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  • 1 out of

    1) (from within) aus

    fall out of somethingaus etwas [heraus]fallen

    2) (not within)

    be out of the countryim Ausland sein

    be out of town/the room — nicht in der Stadt/im Zimmer sein

    feel out of it or things — sich ausgeschlossen od. nicht dazu gehörig fühlen

    I'm glad to be out of itich bin froh, dass ich die Sache hinter mir habe

    be out of the tournamentaus dem Turnier ausgeschieden sein

    pick one out of the pile — einen/eine/eins aus dem Stapel herausgreifen

    eighth out of tenals Achter von zehn Teilnehmern usw.

    4) (beyond range of) außer [Reich-/Hörweite, Sicht, Kontrolle]
    5) (from) aus

    do well out of somebody/something — von jemandem/etwas profitieren

    6) (owing to) aus [Mitleid, Furcht, Neugier usw.]
    7) (without)

    out of work — ohne Arbeit; arbeitslos

    8) (by use of) aus

    make a profit out of somethingmit etwas ein Geschäft machen

    9) (away from) von... entfernt
    10) (beyond) see academic.ru/19744/depth">depth 3); ordinary 2)
    * * *
    1) (from inside: He took it out of the bag.) heraus
    2) (not in: Mr Smith is out of the office; out of danger; out of sight.) außer Hauses
    3) (from among: Four out of five people like this song.) von
    4) (having none left: She is quite out of breath.) außer
    5) (because of: He did it out of curiosity/spite.) aus
    6) (from: He drank the lemonade straight out of the bottle.) aus
    * * *
    1. (to outside) aus + dat
    \out of bed/hospital/prison aus dem Bett/Krankenhaus/Gefängnis
    \out of the door zur Tür hinaus
    2. (situated outside) außerhalb + gen
    she's \out of the office sie ist nicht an ihrem [Arbeits]platz [o nicht im Büro]
    10 km \out of London 10 km außerhalb von London, 10 km von London entfernt
    \out of the country im Ausland, außer Landes veraltend
    \out of town nicht in der Stadt
    from \out of town nicht von hier, fremd hier, aus einer anderen Gegend
    3. (taken from)
    buy a house \out of the inheritance kauf dir ein Haus von [o mit Geld aus] der Erbschaft
    he copied his essay straight \out of a textbook er schrieb seinen Aufsatz wörtlich aus einem Lehrbuch ab
    don't expect too much \out of life man sollte nicht zu viel vom Leben erwarten
    they didn't make a dime \out of that deal sie haben bei dem Geschäft keinen Pfennig verdient
    \out of one's pocket aus der eigenen Tasche
    \out of doing sth:
    she gets a lot of joy \out of working with children es macht [o bereitet] ihr große Freude, mit Kindern zu arbeiten
    they get a lot of fun \out of practising dangerous sports das Betreiben gefährlicher Sportarten macht ihnen einen Riesenspaß
    he's \out of the team er ist aus der Mannschaft ausgeschieden
    I'm glad to be \out of it ich bin froh, dass ich es hinter mir habe [o ich damit nichts mehr zu tun habe]
    that's \out of the question! das kommt überhaupt nicht infrage!
    to get \out of the habit es sich dat abgewöhnen
    I've got \out of the habit of cycling to work ich fahre nicht mehr mit dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit
    \out of the race aus dem Rennen
    to talk sb \out of sth etw jdm ausreden
    he talked her \out of going back to smoking er redete es ihr aus, als sie wieder mit dem Rauchen anfangen wollte
    6. (spoken by) aus + dat
    to get a secret \out of sb jdm ein Geheimnis entlocken
    7. (made from) aus + dat
    made \out of wood aus Holz [hergestellt]
    8. (driven by) aus + dat
    \out of jealousy/spite aus Eifersucht/Boshaftigkeit
    9. (of total)
    nine times \out of ten neun von zehn Malen
    one \out of every five jede/jeder/jedes Fünfte
    third \out of five Dritte(r, s) von fünf
    no one got 20 \out of 20 niemand bekam alle 20 Punkte
    10. (without) ohne + akk
    to be \out of sth kein/keine/keinen etw [mehr] haben
    he was \out of money er stand ohne Geld da
    you're \out of time Ihre Zeit ist um [o abgelaufen]
    they had run \out of cash sie hatten kein Bargeld mehr, ihnen war das Bargeld ausgegangen
    she was finally \out of patience schließlich riss ihr der Geduldsfaden
    they were \out of gas sie hatten kein Benzin mehr, ihnen war das Benzin ausgegangen
    I'm sorry sir, we're \out of the salmon tut mir leid, der Lachs ist uns ausgegangen [o fam ist aus]
    [all] \out of breath [völlig] außer Atem
    to be \out of a job seine Stelle verloren haben
    to be \out of luck kein Glück [mehr] haben
    to be \out of work ohne Arbeit [o arbeitslos] sein
    he's been \out of touch with his family er hat keinen Kontakt mehr zu seiner Familie
    \out of bounds außerhalb des Spielfeldes
    \out of control außer Kontrolle
    the situation is \out of our control die Lage entzieht sich unserer Kontrolle
    \out of danger außer [Lebens]gefahr
    \out of focus unscharf
    \out of order außer Betrieb
    \out of [firing] range außer Schussweite
    \out of reach außer Reichweite
    \out of season außerhalb der Saison
    baseball is \out of season es ist nicht Baseballsaison
    deer are \out of season Hirsche haben Schonzeit
    \out of sight/earshot außer Sicht[weite]/Hörweite
    \out of the way aus dem Weg
    get \out of the way! aus dem Weg!, mach Platz!
    to be [a bit] \out of sb's way ein [kleiner] Umweg für jdn sein
    to go \out of one's way to do sth einen Umweg machen, um etw zu tun
    she went \out of her way to get the work handed in on time sie gab sich ganz besondere Mühe, um die Arbeit rechtzeitig abzugeben
    12. (sheltered from)
    to get \out of the rain/the summer heat dem Regen/der sommerlichen Hitze entrinnen
    13. (not aware)
    \out of fashion [or style] aus der Mode
    you're really \out of touch with the music scene du hast keine Ahnung, was auf der Musikszene angesagt ist
    she's really \out of touch with reality sie hat jeglichen Bezug zur Realität verloren
    to come \out of the closet sich akk outen sl
    to get \out of hand außer Kontrolle geraten
    \out of it ( fam: not included) ausgeschlossen; (unaware)
    you can't be completely \out of it! du musst doch irgendwas davon mitgekriegt haben!; AM (drowsy) nicht ganz da; (drunk) besoffen sl; (drugged) benebelt, high euph sl
    \out of line unangebracht
    to be \out of one's mind [or head] den Verstand verloren haben [müssen]
    he was \out of his mind with jealousy er war völlig verrückt [o drehte völlig durch] vor Eifersucht
    [to jump] \out of the pan and into the fire ( prov) vom Regen in die Traufe [kommen]
    \out of place fehl am Platz
    \out of sight [or this world] ( fam) ausgezeichnet, spitze fam
    * * *
    1) (= outside, away from) (position) nicht in (+dat), außerhalb (+gen); (motion) aus (+dat); (fig) außer (+dat)

    to go/be out of the country — außer Landes gehen/sein

    he went out of the door —

    to look out of the window — aus dem Fenster sehen, zum Fenster hinaussehen

    out of danger/sight — außer Gefahr/Sicht

    he feels out of it (inf)er kommt sich (dat) ausgeschlossen vor, er fühlt sich ausgeschlossen

    three days out of port — drei Tage nach dem Auslaufen aus dem Hafen/vor dem Einlaufen in den Hafen

    you're well out of it (inf)so ist es besser für dich

    2) (cause, motive) aus (+dat)
    3) (indicating origins or source) aus (+dat)

    made out of silver —

    a filly out of the same mareein Fohlen nt von derselben Stute

    4) (= from among) von (+dat)

    (= without) out of breath — außer Atem

    we are out of money/bread — wir haben kein Geld/Brot mehr, das Geld/Brot ist alle (inf)

    * * *

    fall out of something — aus etwas [heraus]fallen

    be out of town/the room — nicht in der Stadt/im Zimmer sein

    feel out of it or things — sich ausgeschlossen od. nicht dazu gehörig fühlen

    I'm glad to be out of it — ich bin froh, dass ich die Sache hinter mir habe

    pick one out of the pile — einen/eine/eins aus dem Stapel herausgreifen

    4) (beyond range of) außer [Reich-/Hörweite, Sicht, Kontrolle]
    5) (from) aus

    do well out of somebody/something — von jemandem/etwas profitieren

    6) (owing to) aus [Mitleid, Furcht, Neugier usw.]

    out of work — ohne Arbeit; arbeitslos

    9) (away from) von... entfernt
    10) (beyond) see depth 3); ordinary 2)

    English-german dictionary > out of

  • 2 out of perspective

    1) (of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture:

    These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.

    مُتَوَفِّر، غَيْر مُتَوَفِّر
    2) with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance:

    Keep things in perspective.

    وِجهَة نَظَر مَعقولَه / غَير مَعْقولَه

    Arabic-English dictionary > out of perspective

  • 3 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) være ude af proportioner; have forkert perspektiv
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) i perspektiv; i rette sammenhæng
    * * *
    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) være ude af proportioner; have forkert perspektiv
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) i perspektiv; i rette sammenhæng

    English-Danish dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 4 make\ out

    1. I
    1) they aren't as rich as they make out они совсем не так богаты, как стараются это представить
    2) how did you make out? каковы ваши успехи?; how are things making out? как идет дела?: give him another six months and see how he makes out дайте ему еще полгода и тогда посмотрите, как у неги пойдут дела; don't worry I'll make out не беспокойтесь, я справлюсь
    3) he is not such a fool (such a good lawyer, such a bad man, etc.) as some people make out, он не такой дурак и т. д., как некоторые люди полагают; as far as I (this reporter, the doctor, etc,) can make out... насколько я и т. д. могу судить...
    2. III
    make out smth. /smth. out/ we need two more eggs to make out a dozen до дюжины нам не хватает еще двух я яиц; we must put in some more poems and essays to make out a representative volume чтобы получился /был/ типичный для данного писателя (для этой школы и т. п.) том, нужно включить в него еще несколько стихотворений и очерков
    make out smth., smb. /smth.! smb. out/ make out the meaning of a phrase (a rule, etc.) понять значение фразы и т. д., разобраться в значении фразы и т. д., he couldn't make out her hand он не мог разобрать ее почерка; the boy had a hard time making out the problem мальчик с большим трудом разобрался в задаче /долго не мог понять задачу/; I can't make you out а) я вас не понимаю; б) не могу понять, что вы за человек
    make out smth., smb. /smth., smb. out/usually with can; I couldn't make out the design (her figure, the man in the cloak, the amount at the bottom of the page, etc.) я не мог рассмотреть орнамент и т. д., can you make out the island? ты видишь остров?
    make out smth. /smth. out/ make out a marketing list (our annual report, an application, etc.) составлять список покупок и т. д. I make out this form (an order for books, a questionnaire, etc.) заполните этот бланк или эту анкету и т. д., make out a certificate выписать свидетельство; make out a cheque (a bill) выписать чек (счет); make out, а сору record, etc.) сделать копию и т. д.
    3. IV
    1) make out smth. /smth. out/ in some manner usually in the interrogative coll. how do you make that out? почему вы так думаете?, откуда вы это взяли?
    2) make out smth., smb. /smth., smb. out/ in some manner I could barely /hardly, scarcely, just/ make out the expression on his face (the outline of the building, her figure, the running man, etc.) я едва мог рассмотреть или различить выражение его лица и т. д.
    4. V
    make out smb. /smb. out/ make me out a liar (a hypocrite, a cheat, an impostor, etc.) выставлять /представлять/ меня лгуном и т. д.
    5. VI
    make out smb. /smb. out/ as being of /having/ some quality make him out selfish (deceitful, guilty, ill, etc.) выставлять его эгоистичным и т. д.
    6. VII
    make out smb. /smb. out/ to be smb. make smb. out to be a liar (to be the one who broke the vase, to be a person of the highest character, etc.) выставлять кого-л. лжецом и т. д.; he makes himself out to be a famous scientist он выдает себя за известного ученого
    7. XI
    1) be made out that... it was made out that he had no business being there дело было представлено так, что он якобы не имел права там быть; be made out by smb. that... it was made out by his counsel that he was innocent адвокат /защитник/ представил дело так, что он невиновен
    2) || a case could be made out for Smith's release можно привести убедительные доводы или доказательства в пользу освобождения Смита; we do not consider that a case has been made out for reducing the tax on these goods мы считали, что не было приведено убедительных доводов в пользу необходимости. сокращения налога на эти товары
    3) be made out [to be] smb. he is made out [to be] a patriot (a hero, the best dancer ever, etc.) о нем отзываются как о патриоте и т. д., его считают патриотом и т. д.
    4) be made out in some manner the outline of the house (the ship, the spire, the figure, etc.) could just /hardly, barely/ be made out очертания дома и т. д. были едва различимы; be made out from somewhere his speech could scarcely /barely, hardly/ be made out from the balcony (from the fifth row, from afar, etc.) с балкона и т. д. его речь была едва слышна; the expression of his face could not be made out in half-light (in the gloom, in the mist, ill the darkness, etc.) в полутьме и т. д. нельзя было рассмотреть выражение его лица
    5) be made out in some manner be made out clearly (quickly, etc.) быть составленным /быть заполненным/ четко и т. д.; be made out in some quantity applications ( orders, forms, etc.) have to be made out in triplicate (in duplicate, in a number of copies, etc.) заявления и т. д. пишутся в трех экземплярах и т. д.
    8. XIII
    make out to be in some state he made out to be ill он притворился больным
    9. XVI
    coll. make out with smb., smth. how are you making out with Mary? как у вас дела с Мэри?; how did you make out with your interview? как у вас прошло интервью?; you made out well with the dinner (with the party, with your speech, etc.) обед и т. д. вам удался; we must try to make out with what we have надо попытаться обойтись тем, что у нас есть; make out in smth. how are you making out in your new job (in the office, etc.)? как у вас дела с новой работой и т. д.?; make out on smth. make out on a small wage обходиться небольшой зарплатой, жить на небольшую зарплату
    10. XXI1
    1) || make out a case for /in favour of/ (against) smth. приводить доказательства или доводы в пользу (против) чего-л.; make out a strong case for reform (in favour of an increase in salary, etc.) находить убедительные доводы в пользу реформ и т. д.
    2) make out smth. /smth. out/ from smth. I couldn't make anything out from these facts из этих фактов я не мог ничего понять; he tried to make out something from the tangled mazes of history and legend он пытался разобраться в лабиринте исторических событий и легенд
    3) make out smth., smb. /smth., smb. out/ т some place make out an inscription on a wall (a signature at the foot of a letter, a date in a manuscript, etc.) разобрать надпись на стене и т. д.; make out an outline of a house in the distance (a ship near the horizon, a spire in the darkness, etc.) различить очертания дома вдали и т. д.; make out a dim figure in the mist смутно видеть фигуру сквозь туман /в тумане/; I couldn't make her out in the dark hall я не видел ее в этом темном холле; make out smth., smb. /smth., smb. out/ with smth. you can make it out with a telescope это можно увидеть в телескоп; I couldn't make her out even with opera-glasses я даже в бинокль не видел ее
    4) make out smth. /smth. out/ for smth., smb. make out an application for a licence подать /написать/ заявление на получение прав; make out a list for the grocer составить список того, что надо купить в бакалее; make out a cheque for L 10 выписать чек на десять фунтов; make out smth. /smth. out/ to smb., smth. make out a cheque to him (to the firm, etc.) выписать чек на его имя /на него/ и т. д., make out a pass to him and his wife выписать /дать/ пропуск ему и его жене; make out smth. /smth. out/ in some quantity make this document out in duplicate оформите этот документ в двух экземплярах
    11. XXV
    1) make out that... he made out that he had been badly treated (that we were to blame, that they were friends of ours, etc.) он представил дело так, будто с ним плохо обращались и т. д., you can't make out that we haven't tried to help you вы не можете сказать, что мы не пытались ним помочь; let's make out that we are wrecked on a desert island давайте вообразим /представим себе/, что в результате кораблекрушения мы оказались на необитаемом острове
    2) make out what... (why..., who..., etc.) I can't make out what he wants (what it's all about, why he left, who that man was, when they intend to return, etc.) никак не пойму, что он хочет и т. д., all I can make out is that he will come все, что я понял, так это то, что он придет
    3) make out whether... (who..., etc.) I can't make out whether this figure is a three or an eight не могу разобрать, какая это цифра, три или восемь?; from the voice he could make out who the stranger was по голосу он понял или догадался, кто был этот незнакомец

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > make\ out

  • 5 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) estar en perspectiva; no estar en perspectiva
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) en perspectiva

    English-spanish dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 6 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) rétt/ekki rétt fjarvídd/dÿptarsÿn
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) í réttu/röngu samhengi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 7 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) jó v. hibás perspektívájú kép
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) kellő megvilágításban

    English-Hungarian dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 8 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) dentro/fora de perspectiva
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) perspectiva

    English-Portuguese dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 9 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) perspektife uygun ol(ma)ma
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) gereken önemi verme/vermeme

    English-Turkish dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 10 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) v perspektivi; brez perspektive
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) v pravi luči

    English-Slovenian dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 11 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) oikeat mittasuhteet, väärät mittasuhteet
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) nähdä asiat oikeassa valossa

    English-Finnish dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 12 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) i det rette perspektiv; i galt perspektiv
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) i det rette perspektiv, i galt perspektiv

    English-Norwegian dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 13 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) dentro/fuori prospettiva
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) in prospettiva

    English-Italian dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 14 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) in richtiger/falscher Perspektive
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) in richtiger Perspektive

    English-german dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 15 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) z dobrą/złą perspektywą
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) we właściwych wymiarach

    English-Polish dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 16 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) []attēlots perspektīvā
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) patiesā gaismā

    English-Latvian dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 17 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) atitinkantis/neatitinkantis perspektyvos dėsnių
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) objektyviai, neobjektyviai

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 18 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) i rätt/felaktigt perspektiv
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) i rätt/felaktigt perspektiv

    English-Swedish dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 19 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) în perspectivă; fără perspectivă, din lipsă de perspectivă
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) în context

    English-Romanian dictionary > in / out of perspective

  • 20 in / out of perspective

    1) ((of an object in a painting, photograph etc) having, or not having, the correct size, shape, distance etc in relation to the rest of the picture: These houses don't seem to be in perspective in your drawing.) με καλή/κακή προοπτική
    2) (with, or without, a correct or sensible understanding of something's true importance: Try to get these problems in(to) perspective; Keep things in perspective.) στις σωστές του διαστάσεις/χωρίς αίσθηση των αναλογιών

    English-Greek dictionary > in / out of perspective

См. также в других словарях:

  • Out — (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.] In its… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Out at — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Out from — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Out in — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Out of — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Out of cess — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Out of character — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Out of conceit with — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Out of date — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Out of door — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Out of doors — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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