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  • 1 interested

    interested ['ɪntrestɪd]
    (a) (showing interest) intéressé;
    to be interested in sth s'intéresser à qch;
    she is interested in fashion elle s'intéresse à la mode, la mode l'intéresse;
    would you be interested in meeting him? ça t'intéresserait de le rencontrer?;
    anyone interested? il y en a que ça intéresse?, est-ce que quelqu'un est intéressé?;
    we'd be interested to know nous aimerions ou voudrions savoir;
    I'm interested to see how they do it je suis curieux de voir comment c'est fait;
    she seems interested in the offer elle semble intéressée par la proposition;
    a group of interested passers-by un groupe de passants curieux
    (b) (involved, concerned) intéressé;
    interested party partie f intéressée

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > interested

  • 2 interested

    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) interesado (en)
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) interesado (en)
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) interesado
    interested adj interesado
    are you interested in buying a sports car? ¿te interesa comprar un coche deportivo?
    1 interesado,-a (in, en)
    interesado, -a adj.
    metido, -a adj.
    'ɪntrəstəd, 'ɪntrəstɪd

    would you be interested? — ¿le interesaría?

    sorry, I'm not interested — lo siento, no me interesa or no tengo interés

    to be interested IN somebody/something/-ING: I am interested in astronomy me interesa la astronomía; the company is interested in acquiring new premises la compañía está interesada en adquirir nuevos locales; to be interested to + INF: I'd be interested to hear what they did — me interesaría saber qué hicieron

    2) ( concerned)

    interested partyparte f interesada

    ADJ interesado

    anyone interested should apply in writing to... — cualquier persona interesada debe dirigirse por escrito a...

    I've got some books to sell, are you interested? — tengo unos libros que quiero vender, ¿te interesan?

    I'm going to the canteen, if anybody is interested — voy a la cafetería, si alguien se quiere apuntar

    to be interested in sth, he's interested in buying a car — está interesado en comprar un coche

    would you be interested in my old wardrobe? — ¿te interesaría quedarte con mi armario viejo?

    to become or grow or get interested in sth/sb — interesarse por algn/algo

    I soon got her interested in my idea — pronto conseguí tenerla interesada en mi idea, pronto conseguí que se interesase por mi idea

    the interested partyla parte interesada

    she was interested to see what he would do — tenía curiosidad por ver qué es lo que haría

    * * *
    ['ɪntrəstəd, 'ɪntrəstɪd]

    would you be interested? — ¿le interesaría?

    sorry, I'm not interested — lo siento, no me interesa or no tengo interés

    to be interested IN somebody/something/-ING: I am interested in astronomy me interesa la astronomía; the company is interested in acquiring new premises la compañía está interesada en adquirir nuevos locales; to be interested to + INF: I'd be interested to hear what they did — me interesaría saber qué hicieron

    2) ( concerned)

    interested partyparte f interesada

    English-spanish dictionary > interested

  • 3 interested

    1) (taking or showing interest) interessiert

    be interested in music/football/somebody — sich für Musik/Fußball/jemanden interessieren

    be interested in doing something — sich dafür interessieren, etwas zu tun

    he is interested in buying a carer würde gern ein Auto kaufen

    not interested in his worknicht an seiner Arbeit interessiert

    2) (not impartial) voreingenommen
    * * *
    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) interessiert
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) interessiert
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) beteiligt
    * * *
    [ˈɪntrəstɪd, AM -trɪst-]
    1. (concerned) interessiert
    I'm going for a drink, are you \interested? ich geh noch was trinken — hättest du auch Lust?
    I'm selling my stereo, are you \interested? ich möchte meine Anlage verkaufen, hätten Sie Interesse?
    I'd be \interested to know more about it ich würde gerne mehr darüber erfahren
    are you \interested in a game of tennis? hast du Lust, mit mir Tennis zu spielen?
    sorry, I'm not \interested tut mir leid, kein Interesse
    to be \interested in sth/sb sich akk für etw/jdn interessieren
    to be \interested in doing sth daran interessiert sein, etw zu tun
    to get sb \interested in sth jdn für etw akk interessieren
    2. (involved) beteiligt
    she was an \interested party in the matter sie war in der Sache befangen
    \interested witness befangener Zeuge/befangene Zeugin
    * * *

    I'm not interested —

    ... and I'm not even interested either —... und es interessiert mich auch gar nicht

    to be interested in sb/sth — sich für jdn/etw interessieren, an jdm/etw interessiert sein

    would you be interested in a game of cards? — hätten Sie Interesse, Karten zu spielen?

    I'm going to the cinema, are you interested (in coming)? — ich gehe ins Kino, haben Sie Interesse daran or Lust mitzukommen?

    I'm selling my car, are you interested? — ich verkaufe meinen Wagen, sind Sie interessiert?

    the company is interested in expanding its salesdie Firma hat Interesse daran or ist daran interessiert, ihren Absatz zu vergrößern

    I'd be interested to know how... — es würde mich ja schon interessieren, wie...

    she was interested to see what he would do — sie war gespannt, was er wohl tun würde

    I was interested to hear that — es interessierte mich, das zu hören

    to get sb interested (in sth) — jdn (für etw) interessieren

    2) (= having personal or financial interest) befangen; (= involved) beteiligt

    he is an interested party — er ist befangen, er ist daran beteiligt

    * * *
    1. interessiert (in an dat):
    be interested in sth sich für etwas interessieren;
    I was interested to know es interessierte mich zu wissen
    2. besonders WIRTSCH beteiligt (in an dat, bei):
    a) die Beteiligten,
    b) die Interessenten
    3. voreingenommen, befangen (Zeuge etc)
    4. eigennützig
    * * *

    be interested in music/football/somebody — sich für Musik/Fußball/jemanden interessieren

    be interested in doing something — sich dafür interessieren, etwas zu tun

    2) (not impartial) voreingenommen
    * * *
    interessiert adj.

    English-german dictionary > interested

  • 4 interested

    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) interesseret
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) interesseret
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) interesseret
    * * *
    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) interesseret
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) interesseret
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) interesseret

    English-Danish dictionary > interested

  • 5 interested

    in·ter·est·ed [ʼɪntrəstɪd, Am -trɪst-] adj
    1) ( concerned) interessiert;
    I'm going for a drink, are you \interested? ich geh noch was trinken - hättest du auch Lust?;
    I'm selling my stereo, are you \interested? ich möchte meine Anlage verkaufen, hätten Sie Interesse?;
    I'd be \interested to know more about it ich würde gerne mehr darüber erfahren;
    are you \interested in a game of tennis? hast du Lust, mit mir Tennis zu spielen?;
    sorry, I'm not \interested tut mir leid, kein Interesse;
    to be \interested in sth/sb sich akk für etw/jdn interessieren;
    to be \interested in doing sth daran interessiert sein, etw zu tun;
    to get sb \interested in sth jdn für etw akk interessieren
    2) ( involved) beteiligt;
    she was an \interested party in the matter sie war in der Sache befangen;
    \interested witness befangener Zeuge/befangene Zeugin

    English-German students dictionary > interested

  • 6 interested

    ['ɪntrəstɪd] 1. 2.
    aggettivo [expression, onlooker] interessato

    to be interested in — interessarsi di [subject, activity]

    to get sb. interested in — suscitare l'interesse di qcn. per [ subject]

    the interested parties — le parti interessate, gli interessati

    * * *
    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) interessato
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) interessato
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) interessato
    * * *
    ['ɪntrəstɪd] 1. 2.
    aggettivo [expression, onlooker] interessato

    to be interested in — interessarsi di [subject, activity]

    to get sb. interested in — suscitare l'interesse di qcn. per [ subject]

    the interested parties — le parti interessate, gli interessati

    English-Italian dictionary > interested

  • 7 interested

    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) interessert, opptatt av
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) interessert i
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) interessert, deltakende
    adj. \/ˈɪntrəstɪd\/, \/ˈɪnt(ə)restɪd\/
    1) interessert, engasjert
    2) partisk
    3) egoistisk, selvisk
    be interested in interessere seg for, være interessert i ha interesse i, ha satset penger i være engasjert i, være innblandet i
    those interested eller the interested parties interessentene vedkommende, de berørte parter

    English-Norwegian dictionary > interested

  • 8 interested

    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) ki se zanima (za)
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) zainteresiran
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) udeležen
    * * *
    adjective ( interestedly adverb)
    zavzet; zainteresiran (in za), udeležen (in pri); sebičen; pristranski (priča)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > interested

  • 9 interested


    to be interested in sth/sb — interesować się czymś/kimś

    * * *
    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) zainteresowany
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) zainteresowany
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) zainteresowany

    English-Polish dictionary > interested

  • 10 interested

    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) áhugasamur
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) sem hefur áhuga á e-u
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) sem á hlut að máli

    English-Icelandic dictionary > interested

  • 11 interested

    * * *
    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) érdeklődő; érdekli; nem érdekli
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) érdekelt
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) érdekelt

    English-Hungarian dictionary > interested

  • 12 interested

    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) interessado
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) interessado
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) interessado
    * * *
    ['intristid] adj 1 interessado, interesseiro. 2 empregado, participante.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > interested

  • 13 interested

    adj. ilgili, meraklı, pay sahibi olan, ortağı, çıkarcı, taraflı
    * * *
    1. ilgilendir (v.) 2. ilgili (adj.)
    * * *
    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) ilgili, meraklı
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) ilgilenme
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) ilgili, alâkalı

    English-Turkish dictionary > interested

  • 14 interested

    • osallinen
    • omituinen
    • innostunut
    • innokas
    • huolehtivainen
    • kiinnostunut
    * * *
    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) kiinnostunut
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) kiinnostunut
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) asianosainen

    English-Finnish dictionary > interested

  • 15 interested

    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) ieinteresēts
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) ieinteresēts
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) ieinteresēts
    * * *
    ieinteresēts; neobjektīvs; uzmanīgs

    English-Latvian dictionary > interested

  • 16 interested

    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) besidomintis, susidomėjęs
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) suinteresuotas
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) suinteresuotas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > interested

  • 17 interested

    adj. intresserad; som intresserar sig; egennyttig
    * * *
    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) intresserad
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) intresserad
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) intresserad, inblandad, berörd

    English-Swedish dictionary > interested

  • 18 interested

    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) mít zájem
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) mít zájem
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) zainteresovaný
    * * *
    • zaujatý
    • zainteresovaný

    English-Czech dictionary > interested

  • 19 interested

    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) mať záujem (o)
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) mať záujem
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) zainteresovaný
    * * *
    • zainteresovaný

    English-Slovak dictionary > interested

  • 20 interested

    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) interesat
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) interesat (de)
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) interesat

    English-Romanian dictionary > interested

См. также в других словарях:

  • interested - interesting — ◊ interested If you want to know more about something or someone, you can say that you are interested in them. I m very interested in birds. Ellen seemed genuinely interested in him and his work. Note that you do not use any preposition except in …   Useful english dictionary

  • interested */*/*/ — UK [ˈɪntrəstɪd] / US [ˈɪntrəstəd] adjective Collocations: Interested describes how you feel: I am extremely interested in art. ♦ She didn t look very interested. Interesting describes things or situations that make you feel interested: I find art …   English dictionary

  • interested — in|ter|est|ed [ ıntrəstəd ] adjective *** 1. ) not usually before noun wanting to know about or take part in something: interested in: interested in sports be interested to hear/know/learn/see etc.: I d be interested to hear what you think. not… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • interested*/*/*/ — [ˈɪntrəstɪd] adj 1) wanting to know about or take part in something Ant: uninterested Joe s always been interested in politics.[/ex] 2) willing or keen to do something We re going to the cinema. Are you interested (= would you like to come… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • interested — in|terest|ed W2S1 [ˈıntrıstıd] adj 1.) giving a lot of attention to something because you want to find out more about it or because you enjoy it ≠ ↑uninterested, bored ↑bored interested in ▪ I ve always been interested in music. ▪ All she s… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • interested — adj. VERBS ▪ appear, be, feel, look, seem, sound ▪ become, get ▪ She got very interested in politics …   Collocations dictionary

  • interested — adj. 1) deeply, greatly, highly, keenly, very much interested 2) interested in (we are interested in politics) 3) interested to + inf. (you will be interested to know that an agreement has been reached) * * * [ ɪntrɪstɪd] greatly highly keenly… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • interested — / Intristid/ adjective 1 giving a lot of attention to something because you want to find out more about it (+ in): I m not really interested in politics. | Carrie s fourteen now, and all she s interested in is clothes. | be interested to… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • interested — [[t]ɪ̱ntrestɪd[/t]] ♦♦ 1) ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ, oft ADJ in n/ ing, ADJ to inf If you are interested in something, you think it is important and want to learn more about it or spend time doing it. I thought she might be interested in Paula s …   English dictionary

  • You Rang, M'Lord? — infobox television show name = You Rang, M Lord? caption = Opening titles of the series in Art Deco style font. format = Situation Comedy runtime = Approximately 50 minutes per normal episode. creator = Jimmy Perry David Croft writer = Jimmy… …   Wikipedia

  • You Can't Take It with You — This article is about the play. For the film, see You Can t Take It With You (film). For the album by As Tall As Lions, see You Can t Take It with You (album). You Can t Take It With You Written by George S. Kaufman Moss Hart Characters Alice… …   Wikipedia

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