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  • 101 Krylov, Alexei Nicolaevitch

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 15 August 1863 Visyoger, Siberia
    d. 26 October 1945 Leningrad (now St Petersburg), Russia
    Russian academician and naval architect) exponent of a rigorous mathematical approach to the study of ship motions.
    After schooling in France and Germany, Krylov returned to St Petersburg (as it then was) and in 1878 entered the Naval College. Upon graduating, he started work with the Naval Hydrographic Department; the combination of his genius and breadth of interest became apparent, and from 1888 until 1890 he undertook simultaneously a two-year university course in mathematics and a naval architecture course at his old college. On completion of his formal studies, Krylov commenced fifty years of service to the academic bodies of St Petersburg, including eight years as Superintendent of the Russian Admiralty Ship Model Experiment Tank. For many years he was Professor of Naval Architecture in the city, reorganizing the methods of teaching of his profession in Russia. It was during this period that he laid the foundations of his remarkable research and published the first of his many books destined to become internationally accepted in the fields of waves, rolling, ship motion and vibration. Practical work was not overlooked: he was responsible for the design of many vessels for the Imperial Russian Navy, including the battleships Sevastopol and Petropavlovsk, and went on, as Director of Naval Construction, to test anti-rolling tanks aboard military vessels in the North Atlantic in 1913. Following the Revolution, Krylov was employed by the Soviet Union to re-establish scientific links with other European countries, and on several occasions he acted as Superintendent in the procurement of important technical material from overseas. In 1919 he was appointed Head of the Marine Academy, and from then on participated in many scientific conferences and commissions, mainly in the shipbuilding field, and served on the Editorial Board of the well-respected Russian periodical Sudostroenie (Shipbuilding). The breadth of his personal research was demonstrated by the notable contributions he made to the Russian development of the gyro compass.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Member, Russian Academy of Science 1814. Royal Institution of Naval Architects Gold Medal 1898. State Prize of the Soviet Union (first degree). Stalin Premium for work on compass deviation.
    Krylov published more than 500 books, papers and articles; these have been collected and published in twelve volumes by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1942, My Memories (autobiography).
    AK / FMW

    Biographical history of technology > Krylov, Alexei Nicolaevitch

  • 102 Leblanc, Nicolas

    SUBJECT AREA: Chemical technology
    b. 6 December 1742 Ivey-le-Pré, France
    d. 16 January 1806 Paris, France
    French chemist, inventor of the Leblanc process for the manufacture of soda.
    Orphaned at an early age, Leblanc was sent by his guardian, a doctor, to study medicine at the Ecole de Chirurgie in Paris. Around 1780 he entered the service of the Duke of Orléans as Surgeon. There he was able to pursue his interest in chemistry by carrying out research, particularly into crystallization; this bore fruit in a paper to the Royal Academy of Sciences in 1786, published in 1812 as a separate work entitled Crystallotechnie. At that time there was much concern that supplies of natural soda were becoming insufficient to meet the increasing demands of various industries, textile above all. In 1775 the Academy offered a prize of 2,400 livres for a means of manufacturing soda from sea salt. Several chemists studied the problem, but the prize was never awarded. However, in 1789 Leblanc reported in the Journal de physique for 1789 that he had devised a process, and he applied to his patron for support. The Duke had the process subjected to tests, and when these proved favourable he, with Leblanc and the referee, formed a company in February 1790 to exploit it. A patent was granted in 1791 and, with the manufacture of a vital substance at low cost based on a raw material, salt in unlimited supply, a bright prospect seemed to open out for Leblanc. The salt was treated with sulphuric acid to form salt-cake (sodium sulphate), which was then rotated with coal and limestone to form a substance from which the soda was extracted with water followed by evaporation. Hydrochloric acid was a valuable by-product, from which could be made calcium chloride, widely used in the textile and paper industries. The factory worked until 1793, but did not achieve regular production, and then disaster struck: Leblanc's principal patron, the Duke of Orléans, perished under the guillotine in the reign of terror; the factory was sequestered by the Revolutionary government and the agreement was revoked. Leblanc laboured in vain to secure adequate compensation. Eventually a grant was made towards the cost of restoring the factory, but it was quite inadequate, and in despair, Leblanc shot himself. However, his process proved to be one of the greatest inventions in the chemical industry, and was taken up in other countries and remained the leading process for the production of soda for a century. In 1855 his family tried again to vindicate his name and achieve compensation, this time with success.
    Further Reading
    A.A.Leblanc, 1884, Nicolas Leblanc, sa vie, ses travaux et l'histoire de la soude artificielle, Paris (the standard biography, by his grandson).
    For more critical studies, see: C.C.Gillispie, 1957, "The discovery of the Leblanc process", Isis 48:152–70; J.G.Smith, 1970, "Studies in certain chemical industries in revolutionary and Napoleonic France", unpublished PhD thesis, Leeds University.

    Biographical history of technology > Leblanc, Nicolas

  • 103 Lippman, Gabriel

    b. 16 August 1845 Hallerick, Luxembourg
    d. 14 July 1921 at sea, in the North Atlantic
    French physicist who developed interference colour photography.
    Born of French parents, Lippman's work began with a distinguished career in classics, philosophy, mathematics and physics at the Ecole Normale in Luxembourg. After further studies in physics at Heidelberg University, he returned to France and the Sorbonne, where he was in 1886 appointed Director of Physics. He was a leading pioneer in France of research into electricity, optics, heat and other branches of physics.
    In 1886 he conceived the idea of recording the existence of standing waves in light when it is reflected back on itself, by photographing the colours so produced. This required the production of a photographic emulsion that was effectively grainless: the individual silver halide crystals had to be smaller than the shortest wavelength of light to be recorded. Lippman succeeded in this and in 1891 demonstrated his process. A glass plate was coated with a grainless emulsion and held in a special plate-holder, glass towards the lens. The back of the holder was filled with mercury, which provided a perfect reflector when in contact with the emulsion. The standing waves produced during the exposure formed laminae in the emulsion, with the number of laminae being determined by the wavelength of the incoming light at each point on the image. When the processed plate was viewed under the correct lighting conditions, a theoretically exact reproduction of the colours of the original subject could be seen. However, the Lippman process remained a beautiful scientific demonstration only, since the ultra-fine-grain emulsion was very slow, requiring exposure times of over 10,000 times that of conventional negative material. Any method of increasing the speed of the emulsion also increased the grain size and destroyed the conditions required for the process to work.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Royal Photographic Society Progress Medal 1897. Nobel Prize (for his work in interference colour photography) 1908.
    Further Reading
    J.S.Friedman, 1944, History of Colour Photography, Boston.
    Brian Coe, 1978, Colour Photography: The First Hundred Years, London. Gert Koshofer, 1981, Farbfotografie, Vol. I, Munich.

    Biographical history of technology > Lippman, Gabriel

  • 104 Mitscherlich, Alexander

    SUBJECT AREA: Paper and printing
    b. 28 May 1836 Berlin, Germany
    d. 31 May 1918 Oberstdorf, Germany
    German inventor of sulphite wood pulp for papermaking.
    Mitscherlich had an impeccable scientific background; his father was the celebrated chemist Eilhardt Mitscherlich, discoverer of the law of isomorphism, and his godfather was Alexander von Humboldt. At first his progress at school failed to live up to this auspicious beginning and his father would only sanction higher studies if he first qualified as a teacher so as to assure a means of livelihood. Alexander rose to the occasion and went on to gain his doctorate at the age of 25 in the field of mineralogical chemistry. He worked for a few years as Assistant to the distinguished chemists Wöhler in Göttingen and Wurtz in Paris. On his father's death in 1863, he succeeded him as teacher of chemistry in the University of Berlin. In 1868 he accepted a post in the newly established Forest Academy in Hannoversch-Munden, teaching chemistry, physics and geology. The post offered little financial advantage, but it left him more time for research. It was there that he invented the process for producing sulphite wood pulp.
    The paper industry was seeking new raw materials. Since the 1840s pulp had been produced mechanically from wood, but it was unsuitable for making fine papers. From the mid-1860s several chemists began tackling the problem of separating the cellulose fibres from the other constituents of wood by chemical means. The American Benjamin C.Tilghman was granted patents in several countries for the treatment of wood with acid or bisulphite. Carl Daniel Ekman in Sweden and Karl Kellner in Austria also made sulphite pulp, but the credit for devising the process that came into general use belongs to Mitscherlich. His brother Oskar came to him at the Academy with plans for producing pulp by the action of soda, but the results were inferior, so Mitscherlich substituted calcium bisulphite and in the laboratory obtained good results. To extend this to a large-scale process, he was forced to set up his own mill, where he devised the characteristic towers for making the calcium bisulphite, in which water trickling down through packed lime met a rising current of sulphur dioxide. He was granted a patent in Luxembourg in 1874 and a German one four years later. The sulphite process did not make him rich, for there was considerable opposition to it; government objected to the smell of sulphur dioxide, forestry authorities were anxious about the inroads that might be made into the forests and his patents were contested. In 1883, with the support of an inheritance from his mother, Mitscherlich resigned his post at the Academy to devote more time to promoting his invention. In 1897 he at last succeeded in settling the patent disputes and achieving recognition as the inventor of sulphite pulp. Without this raw material, the paper industry could never have satisfied the insatiable appetite of the newspaper presses.
    Further Reading
    H.Voorn "Alexander Mitscherlich, inventor of sulphite wood pulp", Paper Maker 23(1): 41–4.

    Biographical history of technology > Mitscherlich, Alexander

  • 105 Nobel, Immanuel

    b. 1801 Gävle, Sweden
    d. 3 September 1872 Stockholm, Sweden
    Swedish inventor and industrialist, particularly noted for his work on mines and explosives.
    The son of a barber-surgeon who deserted his family to serve in the Swedish army, Nobel showed little interest in academic pursuits as a child and was sent to sea at the age of 16, but jumped ship in Egypt and was eventually employed as an architect by the pasha. Returning to Sweden, he won a scholarship to the Stockholm School of Architecture, where he studied from 1821 to 1825 and was awarded a number of prizes. His interest then leaned towards mechanical matters and he transferred to the Stockholm School of Engineering. Designs for linen-finishing machines won him a prize there, and he also patented a means of transforming rotary into reciprocating movement. He then entered the real-estate business and was successful until a fire in 1833 destroyed his house and everything he owned. By this time he had married and had two sons, with a third, Alfred (of Nobel Prize fame; see Alfred Nobel), on the way. Moving to more modest quarters on the outskirts of Stockholm, Immanuel resumed his inventions, concentrating largely on India rubber, which he applied to surgical instruments and military equipment, including a rubber knapsack.
    It was talk of plans to construct a canal at Suez that first excited his interest in explosives. He saw them as a means of making mining more efficient and began to experiment in his backyard. However, this made him unpopular with his neighbours, and the city authorities ordered him to cease his investigations. By this time he was deeply in debt and in 1837 moved to Finland, leaving his family in Stockholm. He hoped to interest the Russians in land and sea mines and, after some four years, succeeded in obtaining financial backing from the Ministry of War, enabling him to set up a foundry and arms factory in St Petersburg and to bring his family over. By 1850 he was clear of debt in Sweden and had begun to acquire a high reputation as an inventor and industrialist. His invention of the horned contact mine was to be the basic pattern of the sea mine for almost the next 100 years, but he also created and manufactured a central-heating system based on hot-water pipes. His three sons, Ludwig, Robert and Alfred, had now joined him in his business, but even so the outbreak of war with Britain and France in the Crimea placed severe pressures on him. The Russians looked to him to convert their navy from sail to steam, even though he had no experience in naval propulsion, but the aftermath of the Crimean War brought financial ruin once more to Immanuel. Amongst the reforms brought in by Tsar Alexander II was a reliance on imports to equip the armed forces, so all domestic arms contracts were abruptly cancelled, including those being undertaken by Nobel. Unable to raise money from the banks, Immanuel was forced to declare himself bankrupt and leave Russia for his native Sweden. Nobel then reverted to his study of explosives, particularly of how to adapt the then highly unstable nitroglycerine, which had first been developed by Ascanio Sobrero in 1847, for blasting and mining. Nobel believed that this could be done by mixing it with gunpowder, but could not establish the right proportions. His son Alfred pursued the matter semi-independently and eventually evolved the principle of the primary charge (and through it created the blasting cap), having taken out a patent for a nitroglycerine product in his own name; the eventual result of this was called dynamite. Father and son eventually fell out over Alfred's independent line, but worse was to follow. In September 1864 Immanuel's youngest son, Oscar, then studying chemistry at Uppsala University, was killed in an explosion in Alfred's laboratory: Immanuel suffered a stroke, but this only temporarily incapacitated him, and he continued to put forward new ideas. These included making timber a more flexible material through gluing crossed veneers under pressure and bending waste timber under steam, a concept which eventually came to fruition in the form of plywood.
    In 1868 Immanuel and Alfred were jointly awarded the prestigious Letterstedt Prize for their work on explosives, but Alfred never for-gave his father for retaining the medal without offering it to him.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Imperial Gold Medal (Russia) 1853. Swedish Academy of Science Letterstedt Prize (jointly with son Alfred) 1868.
    Immanuel Nobel produced a short handwritten account of his early life 1813–37, which is now in the possession of one of his descendants. He also had published three short books during the last decade of his life— Cheap Defence of the Country's Roads (on land mines), Cheap Defence of the Archipelagos (on sea mines), and Proposal for the Country's Defence (1871)—as well as his pamphlet (1870) on making wood a more physically flexible product.
    Further Reading
    No biographies of Immanuel Nobel exist, but his life is detailed in a number of books on his son Alfred.

    Biographical history of technology > Nobel, Immanuel

  • 106 Pasley, General Sir Charles William

    SUBJECT AREA: Civil engineering
    b. 8 September 1780 Eskdalemuir, Dumfriesshire, Scotland
    d. 19 April 1861 London, England
    Scottish Colonel-Commandant, Royal Engineers.
    At first he was educated by Andrew Little of Lan-gholm. At the age of 14 he was sent to school at Selkirk, where he stayed for two years until joining the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich in August 1796. He was commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery and transferred to the Royal Engineers on 1 April 1798. He served at Minorca, Malta, Naples, Sicily, Calabria and in the siege of Copenhagen and in other campaigns. He was promoted First Captain in 1807, and was on the staff of Sir John Moore at the battle of Coruna. He was wounded at the siege of Flushing in 1809 and was invalided for a year, employing his time in learning German.
    In November 1810 he published his Essay on Military Policy and Institutions of the British Empire, which ran through four editions. In 1811 he was in command of a company of Royal Military Artificers at Plymouth and there he devised a method of education by which the NCOs and troops could teach themselves without "mathematical masters". His system was a great success and was adopted at Chatham and throughout the corps. In 1812 he was appointed Director of the School of Military Engineering at Chatham. He remained at Chatham until 1841, when he was appointed Inspector-General of Railways. During this period he organized improved systems of sapping, mining, telegraphing, pontooning and exploding gunpowder on land or under water, and prepared pamphlets and courses of instruction in these and other subjects. In May 1836 he started what is probably the most important work for which he is remembered. This, was a book on Limes, Calcareous Cements, Mortar, Stuccos and Concretes. The general adoption of Joseph Aspdin's Portland Cement was largely due to Pasley's recommendation of the material.
    He was married twice: first in 1814 at Chatham to Harriet Cooper; and then on 30 March 1819 at Rochester to Martha Matilda Roberts, with whom he had six children— she died in 1881.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    KGB 1846. FRS 1816. Honorary DCL, Oxford University 1844.
    1810, Essay on Military Policy and Institutions of the British Empire. Limes, Calcareous Cements, Mortar, Stuccos and Concretes.
    Further Reading
    Porter, History of the Corps of Royal Engineers. DNB. Proceedings of the Royal Society.

    Biographical history of technology > Pasley, General Sir Charles William

  • 107 Rittinger, Peter von

    b. 23 January 1811 Neutitschein, Moravia (now Now Jicin, Czech Republic)
    d. 7 December 1872 Vienna, Austria
    Austrian mining engineer, improver of the processing of minerals.
    After studying law, philosophy and politics at the University of Olmutz (now Olomouc), in 1835 Rittinger became a fellow of the Mining Academy in Schemnitz (now Banská Štiavnica), Slovakia. In 1839, the year he finished at the academy, he published a book on perspective drawing. The following year, he became Inspector of Mills at the ore mines in Schemnitz, and in 1845 he was engaged in coal mining in Bohemia and Moravia. In 1849 he joined the mining administration at Joachimsthal (now Jáchymov), Bohemia. In these early years he contributed his first important innovations for the mining industry and thus fostered his career in the government's service. In 1850 he was called to Vienna to become a high-ranked officer in various ministries. He was responsible for the construction of buildings, pumping installations and all sorts of machinery in the mining industry; he reorganized the curricula of the mining schools, was responsible for the mint and became head of the department of mines, forests and salt-works in the Austrian empire.
    During all his years of public service, Rittinger continued his concern with technological innovations. He improved the processing of ores by introducing in 1844 the rotary washer and the box classifier, and later his continuously shaking concussion table which, having been exhibited at the Vienna World Fair of 1873, was soon adopted in other countries. He constructed water-column pumps, invented a differential shaft pump with hydraulic linkage to replace the heavy iron rods and worked on centrifugal pumps. He was one of the first to be concerned with the transfer of heat, and he developed a system of using exhaust steam for heating in salt-works. He kept his eye on current developments abroad, using his function as official Austrian commissioner to the world exhibitions, on which he published frequently as well as on other matters related to technology. With his systematic handbook on mineral processing, first published in 1867, he emphasized his international reputation in this specialized field of mining.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1863. Order of the Iron Crown 1863. Honorary Citizen of Joachimsthal 1864. President, Austrian Chamber of Engineers and Architects 1863–5.
    1849, Der Spitzkasten-Apparat statt Mehlrinnen und Sümpfen…bei der nassen Aufbereitung, Freiberg.
    1855, Theoretisch-praktische Abhandlung über ein für alle Gattungen von Flüssigkeiten anwendbares neues Abdampfverfahren, Vienna.
    1867, Lehrbuch der Aufbereitungskunde, Berlin (with supplements, 1870–73).
    Further Reading
    H.Kunnert, 1972, "Peter Ritter von Rittinger. Lebensbild eines grossen Montanisten", Der Anschnitt 24:3–7 (a detailed description of his life, based on source material).
    J.Steiner, 1972, "Der Beitrag von Peter Rittinger zur Entwicklung der Aufbereitungstechnik". Berg-und hüttenmännische Monatshefte 117: 471–6 (an evaluation of Rittinger's achievements for the processing of ores).

    Biographical history of technology > Rittinger, Peter von

  • 108 Rosenhain, Walter

    SUBJECT AREA: Metallurgy
    b. 24 August 1875 Berlin, Germany
    d. 17 March 1934 Kingston Hill, Surrey, England
    German metallurgist, first Superintendent of the Department of Metallurgy and Metallurgical Chemistry at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex.
    His family emigrated to Australia when he was 5 years old. He was educated at Wesley College, Melbourne, and attended Queen's College, University of Melbourne, graduating in physics and engineering in 1897. As an 1851 Exhibitioner he then spent three years at St John's College, Cambridge, under Sir Alfred Ewing, where he studied the microstructure of deformed metal crystals and abandoned his original intention of becoming a civil engineer. Rosenhain was the first to observe the slip-bands in metal crystals, and in the Bakerian Lecture delivered jointly by Ewing and Rosenhain to the Royal Society in 1899 it was shown that metals deformed plastically by a mechanism involving shear slip along individual crystal planes. From this conception modern ideas on the plasticity and recrystallization of metals rapidly developed. On leaving Cambridge, Rosenhain joined the Birmingham firm of Chance Brothers, where he worked for six years on optical glass and lighthouse-lens systems. A book, Glass Manufacture, written in 1908, derives from this period, during which he continued his metallurgical researches in the evenings in his home laboratory and published several papers on his work.
    In 1906 Rosenhain was appointed Head of the Metallurgical Department of the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), and in 1908 he became the first Superintendent of the new Department of Metallurgy and Metallurgical Chemistry. Many of the techniques he introduced at Teddington were described in his Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, published in 1914. At the outbreak of the First World War, Rosenhain was asked to undertake work in his department on the manufacture of optical glass. This soon made it possible to manufacture optical glass of high quality on an industrial scale in Britain. Much valuable work on refractory materials stemmed from this venture. Rosenhain's early years at the NPL were, however, inseparably linked with his work on light alloys, which between 1912 and the end of the war involved virtually all of the metallurgical staff of the laboratory. The most important end product was the well-known "Y" Alloy (4% copper, 2% nickel and 1.5% magnesium) extensively used for the pistons and cylinder heads of aircraft engines. It was the prototype of the RR series of alloys jointly developed by Rolls Royce and High Duty Alloys. An improved zinc-based die-casting alloy devised by Rosenhain was also used during the war on a large scale for the production of shell fuses.
    After the First World War, much attention was devoted to beryllium, which because of its strength, lightness, and stiffness would, it was hoped, become the airframe material of the future. It remained, however, too brittle for practical use. Other investigations dealt with impurities in copper, gases in aluminium alloys, dental alloys, and the constitution of alloys. During this period, Rosenhain's laboratory became internationally known as a centre of excellence for the determination of accurate equilibrium diagrams.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1913. President, Institute of Metals 1828–30. Iron and Steel Institute Bessemer Medal, Carnegie Medal.
    1908, Glass Manufacture.
    1914, An Introduction to the Study of Physical Metallurgy, London: Constable. Rosenhain published over 100 research papers.
    Further Reading
    J.L.Haughton, 1934, "The work of Walter Rosenhain", Journal of the Institute of Metals 55(2):17–32.

    Biographical history of technology > Rosenhain, Walter

  • 109 Shockley, William Bradford

    b. 13 February 1910 London, England
    d. 12 August 1989, Palo Alto, California, USA.
    American physicist who developed the junction transistor from the point contact transistor and was joint winner (with John Bardeen and Walter H. Brattain) of the 1956 Nobel Prize for physics.
    The son of a mining engineer, Shockley graduated from the California Institute of Technology in 1932 and in 1936 obtained his PhD at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In that year, he joined the staff of Bell Telephone Laboratories.
    Since the early days of radio, crystals of silicon or similar materials had been used to rectify alternating current supply until these were displaced by thermionic valves or tubes. Shockley, with Bardeen and Brattain, found that crystals of germanium containing traces of certain impurities formed far better rectifiers than crystals of the material in its pure form. The resulting device, the transistor, could also be used to amplify the current; its name is derived from its ability to transfer current across a resistor. The transistor, being so much smaller than the thermionic valve which it replaced, led to the miniaturization of electronic appliances. Another advantage was that a transistorized device needed no period of warming up, such as was necessary with a thermionic valve before it would operate. The dispersal of the heat generated by a multiplicity of thermionic valves such as were present in early computers was another problem obviated by the advent of the transistor.
    Shockley was responsible for much development in the field of semiconductors. He was Deputy Director of the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group of the US Department of Defense (1954–5), and in 1963 he was appointed the first Poniatoff Professor of Engineering Science at Stanford University, California. During the late 1960s Shockley became a controversial figure for expressing his unorthodox views on genetics, such as that black people were inherently less intelligent than white people, and that the population explosion spread "bad" genes at the expense of "good" genes; he supported the idea of a sperm bank from Nobel Prize winners, voluntary sterilization and the restriction of interracial marriages.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Nobel Prize for Physics 1956.
    Further Reading
    I.Asimov (ed.), 1982, Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, New York: Doubleday \& Co.

    Biographical history of technology > Shockley, William Bradford

  • 110

    ",-çi 1. the interior, the inside, the inner part or surface. 2. see içinde. 3. insides, innards (internal organs of a person or animal). 4. (a person´s) true self, heart, soul: Merak etme, Safigül´ün içi temiz. Don´t worry, Safigül´s a good soul at heart. Eğer içinde varsa, bir yolunu bulup üniversiteyi bitirir. He´ll find a way to finish university, if he really wants to do so. 5. inner part (of a nut or seed), kernel; inner part (of a fruit), meat, flesh. 6. stuffing, filling (material used to stuff or fill something). 7. inner, inside; interior; internal. 8. domestic, internal (as opposed to foreign). 9. inland (as opposed to coastal). -ler acısı heartrending, heartbreaking. - açı interior angle. - açıcı gladdening, glad, cheering, heartening. -ini açmak 1. /a/ to pour out one´s troubles (to), unburden oneself (to). 2. /a/ to make one´s feelings clear to (someone who has annoyed or angered one). 3. /ın/ to cheer (someone) up, gladden (someone), gladden (someone´s) heart, lift (someone´s) spirits: Bu haber Nefise´nin içini açtı. This news gladdened Nefise´s heart. -ine alan including. -ine alma inclusion. -ine almak /ı/ to include, encompass; to hold, contain. -i almamak /ı/ 1. not to feel like eating (something). 2. to be reluctant to (do something). -ine ateş düşmek to suffer a grievous emotional blow. -ine atmak /ı/ 1. to keep (a worry, a problem) to oneself. 2. to store away in one´s memory (an insult which one has appeared to disregard). - bağlamak (for the kernel of a nut or seed) to become plump, fill its shell, hull, or husk. - bakla shelled broad beans. -ine baygınlıklar çökmek to feel like screaming (because one finds something extremely tiresome or exasperating). -i bayılmak 1. to feel faint (with hunger). 2. to feel full and thirsty (after eating too much rich food). -ini bayıltmak /ın/ 1. (for an over-sweet food) to make (one) feel sick. 2. to exasperate (someone) (by talking too much or dillydallying). -i beni yakar, dışı eli (yakar). colloq. Others only know his outward charm, whereas I know his inner nastiness. - bezelye shelled peas. -ini bir kurt yemek/kemirmek for a doubt to nag one. -ini boşaltmak 1. to blow one´s stack. 2. to pour out one´s troubles (to). -i bulanmak 1. to feel nauseated. 2. to get suspicious. - bulantısı nausea. -i burkulmak to feel a deep pang of sadness. - bükün ling. internal inflection. - cep tailor. inside pocket. -i cız etmek 1. suddenly to feel a tug at one´s heartstrings; suddenly to be touched to the quick. 2. suddenly to feel very sad, very dispirited, or very discouraged. - çamaşırı underwear. - çekmek 1. to sigh. 2. to sob. -i çekmek /ı/ to have a longing for, desire. -ine çekmek /ı/ to breathe in, inhale. -ini çekmek to sigh. -i çıfıt çarşısı evil-minded. -inden çıkılmaz impossible, (something) which seems insuperably difficult; insoluble, insolvable (problem): içinden çıkılmaz bir hal an impasse. -inden çıkmak /ın/ successfully to manage, carry out, or do (a difficult job); to solve (a difficult problem). -i dar impatient, restless (person). -i daralmak to be depressed, be distressed. -i dayanmamak /a/ 1. to be unable to stand by and do nothing. 2. for (one´s) conscience not to let one do (something). 3. not to be able to stand or bear (something) (because of jealousy). -ine dert olmak to be unhappy at having failed to accomplish (something). -i dışı bir unaffected, free of hypocrisy, genuine. -i dışına çıkmak 1. to vomit, throw up. 2. to have been so bounced about and jolted that one feels nauseated. -inden doğmak see -inden gelmek. -ine doğmak /ın/ intuitively to feel that, have a feeling that (something is going to happen): Böyle bir şey olacağı içime doğmuştu. I´d had a feeling something like this would happen. -ine dokunmak /ın/ to sadden; to pain. - donu underpants. -ini dökmek /a/ to pour out one´s troubles (to), unburden oneself (to). - dünya (a person´s) inner world, inner self. -i erimek to be greatly worried

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  • Material World (radio programme) — Material World Genre Current science Running time 30 mins (Thursdays) Country UK Languages English Home station BBC Radio 4 …   Wikipedia

  • University of Graz —     University of Graz     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► University of Graz     The University of Graz, located in the capital of the Province of Steiermark, owes its establishment to the Counter Reformation and the efforts of Archduke Karl von… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Material selection — is a step in the process of designing any physical object. In the context of product design, the main goal of material selection is to minimize cost while meeting product performance goals.[1] Systematic selection of the best material for a given …   Wikipedia

  • University of Malaya — Universiti Malaya 马来亚大学 மலாயா பல்கலைக்கழகம் マラヤ大学 Coat of Arms of UM Motto in English Knowledge is the Source of Progress …   Wikipedia

  • University of Osuna — The University of Osuna (Spanish: Universidad de Osuna), officially the Colegio Universidad de la Purísima Concepción en Osuna ( College University of the Immaculate Conception in Osuna ) was a university in Osuna, Kingdom of Seville, Spain from… …   Wikipedia

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