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со всех языков на английский


  • 101 forgivably

    [fəg'ivəbli] adv de modo perdoável, desculpadamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > forgivably

  • 102 forgiver

    [fəg'ivə] n perdoador, aquele que perdoa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > forgiver

  • 103 forgiving

    adjective (ready to forgive (often): a forgiving person.) magnânimo
    * * *
    [fəg'iviŋ] adj que perdoa, perdoador, clemente, generoso, bondoso, pronto a perdoar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > forgiving

  • 104 forgivingly

    [fəg'iviŋli] adv clementemente, generosamente, benignamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > forgivingly

  • 105 forgivingness

    [fəg'iviŋnis] n clemência, indulgência, generosidade, disposição para perdoar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > forgivingness

  • 106 frugivorous

    [frudʒ'ivərəs] adj frugívero, frutívoro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > frugivorous

  • 107 fungivorous

    [f∧ndʒ'ivərəs] adj fungívoro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fungivorous

  • 108 give

    (to dismiss (someone) or to be dismissed (usually from a job): He got the boot for always being late.) despedir
    * * *
    [giv] n ato de ceder. • vt+vi (ps gave, pp given) 1 dar, presentear, conceder. I give it to my brother / eu dou-o ao meu irmão. I was given a book or a book was given to me / recebi um livro de presente. 2 entregar, oferecer, ceder. 3 propor, oferecer. 4 fornecer, prover. 5 apresentar, mostrar, notificar, transmitir. 6 aplicar, ministrar. 7 prestar. 8 conferir. 9 atribuir, confiar, incumbir. 10 proferir, dizer, contar, exalar. 11 aplicar-se, dedicar-se, esforçar-se. 12 degelar (solo). 13 abrir, dar passagem, dar vista. 14 sl acontecer. give! Amer conte!, comece a contar! give an inch and he’ll take a mile dê-lhe o dedo e tomará o braço. give it to him! dê-lhe uma lição!, diga-lhe umas verdades! he gave me a lift ele me deu uma carona. I give credit to his report confio nas suas palavras. I give you two hours concedo-lhe duas horas (para pensar). the dogs gave tongue os cachorros deram sinal, latiram (caça). to give a good account of sair-se bem. to give away 1 dar de presente, doar, entregar. 2 trair-se, entregar-se, mostrar a verdade. 3 entregar (a noiva) no casamento. 4 revelar (segredo). 5 perder, desperdiçar. to give battle dar combate. to give birth to 1 produzir. 2 originar, começar, gerar. this period gave birth to this movement / esta época originou o movimento. 3 dar à luz. she gave birth to a daughter / ela deu à luz uma filha. to give chase perseguir. to give ear escutar, dar ouvidos a. to give effect to a measure levar a efeito uma medida. to give forth 1 emitir. 2 publicar. 3 falar muito. to give ground ceder, retroceder, retirar-se, recuar. to give in 1 render-se, entregar-se, ceder. don’t give in to his opinion / não ceda às opiniões dele. 2 entregar (algo). to give in a petition dar entrada a um requerimento. to give in one’s name enlistar-se. to give in to entregar-se (não ter o controle sobre uma forte emoção ou desejo). to give lectures lecionar, fazer prelações. to give notice notificar, pedir ou dar demissão. to give off desprender, deixar escapar, emitir (cheiro, odor). to give offence ofender. to give on or onto dar para, ter vista para, abrir para. the door gives on/ onto the study / a porta dá para o escritório. to give oneself away trair-se, entregar-se, mostrar a verdade. he gave himself away / ele se entregou. to give oneself up to something entregar-se, dedicar-se. he gave himself up to art / ele entregou-se, dedicou-se completamente à arte. to give out 1 reportar, anunciar. 2 emitir, produzir (luz, calor, som). 3 distribuir para as pessoas. 4 parar de funcionar, acabar. the engine gave out / o motor parou de funcionar. his strenght gave out / suas forças acabaram. to give over 1 transferir. 2 desistir, ceder. 3 mandar alguém ficar quieto ou parar de fazer algo. give over complaining about the food / pare de reclamar da comida! to give rise to causar, originar. to give rise to a rumour provocar um boato. to give someone up acabar, terminar um relacionamento amoroso. to give up 1 abandonar, parar de. he gave up smoking / ele parou de fumar. 2 entregar-se (para polícia). he gave himself up / ele entregou-se, apresentou-se. 3 desistir. to give way 1 retirar-se, recuar. 2 quebrar, ceder. 3 dar passagem. 4 ceder o lugar. to give way to 1 submeter-se a. 2 dar prioridade a. what gives? Amer o que está havendo?, o que está acontecendo?
    dado. • adj 1 fixado, determinado. 2 inclinado, disposto. 3 Math dado, conhecido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > give

  • 109 give-and-take

    [giv ən t'eik] n intercâmbio, permuta, concessão mútua, troca de idéias.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > give-and-take

  • 110 given

    1) (stated: to do a job at a given time.) dado
    2) ((with to) in the habit of (doing) something: He's given to making stupid remarks.) dado a
    3) (taking (something) as a fact: Given that x equals three, x plus two equals five.) considerando
    * * *
    [g'ivən] v pp de give dado. • adj 1 fixado, determinado. 2 inclinado, disposto. 3 Math dado, conhecido. at any given time em ocasião oportuna. given name primeiro nome. given to something ter inclinação para. to be very much given to reading gostar muito de ler.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > given

  • 111 life-giving

    [l'aif giviŋ] adj vivificante, inspirador, revigorante.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > life-giving

  • 112 misgiving

    ((especially in plural) (a feeling of) fear or doubt.) apreensão
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    [misg'iviŋ] n 1 apreensão, receio. 2 pressentimento.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > misgiving

  • 113 ogival

    [oudʒ'aivəl] adj Archit ogival.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ogival

  • 114 prize giving

    prize giv.ing
    [pr'aiz giviŋ] n cerimônia de entrega de prêmios a estudantes.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > prize giving

  • 115 thanksgiver

    [θ'æŋksgivə] n o que dá graças.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > thanksgiver

  • 116 thanksgiving

    noun ((also Thanksgiving Day) in the United States, a special day (the fourth Thursday in November) for giving thanks to God.) dia de acção de graças
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    [θ'æŋksgiviŋ] n ação de graças.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > thanksgiving

  • 117 unforgivable

    [∧nfəg'ivəbəl] adj imperdoável.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > unforgivable

  • 118 unforgiving

    [∧nfəg'iviŋ] adj irreconciliável, rancoroso, implacável.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > unforgiving

  • 119 almsgiver

    almsgiver[´a:mz¸givə] n човек, който дава пари с благотворителна цел.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > almsgiver

  • 120 benefit

    I. 1. облага, полза, изгода, печалба, помощ
    to give someone the BENEFIT of the doubt оправдавам някого поради липса на доказателства за вината му
    for the BENEFIT of заради, за доброто на (обик. ирон.)
    2. предимство, привилегия
    BENEFIT of clergy ист. неподсъдност на духовенството от граждански съд
    3. издръжка/парична помощ от фонд обществено осигуряване и пр
    4. бенефис
    5. представление и пр. с благотворителна цел
    II. 1. помагам. облагодетелствувам
    2. имам/извличам полза, спечелвам (by, from от)
    * * *
    {'benifit} n 1. облага, полза, изгода; печалба, помощ; to giv(2) v 1. помагам. облагодетелствувам; 2. имам/ извличам по
    * * *
    облага; помагам; помощ; благодетелствам; бенефис; изгодност;
    * * *
    1. benefit of clergy ист. неподсъдност на духовенството от граждански съд 2. for the benefit of заради, за доброто на (обик. ирон.) 3. i. облага, полза, изгода, печалба, помощ 4. ii. помагам. облагодетелствувам 5. to give someone the benefit of the doubt оправдавам някого поради липса на доказателства за вината му 6. бенефис 7. издръжка/парична помощ от фонд обществено осигуряване и пр 8. имам/извличам полза, спечелвам (by, from от) 9. предимство, привилегия 10. представление и пр. с благотворителна цел
    * * *
    benefit[´benifit] I. n 1. облага, полза, преимущество, печалба, изгода; for the \benefit of заради; to be denied the \benefits не се ползвам от преимуществата (привилегиите); to derive \benefit from извличам полза от; to give one the \benefit of the doubt юрид. и прен. оправдавам поради липса на доказателства; \benefit of clergy ист. неподсъдност на духовенството на гражданските съдилища; 2. печалба, доход, актив, добив; fringe \benefits парични и натурални надбавки (към заплата); 3. издръжка, подкрепа, прехрана, книж. алименти, помощ; maternity \benefit помощ за майчинство; disability \benefit заплащане при нетрудоспособност; unemployment \benefit помощ на безработен; \benefit society взаимоспомагателна каса; 4. театр. бенефис, представление с благотворителна цел; \benefit concert благотворителен концерт; to take the \benefit ам. обявявам се за неплатежоспособен и се избавям; II. v 1. извличам полза, получавам, спечелвам (by); 2. помагам, благодетелствам; 3. ползвам, получавам облага; имам, владея, боравя.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > benefit

См. также в других словарях:

  • Giv — Gīv kehrt zusammen mit Farangis und Kai Khosrow zurück in den Iran Gīv auch Gev oder Gew ist ein mythischer Held der iranischen Mythologie und eine wichtige Figur in dem iranischen Nationalepos Schāhnāme …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Givær — Administration Pays  Norvege !Norvège …   Wikipédia en Français

  • giv|en — «GIHV uhn», adjective, noun, verb. –adj. 1. that has been stated; fixed; specified: »You must finish the test at a given time. 2. having a fondness or habit; inclined; disposed: »A braggart is given to boasting. SYNONYM(S) …   Useful english dictionary

  • giv|er — «GIHV uhr», noun. a person who gives; donor: »It is the giver, and not the gift, that engrosses the heart (Henry Kollock) …   Useful english dictionary

  • giv·er — /ˈgıvɚ/ noun, pl ers [count] : someone who gives something to another person a giver of orders a giver of unwanted advice often used in combination caregivers …   Useful english dictionary

  • giv — al·giv·o·rous; for·giv·able; for·giv·ably; for·giv·er; fru·giv·o·ra; fru·giv·o·rous; fun·giv·o·rous; gain·giv·ing; giv·en·ness; giv·er; giv·ey; mis·giv·ing·ly; for·giv·able·ness; for·giv·ing·ly; for·giv·ing·ness; un·mis·giv·ing·ly; …   English syllables

  • GiV — Gefahr im Verzug (GiV) ist ein Begriff aus dem Verfahrensrecht. Im Rechtslatein steht periculum in mora „Gefahr bei Verzögerung“. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Grundlagen 1.1 Historisch 1.2 Gefahrenbegriffe 1.3 Beispiel der Verwendung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Giv'at Ze'ev — Infobox Israel municipality name=Giv at Ze ev imgsize=240 caption=View from the wadi hebname=Hebrew|גִּבְעַת זְאֵב arname=جبعت زاب meaning=Zeev s Hill (also: Wolf Hill) founded=1982 type=lc mayor=Amos Tartman typefrom= stdHeb= altOffSp=… …   Wikipedia

  • giv'n'r — Canadian Slang used to describe any act carried out with extreme exuberance or to its fullest potential. We were just Giv n r last night. Often used to describe heavy alcohol drinking and partying. Short for giving her (hell). Variation Give er… …   English dialects glossary

  • giv — (Cəlilabad, Yardımlı, Salyan) boyunduruq. – Givnən boyındırığ bi şeydü (Salyan); – Giv arabada oley, ökizin boynına keçirdeylər (Cəlilabad) …   Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti

  • givə — (Cəlilabad) bax giv …   Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti

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