1 fungal
fungal 1. грибной; 2. грибковыйfungal insecticides грибные инсектицидыEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > fungal
2 fungal
fungal [ˊfʌngl] a1) бот. грибно́й2) мед. грибко́вый -
3 fungal
4 fungal
1. a бот. грибной2. a бот. грибковый -
5 fungal
6 fungal
7 fungal
1. [ʹfʌŋg(ə)l] = fungus 1 2. [ʹfʌŋg(ə)l] a бот.1) грибной2) грибковый -
8 fungal
9 fungal
[`fʌŋgəl]грибковыйАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > fungal
10 fungal
мед.прил. грибковый -
11 fungal
12 fungal
13 fungal
14 fungal
15 fungal
16 fungal
17 fungal
грибковый; плесневелыйEnglish-Russian dictionary of leather and footwear industry > fungal
18 fungal
воспалительный; грибковый -
19 fungal
20 fungal disease of the external auditory passage
fungal disease of the external auditory passage, otomycosisгрибковое заболевание наружного слухового прохода, отомикозEnglish-Russian dictionary of medicine > fungal disease of the external auditory passage
См. также в других словарях:
Fungal — Fun gal, a. Of or pertaining to fungi. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fungal — 1835, from Mod.L.fungalis, from fungus (see FUNGUS (Cf. fungus)) … Etymology dictionary
fungal — [fuŋ′gəl] adj. of, like, or caused by a fungus or fungi … English World dictionary
fungal — [[t]fʌ̱ŋg(ə)l[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n Fungal means caused by, consisting of, or relating to fungus. Athlete s foot is a fungal infection … English dictionary
fungal — adjective Date: 1835 1. of, relating to, or having the characteristics of fungi 2. caused by a fungus < a fungal skin disease > … New Collegiate Dictionary
fungal — adjective Of or pertaining to a fungus or fungi. Doctors determined that the cause of the itchy rash was fungal rather than bacterial … Wiktionary
fungal — SYN: fungous. * * * fun·gal fəŋ gəl adj 1) of, relating to, or having the characteristics of fungi 2) caused by a fungus <fungal infections> … Medical dictionary
fungal — adj. Fungal is used with these nouns: ↑infection … Collocations dictionary
fungal — fun|gal [ˈfʌŋgəl] adj connected with or caused by a ↑fungus ▪ a fungal infection … Dictionary of contemporary English
fungal — fun|gal [ fʌŋgl ] adjective 1. ) MEDICAL caused by a FUNGUS: a fungal infection 2. ) SCIENCE relating to a FUNGUS, or similar to a FUNGUS … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fungal — also fun.gous adjective technical connected with or caused by a fungus: a fungal infection … Longman dictionary of contemporary English