Перевод: с английского на французский

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  • 1 gazumping

    gazumping [gəˈzʌmpɪŋ]
    (British) fait de revenir sur une promesse de vente pour accepter une offre plus élevée

    English-French dictionary > gazumping

  • 2 gazumping

    gazumping n GB péj en immobilier, action de revenir sur un accord pour vendre à plus offrant.

    Big English-French dictionary > gazumping

  • 3 gazumping

    gazumping [gə'zʌmpɪŋ]
    British familiar = fait de revenir sur une promesse de vente pour accepter une offre plus élevée

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > gazumping

  • 4 gazumping

    = fait de revenir sur une promesse de vente pour accepter une offre plus élevée

    Estate agents go around telling people... that the property from which they are hoping to move is incredibly saleable in the present market conditions... What if their present home is snapped up in 20 minutes flat, but they can't find what they want? So they don't put their existing property on the market until they have found what they want - which, with thousands of people doing just the same, could be some time... This encourages gazumping, which is, after all, only the market's way of raising prices to the point where demand meets supply. Hence the silly prices.

    English-French business dictionary > gazumping

См. также в других словарях:

  • Gazumping — The verb gazump means to refuse to formalise a property sale agreement at the last minute in order to accept a higher offer. Usage in modern society With buoyant property prices in the British residential property market of the late 1980s and… …   Wikipedia

  • gazumping — gazump ga‧zump [gəˈzʌmp] verb [transitive] informal PROPERTY if you are gazumped, someone who has agreed to sell you a house at an agreed price sells it to someone else for more money: • If any client of our agency is gazumped, we refund him or… …   Financial and business terms

  • gazumping — v. raise the price of something (usually real estate or land) after a lower price has been agreed on; overcharge; rip off; ask for a price that is not reasonable …   English contemporary dictionary

  • gazumping — /gə zʌmpɪŋ/ noun the practice of offering a higher price for a house than another buyer has already agreed with the seller …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • gazumping — …   Useful english dictionary

  • anti-gazumping — /ˌænti gəˈzʌmpɪŋ / (say .antee guh zumping) adjective designed to combat the practice of gazumping: anti gazumping legislation …  

  • Home Information Pack — Under the provisions of the Housing Act 2004 a Home Information Pack (HIP), sometimes called a Seller s Pack, will have to be provided before a property in England and Wales can be put on the open market for sale with vacant possession. The pack… …   Wikipedia

  • gazundering — n. As a house buyer, reducing a previously agreed on price for a house just prior to signing the contract. gazunder v. gazunderer n. Example Citations: Remember, if you complete your transaction on bad terms, or twist the vendors arms with a bit… …   New words

  • Conveyancing — For other uses, see Conveyance (disambiguation). Property law …   Wikipedia

  • Gazundering — is the practice of demanding a reduction in price to secure the sale of a property. This is usually done during contract negotiation. The timing of this demand is usually intended to prevent the seller from rejecting the lower price, as the sale… …   Wikipedia

  • gazump — ga‧zump [gəˈzʌmp] verb [transitive] informal PROPERTY if you are gazumped, someone who has agreed to sell you a house at an agreed price sells it to someone else for more money: • If any client of our agency is gazumped, we refund him or her the… …   Financial and business terms

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