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См. также в других словарях:

  • Happen (Verb.) — 1. Wer vêle happet, dei vêle kacket. (S. ⇨ Hacken 2.) – Schambach, II, 578. Wer viel isst, der muss viel kacken. *2. T is beter, happ to, as happ up. – Bueren, 1111; Eichwald, 739. Happen = schnappen, begierig sein. Vgl. Richey, 88 …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • happen — ► VERB 1) take place; occur. 2) come about by chance. 3) (happen on) come across by chance. 4) chance to do something or come about. 5) (happen to) be experienced by. 6) ( …   English terms dictionary

  • happen — verb (I) 1 if an event or situation happens, it exists and continues for a period of time, especially without being planned first: The accident happened early on Tuesday morning. | No one knew who had fired the gun it all happened so quickly. |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • happen along — ˈhappen a ˌlong ˈhappen ˌby [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they happen along he/she/it happens along present participle …   Useful english dictionary

  • happen upon — verb find unexpectedly (Freq. 1) the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb she struck a goldmine The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake • Syn: ↑fall upon, ↑strike, ↑come upon, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • happen — verb 1) remember what happened last time he was here Syn: occur, take place, come about; ensue, result, transpire, materialize, arise, crop up, come up, present itself, supervene; informal go down; formal eventuate; literary come to pass, betide… …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • happen — vb Happen, chance, occur, befall, betide, transpire are comparable when they mean to come to pass or to come about. Happen is the ordinary and general term and may imply either obvious causation or seeming accident, either design or an absence of …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • happen — verb 1》 take place; occur. 2》 come about by chance.     ↘chance to do something or come about.     ↘(happen on) come across by chance.     ↘used as a polite formula in questions: do you happen to know who her doctor is? 3》 (happen to) be… …   English new terms dictionary

  • happen — UK US /ˈhæpən/ verb [I] ► to exist or begin to exist because of an action, situation, or event: » The one course of events no one anticipated was the one that happened: a long period of stagnation that threatened the assumptions of the European… …   Financial and business terms

  • happen into — ● happen * * * happen into [phrasal verb] happen into (a place) US : to enter (a place) by chance She happened into the room just as the music started. • • • Main Entry: ↑happen …   Useful english dictionary

  • happen by — ˈhappen a ˌlong ˈhappen ˌby [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they happen along he/she/it happens along …   Useful english dictionary

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