtsman and painter. Life He was baptized 27 August 1634 in Danzig, then a semi autonomous city (granted by the Danzig law)… …   Wikipedia

  • Edward Lhuyd — (in walisischer Standardorthographie: Llwyd, * 1660 in Ceredigion; † 30. Juli 1709 in Oxford) war ein walisischer Natur und Geisteswissenschafter. Nachdem er sein Studium in Oxford 1682 abgebrochen hatte, wurde er 1690 zum Kurator des dortigen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Edward Llwyd — Edward Lhuyd (in walisischer Standardorthographie: Llwyd, * 1660 in Ceredigion; † 30. Juli 1709 in Oxford) war ein walisischer Natur und Geisteswissenschafter. Nachdem er sein Studium in Oxford 1682 abgebrochen hatte, wurde er 1690 zum Kurator… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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