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  • 1 Roman

    ['rəumən] 1. adjective
    1) (connected with Rome, especially ancient Rome: Roman coins.) rímsky
    2) ((no capital) (of printing) in ordinary upright letters like these.) tlačený latinkou
    2. noun
    (a person belonging to Rome, especially to ancient Rome.) Riman
    - Roman Catholic
    - Roman Catholicism
    - Roman numerals

    English-Slovak dictionary > Roman

  • 2 Roman Catholicism

    ( also Catholicism) (the beliefs, government etc of the Roman Catholic Church.) rímskokatolícka cirkev

    English-Slovak dictionary > Roman Catholicism

  • 3 roman numeral

    • rímska císlica

    English-Slovak dictionary > roman numeral

  • 4 Roman alphabet

    (the alphabet in which Western European languages such as English are written.) latinská abeceda

    English-Slovak dictionary > Roman alphabet

  • 5 Roman Catholic

    ( also Catholic) ((a member) of the Christian church which recognizes the Pope as its head.) rímskokatolík

    English-Slovak dictionary > Roman Catholic

  • 6 Roman numerals

    (I,II,III etc, as opposed to the Arabic numerals 1,2,3 etc.) rímske číslice

    English-Slovak dictionary > Roman numerals

  • 7 Gallo-Roman

    • vulgárna latincina
    • galskorímsky

    English-Slovak dictionary > Gallo-Roman

  • 8 romance

    1) (the relationship, actions etc of people who are in love: It was a beautiful romance, but it didn't last.) milostné dobrodružstvo
    2) (a story about such a relationship etc, especially one in which the people, events etc are more exciting etc than in normal life: She writes romances.) dobrodružný / milostný román
    3) (this kind of excitement: She felt her life was lacking in romance.) romantika
    - romantically
    * * *
    • vymýšlat si
    • skladat príbehy
    • rytiersky román
    • stará francúzština
    • prehánanie
    • fantázia
    • fantastický príbeh
    • klamat
    • básnit
    • byt zamilovaný
    • bájit
    • chodit (s)
    • dobrodružstvo
    • dobrodružnost
    • dobrodružný
    • romantický nápad
    • románsky
    • romantická myšlienka
    • romantický
    • román
    • romantika
    • rozprávka
    • rozprávat rozprávky
    • písat príbehy
    • písat romance
    • kúzlo
    • láska
    • nadsádzka
    • milostný román
    • milostné dobrodružstvo
    • milostný
    • milostný pomer
    • milostný vztah

    English-Slovak dictionary > romance

  • 9 catholic

    ['kæƟəlik] 1. adjective
    1) (wide-ranging in one's taste etc: a catholic taste in books.) všeobecný
    2) ((with capital) Roman Catholic.) katolícky
    2. noun
    ((with capital) a Roman Catholic.)
    * * *
    • všeobecný
    • univerzálny
    • katolík

    English-Slovak dictionary > catholic

  • 10 novel

    I ['novəl] noun
    (a book telling a long story in prose: the novels of Charles Dickens.) román
    II ['novəl] adjective
    (new and strange: a novel idea.) nezvyklý
    * * *
    • zvláštny
    • román
    • nepreskúmaný
    • neznámy
    • neobvyklý
    • nový

    English-Slovak dictionary > novel

  • 11 yellowback

    • senzacný román
    • lacný román

    English-Slovak dictionary > yellowback

  • 12 abbey

    1) (the building(s) in which a Christian (usually Roman Catholic) group of monks or nuns lives.) opátstvo
    2) (the church now or formerly belonging to it: Westminster Abbey.) opátsky chrám
    * * *
    • opátstvo

    English-Slovak dictionary > abbey

  • 13 antiquity

    1) (ancient times, especially those of the ancient Greeks and Romans: the gods and heroes of antiquity.) starovek
    2) (great age: a statue of great antiquity.) pravek
    3) ((plural antiquities) something remaining from ancient times (eg a statue, a vase): Roman antiquities.) staroveká pamiatka
    * * *
    • starobylost
    • staroba
    • starožitnosti

    English-Slovak dictionary > antiquity

  • 14 authority

    plural - authorities; noun
    1) (the power or right to do something: He gave me authority to act on his behalf.) právomoc
    2) (a person who is an expert, or a book that can be referred to, on a particular subject: He is an authority on Roman history.) odborník
    3) ((usually in plural) the person or people who have power in an administration etc: The authorities would not allow public meetings.) úrady
    4) (a natural quality in a person which makes him able to control and influence people: a man of authority.) autorita
    - authoritative
    * * *
    • úrady
    • autorita
    • právo
    • moc
    • odborník

    English-Slovak dictionary > authority

  • 15 being

    1) (existence: When did the Roman Empire come into being?) vznik
    2) (any living person or thing: beings from outer space.) bytosť, tvor
    * * *
    • tvor
    • pretože
    • jestvovanie
    • bytost
    • bytie
    • lebo

    English-Slovak dictionary > being

  • 16 cardinal

    1. adjective
    (chief; principal: cardinal sins.) hlavný
    2. noun
    ((the status of) one of the men next in rank to the Pope in the Roman Catholic Church.) kardinál
    * * *
    • základná císlovka
    • základný
    • základné císlovky
    • svetové strany
    • hlavný
    • kardinál cervený
    • kardinálsky
    • kardinál
    • kardinálsky klobúk
    • podstatný
    • najdôležitejší

    English-Slovak dictionary > cardinal

  • 17 decadence

    1) (a falling from high to low standards in morals or the arts: the decadence of the late Roman empire.) úpadok
    2) (the state of having low or incorrect standards of behaviour; immorality: He lived a life of decadence.) úpadok, zvrhlosť
    * * *
    • úpadkovost
    • úpadok

    English-Slovak dictionary > decadence

  • 18 deity

    ['deiəti, ]( American[) 'di:əti]
    American - deities; noun
    (a god or goddess: Bacchus was one of the Roman deities.) božstvo
    * * *
    • božstvo

    English-Slovak dictionary > deity

  • 19 empire

    1) (a group of states etc under a single ruler or ruling power: the Roman empire.) ríša
    2) (a large industrial organization controlling many firms: He owns a washing-machine empire.) impérium
    * * *
    • impérium
    • cisárstvo
    • ríša

    English-Slovak dictionary > empire

  • 20 Father

    1. noun
    1) (a male parent, especially human: Mr Smith is her father.) otec
    2) ((with capital) the title of a (usually Roman Catholic) priest: I met Father Sullivan this morning.) páter
    3) (a person who begins, invents or first makes something: King Alfred was the father of the English navy.) otec
    2. verb
    (to be the father of: King Charles II fathered a number of children.) splodiť
    - fatherly
    - father-in-law
    * * *
    • velitel jednotky
    • cirkevný otec

    English-Slovak dictionary > Father

См. также в других словарях:

  • ROMAN — QUAND un genre littéraire, depuis plus de deux mille ans, produit par milliers des œuvres de qualité, et ce dans la plupart des grandes littératures – c’est le cas de ce qu’on appelle aujourd’hui en français le roman – qui, sans ridicule,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Roman law — is the legal system of ancient Rome. As used in the West the term commonly refers to legal developments prior to the Roman/Byzantine state s adopting Greek as its official language in the 7th century. As such the development of Roman law covers… …   Wikipedia

  • Roman infantry tactics — refers to the theoretical and historical deployment, formation and maneuvers of the Roman infantry from the start of the Roman Republic to the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The article first presents a short overview of Roman training. Roman… …   Wikipedia

  • Roman (litterature) — Roman (littérature) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Roman. Le roman est un genre littéraire aux contours flous caractérisé pour l essentiel par une narration fictionnelle plus ou moins longue, ce qui le distingue de la nouvelle. La place… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Roman d'amour anglo-saxon — Le roman d amour anglo saxon (« romance novel ») est la forme du roman d amour développée dans certains pays anglophones, tels que les États Unis, le Canada, le Royaume Uni et l Australie. Considéré en France comme un genre mineur, sans …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Roman numerals — are a numeral system originating in ancient Rome, adapted from Etruscan numerals. The system used in classical antiquity was slightly modified in the Middle Ages to produce a system used today. It is based on certain letters which are given… …   Wikipedia

  • Roman roads in Britain — Roman roads, together with Roman aqueducts and the vast standing Roman Army (in the 2nd century, c. 28 legions plus auxiliary units, totalling c. 400,000 troops, of which c. 50,000 deployed in Britain), constituted the three most impressive… …   Wikipedia

  • Roman technology — is the engineering practice which supported Roman civilization and made the expansion of Roman commerce and Roman military possible over nearly a thousand years. The Roman Empire had the most advanced set of technology of their time, some of… …   Wikipedia

  • Roman glass — objects have been recovered across the Roman Empire in domestic, industrial and funerary contexts. Glass was used primarily for the production of vessels, although mosaic tiles and window glass were also produced. Roman glass production developed …   Wikipedia

  • Roman Polański — Roman Polanski Pour les articles homonymes, voir Polanski. Roman Polański …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Roman d'aventure — Roman d aventures Le roman d’aventures est un type de roman populaire qui met particulièrement l accent sur l action en multipliant les péripéties plutôt violentes, dans lequel le lecteur, plutôt masculin et jeune, s identifie à des héros, en… …   Wikipédia en Français

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