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  • 61 GIRD

    Early “Qenya” material has a verb qilti- “gird, encircle” (QL:78); read perhaps *quilta- if the verb is to be adapted to Tolkien’s later Quenya (cf. the noun quilta “belt, girdle”).

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > GIRD

  • 62 GOVERN

    \#tur- (attested as turin "I...govern", 1st pers. aorist), pa.t. turnë (wield, control). LT1:273 has vard- "rule, govern", but this is hardly a valid word in LotR-style Quenya. –TUR

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > GOVERN

  • 63 GREAT

    túra (big), hoa (large), (great in size:) alta (large) (The form alat- is used in compounds when the next word has an initial vowel, as in Alatairë. Tolkien's gloss of alta, alat- was actually illegible, and I give the root meaning of the stem ÁLAT. The meaning of the Quenya word cannot differ too widely from it, for Alatairë is said to correspond to "Noldorin" Belegoer [in LotR-style Sindarin Belegaer], The Great Sea.) – An early [TLT] word for "great", velicë, is possibly obsolete in LotR-style Quenya: In LT1:254 velicë is said to correspond to Gnomish beleg, but according to LR:352 the stem from which beleg is derived is "not found in Q[uenya]". In post-LotR material the words velca, velcë briefly turned up, apparently meaning “large, great, big”, but Tolkien rejected these forms as well.) –PE17:115, ÁLAT, cf. BEL, cf. Silm:428, LT1:254

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > GREAT

  • 64 GULF

    yáwë (cleft, ravine). According to VT46:22, it is possible that the gloss "gulf" actually reads "gully" in Tolkien's manuscript, and the other glosses may support this reading. The word londë (land-locked haven) is translated “gulf” in TI:423. Early “Qenya” has fásë = gulf, gap, but Tolkien’s later Quenya would not have s in this position (unless it represents earlier þ). –YAG, TI:423, GL:36

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > GULF

  • 65 HAIL

    (greeting) aiya (so in LotR; LT1:248 has áyë); variant spelling aia. –LotR:747, 950 cf. Letters:385, VT43:28

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HAIL

  • 66 HAIR

    (a single hair) finë (*fini-) (larch).TANGLED HAIR fassë; LOCK OF HAIR findë (defined as "a tress or plait of hair" in PM:345; LT2:341 has findl, an impossible form in LotR-style Quenya), HEAD OF HAIR, A PERSON'S HAIR AS A WHOLE findessë. The conceptual status of the noun loxë "hair" listed in the Etymologies is uncertain; this word is assigned the meaning "bunch, cluster" elsewhere. –PM:362, PHAS, SPIN, PM:345, LOKH

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HAIR

  • 67 HATE

    (vb) \#tev- (aorist tevë), LT1:258 has mokir "I hate", read *mocin in LotR-style Quenya? Instead of using these early "Qenya" terms, writers may prefer the later verb yelta-, glossed "loathe, abhor" by Tolkien. HATEFUL sancë; HATRED tévië –LT1:268 (according to QL:90, tévië rather than tevië is the correct reading), LT2:341

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HATE

  • 68 HE, HIM

    (personal 3rd sg. pronoun): As a pronominal suffix, the entire 3rd person singular “he, she, it” is expressed by the ending -s, e.g. caris *“(s)he/it does” (VT49:16, 48). Sometimes a verb with no pronominal ending whatsoever implies a subject “he, she, it”, e.g. nornë “he ran” (PE17:58), fírië “she has breathed forth” (MR:250), tinë “it glints” (TIN). A distinctly masculine ending -ro does occur in early material (antaváro “he will give”, LR:63), but was apparently abandoned by Tolkien. The ending -s may also appear in the “rare” longer form -së (VT49:51, descended from older -sse, VT49:20), perhaps distinctly personal (cf. násë “he [or she] is” vs. nás “it is”, VT49:27, 30). The ending -s is also attested in object position, e.g. melinyes “I love him” (VT49:21; this could also mean *”I love her” or *”I love it”). “He/she” (or even “it”, when some living thing is concerned) does have a distinct form when it appears as an independent pronoun: se (VT49:37), also with a long vowel (sé, VT49:51) when stressed. (Contrast the use of sa for “it” with reference to non-living things.) The independent form may also appear in object position: melin sé, “I love him [/her]” (VT49:21). Case endings may be added, e.g. allative sena or senna “at him [/her]”, “to him/her” (VT49:14, 45-46); se also appears suffixed to a preposition in the word ósë *”with him/her” (VT43:29). A distinct pronoun hé can be used for “he/she” = “the other”, as in a sentence like “I love him (sé) but not him (hé).” Genitive HIS/HER (or ITS, of a living thing) would normally appear as the ending -rya, e.g. coarya “his house” (WJ:369), máryat “her hands” (Nam), the latter with a dual ending following -rya. “His/her” as an independent word could be *senya (compare ninya “my” vs. ni “I”, nin “for me”). – Reflexive pronoun, see HIMSELF. –VT49:16, 51, VT43:29, VT49:15, LotR:1008

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HE, HIM

  • 69 HEART

    hón (physical heart), órë (inner mind – concerning this word, see SPIRIT) (Note: a homophone means "rising"), indo (mind, mood), enda (lit. "centre", not referring to the physical organ, but the fëa [soul] or sáma [mind] itself; enda may be the best word to use for the metaphorical “heart” in general), Tolkien’s early “Qenya” also has the word elwen. -HEARTED \#honda (isolated from sincahonda "flinthearted"). EYES OF HEARTSEASE (a name of the pansy) Helinyetillë HEART OF FLAME Naira (a name of the Sun), –KHŌ-N-, LotR:1157, ID, VT39:32, LT1:255, LotR:1015 cf. SD:68, 72, LT1:262, MR:198

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HEART

  • 70 HERO

    callo (noble man). LT1:268 also has mordo "warrior, hero", but in Tolkien's later Quenya, mordo means "obscurity, shadow, stain, smear, dimness". –KAL

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HERO

  • 71 HUNT

    (noun), HUNTING roimë (the misreading "raime" occurs in the Etymologies as printed in LR; see VT46:12 for this correction). No verb "to hunt" is given in Etym, but roita- "pursue" is derived from the same stem and can probably be translated *"hunt" as well. LT1:260 has rauta- "hunt". –ROY1

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HUNT

  • 72 I

    (1st pers. sg): This pronoun normally appears as the ending -n or -nyë (VT49:51) added to verbs, e.g. carin and carinyë “I do”, maruvan "I will abide". The long form -nye must be used if another pronominal ending is to be added after it: utúvienyes, "I [-nye-] have found it [-s]". Independent pronouns: ni (in the "Arctic" sentence, ni is translated "I"), stressed ní with long vowel (VT49:51), as in ní nauva tanomë “I will be there” (VT49:19; ní nauva puts more emphasis on “I” than nauvan, with the pronoun expressed as an ending). The dative pronoun nin "for me" is transparently ni + the dative ending -n; other case endings may also be added to ni. It may be that ni, ní can also function as object (“me”), though a distinct form nye has also been proposed. The longer pronoun inyë may also be used where “I” is emphatic, and presumably can also take case endings. –VT49:48, 50, LotR:1008/1003, Arct, LR:61

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > I

  • 73 IN-

    (prefix denying presence or possession of thing or quality) ú- (not-, un-) –VT39:14; according to LR:396 s.v. UGU, this prefix usually has a "bad sense", cf. vanimor "fair folk" vs. úvanimor "monsters".

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > IN-

  • 74 JAW

    anca (translated "jaws" in the appendices to LotR and Silm, but anca is sg and is glossed "jaw" in Etym. GL:37 has cá [spelt "kâ"]) –LotR:1157, Silm:427, ÁNAK

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > JAW

  • 75 JEWEL

    mírë (pl. míri is attested); SHINING JEWEL miril (treasure, precious thing). *NOLDO-JEWEL (= Silmaril) Noldomírë, Noldomír; WITH ADORNMENT OF RED JEWELS carnimírië (a pl form? Sg *carnimírëa? Letters:224 has carne- instead of carni-.) JEWEL OF YAVANNA yavannamírë (a fragrant evergreen tree with scarlet fruit, brought to Númenor by the Eldar) –MIR/Silm:434, Nam, ÑGOL/VT46:3, LotR:505 cf. Letters:224, UT:472

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > JEWEL

  • 76 KEEN

    laica (the printed Etymologies has a final –e instead of –a, but this is a misreading; see VT45:25) (sharp, acute, *piercing); KEENNESS (of perception) laicë (acuteness). The conceptual validity of these words is questionable; see PIERCING. –LAIK

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > KEEN

  • 77 KING

    aran (pl arani is attested) In Etym, the Quenya word for "king, chieftain" is haran pl. harni, but evidence from LotR, WJ and UT shows that Tolkien changed it to aran pl arani. Cf. asëa aranion "kingsfoil", i arani Eldaron "the Kings of the Eldar", Arandor "kingsland", aranya *"my king", arandil "king's friend, royalist", and arandur "king's servant, minister".) LT1:273 has vardar "king", but this is hardly a valid word in LotR-style Quenya. KINGLY BULL Aramund (this may not be pure Quenya, because of the final consonant cluster) –3AR, LotR:899, WJ:369, UT:165, 193, 313, Letters:386, 423

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > KING

  • 78 LADY

    heri –KHER, LT1:272 (GL:45 has quimellë). A quite different word which Tolkien also translated "Lady" is massánië, literally "breadgiver", the title of the "Lady" or the highest among the elven-women of any people, she having the right to keep or give away lembas bread. See PM:404.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > LADY

  • 79 LAKE

    ailin (pool) (LT2:339 also has ailo), ringwë (cold lake, pool [in mountains]). In the Etymologies as printed in LR, this word is cited as "ringe", but according to VT46:11, ringwë is the proper reading. –AY/LT2:339, RINGI/VT46:11

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > LAKE

  • 80 LION

    rá (pl rávi) (so in Etym; LT1:260 has rau, but pl rávi is the same.) (Note: rá is also a preposition meaning "on behalf of".) SHE-LION ravennë –RAW, LT1:260

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > LION

См. также в других словарях:

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