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  • 1 the floor

    [dhë flo:] marr fjalën, leje për të folur; dysheme, kat, shtrat, shtresë

    English-Albanian dictionary > the floor

  • 2 cross the floor

    [kros dhë flo:] ndërroj parti (deputeti)

    English-Albanian dictionary > cross the floor

  • 3 take the floor

    [teik dhë flo:] marr fjalën

    English-Albanian dictionary > take the floor

  • 4 wipe the floor with

    [waip] v. dërrmoj, poshtëroj

    English-Albanian dictionary > wipe the floor with

  • 5 yield the floor

    [ji:ld dhë flo:] ia jap fjalën dkujt

    English-Albanian dictionary > yield the floor

  • 6 History of volleyball

    William G. Morgan (1870-1942) inventor of the game of volleyball
    William G. Morgan (1870-1942), who was born in the State of New York, has gone down in history as the inventor of the game of volleyball, to which he originally gave the name "Mintonette".
    The young Morgan carried out his undergraduate studies at the Springfield College of the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) where he met James Naismith who, in 1891, had invented basketball. After graduating, Morgan spent his first year at the Auburn (Maine) YMCA after which, during the summer of 1896, he moved to the YMCA at Holyoke (Massachusetts) where he became Director of Physical Education. In this role he had the opportunity to establish, develop, and direct a vast programme of exercises and sports classes for male adults.
    His leadership was enthusiastically accepted, and his classes grew in numbers. He came to realise that he needed a certain type of competitive recreational game in order to vary his programme. Basketball, which sport was beginning to develop, seemed to suit young people, but it was necessary to find a less violent and less intense alternative for the older members.
    In 1995, the sport of Volleyball was 100 years old!
    The sport originated in the United States, and is now just achieving the type of popularity in the U.S. that it has received on a global basis, where it ranks behind only soccer among participation sports.
    Today there are more than 46 million Americans who play volleyball. There are 800 million players worldwide who play Volleyball at least once a week.
    In 1895, William G. Morgan, an instructor at the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Mass., decided to blend elements of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball to create a game for his classes of businessmen which would demand less physical contact than basketball. He created the game of Volleyball (at that time called mintonette). Morgan borrowed the net from tennis, and raised it 6 feet 6 inches above the floor, just above the average man's head.
    During a demonstration game, someone remarked to Morgan that the players seemed to be volleying the ball back and forth over the net, and perhaps "volleyball" would be a more descriptive name for the sport.
    On July 7, 1896 at Springfield College the first game of "volleyball" was played.
    In 1900, a special ball was designed for the sport.
    1900 - YMCA spread volleyball to Canada, the Orient, and the Southern Hemisphere.
    1905 - YMCA spread volleyball to Cuba
    1907 Volleyball was presented at the Playground of America convention as one of the most popular sports
    1909 - YMCA spread volleyball to Puerto Rico
    1912 - YMCA spread volleyball to Uruguay
    1913 - Volleyball competition held in Far Eastern Games
    1917 - YMCA spread volleyball to Brazil
    In 1916, in the Philippines, an offensive style of passing the ball in a high trajectory to be struck by another player (the set and spike) were introduced. The Filipinos developed the "bomba" or kill, and called the hitter a "bomberino".
    1916 - The NCAA was invited by the YMCA to aid in editing the rules and in promoting the sport. Volleyball was added to school and college physical education and intramural programs.
    In 1917, the game was changed from 21 to 15 points.
    1919 American Expeditionary Forces distributed 16,000 volleyballs to it's troops and allies. This provided a stimulus for the growth of volleyball in foreign lands.
    In 1920, three hits per side and back row attack rules were instituted.
    In 1922, the first YMCA national championships were held in Brooklyn, NY. 27 teams from 11 states were represented.
    In 1928, it became clear that tournaments and rules were needed, the United States Volleyball Association (USVBA, now USA Volleyball) was formed. The first U.S. Open was staged, as the field was open to non-YMCA squads.
    1930's Recreational sports programs became an important part of American life
    In 1930, the first two-man beach game was played.
    In 1934, the approval and recognition of national volleyball referees.
    In 1937, at the AAU convention in Boston, action was taken to recognize the U.S. Volleyball Association as the official national governing body in the U.S.
    Late 1940s Forearm pass introduced to the game (as a desperation play) Most balls played with overhand pass
    1946 A study of recreation in the United States showed that volleyball ranked fifth among team sports being promoted and organized
    In 1947, the Federation Internationale De Volley-Ball (FIVB) was founded in Paris.
    In 1948, the first two-man beach tournament was held.
    In 1949, the first World Championships were held in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
    1949 USVBA added a collegiate division, for competitive college teams. For the first ten years collegiate competition was sparse. Teams formed only through the efforts of interested students and instructors. Many teams dissolved when the interested individuals left the college. Competitive teams were scattered, with no collegiate governing bodies providing leadership in the sport.
    1951 - Volleyball was played by over 50 million people each year in over 60 countries
    1955 - Pan American Games included volleyball
    1957 - The International Olympic Committee (IOC) designated volleyball as an Olympic team sport, to be included in the 1964 Olympic Games.
    1959 - International University Sports Federation (FISU) held the first University Games in Turin, Italy. Volleyball was one of the eight competitions held.
    1960 Seven midwestern institutions formed the Midwest Intercollegiate Volleyball Association (MIVA)
    1964Southern California Intercollegiate Volleyball Association (SCVIA) was formed in California
    1960's new techniques added to the game included - the soft spike (dink), forearm pass (bump), blocking across the net, and defensive diving and rolling.
    In 1964, Volleyball was introduced to the Olympic Games in Tokyo.
    The Japanese volleyball used in the 1964 Olympics, consisted of a rubber carcass with leather panelling. A similarly constructed ball is used in most modern competition.
    In 1965, the California Beach Volleyball Association (CBVA) was formed.
    1968 National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) made volleyball their fifteenth competitive sport.
    1969 The Executive Committee of the NCAA proposed addition of volleyball to its program.
    In 1974, the World Championships in Mexico were telecast in Japan.
    In 1975, the US National Women's team began a year-round training regime in Pasadena, Texas (moved to Colorado Springs in 1979, Coto de Caza and Fountain Valley, CA in 1980, and San Diego, CA in 1985).
    In 1977, the US National Men's team began a year-round training regime in Dayton, Ohio (moved to San Diego, CA in 1981).
    In 1983, the Association of Volleyball Professionals (AVP) was formed.
    In 1984, the US won their first medals at the Olympics in Los Angeles. The Men won the Gold, and the Women the Silver.
    In 1986, the Women's Professional Volleyball Association (WPVA) was formed.
    In 1987, the FIVB added a Beach Volleyball World Championship Series.
    In 1988, the US Men repeated the Gold in the Olympics in Korea.
    In 1989, the FIVB Sports Aid Program was created.
    In 1990, the World League was created.
    In 1992, the Four Person Pro Beach League was started in the United States.
    In 1994, Volleyball World Wide, created.
    In 1995, the sport of Volleyball was 100 years old!
    In 1996, 2-person beach volleyball was added to the Olympics
    There is a good book, "Volleyball Centennial: The First 100 Years", available on the history of the sport.
    Copyright (c)Volleyball World Wide
    Volleyball World Wide on the Computer Internet/WWW

    English-Albanian dictionary > History of volleyball

  • 7 yield

    [ji:ld] v.,n. -v 1. jep, prodhon (pema, toka); yield poorly prodhon pak; shares yielding high interest aksione që japin fitim të lartë; yield results jep rezultate. 2. dorëzoj (territor etj). 3. le, heq dorë nga (një e drejtë, pronësi); yield the right of way to sb aut. ia lë dikujt të drejtën e kalimit; yield a point to sb i bëj dikujt lëshim në një pikë. 4. tregoj; yield obedience to sb tregoj bindje ndaj dikujt.
    yield the floor to sb ia jap fjalën dkujt /-n 1. prodhim; yield per acre prodhimi për hektar. 2. të ardhura
    yield up [ji:ldap] lë; braktis; dorëzoj; yield up the ghost jap shpirt
    yielding ['ji:lding] adj.,n. -adj 1. i butë, i lëshuar, që hap rrugë; i nënshtruar. 2. i epshëm; i përkulshëm; elastik /-n 1. nënshtrim. 2. dorëzim; kapitullim. 3. heqje dorë (nga një e drejtë etj)

    English-Albanian dictionary > yield

  • 8 cross

    cross I [kros] n.,v., adj. -n 1. kryq; make one's crosses vë një kryq (në vend të firmës). 2. kryq (druri etj). 3. fig. vuajtje, mundim; take up one's cross pranoj vuajtjet. 4. kryqëzim (racash etj). 5. shartim, martesë, hibrid. 6. sport. goditje frenuese (në boks).
    take the cross marr pjesë në kryqëzatë
    - v 1. kapërcej, kaloj; cross sb's path takoj/ndesh dike; cross one's mind më shkon ndër mend. 2. i vë kryq, e heq (një fjalë); cross one's fs and dot one's i's fig. vë pikat mbi i-të. 3. kryqëzoj, vë njërën mbi tjetrën. 4. cross oneself bëj kryqin. 5. ndesh (rrugës). 6. kundërshtoj, pengoj (planet). 7. kryqëzoj (raca të ndryshme etj). across one's heart bëj kryqin; cross swords ndeshem, përleshem; hyj në polemikë; cross the floor ndërroj parti (deputeti)
    -adj 1. inatçi, zemërak. 2. tërthor. 3. i kundërt, nga përballë (erë). 4. hibrid, i kryqëzuar
    crossbar ['krosba:] n. shtyllë horizontale, tërthore
    crossbeam ['krosbi:m] n. tërthorëse, traverse, binar
    crossbones ['krosbounz] n.pl. shenja "rrezik vdekjeje"
    crossbred ['krosbred] adj. i kryqëzuar, hibrid
    crossbreed ['krosbri:d] n.,v. -n. hibrid /-v. hibridizoj
    cross-check ['krosçek] n. rikontroltoj, verifikoj
    cross-country [kroskantri] adj 1. jashtë, në natyrë; cross-country race kros në natyrë. 2. tejpërtej vendit
    crosscurrent ['kroskarënt] n 1. rrymë ajri tërthore. 2. fig. rrymë/tendencë e kundërt
    crosscut ['kroskat] n.,v. -n 1. prerje tërthore. 2. rrugë diagonale /-v 1. pres tërthor. 2. eci tërthoraz
    cross-examination [krosigzæmi'neishën] n 1. drejt. ripyetje (e dëshmitarit). 2. hetim i rreptë
    cross-examine ['krosig'zæmin] vt. ripyes; marr në pyetje
    cross-eyed ['krosaid] adj. vëngërosh, vangosh
    crosshatch ['kroshæç] i/ vijëzoj kryq e tërthor (një figure në letër)
    crossing ['krosing] n 1. kryqëzim, udhëkryq. 2. kalim, vendkalimi. 3. kalim, kapërcim (lumi etj)
    cross-legged ['kroslegd] adj. këmbëkryq
    crossover ['krosouvë:] n 1. venkalim. 2. mbikalesë (rrugore)
    crosspatch ['krospæç] n. gj.fol. njeri zemërak
    crosspiece ['krospi:s] n. ndërt., tek. tërthore, traverse
    cross-purpose ['krospë:pës] n. mosmarrëveshje; at cross-purposes a) duke keqkuptuar qëllimet etjetrit; b) në keqkuptim e sipër
    crossquestion [kros'kwesçen] v.,n. -vt. ripyes, rimarr në pyetje (dëshmitarin) /-n. pyetje
    crossrail ['krosreil] n. shih crosspiece
    crossroad ['krosroud] n 1.pl. udhëkryq. 2. rrugë kryqëzuese
    cross-stitch ['krosstiç] n. punë kryq (në qendisje)
    crosswalk ['kroswok] n. kalim rruge me viza të bardha
    crossways ['krosweiz] adv. tërthorazi
    crosswise ['kroswaiz] adv. tërthorazi
    crossword [kroswë:d] n. fjalëkryq
    * * *
    kryq; kryqëzoj

    English-Albanian dictionary > cross

  • 9 crumple

    ['krampël] v 1. zhubros; bëj shuk. 2. bie, merr fund; the boxer crumpled to the floor boksieri u shemb për tokë

    English-Albanian dictionary > crumple

  • 10 wipe

    [waip] v.,n. -vt 1. fshij; wipe the glasses dry fshij/thaj gotat (me leckë); wipe one's nose fshij hundët. 2. el., kmp. shuaj, fshij (regjistrimin). 3. zhduk, shpëlan (shiu gjurmët). 4. shpërndaj, hap (dyllin në parket)./-v. fshirje, efshirë.
    wipe away [waip ë'wei] a) fshij (lotët); b) shuaj, fik, fshij (diçka me gorrië etj)
    wipe off [waip of] shuaj, fik, fshij (diçka me gomë etj)
    wipe out [waip aut] a) fshij, thaj; b) shuaj, fik, fshij; c) fig. zhduk, asgjësoj, shfaros (peshqit etj); d) fig. shuaj, harroj (kujtimet); e) fal, anuloj (një borxh)
    wipe sweat [waip] fshij djersën
    wipe up [waip ap] fshij enët, thaj me leckë
    wipe the floor with [waip] v. dërrmoj, poshtëroj
    wiping [waiping] n. fshirje
    wiper ['waipë:] n 1. leckë, shtupë. 2. attf fshirëse xhamash. 3. fshirës (person)

    English-Albanian dictionary > wipe

  • 11 quarry

    quarry I ['kwo:ri] n.,v. -n. gurore; minierë /-v 1. nxjerr gurë. 2. shfrytëzoj (një gurore)
    quarry II ['kwori] n. pre; gjah; fig. the detectives lost their quarry policët i humbën gjurmat e atij që ndiqnin; kërkoj
    quarryman ['kworimën] n. punëtor guroreje
    quarry tile ['kwo:ri tail] n. pllakë guri; quarrytiled floor dysheme e shtruar me pllaka guri

    English-Albanian dictionary > quarry

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