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  • 1 ham

    (the top of the back leg of a pig, salted and dried.) šunka
    * * *
    • šunka
    • stehno
    • amatér

    English-Slovak dictionary > ham

  • 2 ham-fisted

    adjective (clumsy: He can't tie a knot in that rope - he's too ham-fisted.) nešikovný
    * * *
    • nešikovný
    • nemotorný

    English-Slovak dictionary > ham-fisted

  • 3 bake

    1) (to cook in an oven: I'm going to bake (bread) today; She baked the ham.) piecť
    2) (to dry or harden by heat: The sun is baking the ground dry.) vysušiť
    - baker
    - bakery
    - baking
    - baking powder
    - a baker's dozen
    * * *
    • vypalovat (hlinu)
    • piect (sa)
    • pálit (tehly)
    • opalovat sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > bake

  • 4 pig

    [piɡ] 1. noun
    1) (a kind of farm animal whose flesh is eaten as pork, ham and bacon: He keeps pigs.) prasa
    2) (an offensive word for an unpleasant, greedy or dirty person: You pig!) prasa
    2. adjective
    (like a pig's: piggy eyes.) prasačí
    - piggyback
    - pigheaded
    - pigheadedness
    - pigskin
    - pigsty
    - pigswill
    - pigtail
    - pigs might fly
    * * *
    • ošípaná
    • prasa

    English-Slovak dictionary > pig

  • 5 rasher

    (a thin slice (of bacon or ham).) plátok (slaniny)
    * * *
    • plátok (slaninky)

    English-Slovak dictionary > rasher

  • 6 smoke

    [sməuk] 1. noun
    1) (the cloudlike gases and particles of soot given off by something which is burning: Smoke was coming out of the chimney; He puffed cigarette smoke into my face.) dym
    2) (an act of smoking (a cigarette etc): I came outside for a smoke.) fajčenie
    2. verb
    1) (to give off smoke.) fajčiť; dymiť
    2) (to draw in and puff out the smoke from (a cigarette etc): I don't smoke, but he smokes cigars.) fajčiť
    3) (to dry, cure, preserve (ham, fish etc) by hanging it in smoke.) údiť
    - smokeless
    - smoker
    - smoking
    - smoky
    - smoke detector
    - smokescreen
    - go up in smoke
    * * *
    • všimnút si
    • výpary
    • zacmudit
    • vyúdit
    • vyfajcit
    • závoj
    • zahnat dymom
    • zakryt dymovou clonou
    • zosmiešnovat
    • tah cigarety
    • tabak
    • stlp dymu
    • údit
    • prestávka na cigaretu
    • hmla
    • fajcit
    • dym
    • fajcenie
    • dymová farba
    • fajciarska prestávka
    • hasit si to
    • kadit
    • clona
    • cmudit
    • cmud
    • cigareta
    • cigara
    • denaturát
    • cierna huba (vulg.)
    • rozprsknút sa
    • pálenka
    • para
    • pozorovat
    • podozrievat
    • neger (vulg.)
    • opar
    • omámit dymom
    • oblak
    • ocadit

    English-Slovak dictionary > smoke

  • 7 tinfoil

    noun (tin or other metal in the form of very thin sheets, used for wrapping etc: I'm going to bake the ham in tinfoil.) staniol
    * * *
    • staniol

    English-Slovak dictionary > tinfoil

  • 8 baked

    adjective baked ham; freshly baked bread.) pečený

    English-Slovak dictionary > baked

См. также в других словарях:

  • HAM — ist der Name folgender Personen: Ham, der zweite Sohns Noahs, siehe Ham (Bibel) Arthur Ham (20. Jahrhundert), kanadischer Tennisspieler Carter F. Ham (* 1952), US amerikanischer General Jack Ham (* 1942), US amerikanischer American Football… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ham — ist der Name folgender Personen: Ham, der zweite Sohns Noahs, siehe Ham (Bibel) Carter F. Ham (* 1952), General der US Army Kenneth Todd Ham (* 1964), Astronaut Kevin Ham, Domainspekulant Pete Ham (1947–1975), britischer Rockmusiker Ham ist der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • HAM — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.  Pour l’article homophone, voir Hamm (homonymie). Ham est un mot anglais signifiant jambon. Ham (également orthographié Cham), fils du patriarche …   Wikipédia en Français

  • HAM — (Heb. חָם), one of the three sons of Noah. Although he is always placed between Shem and Japheth (Gen. 5:32; 6:10, et al.), he appears to have been the youngest of the three (9:24). The Bible relates how Ham observed Noah drunk and naked in his… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Ham — Ham, es el nombre de varias localidades de la Unión Europea. Municipalidad de Ham, Bélgica. Ham (Somme) Ham (Reino Unido) Ham (Wiltshire) Le Ham (Mayenne) Le Ham (Manche) En Argentina Ham, en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Por las siglas HAM,… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Ham's — Restaurant is a North Carolina–Virginia based restaurant that offers A Good Time combined with great food. Started in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1935, Ham s has grown into a chain of 26 community restaurants. History The original Ham s… …   Wikipedia

  • Häm- — hämo . * * * häm , Häm : ↑ hämo , Hämo . * * * häm , Häm : ↑hämo , ↑Hämo . hä|mo , Hä|mo , (vor Vokalen:) häm , Häm [griech. haĩma = Blut]: <Best. von Zus. mit der Bed.:> Blut ( …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Ham — (h[a^]m), n. [AS. ham; akin to D. ham, dial. G. hamme, OHG. hamma. Perh. named from the bend at the ham, and akin to E. chamber. Cf. {Gammon} ham.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Anat.) The region back of the knee joint; the popliteal space; the hock. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Häm — [griech. haĩma = Blut], das; s; Syn.: Ferrohäm, Protohäm, Protoferrohäm: labile Koordinationsverb. aus ↑ Protoporphyrin u. einem Eisen(II) Ion, die das farbgebende u. katalytische Prinzip der ↑ Häm Proteine u. a. Häm Derivate darstellt. Ferrihäm …   Universal-Lexikon

  • ham — [ham] n. [ME hamme < OE hamm, akin to Ger dial. hamme < IE base * konemo , shin bone (> Gr knēmē): HAM senses 5 & 6 infl. by AM(ATEUR)] 1. the part of the leg behind the knee 2. a) the back of the thigh b) …   English World dictionary

  • ham´mi|ly — ham|my «HAM ee», adjective, mi|er, mi|est. Slang. acting like a ham; exaggerated; overacted: »When one of the dancers gave an especially hammy flourish, the crowd was delighted (New Yorker). –ham´mi|ly, adverb. –ham´mi|ness …   Useful english dictionary

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