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  • Heterologous — Het er*ol o*gous, a. [Hetero + Gr. ? proportion.] Characterized by heterology; consisting of different elements, or of like elements in different proportions; different; opposed to homologous; as, heterologous organs. [1913 Webster] {Heterologous …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • heterologous — [het΄ər äl′ə gəs] adj. [< HETERO + Gr logos, relation, word (see LOGIC) + OUS] 1. consisting of differing elements; not corresponding, as parts of different organisms or of the same organism that are unlike in structure or origin 2. Med. a)… …   English World dictionary

  • Heterologous — In medicine a heterologous transplant means between species or from one species to another .In protein quaternary structure a heterologous interface is a subunit subunit interface which occurs between different sequence regions of the protein… …   Wikipedia

  • heterologous — 1. Pertaining to cytologic or histologic elements occurring where they are not normally found. SEE ALSO: xenogeneic. 2. Derived from an animal of a different species, as the serum of a horse is h. for a rabbit. [hetero + G. logos, ratio,… …   Medical dictionary

  • heterologous — adjective Etymology: heter + logous (as in homologous) Date: 1893 derived from a different species < heterologous DNAs > < heterologous transplants > • heterologously adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Heterologous stimulus — Heterologous Het er*ol o*gous, a. [Hetero + Gr. ? proportion.] Characterized by heterology; consisting of different elements, or of like elements in different proportions; different; opposed to homologous; as, heterologous organs. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Heterologous tumor — Heterologous Het er*ol o*gous, a. [Hetero + Gr. ? proportion.] Characterized by heterology; consisting of different elements, or of like elements in different proportions; different; opposed to homologous; as, heterologous organs. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Heterologous stimuli — Stimulus Stim u*lus, n.; pl. {Stimuli}. [L., for stigmulus, akin to L. instigare to stimulate. See {Instigare}, {Stick}, v. t.] 1. A goad; hence, something that rouses the mind or spirits; an incentive; as, the hope of gain is a powerful stimulus …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • heterologous stimulus — noun : a stimulus capable of affecting any available sensory end organ and thought to be further capable of being interpreted centrally as a stimulus of the kind to which the end organ is adapted to respond a blow on the eye acts as a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • heterologous — Derived from the tissues or DNA of a different species. cf autologous, homologous …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • heterologous — /het euh rol euh geuhs/, adj. 1. Biol. of different origin; pertaining to heterology. 2. Med., Pathol. consisting of dissimilar tissue, as that of another species or that of a tumor. 3. Immunol. pertaining to an antigen that elicits a reaction in …   Universalium

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