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  • 1 haber salmak

    to send news (to)

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > haber salmak

  • 2 haber

    "1. news, information, message, word. 2. knowledge. 3. formerly, gram. predicate. - ajansı news agency. - alma mil. intelligence. - almak 1. /ı/ to hear, learn, get word of. 2. /dan/ to hear from. - atlamak to miss a news scoop; to fail to print an item. - atlatmak to scoop the news, get a scoop on the news. - bülteni news bulletin, news report; newscast. - çıkmamak /dan/ not to hear anything (from, about). - filmi newsreel. - geçmek to send out a news report or communiqué (by fax, telephone, etc.). - göndermek /a/ to send a message (to). - güvercini carrier pigeon, homing pigeon. - kaynağı news source, source. - kipi gram. indicative mood. - merkezi 1. mil. command post. 2. news bureau, news center, news desk. 3. information bureau. -i olmak /dan/ to be informed of, know about. -in olsun! colloq. You should know!/You should be informed! - salmak/yollamak /a/ colloq. to send a message or news to. - sızdırmamak not to let any information leak out. - sütunu news column. - toplamak to gather news. - uçurmak /a/ 1. to send a message to (someone) secretly. 2. to send an urgent message to. -im var. I know about it.... - ver! /dan/ colloq. Give me the lowdown on...!/Give me the news about...! - vermek 1. /a/ to tell, let (someone) know, inform. 2. /ı/ to indicate that..., show that..., be a sign that.... - yetiştirmek /a/ to get the news or a message to (a place) on time. -im yok. colloq. I know nothing about it./I haven´t heard it."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > haber

См. также в других словарях:

  • haber salmak (veya yollamak) — haber göndermek Ben bu sevdadan vazgeçmez iken / Gizli gizli haber salıp durmasın. Halk türküsü …   Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük

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