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См. также в других словарях:

  • gloomy outlook — index pessimism Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • gloomy — UK US /ˈgluːmi/ adjective ► not giving much hope for the future: »The stock market is sinking on the back of gloomy economic news. »Despite the gloomy outlook for personal computer sales in the United States, sales in Japan are strong …   Financial and business terms

  • outlook — n. viewpoint 1) to have an outlook on (she has a healthy outlook on life) 2) a healthy; negative, pessimistic; optimistic, positive outlook prospects 3) a bright; dismal, gloomy outlook 4) the long range, long term; short range, short term… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • outlook — out‧look [ˈaʊtlʊk] noun [singular] the way things are expected to develop in the future: • Given the current economic outlook, the group expects its media businesses to generate increased earnings over the next five years. outlook for • The… …   Financial and business terms

  • gloomy — [[t]glu͟ːmi[/t]] gloomier, gloomiest 1) ADJ GRADED If a place is gloomy, it is almost dark so that you cannot see very well. Inside it s gloomy after all that sunshine... All the electric lamps in this huge gloomy church were extinguished. 2) ADJ …   English dictionary

  • outlook — noun 1 attitude to life ADJECTIVE ▪ optimistic, positive, rosy, sunny ▪ bleak, negative, pessimistic ▪ general …   Collocations dictionary

  • outlook — out|look [ˈautluk] n 1.) your general attitude to life and the world outlook on ▪ He s got a good outlook on life . ▪ Exercise will improve your looks and your outlook. positive/optimistic outlook ▪ She still has an optimistic outlook for the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • gloomy — adj. VERBS ▪ be, feel, look, seem, sound ▪ become, get ▪ Now, don t start to get gloomy …   Collocations dictionary

  • gloomy Gus — noun A person with a sullen, unhappy appearance or demeanor; a person with a pessimistic outlook. Even the pace setting auto industry will not be as hard hit as many a Gloomy Gus had predicted …   Wiktionary

  • Nightmare Abbey —   …   Wikipedia

  • Fashions — ▪ 2009       The faltering global economy determined the direction of fashion during 2008. Initially, the euro s significant appreciation against the dollar proved a boon to style conscious travelers who, visiting the U.S. from abroad as the year …   Universalium

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